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kall 09-15-2005 10:00 PM

Steel Purple 3.5.3
Steel Purple People Eater - The funnest Purple Style around!.

Style Name: Steel Purple - The Second in the Steel Series from the team at vBEnhanced.com.
Style Version: 3.5.3

Updated - Uses a Product. Uninstall your existing plugins before installing the Product.

  • Forum Status Icons Horizontal
  • Navbar links on top and bottom. Images for each link.
  • Rounded top and bottom corners
  • Easily configured Javascript counter displaying time since forum launch on Forum Home
  • Greeting conditional on day of week and time of day
  • Custom Statusicon, Icons, Buttons and several misc images
  • Some SEO elements - Navbar tweaked for better keyword density.
  • Forum/Thread name in table at top of page in FORUMDISPLAY and SHOWTHREAD
  • Start new Thread/View New Posts buttons in Forumbits (Forumhome and Forumdisplay)

This is the 1.0 Release of the Steel series in Purple.

Customised statusicon, buttons/misc and gradients folders included.

To install:Upload /steelpurple/ folder to your /forums/images/ directory.

Import the xml file in your Style Manager.

Import the plugin file in your Plugin manager.

Edit the forumid of the top of forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost to that of your topmost forum.

If you are running vBadvanced, add nzbgreeting and nzbgreeting2 to the Globalized Variables section of the vBA Admin CP area.


Demo: http://www.vbenhanced.com/forums/?styleid=4

***Additional Instructions***

To change the 'Launch date' ticker on Forum Home, look in the FORUMHOME template, near the bottom. There is a start date field. :)

To change the greetings that appear in the navbar, have a look in your php_include_start template.

To have the Forum images show up for selected forums, go into your forumhome_forumbit_level*_post templates (both level1 and level2) and look for the condtitional that reads:

PHP Code:

<if condition="in_array($forum['forumid'], array(2, 3)"

Change these ids to the ones you want to use.

Further on in the same template is this conditional:

PHP Code:

<if condition="!in_array($bbuserinfo[usergroupid], array(1,3,4,8))"

The array contains those Usergroup ids that we do NOT want to see the Start New Thread button.

Oh, and it's XHTML Compliant and CSS Compliant https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/10/30.jpg https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/01/137.jpg

(If you want support, you better have clicked INSTALL...I *can* see this you know.)

Azhrialilu 09-16-2005 12:37 PM

purple goodness! :D

gsm4arab1 09-16-2005 03:32 PM

Good Styles thanks mr.Kall

mvigod 09-16-2005 04:48 PM

Looks great. Installed! Do you want to update your first post though to reflect RC3 status rather than beta 4?

Style Name: Steel Purple for vB 3.5 BETA4

Capricia 09-18-2005 05:33 AM

That is really nice I might use those colors :)

breaume 09-20-2005 06:13 PM

Thanks for the great skin it fits my fourm great.

I am having a few problems though.

1 is logging out. I get an error - An error occurred while attempting to log you out. Click here to log out.

I can can clear the problem if I revert the Navbar Template. But if I reinstall the skin XML the proble comes back.

2. I cannot get the custom greetings to show up on the VBA homepage. I followed your instructions but it does not show up.

thanks BRian

kall 09-20-2005 07:22 PM

Thats odd... the changes to the navbar shouldn't cause that..

Is this happening for anyone else? Breaume: please try one of the other Steel styles (Green or blue) and tell me if the issue still occurs.

breaume 09-21-2005 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by kall
Thats odd... the changes to the navbar shouldn't cause that..

Is this happening for anyone else? Breaume: please try one of the other Steel styles (Green or blue) and tell me if the issue still occurs.

Hey Kall,

I installed the Green and have the same error.

The Navbar template revert idea was from VB.com in the 3.5 troubleshooting error. It did not say much other than revert the Navbar.

If you want to PM me I will give you a link to my site to see the erro for yourself.


kall 09-21-2005 11:16 AM

Is there anything different about your forums to the standard vB? Language/Direction of characters..anything like that?

I am sure theres a good explanation somewhere. :)

breaume 09-21-2005 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Is there anything different about your forums to the standard vB? Language/Direction of characters..anything like that?

I am sure theres a good explanation somewhere. :)

No the only other mods I have installed are

VBA CMPS and VBA Gallery, also geek articles but it is diabled know.

site is forums.stampingbug.com

thanks for your help. My members really like your skins.


kall 09-23-2005 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by breaume
No the only other mods I have installed are

VBA CMPS and VBA Gallery, also geek articles but it is diabled know.

site is forums.stampingbug.com

thanks for your help. My members really like your skins.


