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jluerken 07-06-2005 07:14 AM

AWS and vb3.5

I thinked its asked many many times but I've not seen a concrete YES or NO so far.

I started with the first AWS version and spended hours to update it everytime.
I've never thought that so many ideas will make it into the hack and no I really love it and will not miss it on my board.

Cause I will definetly upgrade to vb3.5 I started to check which hacks I use will be ported to vb3.5 and which not.
For sure I want to see things like AWS on the list of hacks that I will not miss in vb3.5.

Please rewrite it so that it works with 3.5 in the way it is working now with 3.0.7 and we learned to love it.


Post to Post 07-08-2005 06:12 AM

I’d like to see this implemented for Vb 3.5 as well. I am currently running the latest beta and I’d like to have this hack up and running as soon as I possibly can as a warning hack is almost essential now days on open discussion communities.
What’s your expectation before a public release is available?

sv1cec 07-08-2005 11:45 AM


I've said it before, and I'll say it again now.

I have every intention of porting AWS to vB 3.5 but it is not an easy task. There are a lot of things to learn and a lot of differences that have to be taken into consideration. I have spend about a week, porting the installation scripts to work properly with vB 3.5 and I am currently working on the rest of the files.

But, it is not an easy task. vBulletin didn't try to make this upgrade easy for us, hack coders, instead they have us chasing our tails, with endless changes of code, which could have been implemented behind the scenes, if you understand what I mean.

Add to that the new hook system, with which I need to familiarize myself, add the fact that the good old vB variables are changed and now I need to copy and paste for things I could code by heart, add the fact that AWS is a complex hack, with several files edited, add that vBulletin didn't bother coming up with a specs file, which one could read and use as a guidance (instead they relied on this site members to come up with tutorials, etc) and you understand it is not an easy task. My knowledge on the technologies used by vB is limited (I have no experience with Java or Javascript, XML is unknown to me), and I am not a young coder who can learn things easily.

On top of that, I do not have all day to work on the code. I have about 6 hours every day, during which I am free to do things I like or things I need to do. In those 6 hours, I need to pack whatever other people do during a whole day, so my time to work on AWS is limited. I can therefore not commit on any delivery time, all I can say, is what I said above, that I'll do my best to port AWS to vB 3.5. Thank God, I now have access to a test environment, without which I wouldn't be able to do anything (thanks Juan), so at least one problem is solved.

Sorry if that is not enough, but that is all I can offer to you guys at the moment.


Michael-DLR 07-10-2005 02:21 AM


I appreciate your efforts and I am sure everyone else does as well. You have one of the best hacks out there and we appreciate all the time you have spent already.

Thank you,


beano33 07-10-2005 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec

Sorry if that is not enough, but that is all I can offer to you guys at the moment.


You've done more much than enough. Given the complexity of your hack I'm surprised you're even working on it before vB 3.5 gets to the RC (release candidate) stage.

sv1cec 07-11-2005 09:32 AM

I am working on it, but I ain't making much progress, unfortunatelly. You see, with some minor changes, the hack could work in 3.5, as is, but that would bypass the new ... standards and require you to hack the php files again. I do not want to release it like that, I prefer to spend some more time and understand the whole hooks thing, and do it properly. I am not sure if I'll succeed, but at least I'll try.

And you are right, things are not very stable with 3.5 yet, so I am not sure if the time I invest in researching its internals is worth it.

DS MrSinister 07-12-2005 12:40 AM

I hope you will bring this out for vb 3.5...

I am not going to do anything to my site until 3.5 goes gold.. got to many hacks installled......... So plz take you time and do it the right way my friend.

sv1cec 07-14-2005 10:50 AM

Well, you might be interested to know, that the basic functionality of AWS (i.e. the ability to warn a member etc.), as well as the largest part of the AdminCP part (admin_warn.php) is running fine on the test server. Of course, there are still some issues to be clarified (for example, where will the functions_warning.php contents should be? If we are to avoid editing the php files, the functions that are currently in that file, should be moved elsewhere, where?) and a lot of testing to be done, but it works!

I still haven't touched the automatic warnings issues, which relate to the censorship in posts and PMs.


Michael-DLR 07-14-2005 02:50 PM

Awesome progress you are making. Thank you for all your efforts!


Dennis B 07-18-2005 09:42 AM

Thanks John. :up: :up:

TosaInu 07-30-2005 03:18 PM

Great sv1cec,

Is it going to be 100% plugin (hook system) or are file edits still required? As far as you can see now.

sv1cec 07-30-2005 04:19 PM

As far as I 've come, it's all plugins and XML things. I haven't touched the Automatic Warnings though, from posts and PMs. That' the worst part, I think.

