cheat-master30 |
07-22-2008 10:00 PM |
Enhanced vMood Image Code (adds alt and title tags)
Okay, this mod is very, very simple. Basically, it takes the vMoods images, and adds relevant alt tags and title tags by using the data for what mood is displayed to fill them. Basically, if your mood was happy, the alt text will be happy and the title box once you hover over the image will say 'happy'.
In vmoods_aboutme, find:
<li class="profilefield_category">
<dl class="list_no_decoration profilefield_list">
<dt class="shade">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood]</dt>
<dd><img src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$userinfo[vmood].gif" border="0"/></dd>
Then change to:
<li class="profilefield_category">
<dl class="list_no_decoration profilefield_list">
<dt class="shade">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood]</dt>
<dd><img src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$userinfo[vmood].gif" border="0" alt="$userinfo[vmood]" title="$userinfo[vmood]" /></dd>
Then, in vmoods_postbit, find:
<span style="vertical-align: middle;">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood] </span>
<img style="vertical-align: middle" src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$post[vmood].gif" border="0"/>
Change to:
<span style="vertical-align: middle;">$vbphrase[vmoods_my_mood] </span>
<img style="vertical-align: middle" src="$vboptions[vmoods_images_path]/$post[vmood].gif" border="0" alt="$post[vmood]" title="$post[vmood]" />
It's probably a bug that the mod author should have fixed, but I fixed it for him now. This also means those without images active or using a screen reader or a search engine bot can tell what moods people are using.