Download the latest version of the style.. I realised I pasted the old logout code (without the hash) over the proper stuff. Thanks for finding the bug. ;)

breaume 09-23-2005 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Download the latest version of the style.. I realised I pasted the old logout code (without the hash) over the proper stuff. Thanks for finding the bug. ;)

Thanks that did the trick. :banana:

Don't mean to be a pain. :ermm:

But I cannot get the greeting to show on the VBA Home Page. I add the nzbgreeting and nzbgreeting2 to the Globalized Variables section of the vBA Admin CP area. It shows up in the forums page but not the VBA.

Should I be see the nbzgreeting2 in the plugins manager

kall 09-23-2005 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by breaume
Thanks that did the trick. :banana:

Don't mean to be a pain. :ermm:

But I cannot get the greeting to show on the VBA Home Page. I add the nzbgreeting and nzbgreeting2 to the Globalized Variables section of the vBA Admin CP area. It shows up in the forums page but not the VBA.

Should I be see the nbzgreeting2 in the plugins manager

nzb_greeting and nzb_greeting2 .. the underscore has to be there.

my3shadows 09-24-2005 02:58 PM

Oh Kall!!!! Thank you, thank you! I was really hoping you'd come out with the purple so I wouldn't have to redo mine. :banana:

You just saved me a ton of work. :) I'll definitely be using this when I make the switch to 3.5.

baconzoo 09-27-2005 12:46 PM

How do I get rid of the configured Javascript counter displaying time since forum launch on Forum Home?

Or How do you configure it?

loonytune15 09-27-2005 03:36 PM

i would like to know how its configured as its not correct for my forum.

also how did you do the different saying for each day?

kall 09-27-2005 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by baconzoo
How do I get rid of the configured Javascript counter displaying time since forum launch on Forum Home?

Or How do you configure it?


To remove it, just strip out the javascript section from the FORUMHOME template. To configure it, add your own start date in the section on FORUMHOME (in the javascript towards the bottom).

centris 09-28-2005 11:24 PM

Seems to be running fine on a fresh install of VB 3.5.0 Gold

centris 09-30-2005 02:05 PM

OK, how do you alter the main table width to 100%? I noticed that at 1024X768 my full width logo is fine, but at 800X600 it is too large with a fair bit of space on the left/right side of the main table. Also as this style is for RC3, any issues with Gold??

Any help appreciated.

kall 09-30-2005 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by centris
OK, how do you alter the main table width to 100%? I noticed that at 1024X768 my full width logo is fine, but at 800X600 it is too large with a fair bit of space on the left/right side of the main table. Also as this style is for RC3, any issues with Gold??

Any help appreciated.

Does changing it in the StyleVars not work?

As far as I know, no issues as yet. I will try to release a 100% Gold Certified version this weekend though.

centris 10-02-2005 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by kall
Does changing it in the StyleVars not work?

As far as I know, no issues as yet. I will try to release a 100% Gold Certified version this weekend though.

Great stuff thanks.

illusions 10-02-2005 09:06 PM

Love the skin! Installed it...thanks :D

FreDy 10-03-2005 12:15 PM

I love this theme, but I would like the steel blue updated in order to look like this, with double navbar (icons in navbar), and allways like this but in blue... do you go to update the blue theme soon?


Rhoads 10-03-2005 06:55 PM

He Kall, thanks for the beautiful styles.

I have a small problem when the language chooser activated, It's screwed up my footer on the right site (see atachment).

kall 10-03-2005 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by drl2005
He Kall, thanks for the beautiful styles.

I have a small problem when the language chooser activated, It's screwed up my footer on the right site (see atachment).

I will look into the conditionals tonight if I get time...have you tried the other Steel styles to see if they do the same thing?

@FreDy: Yup, its in this Forum, Steel Blue has been updated. :)

FreDy 10-03-2005 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by kall
@FreDy: Yup, its in this Forum, Steel Blue has been updated. :)

I've downloaded yesterday the Steel Blue Theme, and it isn't updated with the look of the purple theme... I've took a look in the Stee Blue Thread and the newest file is for vBulletin3.5 Beta 4, and the Steel purple is for vB3 RC3 or gold (I don't remember)...

Is there any link to download a newer version of Steel Blue, I like the Steel Purple but I prefer the Steel Blue colors... ;)

Thanks in advance

Rhoads 10-03-2005 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by kall
I will look into the conditionals tonight if I get time...have you tried the other Steel styles to see if they do the same thing?

It's on all the four steel styles, but i have the time ;)

o0Hubba0o 10-03-2005 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by kall
nzb_greeting and nzb_greeting2 .. the underscore has to be there.

You might want to change that in the first post for those of us who don't know coding that good, because you typed them out without the "_'s" in them.

I'm having two problems, one is simple for me to fix. But I have polls for sigs and they are fairly tall at times even with only 3 sigs it's taller that the background, but I just replaced the image (steelpurple/gradients/gradient_panel.gif) with a solid color to fix that.