TosaInu 07-31-2005 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
As far as I 've come, it's all plugins and XML things. I haven't touched the Automatic Warnings though, from posts and PMs. That' the worst part, I think.

That's great news sv1cec,

Say the automatic stuff requires file edits. Would it be possible for me to ignore installing that part then? Our board likely won't use that anyway.

Actually, I'ld already like to install the part you have on my testboard.

sv1cec 07-31-2005 09:09 AM

Yes, that would be possible, but I have to also change the administrator script, so that it takes into account (or so that it shows) only what you have installed. But yes, typically the automated warnings thing does not affect the rest.

timmed 08-01-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by TosaInu

Originally Posted by sv1cec
As far as I 've come, it's all plugins and XML things. I haven't touched the Automatic Warnings though, from posts and PMs. That' the worst part, I think.

That's great news sv1cec,

Say the automatic stuff requires file edits. Would it be possible for me to ignore installing that part then? Our board likely won't use that anyway.

Actually, I'ld already like to install the part you have on my testboard.

I would also like to test out what you have so far on my testboard. I am part of a forum who relies on this and I would like to assure them that this would work when we do decide to upgrade.

Revan 08-01-2005 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
for example, where will the functions_warning.php contents should be?

In the closest hook available, or to be safe just smack it in global_start ;)

Diana Notacat 08-02-2005 10:43 AM

I'd just like to mention my support for this hack! :D It's the only one left that I HAVE to have or I'm just flat out not upgrading to 3.5 (despite it's coolness) as it's probably the most useful and important Admin tool I have on my forums. I do hope you get everything worked out well, and I'm looking forward to seeing how great it looks on 3.5!

akanevsky 08-02-2005 04:30 PM

I could help you port it if you want..

FlyBoy73 08-05-2005 06:46 PM

My hats off to you for a great hack and your hard work... I will be making a donation once you get it done and I get our upgrade complete to 3.5gold. This hack is most definitely deserving of that! I have over 120 staff members in our forums and for a VERY long time we have needed a hack like this. I haven't had the pleasure of using it but I hope to in the near future.

sv1cec 08-05-2005 07:05 PM

Guys and gals,

Just to inform you, that August will not be the most productive months as far as AWS is concerned. With the twins at home, some financial issues which popped up, two other projects which need to be started and finished as soon as possible (not vB related), it's hard to find time to work on the hack.

Dark Visor, if you want to help, check the changes that need to be made for the Automatic Warnings to work, from posts and PMs. This is the part that needs to be ported to vB 3.5. If you need any help, just PM me.

Any help will be appreciated, since I do not see it possible to work on AWS before September.

SkyShadow 08-07-2005 04:01 PM

Hey John,

first of all I want to thank you for your great work.
Will it be possible to port the data of your hack to 3.5 or will I have to start from scratch?
Would an update to 3.5. affect to the AWS tables?

sv1cec 08-07-2005 07:15 PM

The data should remain totally the same, no change what's so ever. This is one thing you do not have to worry about.


wcbryant 08-21-2005 11:44 AM

Hi all,

Just wondering what the status is here? DV, are you helping port, or is the process on hold until Sept? No complaints either way, this is just the very last hack my site "needs" to move over to 3.5.0, so I'm just trying to get a fix on where it is so I can plan around it. Thanks, sv1, for all the hard work you've done on it. You've made it *so* good that many of us can't live without it. :D

sv1cec 08-21-2005 01:01 PM

Sorry, no one is helping and I haven't made much progress on this issue. I spend 5 days at the hospital last week with one of my twins being there for some infection of the tonsils, and as I explained, when they are at home, it is not easy to work on the hack.

I also have some financial issues to deal with, so you understand that life can be rough. Plus, I have a project running for my own site (testing some new toys), which takes whatever free time I have, so I do not expect any work to be done on AWS, before September.

However, the good news is that the warning/view warnings and admin things are OK, as far as I can say. If I can figure out how the hooks should be distributed, that part can soon be released as a beta version. Then, all that remains is for the Automatic Warnings from posts and PMs to be implemented, as well as the new Notes thing I added lately.

Sorry folks, it's just that my life is going downhill these days.

wcbryant 08-22-2005 03:58 PM

Without boring you with the details, I can tell you I totally understand in personal real-world terms in regards to life's downswings.

