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Gio~Logist 08-06-2005 07:53 PM

Back To School :-x
Our summer was shortened by like a month and now i have to go in my first day dealing with teacher's saying:

-"You are in 9th grade now, you're a big boy"
And you're my 9th grade teacher... does that make you a big girl?

-"We're not going to baby you like your 8th grade teacher did"
Good... Because i hated nap time in 8TH GRADE!

-"It's a whole new ball game"
So do i get a new bat?

-"I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me"
Oh boy are you in for a long year!

-"I'm a reasonable person, you do my work and i'll make sure you hae a good time"
I guess i can kiss this year good bye

-"Read the rules posted on my walls and we'll have no problems"
I have a confession... i'm in 9th grade and i can't read

-"I'll respect you if you respect me"
And i suppose if i do your work you'll do mines?

-"I'm considered one of the "cool" teachers"
God, i'd hate to see the "uncool" teachers

I'm not here for you to tell me your autobiography, i'm here to get this over with

-"I dont care whether or not you like me, if you do then great... if not... o well"
You don't care whether i like you, yet you took out your time to make this speach?

I dont give out grades..... you earn them
"Oh yea? And who decides whether or not we've earned them genius?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I'm sure you guys have had one of these comments atleast once in your life from a teacher eh?

What other ones do you guys get??

Serenity 08-06-2005 08:19 PM

you're only going into 9th grade?

enjoy it while you can. it doesn't last long lol

Gio~Logist 08-06-2005 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Serenity
enjoy it while you can. it doesn't last long lol

^^^^^ Lol, that's another thing my teacher's have said.

I will enjoy it the best way i can :-D

Snake 08-06-2005 08:27 PM

Yeah I got a few weeks more until I am back to school. T_T I'm in my last year, grade 12 but even though, I still hate schools lol.

Gio~Logist 08-06-2005 08:31 PM

Lol who doesn't? But you gotta do what you gotta do...

BigIke 08-06-2005 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Lol who doesn't? But you gotta do what you gotta do...

I used to hate school for real, until I graduated and started college... now I miss high school because it was so SLACK

TruthElixirX 08-06-2005 11:29 PM

I hate my high school because it isn't toguh enough.-_-. Seriously... Why are we stil llearning verbs, nouns, and adjectives in 9th grade..I start back Thursdaqy. Hopefully 10th grade wil lbe a bit harder.

hotrod1 08-06-2005 11:47 PM

I went into 9th grade last year and it was my first grade in high school and I noticed a huge increase in work and challenge from 7th and 8th grade but I still did really good and this year I will be used to it.

TruthElixirX 08-07-2005 12:42 AM

7th grade was my toughest year. 9th a little easier than it and 8th was my esaiest year ever...

so sad..;_;. OK's classes have been dumbed down like three times.

Revan 08-07-2005 12:46 AM

Well Im starting the 13th grade (last year before college/uni which is sort of the same here), and this year is gonna be hella more lax than last year.
Last year I had to worry about German, but that's all in the past. I also went out of 12th with an A in IT (easy as fk, I basically only showed up, took the 2 tests and term tests) and an A on my English Written Final Exam.
So the only thing that has a danger of destroying my goal (No lower than C in any subject) is PE... XD

Guest190829 08-07-2005 01:55 AM

Don't remind me! I'm going in 11th( I still don't believe it), last year the made us write a friggen 50 page novel! What next!? I can't even imagine. Sigh, it's gonna be a tough year.

Gio~Logist 08-07-2005 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Danny.VBT
last year the made us write a friggen 50 page novel!

I would've loved that! I'm quite skilled when it comes to writing :-D

I used to love 8th grade because of all the writing actually. When the time would come where we'd have to present our poetry, stories, etc., my teacher would never let me go first because the last time she did, no one wanted to go after lmao. Those were the days!!!!!!!!!!

Guest190829 08-07-2005 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
I would've loved that! I'm quite skilled when it comes to writing :-D

I used to love 8th grade because of all the writing actually. When the time would come where we'd have to present our poetry, stories, etc., my teacher would never let me go first because the last time she did, no one wanted to go after lmao. Those were the days!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I didn't like it. I did it the last night. I don't believe I wrote 40+ pages in a matter of 6 hours. I got a C+ too..I would have got an A if I remember to put the last page in the binding of the book. >_<

Gio~Logist 08-07-2005 02:16 AM

2 grades lowered for such a small mistake? Does your teacher not understand that peopel don't purchase novels for the BINDING, they purchase it for CONTENT!

[high]*gio~logist shakes head*[/high]

What are teachers teaching their students these days?

That's like making a poem and getting and F because the paper was ripped.

