SirShaw |
05-18-2008 10:36 PM |
problems after upgrading to 3.7.0
hi all, I posted this on as well but was hoping some of you modders out there may have an idea
on my site: I run I have a custom server script (phgstats) that shows all my servers. After i upgraded to vbulletin 3.7.0 it no longer displays. I had some help from a friend that knows php and we used the vbulletin plugin system to write the following:
// get data of server
function info_n($phgdir, $sh_srv, $game, $host, $port, $queryport)
// create server the object
$phgstats_n = phgstats_n::query($game[$sh_srv]);
// get the serverinfo string
$server = $phgstats_n->getstream($host[$sh_srv], $port[$sh_srv], $queryport[$sh_srv]);
if ($server === true)
// get the server rules
$srv_rules = $phgstats_n->getrules($phgdir);
$srv_rules['playerlist'] = $phgstats_n->getplayers();
// full path to the map picture
$srv_rules['map'] = $phgdir . $srv_rules['map_path'] . '/' . $srv_rules['mapname'] . '.jpg';
$srv_rules['fullmappath'] = PHGDIR . $srv_rules['map_path'] . '/' . $srv_rules['mapname'] . '.jpg';
if (!(file_exists($srv_rules['fullmappath'])))
{ // set default map if no picture found
$srv_rules['map'] = $phgdir . $srv_rules['map_path'] . '/' . $srv_rules['map_default'];
// default values if no response
$msg = 'No Response';
$srv_rules['playerlist'] = '';
$srv_rules['hostname'] = $msg;
$srv_rules['gamename'] = $msg . "<br>";
$srv_rules['map'] = $phgdir . 'maps/no_response.jpg';
$srv_rules['mapname'] = 'no response';
$srv_rules['sets'] = '-';
$srv_rules['htmlinfo'] = '<tr valign="top"><td align="left">No</td><td align="left">Response</td></tr>' . "\n";
$srv_rules['htmldetail'] = '<tr valign="top"><td align="left">No</td><td align="left">Response</td></tr>' . "\n";
// get server adress
$srv_rules['adress'] = $host[$sh_srv] . ':' . $port[$sh_srv];
return $srv_rules;
// show the data of two or more server
function srv_list_n ($sh_srv, $srv_rules, $use_file)
// html: map picture
echo '' . "\n"
. '<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'
. '<td class="tableblock" align="center">'
. '<a href="./index.php?name=Server' . $sh_srv . '">'
. '<img height="100" width="120" src="'
. $srv_rules['map'] . '" border="0" alt="'
. $srv_rules['mapname'] . '" title="'
. $srv_rules['mapname'] . '"><br></a>' . "\n";
// html: server ip and gamename
echo ''
. '<br><span style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000;">' . $srv_rules['hostname'] . '</span>'
. '<br>'
. $srv_rules['gamename']
. '<br>'
. '<br>' . "\n";
// html: server details table
echo '<table width="170" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">' . "\n"
. $srv_rules['ip'] . $srv_rules['adress']
. $srv_rules['players'] . '<a href="../index.php?name=Server' . $sh_srv . '">' . $srv_rules['players2'] . '</a>'
. $srv_rules['htmlinfo']
. "\n";
if ($srv_rules['join'] !='')
echo $srv_rules['join'] . $srv_rules['adress'] . $srv_rules['join2'] .''
. "\n";
echo '</table>' . "\n"
. "\n";
echo '</td>' . "\n";
define('PHGDIR', '/home/knigh6/public_html/modules/Phgstats/');
include_once(PHGDIR . 'settings/'); // phgstats configuration
include_once(PHGDIR . 'classes/phgstats_n.class.php'); // main phgstats class
$gameserver_n_old = $gameserver_n;
for ($i = (count($gameserver_n_old) - 1), $k = 0; $i >= 0; $i--, $k++)
$gameserver_n[$k] = $gameserver_n_old[$i];
$phgdir = ('');
echo '<center>' . "\n";
// how much server must scan
$index = count($gameserver_n);
list($game[$index], $host[$index], $port[$index], $queryport[$index]) = split(':', $gameserver_n[$index]);
$sh_srv = count($host);
// html: open table to show more server
echo '<table class="page" border="0" width="945" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">' . "\n";
// html: gameserver list data
while ($sh_srv)
$srv_rules = info_n($phgdir, $sh_srv, $game, $host, $port, $queryport);
srv_list_n($sh_srv, $srv_rules, $use_file);
// html: close table with server info
echo '</table>';
echo '</center>';
$server_contents = ob_get_contents();
the $server_contents variable is then called in the header template after my navigation buttons.
Again the problem started as soon as I upgraded to vbulletin 3.7.0 and the latest version of vbadvanced. any ideas on a fix?
ps it also hooks on the vbulletin global_start