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Nick King 01-04-2006 10:00 PM

Create a Military-Style Rank Structure
EDIT: I am a complete moron.

The old tutorial tought you to create a userroup and then put in conditionals into the postbit and memberinfo templates manually for each usegroup. I would like to apologize to anyone who may have actually done this.

Vbulletin lets you create ranks PER USEGROUP. The ranks don't have to be universal. You must be identified as a member of the usergroup for the rank to show up. Here's easier proceedures:

Create all your ranks as entire usegroups. For example:
E1 - Recruit
E2 - Private
E3 - Private First Class

etc etc. goto www.unifrominsignia.net for more ranks and graphics.

Goto "Usergroups" > "Promotions" in the ACP. Make a promotion for Registered Users. Change all the numbers to 0 and make it promote by post count. Change the method to "Priamry" and change the usergroup to your lowest rank. Now submit. Then create a promotion for your lowest rank. Set all numbers to zero, promote by post count, method=ADDITIONAL Usegroups, promote to Registered Users. Now when people join, they are promoted to the lowest rank and are still members of the additional usegroup.

Remember, when you promote someone, simply change their primary usergroup. If you have vbplaza installed, I reccoment making sure all your ranks are unpurchasable.

Now, goto "Usergroup > Ranks", add your rank image OR text OR HTML for EACH USEGROUP RANK. That's all there is to it. I can't believe how easy that is. I discovered this solution a few months ago and simply forgot to update this thread.

Revpolar 01-05-2006 09:04 PM


Paygrade, Rank Name
E-1 Recruit
E-2 Private
E-3 Private First Class
E-4 Sergeant
It should be:
Paygrade, Rank Name
E-1 Recruit
E-2 Private
E-3 Private First Class
E-4 Specialist
E-5 Sergeant
E-6 Staff Sergeant
E-7 Sergeant First Class
E-8 Master Sergeant, or First Sergeant
E-9 Sergeant Major, or Command Sergeant Major.
And theres only one of these:
Sergeant Major of The Army

Officers are different. And you could apply those to your staff members.
O-1 Second Lt.
o-2 Fist Lt.
o-3 Captain
0-4 Major
O-5 Lt. Colonol
O-6 Colonal
O-7 General (There are several more. all different general ranks but Id just stop here for a rank hack)

Lets say you have visiting admin and mods from other sites. You could give those foriegn ranks.
I did do this at one time with the regular old rank structure in VB. I also used an awards system with military awards.

Nick King 01-05-2006 09:22 PM

I posted the tutorial for a canadian and forgot when I converted those ranks back to US Army.

I reccomend Yet Another Awards System hack. Be sure to put a table around the ribbons at a certain width. It forces the ribbons to display a certain number per row. My ribbons are 33 px wide so I have a table width of about 105 px. Only three fit per row, then they are pushed to a new line. IE doesn't like to follow that restriction though. I guess IE never learned about <table width="105">

Here's my rank structure BTW. I customized Warrant Officers a bit. MPs can edit and delete posts only. They are regular users that just keep that watchful eye. WO's are my true moderators.

nasser71 02-08-2006 07:38 PM

can i make this work without the user group just using the post count

like if the user have 3500+ post he get a rank and if he have 4500+ he get another rank
just using plain post count not user group

mholtum 02-08-2006 08:12 PM

Seems like alot of work went into this. Did you realize that it is built into vb?

Nick King 02-13-2006 03:14 AM

The ranks are based on post count BUT I learned that all the coding is unneccessary

Make the usergroups as normal, and simply add a rank to each usergroup with a minimum post set to 0. I feel so stupid for not realizing that.

Nick King 05-29-2006 06:32 PM


Read the first post again!

No, I don't like to read the wholre thread before jumping to conclusions.. Sorry. I forgot I already solved this problem. But yeah, that's for anyone if they want it.

D2S05 05-16-2007 04:17 AM

It would be nice to use this structure with the reputation tool, a user gains reputation and instead of gaining a little green square, he would gain a military rank image. That would be awesome.

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