Guest190829 08-07-2005 02:18 AM

Heh, you don't my teachers. They are so tough. I'm in honors, and the pull the whole, "This isn't CP class, this is honors!" (CP = standard class)

Gio~Logist 08-07-2005 02:25 AM

I'm in honors as well lol they are kind of strict but i would still get mad if they did that to me.......... Talking about honors..... In 8th grade i was already doing algebra and earth and space science and i got like a a between a high C and a low B average, should i stay with that average for those calsses and just do my best taking the 10th grade classes classes this year in 9th? Or should i take those grades off my record and just do regular algebrra and earth and space over to get a better grade?

[high]*gio~logist thinks hard*[/high]

Guest190829 08-07-2005 02:35 AM

In my school, you have to maintain at least a B+ average to stay in the honors classes. So I don't know what you should do, if they allow you honors, I'd stay in, if your ready for some hard wark.

(Honors classes get harder in high school. Be ready for alot more essays)

Gio~Logist 08-07-2005 02:53 AM

Essays= What i live for lol.... I'll jsut talk to the counselor once i get to the school....

Brad 08-07-2005 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by gio~logist
Our summer was shortened by like a month and now i have to go in my first day dealing with teacher's saying:

-"You are in 9th grade now, you're a big boy"
And you're my 9th grade teacher... does that make you a big girl?

-"We're not going to baby you like your 8th grade teacher did"
Good... Because i hated nap time in 8TH GRADE!

-"It's a whole new ball game"
So do i get a new bat?

-"I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me"
Oh boy are you in for a long year!

-"I'm a reasonable person, you do my work and i'll make sure you hae a good time"
I guess i can kiss this year good bye

-"Read the rules posted on my walls and we'll have no problems"
I have a confession... i'm in 9th grade and i can't read

-"I'll respect you if you respect me"
And i suppose if i do your work you'll do mines?

-"I'm considered one of the "cool" teachers"
God, i'd hate to see the "uncool" teachers

I'm not here for you to tell me your autobiography, i'm here to get this over with

-"I dont care whether or not you like me, if you do then great... if not... o well"
You don't care whether i like you, yet you took out your time to make this speach?

I dont give out grades..... you earn them
"Oh yea? And who decides whether or not we've earned them genius?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

I'm sure you guys have had one of these comments atleast once in your life from a teacher eh?

What other ones do you guys get??

Just wait until you get to college, you can screw around all you want and miss class everyday. But when your teacher drops you from the class you don't get a refund :p

TruthElixirX 08-07-2005 03:12 AM

honors classes here are like...normal classes. XD.

Writing is cool though. I'm fairly good at it. (Even though my spelling sucks.). Got a 20-30 page story somewhere on my computer I just quit cause it had to many ideas in it.

Guest190829 08-07-2005 03:23 AM

I love writing. I don't like getting told what to write and I don't like have a time limit on it. Unfortuantly I don't run the Public School System. :D

Gio~Logist 08-07-2005 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Brad
Just wait until you get to college, you can screw around all you want and miss class everyday. But when your teacher drops you from the class you don't get a refund :p

Lol i always mess around with my teachers. Its actually quite amusing to see how they think i'm so dumb from the first day till i turn in my first written assignment. Which is usually when i get the "you have so much potential and intelligence, do not let it go to waste on stupidity" speach. The way i look at it, i just try and make school as fun as possible for myself and others around me. I once new a girl who failed a statewide test because she was nervous and embarrassed; after a year with me, they couldn't get her to shut up! The girl went from crying when she had to present to being a huge chatterbox :-D And people were finally able to see her true genius.

gio~logist.... touching lives everywhere
gio~logist will now be available in a Robert Morgan High School near you
[high]gio~logist will not be hed responsible for extreme laughter, causing stomach panes and uncontrolable fun, what becomes of you after a day with him, or what doesn't become in you. Pricing and participation may vary in certain areas of the classroom. Teachers from periods 1-6 are strongly cautioned.[/high]

lmao! i was getting a tad carried away!

BigIke 08-07-2005 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Brad
Just wait until you get to college, you can screw around all you want and miss class everyday. But when your teacher drops you from the class you don't get a refund :p

haha exactly. However, some of my professors don't care at all about attendance, as long as you maintain a C or above.

Brad 08-07-2005 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by bringindaruckus
haha exactly. However, some of my professors don't care at all about attendance, as long as you maintain a C or above.

Thats the thing, each professor does things his own way. I had one last year that dropped you if you missed his class twice.