The other problems got me stumped though, I've notice three members who's posts don't have a background to them. They're in different user groups so that rules a problem with that out. Any ideas?

kall 10-04-2005 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
But I have polls for sigs and they are fairly tall at times even with only 3 sigs it's taller that the background, but I just replaced the image (steelpurple/gradients/gradient_panel.gif) with a solid color to fix that.

The other problems got me stumped though, I've notice three members who's posts don't have a background to them. They're in different user groups so that rules a problem with that out. Any ideas?

I don't recall setting the postbit to have a background... But I know what you mean, and it's something I have found bloody annoying about vB for a long long time. The default panel/panelsurround gradient images are far too short. To 'fix' it, you need to make taller versions of those gradient images.

The second issue.. do you mean that screenshot with a quote under the postbit? I don't know how that happened...but maybe fuller shots of the postbits would help.. or a URL.

o0Hubba0o 10-04-2005 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by kall
I don't recall setting the postbit to have a background... But I know what you mean, and it's something I have found bloody annoying about vB for a long long time. The default panel/panelsurround gradient images are far too short. To 'fix' it, you need to make taller versions of those gradient images.

The second issue.. do you mean that screenshot with a quote under the postbit? I don't know how that happened...but maybe fuller shots of the postbits would help.. or a URL.

See how the first screen shot the post itself had a background and border. I've seen 3 members now who's posts are like the second screenshot with no background or border.

Here's a link to that thread, notice the user Munkey has no background or border around his post while the rest do: http://www.graphicsanonymous.net/for...=4461#post4461

Edit: Nevermind that link now, it seems the thank-you hack is affecting them. One member had it disappear after being thanked, and one had it re-appear, not sure what's conflicting there.

But now I've got a couple member who are having problems seeing images that are being posted with the [img] tags. It's not all of them just some of them. I do know one is using IE and the other is using AOL browser.

Sal Collaziano 10-07-2005 09:27 PM

Would somebody mind explaining the step below more robustly? I'm confused by it. :o


Edit the forumid of the top of forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost to that of your topmost forum.

centris 10-08-2005 09:00 AM

I think in the template its set to 1, I was unsure wither it was the category ID or the first forum within the first category which is ID 2?? Seems to run fine as is. Topmost forum indicates that its the id of the first forum, in my case 2.

MistyMeanor 10-16-2005 02:19 AM

I installed this skin, I love it! Perfect colors for my site. I have never installed any kind of anything on vb so I'm pretty proud of myself.

But how do I get rid of the little pill and yin-yang icon?
Also why are my keywords showing in the header (before you login)
And I couldn't figure out those nifty greeting ya'll are talking about?

azmi 10-16-2005 06:10 PM

the icons are great !!!
i love it - thanks for sharing :banana:

kall 10-16-2005 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by MistyMeanor
I installed this skin, I love it! Perfect colors for my site. I have never installed any kind of anything on vb so I'm pretty proud of myself.

But how do I get rid of the little pill and yin-yang icon?
Also why are my keywords showing in the header (before you login)
And I couldn't figure out those nifty greeting ya'll are talking about?

To get rid of the isons that are showing on forums 2 and 3, look in the forumhome_forumbit_level*_post (both level 1 and 2) and change the conditional from 2,3 to 999,9999 or something.

MistyMeanor 10-16-2005 06:33 PM

Thank you! Two more mini-issues...

My member link isn't working?? It says no members when there is me and another.
The keywords showing in header before you login... how do I make it not do that?

I tell ya' I have never installed ANYTHING and your instructions was so easy! I just LOVE this skin!

th1356 10-20-2005 11:27 AM

Nice style :)

kall 10-25-2005 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by MistyMeanor
Thank you! Two more mini-issues...

My member link isn't working?? It says no members when there is me and another.
The keywords showing in header before you login... how do I make it not do that?

I tell ya' I have never installed ANYTHING and your instructions was so easy! I just LOVE this skin!

Ummm... I don't see how this style could be at fault, memberlist-wise .. does it not happen on the Default Style?

To remove the keywords... look in the NAVBAR template and change
PHP Code:

Welcome to $vboptions[bbtitle]. $threadinfo[title$vboptions[keywords

PHP Code:

Welcome to $vboptions[bbtitle]. $threadinfo[title

oezer 10-25-2005 03:25 PM

some questions?
if i check your board with XHTML and W3C validation..
i get this:

Result: Failed validation, 19 errors
is this style conform or not?


kall 10-25-2005 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by oezer
some questions?
if i check your board with XHTML and W3C validation..
i get this:

is this style conform or not?


Given that the URL you are checking isn't actually this style..

Yes, this style is XHTML 1.0 Compliant.

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