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WreckRman2 02-14-2001 10:00 PM

An update to the hack posted by chrispadfield at http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...threadid=8582.


1. Modified the look of page to match that of the email page.

2. Added select fields to send message to.

4. Fixed $adminuser and set to a hidden field.


PHP Code:





  if (
$action=="") {

"<p>In the private message, you may use \$username, \$password and \$email.</p>";


"<tr><td colspan=2><b>Private message to users where:</b></td></tr>\n";
makeinputcode("User Name contains","ausername");
  if (
$pwdincp!=0) {
makeinputcode("and password contains","apassword");
makechoosercode("and usergroup is","usergroupid","usergroup",-1,"Any");
makeinputcode("and email contains","aemail");
makeinputcode("and parent's email contains","parentemail");
makeinputcode("and is coppa user (yes, no, blank for don't mind)","coppauser");
makeinputcode("and homepage contains","homepage");
makeinputcode("and ICQ Number contains","icq");
makeinputcode("and AIM Handle contains","aim");
makeinputcode("and Yahoo Messenger Handle contains","yahoo");
makeinputcode("and Biography contains","biography");
makeinputcode("and Signature contains","signature");
makeinputcode("and User Title contains","usertitle");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindateafter");
makeinputcode("and Join Date is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd, leave blank for today)","joindatebefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Visit is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastvisitbefore");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is after<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostafter");
makeinputcode("and Last Post is before<br>(Format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, leave blank for today)","lastpostbefore");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is greater than","postslower");
makeinputcode("and Number of Posts is less than","postsupper");


if (
$action=="masspm") {   

if (
$condition=="") {

    if (
$ausername!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(username,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."')>0";
    if (
$apassword!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(password,'".addslashes($apassword)."')>0";
    if (
$usergroupid!=-and $usergroupid!="") {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid=$usergroupid";
    if (
$aemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(email,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aemail))."')>0";
    if (
$parentemail!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(parentemail,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($parentemail))."')>0";
    if (
$coppauser=="yes") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=1";
    if (
$coppauser=="no") {
$condition.=" AND coppauser=0";
    if (
$homepage!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(homepage,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($homepage))."')>0";
    if (
$icq!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(icq,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($icq))."')>0";
    if (
$aim!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(aim,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($aim))."')>0";
    if (
$yahoo!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(yahoo,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($yahoo))."')>0";
    if (
$biography!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(biography,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($biography))."')>0";
    if (
$signature!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(signature,'".addslashes($signature)."')>0";
    if (
$usertitle!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(usertitle,'".addslashes($usertitle)."')>0";
    if (
$joindateafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindateafter)."')";
    if (
$joindatebefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND joindate<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($joindatebefore)."')";
    if (
$lastvisitafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitafter)."')";
    if (
$lastvisitbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastvisit<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastvisitbefore)."')";
    if (
$lastpostafter!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost>UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostafter)."')";
    if (
$lastpostbefore!="") {
$condition.=" AND lastpost<UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".addslashes($lastpostbefore)."')";
    if (
$postslower!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts>'$postslower'";
    if (
$postsupper!="") {
$condition.=" AND posts<'$postsupper'";

$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid,username,password,email FROM user WHERE $condition");
    while (
$user=$DB_site->fetch_array($users)) {


$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL, '0', '$user[userid]', '$user[userid]', '$fromuserid', '".addslashes($title)."', '".addslashes($message)."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '1', '0', '0')");
"PM sent to $user[userid] <br>";


02-15-2001 09:00 AM

oh wicked, glad someone made these changes, saved me doing it ;)

02-15-2001 12:49 PM

very nice man :)
thanks alot..

02-15-2001 05:28 PM

Wow, that was quick and easy --

Is there anyway you can limit who it gets sent to?
(using the last visited, or join date fields)

Our board is over a year old and I just sent all these old users a test message which is a waste since they are long gone. Since my board is event based, if they are gone for more than a few months they probablyaren't coming back (which is fine!):)

02-15-2001 07:05 PM

me2be, it is just a matter of ammending the SELECT user line and adding an extra condition after WHERE. I will try and get the exact command i don't know how to do it with dates at the moment but someone might.