Tony G 08-07-2005 06:51 AM

Pfft you weird people starting new school years in the middle of the year. :p

In Australia we start out new school years in Feburary. I'm currently doing Year 12, my last year of high schooling FOREVER. :D It's hard, had mid-years, now we're in term three. Only.. 8 or so weeks of school left, exams and then NO MORE. :D

Oh I can't wait for that day. :)

Logikos 08-07-2005 06:53 AM

I've been out of school for 4 years now, and man do I miss High School :( It was just so much eaiser getting laid.

Azhrialilu 08-07-2005 06:57 AM

So, can you explain what age is what grade for those of us in the UK who haven't a clue what you're all talking about as grade 9 here is for 13 year olds....? ;)

Tony G 08-07-2005 07:02 AM

Year 12 (Australia) is for 17 & 18 year olds. Most turn 18 during the course of the year. Then it's university after this year. :)

Brad 08-07-2005 07:57 AM

I feel werid begin the only high school drop out in the bunch ;)

Logikos 08-07-2005 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
So, can you explain what age is what grade for those of us in the UK who haven't a clue what you're all talking about as grade 9 here is for 13 year olds....? ;)

  • Elementery School
    • Grade 01 = 06-05 years old
    • Grade 02 = 07-08 years old
    • Grade 03 = 08-09 years old
    • Grade 04 = 09-10 years old
    • Grade 05 = 10-11 years old
  • Middle School(Junior High)
    • Grade 06 = 11-12 years old
    • Grade 07 = 12-13 years old
    • Grade 08 = 13-14 years old
  • High School
    • Grade 09 = 14-15 years old
      • Loss your virginity
    • Grade 10 = 15-16 years old
      • Can Get your license
    • Grade 11 = 16-17 years old
      • Can drop out! :p
    • Grade 12 = 17-18 years old
      • Can buy ciggerates (age 18)


Originally Posted by Brad
I feel werid begin the only high school drop out in the bunch :p

Your not the only one, I droped out also... :(

Revan 08-07-2005 10:31 AM

Bloody bottlers, both of you :p

Tony G 08-07-2005 10:41 AM

Dropout scum! ;)

Nah, it happens. And it's not like it's always because they wanna be nothing, get paid by the government and do drugs all the time. ;)

Brad 08-07-2005 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Revan
Bloody bottlers, both of you :p

At least I got my GED ;)

Boofo 08-07-2005 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Live Wire
I've been out of school for 4 years now, and man do I miss High School :( It was just so much eaiser getting laid.

Finally! Someone who speaks the truth! LOL

I wish I could remember what school was like. :(

Boofo 08-07-2005 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Brad
I feel werid begin the only high school drop out in the bunch ;)

Don't worry, Bard. I'm right there with you. And like you, I got my GED. But I got it while I was in service of my country. ;)

Logikos 08-07-2005 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Finally! Someone who speaks the truth! LOL

I wish I could remember what school was like. :(

I said 4 years not 40 years bowfew. :p lol

Boofo 08-07-2005 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Live Wire
I said 4 years not 40 years bowfew. :p lol

The only thought that keeps me from responding to that is you will be where I am someday. ;)

yoyoyoyo 08-07-2005 12:12 PM

I think it is funny that in High School everyone can't wait to get the heck outta there - everything is geared toward graduation (ie: LEAVING SCHOOL) and as soon as you graduate you realize "Hey- where did all of my social scene go?" Then you realize that your dating options are lessened to who you meet at work or at a bar or online (assuming you don't go on to college- dating is a better at college). Years later you run in to the kid that used to sit next to you in History class at the checkout of the grocery store and you realize that you have absolutely nothing to say to them :D Yep- High School may seem like a big drag while you are in it, but enjoy it for what it is.

Tony G 08-07-2005 12:15 PM

See, I'm scared of leaving High School if it ends up being as bad as some of you guys say it is. But the dating scene isn't over, there is always university for that. :D But not having your close friends in school is gonna be really different. It's like staring a new school, just not knowing anyone. (Or by chance, a few people)

Logikos 08-07-2005 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
I think it is funny that in High School everyone can't wait to get the heck outta there - everything is geared toward graduation (ie: LEAVING SCHOOL) and as soon as you graduate you realize "Hey- where did all of my social scene go?" Then you realize that your dating options are lessened to who you meet at work or at a bar or online (assuming you don't go on to college- dating is a better at college). Years later you run in to the kid that used to sit next to you in History class at the checkout of the grocery store and you realize that you have absolutely nothing to say to them Yep- High School may seem like a big drag while you are in it, but enjoy it for what it is.

Its just like when your living at home. 18 years trying to get out. The rest of your life trying to get back in.


Originally Posted by blueflue
The only thought that keeps me from responding to that is you will be where I am someday.

No, I don't want to live to see 80. :p

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