AdamAVFC |
08-29-2008 08:27 AM |
Wanting to buy forum and integrate icecast?
I have seen on many sites, when you pay for a certain membership, you are added to the authentication on the iceast server, I want to get a vb forum and do this for myself rather than manually adding them.
I gather I need to make a php file.
That looks something like this;
// This is a simple example script when using auth url. This sort of
// script would be on a web server that would be invoked by icecast when
// checking for a username/password supplied by a listener.
// This code is made available under the most current version of the GPL
// (c) S.Nixon
require './';
// copy to local variables
$user_name = $HTTP_GET_VARS['user'];
$passwd = $HTTP_GET_VARS['pass'];
if ($user_name && $passwd)
// trying to authenticate
// try authenticating them in
$login_result = login($user_name, $passwd);
if ($login_result === true)
// okay, so they have a valid login
header('icecast-auth-user: 1');
// unsuccessful login, error message should be in $login_result
header('icecast-auth-user: 0');
echo 'You could not be logged in for the following reason: '.$login_result.'<br /> You must be authenticated to connect to this stream.<br />';
function login($username, $password)
// check username and password with db
// if yes, return true
// else return an error string...
$username = trim($username);
// connect to db
$conn = db_connect();
if (!$conn)
return 'Could not connect to database server - please try later.';
// check username & pass
// $result = mysql_query("select * from users where user_name='$username' and password = password('$password')");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT user.password, MD5(CONCAT(MD5('{$password}'), user.salt)), user.userid FROM user WHERE user.username='{$username}'");
if (!$result)
return 'Could not execute authenication query; please report this to the admin.';
// if there's exactly one result, the user is validated. Otherwise, they're invalid
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
return true;
function db_connect() {
$result = mysql_connect(DB_HOSTNAME, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)
or die('Could not open connection to database.');
or die('Could not select db.');
return $result;
But i have no idea what this means :confused:
So if I buy a liscense, would you guys be able to help me get it set up?