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-   -   Geek Realtime Amporphic Modnotes Per-post System 1.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=91923)

The Geek 07-09-2005 10:00 PM

Geek Realtime Amporphic Modnotes Per-post System 1.0
From the makers of the colour green and purple comes the most exciting and fun way to moderate your forum: GRAMPS

In a nutshell, gramps simply allows you to keep 'inline' notes on a post by post basis viewable for admins, mods and/or whatever groups you define.

Its pretty self explanitory by the attachment pic and the acronymn GRAMPS (er - ok... the name sucks but who really cares? I always wanted to do a hack whose name sounded overly complicated, yet the acronymn was pants. Now I have done it!)

Please read the readme (there are vital install instructions buried in there!) and click the frickin install button. Ive wasted much of a sunny sunday doing this because I needed it for my forum.


The Geek 07-10-2005 03:46 PM

Woohoo. Looks like I have created a winner here!

*beats off crazy vB admins with a stick

kall 07-10-2005 07:02 PM

This is something I have been awaiting for a loooong time.

Of course, now I am running 3.5, I will have to wait a bit longer. ;)

yoyoyoyo 07-10-2005 07:36 PM


OOH! GOODY! I get to install another one of The Geek's Hacks! Where's the 'Any' Key?


GRAMPS is awesome! thanks much. I can't wait for GRANNY :D


The Geek 07-10-2005 08:07 PM

woohoo - there is a use for it!

Actually - I thought it was freaking brilliant I think the name is confusing the friggin frick out of people ;)

kall - Ive coded it so 3.5 wil be a snap :)

waza 07-10-2005 08:08 PM

everything I want to say is above, so just a thx will have to do it.

yoyoyoyo 07-10-2005 08:08 PM

It is great! I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to hear more about the Troll and his pineapple whacking troubles, though :D

here is an image in case people dont want the text link

Zachery 07-10-2005 08:15 PM

This is sorta like hidden posts, but not :p

I wouldn't mind seeing this for 3.5 :)

The Geek 07-10-2005 08:17 PM

Thats superb - thanks. Ill include it with the next update. Anyone game for doing one in the *cough* pretty default vb skin?

Sadly after GAS, I wrote a skeleton installer that does its job brilliantly, but lacks in the same sense of humor as the GAS installer. I started working on a new version to carry on the Install your own adventure... however too few people I think really appreciated the journey enough to warrant it ;)

Me? I install and uninstall GAS all the time as I think that is how install experiences should be like :)

yoyoyoyo 07-10-2005 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Anyone game for doing one in the *cough* pretty default vb skin?

this sorta works, though I am sure that someone else more talented in those areas can come with something better :D

The Geek 07-10-2005 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
this sorta works, though I am sure that someone else more talented in those areas can come with something better :D

Actaully - thats my fave. Ill include that one for sure in the next update.

Thanks man!

yoyoyoyo 07-10-2005 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Actaully - thats my fave. Ill include that one for sure in the next update.

Thanks man!

No problem - thanks to you for such a great hack. Actually when I installed it to me it was graphically kinda awkward and I though it looked better flipped over. Thanks again.

BTW- I think your installer system is slick, and I would really like to see a possible flexible installer maker based on your hacks, though it could be dangerous in the wrong/inexperienced hands :eek:

Maybe GRANNY could be the
eek Really Awesome Neat Nifty Yoyoyoyo-requested-installer-maker-system :D

EDIT: Actually I just noticed that the installer failed to edit the admincp index.php file to include a to the prefs, though the phrase was added, but that was taken care of easily. I don't know if that was included in the installer, but I did notice it was missing from the hack. Thanks again.

Zachery 07-10-2005 08:43 PM

here, not sure how well anyone will like this, but IMO it works...

The Geek 07-10-2005 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
here, not sure how well anyone will like this, but IMO it works...

Wicked! I think thats the ticket for defaultinstalls though I would most likely use the notepad icon on my skin.

Thanks Zach and yoyo.

BTW yoyo, the installer is named GISH (Geek Install System for Hacks... also the name of a very fine Album) and is set up so that you only need a few variables set and an array of phrases, templates, file changes, db changes and settings. Anyone glancing through it can easily see how its set up. Im not overly bothered who uses it as long as the copyright notice still goes to me ;)
Its not perfect, however its the exact same file I use for my last 4 or 5 macks... all I have had to do is change the array accordingly.

