luckid |
02-26-2008 03:52 PM |
link checker.php
1 answer this is for PHPBB :
PHP Code:
#-----[ COPY ]-------------------------------------------------------
copy bbcode_box/images/*.* to styles/prosilver/imageset/bbcode_box/images/*.*
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
'ABBC3_WEB' => true, // Display icon for [web]Web Iframe URL[/web] code.. ?
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]-------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
'ABBC3_RAPIDSHARE' => true, // Display icon for [rapidshare][/rapidshare] code.. ?
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
if ( preg_match_all ( "/\[table=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/table\]/i", $post_text, $table_ary ) )
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]-------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START
if ( preg_match_all ( "/\[rapidshare\](.*?)\[\/rapidshare\]/i", $post_text, $rapidshare_ary ) )
$post_text = rapidshare_pass ( $post_text, $rapidshare_ary );
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - END
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
* ******************************************************************
* You can do it yourself in ACP -> Posting -> Messages -> BBCodes [Add a new BBcode]
* ******************************************************************
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START
function rapidshare_pass ( $post_text, $rapidshare_ary )
foreach ( $rapidshare_ary[0] as $i => $rapidshare )
$rapidshare_url = $rapidshare_ary[1][$i];
$rapidshare_seek = array( '{RAPIDSHARE_URL}', '{RAPIDSHARE_RETURN}' );
$rapidshare_with = array( $rapidshare_url, rapidshare_second_pass ( $rapidshare_url ) );
$rapidshare_replace = str_replace( $rapidshare_seek, $rapidshare_with, '<a href="{RAPIDSHARE_URL}" title="{RAPIDSHARE_URL}" alt="{RAPIDSHARE_URL}" target="_blanc">{RAPIDSHARE_URL}</a> {RAPIDSHARE_RETURN}' );
$post_text = str_replace( $rapidshare, $rapidshare_replace, $post_text );
return $post_text;
function rapidshare_second_pass ( $rapidshare_url )
global $user, $phpbb_root_path;
$rs_checkfiles = fopen ( "" . $rapidshare_url, "r" );
$t_imageset_path = "{$phpbb_root_path}styles/" . $user->theme['imageset_path'] . '/imageset/bbcode_box/images/';
while ( !feof ( $rs_checkfiles ) )
$buffer = fgets ( $rs_checkfiles, 4096 );
if ( eregi ( '<font color="red">File', $buffer ) )
# $rapidshare_msg = '<font color="red" size="4" >' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_WRONG'] . '</font>';
$rapidshare_pic = '<img src="' . $t_imageset_path . 'error.gif" class="postimage" type="image" name="abbc_rapidshare" alt="' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_WRONG'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_GOOD'] . '" />';
if ( eregi ( '<font color="green">File', $buffer ) )
# $rapidshare_msg = '<font color="green" size="4" >' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_GOOD'] . '</font>';
$rapidshare_pic = '<img src="' . $t_imageset_path . 'ok.gif" class="postimage" type="image" name="abbc_rapidshare" alt="' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_GOOD'] . '" title="' . $user->lang['RAPIDSHARE_GOOD'] .'" />';
fclose ( $rs_checkfiles );
return $rapidshare_pic; // or you can use : return $rapidshare_msg;
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - END
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START
'ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_MOVER' => 'Insert a file from rapidshare',
'ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_HELP' => ' [rapidshare]][/rapidshare]',
'ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_TAG' => 'rapidshare',
'ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_NOTE' => 'Example: ... .zip.html',
'RAPIDSHARE_GOOD' => 'File found on server !',
'RAPIDSHARE_WRONG' => 'File not found !',
// MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - END
#-----[ OPEN ]-------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: You will have to make this change to ALL themes you have installed. I use "prosilver" as an example.
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
abbc_tip : "{L_BBCODE_STYLES_TIP}"
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
/** MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START */
/** MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - END */
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
case "ABBC_ed2k" :
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
/** MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START */
case "ABBC_rapidshare" :
var url_params = new Array()
url_params[0]=["{L_ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_MOVER}" , "rapidshare" , "/rapidshare", "{L_ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_NOTE}"] ;
url_params[2]=["" , "" , ""] ;
showPopWin( bbcode, null, generalwizards(url_params), 600, 220, true );
/** MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START */
#-----[ FIND ]-------------------------------------------------------
<!-- IF S_ABBC3_WEB -->
#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Add these lines on a new blank line before the preceding line(s) to find.
<!-- // MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - START -->
<!-- IF S_ABBC3_RAPIDSHARE --> <img src="{T_IMAGESET_PATH}/bbcode_box/images/rapidshare.gif" class="postimage" type="image" name="abbc_rapidshare" onClick="bbstyle2('ABBC_rapidshare')" onMouseOver="helpline2('rapidshare')" onMouseOut="helpline2()" title="{L_ABBCODE_RAPIDSHARE_MOVER}" /><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- // MOD : add-on rapidshare checker - END -->
I would do the same thing with vb but I have not idea where to start ... X I need to check some files on rapidshare... 1 if there was an alternative should the same good
Tnx in advance Luckid :rolleyes: