Combat [Admin CP Style] (Dark Green)
This is a really good looking style. Dark Green! :banana: This is a fast loading, minimal graphics, dark style. Many of the new styles are using these colors so this will go great on your board! I hope you like it! :cool:
If you have a gaming board this would be a cool style to add for your staff. ;)
If you use it, please click INSTALL and let me know and if I get good reviews I will make more... :)
To Install: - Unzip ? and upload ?vBulletin_Combat? folder to cpstyles in your forums folder (forum/cpstyles)
- Before Logging into your Admin control panel use the option button to select this style.
- Login and make sure you click install...
*Please let me know what colors/styles you would like to see made and I'll see what I can do... :bunny: