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buro9 09-15-2005 10:00 PM

Secret Admirer
No longer supported by the author.

buro9 09-16-2005 01:11 PM

Because some of you collapse the hack area ;)

nexialys 09-16-2005 01:22 PM

great, i was expecting a debugged and updated version, i have both at the same time.. ;)

EDIT: hum, not so updated... the PM are in templates again... can't this be fixed to be phrases ?!

buro9 09-16-2005 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
great, i was expecting a debugged and updated version, i have both at the same time.. ;)

EDIT: hum, not so updated... the PM are in templates again... can't this be fixed to be phrases ?!

Yeah, I was thinking the same just as I finished it.

Unsure how to pass the phrase all of the information though... do you know how? If so... I'll make the changes :)

buro9 09-16-2005 01:34 PM

Do phrases get eval'd in the same way templates do?

nexialys 09-16-2005 02:03 PM

PHP Code:

$message construct_phrase($vbphrase['xxx'], $element1$element2$element3); 

this will be your structure... the vbphrase is the text with a {++} for each element you add... can be more than 3, this is just an example...

buro9 09-16-2005 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
PHP Code:

$message construct_phrase($vbphrase['xxx'], $element1$element2$element3); 

this will be your structure... the vbphrase is the text with a {++} for each element you add... can be more than 3, this is just an example...

Thanks, just found the same elsewhere... testing now :)

buro9 09-16-2005 02:13 PM

Well it appears to work... new version being uploaded now :)

Just uninstall the existing, and install the new via the Product area of the Plugin Manager in the AdminCp

buro9 09-16-2005 02:15 PM

Latest little change was my use of templates has ended... everything in phrases now :)

nexialys 09-16-2005 02:52 PM

will be easy to translate now... thanks buro9.. ;)

Bad Bunny 09-16-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
will be easy to translate now... thanks buro9.. ;)

That was a very nice thing to do, Nex.

Anyway, this is a very odd and funny hack. I never noticed it before.

nexialys 09-16-2005 06:02 PM

@buro9, i think you forgot some phrases... the ones in the readme... the template edits... put them in GLOBAL so they will be easy to find..

EDIT: oh, a suggestion: global activation... in the board settings would be good to have a global activation, so if we want to deactivate the system for a period, we don'T have to uninstall it.

FleaBag 09-16-2005 07:02 PM

Sweet... Thanks Buro - will go install now. :)

EDIT!: Working! Beautiful! Requests... A confirmation page for when you request report [or even having the report display in the UCP?] would be great... I have visions of the members at my site clicking the link 400 times before they realise it's going to their' email. A confirmation that your admiration has been registered would be great too.

nexialys 09-16-2005 08:00 PM

Fleabag, are your Redirects deactivated in your acp ?!.. lol

buro9 09-16-2005 08:19 PM

Even if the requests are deactivated it should still show them... these are forced redirects.

But you mean if the user misses the redirect screen telling them... then you want it to stop until they click something?

buro9 09-16-2005 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
@buro9, i think you forgot some phrases... the ones in the readme... the template edits... put them in GLOBAL so they will be easy to find..

EDIT: oh, a suggestion: global activation... in the board settings would be good to have a global activation, so if we want to deactivate the system for a period, we don'T have to uninstall it.

For the phrases, I agree, I'll do them Sunday or Monday.

For the deactivation... yes, an option would be a good idea. Mostly just to prevent the links appearing in the templates... I shall do that too.

FleaBag 09-16-2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by nexialys
Fleabag, are your Redirects deactivated in your acp ?!.. lol

I didn't realise I could do that Nex? Where do I look?

nexialys 09-16-2005 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
I didn't realise I could do that Nex? Where do I look?

>> vBulletin Options >> Cookies and HTTP Header Options >> Remove Redirection Message Pages ...

FleaBag 09-16-2005 09:21 PM

Aha, thanks... Yes I do have them disabled. But it isn't the redirect I want so much, but a confirmation page on which a user can click to continue on... Or ever an AJAX inserted message on the page to confirm as actioned.

