edytwinky |
03-05-2009 03:27 PM |
Any idea which code to move over to the skin_arcade.php file? Here's the mod_report.php
I know this {$html['rank_detail_row']} is the code that has the information but I cannot get it to extract on my arcade homepage when I place it somewhere.
PHP Code:
class module { var $html;
function module() { global $main, $ibforums, $DB, $std;
$main->arcade->authorize(); //Makes sure user can see the arcade
$main->arcade->top_links($main->html); $this->html .= $main->arcade->extra_links;
$tmp_html = array();
$mid = (isset($ibforums->input['user'])) ? intval($ibforums->input['user']) : $ibforums->member['id'];
if( $mid <= 0 ) { $mid = $ibforums->member['id']; }
$DB->query("SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id=".$mid); $user = $DB->fetch_row();
//Numbers $topten = 0; $firstplace = 0; $secondplace = 0; $thirdplace = 0; $totalgames = 0; $gamesplayed = 0; $totalgamesplayed = 0; $game_string = "(0)"; //Arrays $games = array(); $score_totals = array(); $top_scores = array(); $users_place = array(); $users_top = array(); $gid_array = array();
$DB->query("SELECT g.gid, g.gtitle, g.gcount, g.highscore_type, c.password from ibf_games_list AS g, ibf_games_cats AS c WHERE g.active=1 AND g.gcat=c.c_id AND trim(password)='' ORDER BY ".$main->arcade->settings['g_display_sort']." ".$main->arcade->settings['g_display_order']); while( $this_game = $DB->fetch_row() ) { $games[] = array( 'gid' => $this_game['gid'], 'gtitle' => $this_game['gtitle'], 'played' => $this_game['gcount'], 'type' => $this_game['highscore_type'], ); $gid_array[] = $this_game['gid']; $totalgames++; }
if( count($gid_array) > 0 ) { $game_string = "(".implode("," , $gid_array).")"; }
$DB->query("SELECT s.*, g.highscore_type AS type FROM ibf_games_scores AS s, ibf_games_list AS g WHERE s.gid=g.gid AND s.gid IN ".$game_string." ORDER BY score DESC, timespent ASC"); while( $this_score = $DB->fetch_row() ) { if( !isset( $score_totals[ $this_score['gid'] ] ) ) { $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score'] = 0; $score_totals[ $this_score['gid'] ] = 0; }
if( !isset($users_place[ $this_score['gid'] ]) ) { $users_place[ $this_score['gid'] ] = 0; $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ] = 0; }
if( ($this_score['score'] > $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score']) && $this_score['type'] == "high" ) { $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score'] = $this_score['score']; $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['time'] = $this_score['datescored']; }
if( (($this_score['score'] < $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score']) && $this_score['type'] == "low") || $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score'] == 0 ) { $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['score'] = $this_score['score']; $top_scores[ $this_score['gid'] ]['time'] = $this_score['datescored']; }
$score_totals[ $this_score['gid'] ]++;
if( $this_score['mid'] == $mid ) { $gamesplayed++; if( ($this_score['score'] > $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ]) && $this_score['type'] == "high" ) { $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ] = $this_score['score']; $users_place[ $this_score['gid'] ] = $score_totals[ $this_score['gid'] ]; }
if( (($this_score['score'] < $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ]) && $this_score['type'] == "low") || $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ] == 0 ) { $users_top[ $this_score['gid'] ] = $this_score['score']; $users_place[ $this_score['gid'] ] = $score_totals[ $this_score['gid'] ]; } } }
$col = "row2"; foreach( $games as $the_game ) { if( $main->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0 ) { $col = ($col == "row2") ? "row1" : "row2"; } $score = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; $the_age = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; if( isset($top_scores[ $the_game['gid'] ]['time']) ) { $the_age = $this->thatdate( time() - $top_scores[ $the_game['gid'] ]['time'] ); } if( $users_place[ $the_game['gid'] ] ) { if( $the_game['type'] == "high" ) { $rank = $users_place[ $the_game['gid'] ]; } else { $rank = ($score_totals[ $the_game['gid'] ] - $users_place[ $the_game['gid'] ]) + 1; }
if( $rank == 1 ) { $rank = "<big><b>".$rank."</b></big>"; $firstplace++; } elseif( $rank <= 10 ) { if( $rank == 2 ) { $secondplace++; } elseif( $rank == 3 ) { $thirdplace++; } else { $topten++; } $rank = "<b>".$rank."</b>"; } $rank = $rank.$ibforums->lang['out_of'].$score_totals[ $the_game['gid'] ];
if( $users_top[ $the_game['gid'] ] ) { $score = $main->arcade->t3h_format($users_top[ $the_game['gid'] ]); } } else { $rank = $ibforums->lang['n_a']; }
$totalgamesplayed += $the_game['played'];
$the_game['gtitle'] = $main->arcade->make_links( $the_game['gid'] , $the_game['gtitle'] , 1 );
$tmp_html['rank_row'] .= $main->html->rankrow( $col , $main->arcade->links['click'] , $score ,$rank , $the_game['played'] , $the_age ); }
$col = "row2"; $detail_rows = array( $ibforums->lang['first_place'] => $firstplace, $ibforums->lang['second_place'] => $secondplace, $ibforums->lang['third_place'] => $thirdplace, $ibforums->lang['top_ten'] => $topten, $ibforums->lang['total_games'] => $totalgames, $ibforums->lang['total_i_play'] => $gamesplayed, $ibforums->lang['total_play'] => $totalgamesplayed, );
foreach( $detail_rows as $header=>$content ) { if( $main->arcade->settings['skin'] != 0 ) { $col = ($col == "row2") ? "row1" : "row2"; } $tmp_html['rank_detail_row'] .= $main->html->rankdetailrow($col , $header , $content); }
$this->html .= $main->html->report_main($tmp_html , $user['name']);
$this->html .= $main->html->copyright($main->version,$ibforums->lang['timeformat1']); $main->arcade->print_it($this->html, "Rankings", "Rankings");
function thatdate($time) { global $ibforums;
$diff = $time; $daysDiff = floor($diff/60/60/24); $diff -= $daysDiff*60*60*24; $hrsDiff = floor($diff/60/60); $diff -= $hrsDiff*60*60; $minsDiff = floor($diff/60); $diff -= $minsDiff*60; $secsDiff = $diff;
$eltime = ""; if($daysDiff) { $eltime = $eltime.$daysDiff." ".$ibforums->lang['acp_day1']; if ($daysDiff == 1) { $eltime = $eltime." "; } else { $eltime = $eltime.$ibforums->lang['acp_day2']." "; } }
if($hrsDiff) { if ($hrsDiff < 10) { $hrsDiff="0".$hrsDiff; } $eltime = $eltime.$hrsDiff.":"; }
if($minsDiff) { if ($minsDiff < 10) { $minsDiff="0".$minsDiff; } $eltime = $eltime.$minsDiff.":"; }
if ($secsDiff < 10) { $secsDiff="0".$secsDiff; } $eltime = $eltime.$secsDiff."";
return $eltime; }
$module = new module;