iNRoC |
12-13-2008 10:00 PM |
Simple Mod - View your forum in the Admincp
I made this modification for a forum I host and also moderate. It's pretty useful and helps us alot. Especially for me. I get so lazy and hate having to return to the admincp.
Copyright 2008 iNRoC Productions -
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#### View your forum from the Admincp by iNRoC/123456 ####
#### Compatible with 3.5.x, 3.6.x, 3.7.x, and 3.8.x ####
-- Upload files to forum directory
How to use:
-- Go to admincp and click on navigational link on left
-- Register at
---- My site is also viewable from your admincp!
-- Other sites featured in the list!
---- Google, Yahoo, and ABCGaming!
-- Nothing really I just added the .1 for fun :D
EDIT: Just realized this was made for 3.6 but I added some other sites too. Don't know if this is related to that.