Random User Album Thumbnails
I found a simple script to random thumbnails from all albums. All you do is drop the script in the thumbnail directory and call it using the following.
<div style="text-align:center"><img src="http://www.yoursite.com/yourforumdirectory/your-thumnail-directory/0/rotate.php" style=" text-align:center;" alt="Some alt crap here"> </div>
No editing of the file itself needed unless you want to rotate pages or other file types. I'm using this with my UA Sidebar 3.0.1 Mod and it works flawlessly. I put this in beta with hopes others will help out and get the albums a little closer to what they should be.
Not sure why all album thumbnails are being stored in /0/ directory though. Might make for a huge freaking folder.
I'm looking for a way to remove the MD5 prefix from the thumbnail file name so I can at least link the thumbnails to the full size images. Haven't had any luck so far.
Script is courtesy of http://www.hiveware.com/imagerotator.php so make sure all credit goes to them.