However - GRAMPS does need a mate doesnt he ;)

On a side note, if it interests anyone - I was going to make a log page that displays all gramps notes for quick moderation (in other words a quick view for the mods to see what the other mods have been working on) however I wont bother to if no one is really interested.


Zachery 07-10-2005 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Wicked! I think thats the ticket for defaultinstalls though I would most likely use the notepad icon on my skin.

Thanks Zach and yoyo.

BTW yoyo, the installer is named GISH (Geek Install System for Hacks... also the name of a very fine Album) and is set up so that you only need a few variables set and an array of phrases, templates, file changes, db changes and settings. Anyone glancing through it can easily see how its set up. Im not overly bothered who uses it as long as the copyright notice still goes to me ;)
Its not perfect, however its the exact same file I use for my last 4 or 5 macks... all I have had to do is change the array accordingly.

However - GRAMPS does need a mate doesnt he ;)

On a side note, if it interests anyone - I was going to make a log page that displays all gramps notes for quick moderation (in other words a quick view for the mods to see what the other mods have been working on) however I wont bother to if no one is really interested.


I just used the gdk :p i was being lazy

TTG 07-10-2005 11:03 PM

Will look forward to this release for 3.5 :)

Paul M 07-10-2005 11:19 PM

You might want to tick a few boxes, like supported, or code changes, additional files etc. :)

Corriewf 07-11-2005 12:04 AM

This is great but I had a couple of problems.
Wheres the gish folder? Its not in your attachment. Whats with the do not upload folder? I dont understand why I have it. I created the gish folder with the structure example in your install read me and after the install run theres the showthread.php there which I took out and overwrote the orginal one. I did the edits to the postbit legacy thats in the install instructions yet no changes are visible in the threads.

Corriewf 07-11-2005 12:09 AM

Also I dont see where to change the user group permissions.

Lionel 07-11-2005 01:25 AM

Ah Geek, I am so happy that the talended guys are still at 3.07.

yoyoyoyo 07-11-2005 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lionel
Ah Geek, I am so happy that the talended guys are still at 3.07.


Corriewf 07-11-2005 02:01 AM

Well I went through and did the changes myself to the showthread, but it looks like the phrases never went made it. I am lost as to what to do, but at least im not getting any error messages :) lol .


Ok I got it to work. I had to run the admin file by itself to set the permissions. I thought it would be in my admin panel and just didnt think about trying to run it. :rolleyes: Its always something so simple.

Again thanks for the hack. :)

Reeve of shinra 07-11-2005 02:10 AM


however too few people I think really appreciated the journey enough to warrant it
*sniff* I loved the choose your own adventure style installer but I can understand... just tell me, does the pinapple live happilly ever after?

yoyoyoyo 07-11-2005 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
BTW yoyo, the installer is named GISH (Geek Install System for Hacks... also the name of a very fine Album) and is set up so that you only need a few variables set and an array of phrases, templates, file changes, db changes and settings. Anyone glancing through it can easily see how its set up. Im not overly bothered who uses it as long as the copyright notice still goes to me ;)
Its not perfect, however its the exact same file I use for my last 4 or 5 macks... all I have had to do is change the array accordingly.

However - GRAMPS does need a mate doesnt he ;)

On a side note, if it interests anyone - I was going to make a log page that displays all gramps notes for quick moderation (in other words a quick view for the mods to see what the other mods have been working on) however I wont bother to if no one is really interested.


That's cool, and yes I am interested in seeing that feature.

Corriewf 07-11-2005 02:58 AM

Ahh I missed that statement about gish. Now I understand. Its nice that people are still making hacks for 3.0.x since I will probably never upgrade to beta or its final version.

The Geek 07-11-2005 05:28 AM

Wow, it seems that no one is using vb3.07 anymore!?

Everything I have been writing lately is with 3.5 in mind, for easy upgrades - but I didnt think so many people were running live with beta boards. huh!

Paul - thanks... I swear I did guess I didnt. Those boxes can be a bit funky sometimes

Corrie - I guess I forgot the gish folder in the install package though most people will have installed any of my other macks will have it or just add it themselves (ill stick the empty folder in the package today).
I didnt add the admincp changes as the only thing is the settings which is pretty much a one off, therefore I didnt see the need to put a permenant place in the admincp index. I guess it could always be an option though.

As for the pineapple - you may just have to wait and see. Ill shortly begin the extensive work to upgrade GAS. The adventures of the Pineapple may just be concluded there.

nJoy and thanks :)

yoyoyoyo 07-11-2005 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Wow, it seems that no one is using vb3.07 anymore!?

