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Paul M 07-13-2005 10:00 PM

Top xx Posters List
This modification is no longer available or supported.

The 3.5 version of my Top (10) Posters hack.

This has now been re-vamped for the release of version 3.xx - the hack no longer uses a seperate topposters.php file.

This hack displays a page with the Top Forum Posters for a given set of periods. Two periods are fixed ('This Month' & 'Overall') but can be turned off in the options. The other three periods are user definable (in days) - the default values are 1 day (24 hours), 7 days & 28 days. These three columns cannot be turned off.

The number of posters to be shown can also be set, the default is the top 10 posters. You can also select which usergroups are included in the count, so members in banned groups etc are not shown.

To upgrade (if you want to) uninstall version 2.xx and re-install this version. Note the url to display the page has changed.


v3.01 - First public version 3
v3.02 - Fixed display error reported in post 59
v3.03 - Fixed display error reported in post 84
v3.11 - Series of additions, upgrades and settings added.
v3.12 - Updated install code to check for existing index.
v3.13 - Fixed uncached templates added in v3.11
v3.14 : Changes to display layout.
v3.15 : Minor changes, no update necessary.
v3.16 : Fixed bug in monthly totals caculation.

Reimer 07-14-2005 06:34 PM

Cool, that is nice :)

flup 07-15-2005 09:09 AM

Gonna install

Paul M 07-15-2005 03:40 PM

Hmm, so who rated this one star, and why :(

Chris M 07-15-2005 04:40 PM

Installed :)


EH-Jay 07-15-2005 05:05 PM


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/topposters.php on line 44

Paul M 07-15-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by EH-Jay

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/deathleg/public_html/forums/topposters.php on line 44


Real name: Jay

Location: Canada

vB Version: 3.0.7
This is for vB Version: 3.5.0 Beta 4. :)

Click on the "my hacks" link in my sig and seek out the 3.0.7 version.

jesus likes pie 07-15-2005 06:41 PM

hell yes.

/me downloads and clicks install

Paul M 07-18-2005 01:07 AM

v2.10 uploaded - added ability to filter the usergroups that are included (so you can exclude banned users etc).

mbader71 08-13-2005 08:43 AM

Thanks. This is really great.

I just want to display this statistics table at the bottom of my forum home. How can I do that?

Brinnie 08-13-2005 12:44 PM


I'll take 2! :D

Kusadasi-Guy 08-13-2005 03:30 PM

PHP Code:

SELECT COUNT(post.dateline) AS postcountpost.useriduser.username
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
            LEFT JOIN 
" . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (post.userid user.userid)
WHERE dateline $startp AND user.usergroupid IN ($groupsp
GROUP BY userid ORDER BY postcount DESC LIMIT 10 

i wasted 2 days for this query. Thank You so much!

plateau 08-13-2005 06:00 PM

Paul M,

I just installed ur Flashchat hacks, and when I read this thread, I think I have to install this top poster hack again. I mean, what a nice idea, what a work :)

I think this hack could be an extension (extended thinking) to the TopXStats hack:

I ve kept my eyes on all these Ranking hacks for a very long time, several coders have released diff. types of ranking hacks for 3.5. however, I think if there is a hack that comprehensively works like a BillBoard or a Ranking Board for the vBulletin. That would be nice for an online society.

Top Posters, Most Viewed Topics, Most Replied Topics and so on, they can be displayed in one table and shown on the forumhome, and also can be detailed in a special page as what u do for the top poster...

could u be the one to think about this?

cheers mate.

iceytdot 09-24-2005 05:42 AM

hopefully this thread still gives support.. cuz i just got this error trying to install it!

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 3:

Invalid SQL:
select count(*) as newposts from post where dateline >= 03:42 AM, 09-24-2005 and visible = 1;

anyway to fix this? or if not how do i unistall so i can get my forums back! i've re-traced you steps in the instructions & altered the SQL table with what you had ... but umm yea thats what im left with!


Paul M 09-24-2005 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by iceytdot
Invalid SQL:
select count(*) as newposts from post where dateline >= 03:42 AM, 09-24-2005 and visible = 1;

Erm, that sql code is nowhere in this hack, are you sure you posted in the right topic .......

iceytdot 09-24-2005 05:53 AM

i think so because i only got this error, immediately after i added the links in my navbar

but now i might have a bigger problem, i just dropped the whole dateline table in pHp my admin.. do you know how i can get that back lol

iceytdot 09-24-2005 05:55 AM

i want this code... just im pretty dumb wit certain things lol....... i can't believe i dropped that table .. i'm in for a long night

iceytdot 09-24-2005 06:38 AM

Paul M heres everything.... but i'm certain it had to be this code as it was the last before the site got the DB error

ok i had just installed my 3.5 again today! & i was installing a few minor hacks nuthing big but than i got to this hack:


i followed the steps, did the SQL execution
so i wanted to see what it looked like on my site soon as i refreshed i had

this error:


There seems to have been a problem with the Unsigned Hype database.
Please try again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.