Martin 09-16-2005 09:24 PM

this is a great addition to my forums.

I have one small sugestion, however. Apparently you can Secretly Admire yourself. When I was growing up my mommy told me that would lead to blindness...

nexialys 09-16-2005 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Martin
this is a great addition to my forums.

I have one small sugestion, however. Apparently you can Secretly Admire yourself. When I was growing up my mommy told me that would lead to blindness...

now you can live a perfect life even if you'Re blind you know.. lol

Boofo 09-16-2005 09:35 PM

And nexialys would know, trust me. ;)

nexialys 09-16-2005 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
And nexialys would know, trust me. ;)

what did you say Boofoon ?!... i'm unable to read you completely...

Alien 09-16-2005 10:31 PM

Great job, nice work..

The only thing that prevents me from utilizing this, is the fact that it has no limiter..

For example, you register someone you have a crush on. They're notified that someone has a crush on them, they register 50 users on the site until they get the answer they're looking for. Everyone will ALWAYS know who the secret admirer is.

Was hoping for something more where like you could only choose 1 guess a day or like 3 people total and if you don't guess you can't find out that particular match *ever*. :)

Damn fun game, nonetheless... Keep up the good work, I look forward to more stuff from ya!

Martin 09-16-2005 10:44 PM

One more thing.

You have userid both as a Primary Key and an Index. This may cause problems on large boards like mine...

FleaBag 09-16-2005 10:45 PM

Have you checked in your options?

nexialys 09-17-2005 12:08 AM

request: Make the SA Report displayed in the UserCP, not sent via eMail... i hate that feature... when we click on the link, it send an email... useless, just display the content of the report on the page would do the job and let the mailer in peace...

also, make the post by eMail an option, so the ADMIN can choose if all the messages are sent via eMail OR PM .... i prefer PM, i hate these emails ...

also, like before, make the functions in a includes/functions_sa.php file, so we don't have a load of new stuff in profile.php (for the ones that hardcode the plugin...)

Martin 09-17-2005 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys
request: Make the SA Report displayed in the UserCP, not sent via eMail... i hate that feature... when we click on the link, it send an email... useless, just display the content of the report on the page would do the job and let the mailer in peace...

also, make the post by eMail an option, so the ADMIN can choose if all the messages are sent via eMail OR PM .... i prefer PM, i hate these emails ...

also, like before, make the functions in a includes/functions_sa.php file, so we don't have a load of new stuff in profile.php (for the ones that hardcode the plugin...)

Yanno, you attract more flies with honey :)

buro9 09-17-2005 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys
request: Make the SA Report displayed in the UserCP, not sent via eMail... i hate that feature... when we click on the link, it send an email... useless, just display the content of the report on the page would do the job and let the mailer in peace...

also, make the post by eMail an option, so the ADMIN can choose if all the messages are sent via eMail OR PM .... i prefer PM, i hate these emails ...

also, like before, make the functions in a includes/functions_sa.php file, so we don't have a load of new stuff in profile.php (for the ones that hardcode the plugin...)

I'm against doing this. Because we had major politics on our site... big stuff, think marriages being threatened and affairs being aired. It has to be very very private. And people secure their email more than their forum login (how many of you have the 'remember me' set when they login). So sending it to email is much safer than having it display on the screen.

As for limits... check your Settings Alien, you can set 3 admirations max within a 24 hour period... or 10 per month... or whatever you feel based on a quantity within timeframe calculation.

buro9 09-17-2005 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys
also, like before, make the functions in a includes/functions_sa.php file, so we don't have a load of new stuff in profile.php (for the ones that hardcode the plugin...)

What's the point in hard-coding a plugin?


I was actually trying to avoid a file upload.

I think I'll make a second version being a single line add to profile.php and the external file.

Btw... carry on making suggestions, I'll action them tomorrow night (Sunday) or Monday.