Everything I have been writing lately is with 3.5 in mind, for easy upgrades - but I didnt think so many people were running live with beta boards. huh!

Huh? I think you got it backwards.. I am using 3.0.7 now, and was applauding you for writing cool hacks for it still, instead of jumping ship (not that I don't enjoy seeing new hacks for 3.5 in here a well).

COBRAws 07-11-2005 05:53 AM

yay! yet another Geek's release :D:D:D

u and your hacks rock man. keep it up! and 3.0.7 ;)

m0nde 07-11-2005 12:42 PM

I've installed and it and am having trouble with the fact that it doesn't wipe my bum like The Geek's other modifications...

By the way, Geek, why don't you rename it Geek Realtime Administration Modnotes Per-Post System? It may confuse people less.

- Sid

The Geek 07-11-2005 12:50 PM

Not a bad idea. I was going to rename it to:

GRAMPS: The moderation system that lets you grumble at young whipper snappers without them knowing you are doing so ;)

Corriewf 07-11-2005 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Wow, it seems that no one is using vb3.07 anymore!?

Everything I have been writing lately is with 3.5 in mind, for easy upgrades - but I didnt think so many people were running live with beta boards. huh!

Paul - thanks... I swear I did guess I didnt. Those boxes can be a bit funky sometimes

Corrie - I guess I forgot the gish folder in the install package though most people will have installed any of my other macks will have it or just add it themselves (ill stick the empty folder in the package today).
I didnt add the admincp changes as the only thing is the settings which is pretty much a one off, therefore I didnt see the need to put a permenant place in the admincp index. I guess it could always be an option though.

As for the pineapple - you may just have to wait and see. Ill shortly begin the extensive work to upgrade GAS. The adventures of the Pineapple may just be concluded there.

nJoy and thanks :)

Hell, im using 3.0.3 and plenty happy. I think ive invested too many eggs into this basket to upgrade. I was going to add it myself to the admin section but like you said, its more of a one time deal. Maybe an option to add to one of the options in vb options. :P , but thatas about as far as it would need to go. You did include the directory structure in the install read me so it wasnt hard to make it myself, but it was a little nerve racking at first trying to figure out if I had done something wrong.

Thanks for your hack and your help.

Corriewf 07-11-2005 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Not a bad idea. I was going to rename it to:

GRAMPS: The moderation system that lets you grumble at young whipper snappers without them knowing you are doing so ;)

Damn youn punks. I remember back in the day when we used to have to create secret forums to make our notes, ten feet in the snow.

Lionel 07-11-2005 10:47 PM

I am using 3.07 and do not plan to upgrade for a long time.

Back to this hack, is there a way to prevent windows to remember the popup windows size? All subsequent browsers open with the same tiny size.

The Geek 07-12-2005 06:25 AM

Ill stick something in - The size is set in the template.

Lionel 07-12-2005 06:31 AM

It's not the size. It's the javascript itself. Using the resize function forces all subsequent pages that opens with a link to be like that, because Windows remembers the last size of a browser. Maybe a popup with no toolbar, no scroll etc...?

The Geek 07-12-2005 07:36 AM

Ah - gotcha Lionel. WIll sort that out.

Mla7a6 07-18-2005 04:04 PM

nice hack.. my moderators loved it.. but I have a small Q.
can you edit or delete any comment? and how?

thanks for the great installer.. its the BEST!!

m0nde 07-18-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
Woohoo. Looks like I have created a winner here!

*beats off crazy vB admins with a stick

Is there a way to view all of the notes in one go, with references to which threads they belong to?

If not, this would be a very useful addition...

- Sid

The Geek 07-19-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by m0nde
Is there a way to view all of the notes in one go, with references to which threads they belong to?

If not, this would be a very useful addition...

- Sid

I was working on that before I left for vacation but havent gotten to release it yet. Ill finish it off when I get home and release the update ;)

m0nde 07-28-2005 10:01 AM

It looks like there's a problem with the way I've integrated GRAMPS.

When a moderator leaves a note, people who are NOT moderators see that note instead of seeing the original message!

You can imagine the trouble I got into with the other administrators and moderators over this.

I'm using 3.07, by the way.

When I hover over the thread's link in the forum, the proper alt text shows up on the link, also, when I go to edit the message to fix it, the original text shows up, not the mod-note text.
If I resave the note after this, it looks fine and shows the moderator note as it's supposed to.

Is anyone else having this problem?

- Sid

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