Not trying to pressure you at all, so please don't think otherwise. Wish I could help in some way, but I have zero aptitude when it comes to these coding issues. Kirby (for example) picked up vBookie and ran with it, did a great job, and maybe he (or someone like him) would be willing to back you up on the issues holding AWS back. I'd be happy to look around for someone to help, if you would find that useful, but I don't want to presume anything -- either on your end, or Kirby's, or anyone else's. So I'm also entirely content to wait as long as you need, I only spoke up and asked for a status just to see if someone had indeed stepped up to take some of the burden off of you.

I do hope things pick up and improve for you.


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Sorry, no one is helping and I haven't made much progress on this issue. I spend 5 days at the hospital last week with one of my twins being there for some infection of the tonsils, and as I explained, when they are at home, it is not easy to work on the hack.

I also have some financial issues to deal with, so you understand that life can be rough. Plus, I have a project running for my own site (testing some new toys), which takes whatever free time I have, so I do not expect any work to be done on AWS, before September.

However, the good news is that the warning/view warnings and admin things are OK, as far as I can say. If I can figure out how the hooks should be distributed, that part can soon be released as a beta version. Then, all that remains is for the Automatic Warnings from posts and PMs to be implemented, as well as the new Notes thing I added lately.

Sorry folks, it's just that my life is going downhill these days.

Andreas 08-23-2005 12:37 PM

If you want, I can take a look into this.

wcbryant 08-27-2005 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
If you want, I can take a look into this.

Lol, see Kirby, now I'm going to have to reference you in some obscure forum on another site to see if you show up there too. :nervous:

sv1cec 09-06-2005 05:42 AM


Just an upgrade on this:

It looks as if the release of AWS 3.5 (AWS version for vB 3.5) will not take place at least in the foreseeable future.

I have too many things in my hands right now, even though the twins are back to school, which take every single minute of my free time (and then some). Kirby's offer to help didn't produce any results, I've emailed him the files (changes) some time ago, but haven't heard back from him, so I assume that he is occupied with other matters.

And even though the non-automatic warning things are all in place, I have no idea how to distribute the changes (all hook ups and xml), so unless someone takes over to help me out, I think AWS will remain a 3.0.x version only.


Andreas 09-06-2005 05:47 AM

I am waiting for a Feedback from Jelsoft regarding a Bug in vBulletin.
Depending on if they change the Code or not it is possible to make a Plugin - or not.
Therefore I didn't answer back yet.

sv1cec 09-06-2005 05:53 AM


Nice hearing from you! At least this project is not yet dead.

Please keep me in the loop.

Kind regards

wcbryant 09-06-2005 08:46 AM

Thanks for the update, both of you.

Andreas 09-07-2005 05:21 AM

I got a positive reply from Jelsoft :)
This means it will not require any File Edits.
Currently, I got everything packaged as a Product but there are a few things (PM handling, WOL, etc.) that are not implemented yet - but should be ready today.

If you want, I can take over support for the vB 3.5 Version as long as you don't have time.

Andreas 09-07-2005 05:58 AM

Automatic Post warning seems to be working ... somewhat :D


You have been warned for one of your posts, which violated Testboard Rules. The reason you have been warned is because:

Warning for posting stuff like ****, ****, etc.
It's really great that the censor does censor the words so they are unreadable in the waring pm, lol :D

TosaInu 09-07-2005 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec

Nice hearing from you! At least this project is not yet dead.

Please keep me in the loop.

Kind regards

Hopefully fixed in RC3 KirbyDE.

Andreas 09-07-2005 03:55 PM

Automatic warning stuff fully implemented, seems to work
Preapring Install Codes and Instructions

sv1cec 09-07-2005 05:09 PM

That's perfect, very good news KirbyDE, appreciated very much.!!!!

Zachery 09-07-2005 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by KirbyDE
Automatic warning stuff fully implemented, seems to work
Preapring Install Codes and Instructions

Good to hear kirby.

Andreas 09-07-2005 06:17 PM

Packaging is complete, now testing if installation does work on another system.
But I have to leave now (going to work), will test tomorrow.
On RC2 one File Edit will be necessary due to a Bug in vBulletin, RC3 should be edit-free.

sv1cec 09-07-2005 06:29 PM


Have you included all the hooks in the installation script you are preparing? Also, will the script create the tables and settings etc?


Zachery 09-07-2005 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec

Have you included all the hooks in the installation script you are preparing? Also, will the script create the tables and settings etc?


John have you had the time to look at how the product system works in 3.5? Its basicly an included installer routine system ;) the product takes care of everything.

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