hellekim |
03-09-2006 09:33 AM |
Originally Posted by merk
Then you're asking in the wrong forum - you should be asking in the requests forum.
I guess you're right - I just found this thread through search and decided to continue this one rather than open a new one.
Originally Posted by merk
I respect the fact that you may not know how to create such details, but you have to respect that people who have the ability to help may not have the time or the energy to type out a step-by-step response. If thats what you want, then you have to make sure you get that across, because unless you said that, how was I to know your skill level?
My intension was not to disrespect anyone with the skills - I understand that people don't have the time or energy or don't find this kind of project intresting. I now read my messages again and I guess you're right that I might have been a little "aggressive", but I throughly apologise to everyone!!! Sometimes writing in foreign language and writing in general makes me write things the wrong way.
Originally Posted by MarcoH64
If you want to show them on an external page, you could use one of the Portal solutions offered, or create custom code for your site (you could look at those portals for examples on how to do it).
I'll have a look at the Portal solutions - I hope they mean something else than anything CMS related :nervous:
Thanks for the other tips as well - I'll have a look with these keywords (another thing witch is hard for a foreigner...).
Originally Posted by MarcoH64
These stats are standard included with vB.
Yes - in the bottom of the forum. Once again - like Merk said - I haven't got my message across. In InvisionPB they have a file called SSH.php or something like that and when you go to that page you're able to customise the stats, create login forms, make listings of who is online etc. and click ok, and it will create you a php include file which is easy to integrate with little knowledge. That's what I was looking for.