An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

went to my technical support email & had this:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 3:


Invalid SQL:
select count(*) as newposts from post where dateline >= 03:42 AM, 09-24-2005 and visible = 1;

so i thought i was all mister SMarTGuy went into pHp My admin, had no clue what i was doing & dropped the Dateline Table completely..

no the email is saying this:


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0 Release Candidate 3:

Invalid SQL:
select count(*) as newposts from post where dateline >= 1127528755 and visible = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dateline' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054

so yeaaa i really screwed up & had no back up, as i didn't think i'd do something as dumb as this!!!! is there anyway to get my forums back

or am i going to have to start all over again... please tell me theres something i can do.... ANYTHING lol im Beggin

Paul M 09-24-2005 07:14 AM

Sorry but that sql [for newposts] is simply not this hack - I would guess it's a hack to show a member the number of new posts since they last visited. It might help if you posted the whole message - since it should show has the script that called it.

As for dateline - that's a column in a table, not a table. You could probably recreate it with


But that won't recover the data it - all you posts would have a date of Jan1st 1970, and I doubt threads would show correctly. Don't you have a BACKUP ?

Oh, I have to go to bed now so I won't see any reply for a few hours.

Trevor Hannant 09-25-2005 03:24 PM

Has anyone been able to write code to show the top average posters (ie. posters with highest 'posts per day')?

Realise this may be a 'messy' one to try but before I do, want to check if anyone else has been able to........

theArchitect 09-27-2005 05:47 AM

Any chance of this being re-made as a plug-in so I can drop it onto my home page in the whats going on area?

Love the mod, just don't like that it is on a page all by itself.

Paul M 09-27-2005 07:21 AM

I wouldn't recommend having it on the homepage of a large board - the queries can be quite intensive if you have a large number of posts per month.

I don't intend to make it as a plugin, but you could do what you want pretty easily I think - just copy lines 18 to 80 of the code from the file to a plugin using the forumhome_start hook - and copy the table template code (i.e. the stuff between the <table> and </table> tags ) from the top_posters template into the forumhome template, above or below the "What' going on" table, depending on your preference. You might want to make it the Top 5 as well - for space reasons.

theArchitect 09-27-2005 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
I wouldn't recommend having it on the homepage of a large board - the queries can be quite intensive if you have a large number of posts per month.

I don't intend to make it as a plugin, but you could do what you want pretty easily I think - just copy lines 18 to 80 of the code from the file to a plugin using the forumhome_start hook - and copy the table template code (i.e. the stuff between the <table> and </table> tags ) from the top_posters template into the forumhome template, above or below the "What' going on" table, depending on your preference. You might want to make it the Top 5 as well - for space reasons.

Interesting. I don't have a massive board, but hope to in the future, so I will follow your advise and keep it as a seperate page.

Trevor Hannant 09-27-2005 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Trevster
Has anyone been able to write code to show the top average posters (ie. posters with highest 'posts per day')?

Realise this may be a 'messy' one to try but before I do, want to check if anyone else has been able to........

Paul, any thoughts on this or how to have this seperately somewhere?

Paul M 09-27-2005 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Trevster
Paul, any thoughts on this or how to have this seperately somewhere?

Not at the moment, but I'll keep it in mind.

Aeolian 09-28-2005 11:54 PM

this ia a great addon.. :)

is it compatible with vb 3.5 gold..


Paul M 09-29-2005 12:32 AM

It'll work with any 3.5 version.

Vizionz 09-29-2005 12:52 AM

installed worked fine for me on gold

csidlernet 09-29-2005 02:02 AM

sweet. very nice i like!

chanzero 09-29-2005 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by csidlernet
sweet. very nice i like!

installed it -- cool :)

can anyone tell me how i could make this link appear in the Quick Links instead though?

theArchitect 09-29-2005 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by chanzero
installed it -- cool :)

can anyone tell me how i could make this link appear in the Quick Links instead though?

Go to your navbar template and scroll down until you see

<!-- user cp tools menu -->

Everything under this are links in your Quick Links menu.

Decide where you want the option to go and then drop this code in


<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="topposters.php?$session[sessionurl]">Display Top Posters</a></td></tr>

Brandon Sheley 09-29-2005 07:42 AM

[high]* Brandon Sheley installs ty for that last post, i put my link in the quick links too :)[/high]

chanzero 09-29-2005 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by theArchitect
Go to your navbar template and scroll down until you see

<!-- user cp tools menu -->

Everything under this are links in your Quick Links menu.

Decide where you want the option to go and then drop this code in


<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="topposters.php?$session[sessionurl]">Display Top Posters</a></td></tr>


Ncturnal 09-29-2005 06:25 PM

Nice. Paul M is The Man!

DamasGate 10-08-2005 10:09 PM

very nice hack. but did there any way to make it display on the forumhome ? without extra page?

i mean like Top 'X' Stats

Thanks again

Paul M 10-08-2005 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by DamasGate
very nice hack. but did there any way to make it display on the forumhome ? without extra page?

See post #22 (prevous page).

DamasGate 10-09-2005 01:55 AM

Thanks for help

Understand now

I have a large board, so i can't put it in forumhome

Thanks again

wolfyman 10-12-2005 09:23 AM

worked perfect, I threw it in the quicklinks - thanks :D

klinsek 10-12-2005 09:36 AM

Very nice! I like that you wen't that extra step and didn't just make it an "all time top poster" thing.

I am curious, it shouldn't be all that difficult to *EXCLUDE* a certain forum ID, right?

I don't think I would want my Off Topic forum being counted in this tally. Would rather shine some light on my on-topic posters for a change. ;)


Paul M 10-12-2005 04:59 PM

Easy enough if you modify the code.

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