Wordplay 09-17-2005 09:12 AM

thanks alot! been waiting for this... you know what would be a great function though. if users could even pm the users they admire as SECRET ADMIRER (or the user specified as notifyer), to give them tips, cuz i run an incredibly huge forum... in which case it would just be entertaining as hell.

ThePimp 09-17-2005 10:26 AM

Fatal error: Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vb_datamanager_pm in /includes/class_dm.php on line 758

I get this when sending admiration. I click the link in a profile, and this error comes up. When I refresh, it seems to go forward.

Any idea on how to fix this?

ThePimp 09-17-2005 10:40 AM

Hmm... This might be due to me running RC2. I'll upgrade and see if it takes care of this issue. Will let you know.

ThePimp 09-17-2005 11:10 AM

Ok, I just upgraded... Still get the error. Any ideas?

nexialys 09-17-2005 12:20 PM

SUGG: would be great to have a block when we open our UserCP where we can read this

You still have {6} users who admire you, whom you have not yet matched with.
like this block: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=82616

need just the function to count the admirers... this would incitate users to participate... because when you don't know who is interested in you, you are not really into it.. ;0

edschaum 09-17-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by buro9
I'm against doing this. Because we had major politics on our site...

Hi, this is a great addon! Would you consider adding an option to allow the admin to choose whether to send the report to the screen or to email?



nexialys 09-17-2005 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by buro9
I'm against doing this. Because we had major politics on our site...

ya, maybe on your site, you have politics... on our site, it's the opposite, we require all tools to send messages thru PM or onscreen because we avoid eMails... we want our users to login on our site to have contacts with each others...

anyway.. will code it for myself.

FleaBag 09-17-2005 02:20 PM

He didn't mean that his forum is about politics, he meant it would interfere with personal politics. I'd actually realised the same thing last night - this kind of info could cause a lot of issues for users. With this in mind, for extra security - it would be nice for a user to turn off admiration - so they can NOT be admired, via UCP. Obviously if they do not receive, they also can not give.

Buro9; I do not see any redirects at all. And what I was asking for is maybe a page where it would state "Your admiration for X has been registered - you need take no further action. Click here to go back to the X's profile.". On a similar note, for the report; "Your secret admirer report has been sent to the e-mail address in your profile - click here to go back to your Control Panel.".

Another suggestion is maybe moving admiration notifications over to an hourly CRON job. I just realised that if the user admiring, and the user being admired are using the forums at the same time - that the e-mail would alert the admired, if they quickly checked Active Users the admirer would probably still be [or be listed as being] viewing the admired's profile - giving the game away. Not sure if that makes any sense haha... :)

Alien 09-17-2005 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by buro9
As for limits... check your Settings Alien, you can set 3 admirations max within a 24 hour period... or 10 per month... or whatever you feel based on a quantity within timeframe calculation.

Exxxxcellent.. Sorry, some early versions of this hack I thought didn't have this ability.. I never saw it in any descriptions or control panel screenshots so I was assuming the ability wasn't there. Carry on!

[high]* Alien slinks away embarrassed. :)[/high]

Alien 09-17-2005 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by FleaBag
He didn't mean that his forum is about politics, he meant it would interfere with personal politics. I'd actually realised the same thing last night - this kind of info could cause a lot of issues for users. With this in mind, for extra security - it would be nice for a user to turn off admiration - so they can NOT be admired, via UCP. Obviously if they do not receive, they also can not give.

Another suggestion is maybe moving admiration notifications over to an hourly CRON job. I just realised that if the user admiring, and the user being admired are using the forums at the same time - that the e-mail would alert the admired, if they quickly checked Active Users the admirer would probably still be [or be listed as being] viewing the admired's profile - giving the game away. Not sure if that makes any sense haha... :)

I second this.. If only a handful of users are on and one gets an e-mail, it severely limits the choices and would be a total giveaway.. I think it should send out the e-mails on an hourly cron job to make the game that much more enjoyable.. I also believe that allowing users to NOT receive any notices (the option not to be involved in the game whatsoever) would really be helpful as well.. Thanks for considering these!

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