02-15-2001 07:08 PM

How about an addition, to MassPM a specific group so you can send to lets say only moderators, I think that would be nice.

02-15-2001 08:19 PM

I have updated the code which adds the select user statments. Also removed the icons as they really aren't needed... Enjoy!

02-15-2001 08:31 PM

What does this mean? It still shows the forum underneath the errors:

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/masspm.php:2) in /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/global.php on line 68

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/masspm.php:2) in /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/global.php on line 69

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/masspm.php:2) in /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/global.php on line 70

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/masspm.php:2) in /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/global.php on line 71

Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/masspm.php:2) in /usr/local/etc/httpd/***/admin/global.php on line 128

02-15-2001 08:43 PM

Not sure why you would get header errors... Maybe you have a space on the first line of your code?

Try the zipped file attached below...

02-15-2001 08:56 PM

Yay!!! It worked!!!!! ** happy dance **

02-15-2001 10:44 PM

I have updated this as well if anyone is interested, here is a screen shot and I added it to the control panel. I eliminated the other queries such as lastpost etc.. since I was only lookin to Mass PM a group or all groups. Here it is:

PHP Code:





  if (
$action=="") {

"<p>In the private message, you may use \$username, \$password and \$email.</p>";

"<tr><td colspan=2><b>Private message to groups where:</b></td></tr>\n";
  if (
$pwdincp!=0) {
makeinputcode("and password contains","apassword");
makechoosercode("Usergroup is:","usergroupid","usergroup",-1,"Any");


if (
$action=="masspm") {   

if (
$condition=="") {

    if (
$ausername!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(username,'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($ausername))."')>0";
    if (
$apassword!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(password,'".addslashes($apassword)."')>0";
    if (
$usergroupid!=-and $usergroupid!="") {
$condition.=" AND usergroupid=$usergroupid";
    if (
$usertitle!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(usertitle,'".addslashes($usertitle)."')>0";


$users=$DB_site->query("SELECT userid,username,password,email FROM user WHERE $condition");
    while (
$user=$DB_site->fetch_array($users)) {


$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL, '0', '$user[userid]', '$user[userid]', '$fromuserid', '".addslashes($title)."', '".addslashes($message)."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '1', '0', '0')");
"PM sent to $user[userid] <br>";


Here is the control panel addition:

find this in admin/index.php below "User Groups and Permissions:

add this above it:

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr bgcolor="#3F3849"><td><font color="#BCB6CD">
<b>Mass Private Message</b>
<a href="masspm.php"> Create Message </a> |

Here is the pic:

02-16-2001 07:49 AM

needs to be ammeneded to send to just moderators though as moderators arn't a usergroup anymore.

02-16-2001 08:08 AM


Originally posted by chrispadfield
moderators arn't a usergroup anymore.
(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation [edit][list all users]
Administrator [edit][list all users]
Moderators [edit] [remove][list all users]
Registered [edit][list all users]
Super Moderator [edit][list all users]
Unregistered / Not Logged In [edit][list all users]
Users Awaiting Email Confirmation [edit][list all users]

That's all folks

They are on my forum...?

02-16-2001 01:15 PM

Actually.. Unless you move them into a group on your own they are all set to the Registered User's Group when you upgrade. Moderator permissions are handled through a separate moderators table now.

03-01-2001 02:59 PM

I sent a test message to my moderators' user group last night, which is 5 people. To test it out, I included the $username, $password, and $email variables as it says you can. When it was sent out, instead of doing the person's the message was going to, all 5 messages had the info of the first person it was sent to.

i.e. I sent it to users 5, 49, 65, 100, 105 and in all of them it put the info for user 5.

Any ideas?

Thanks for a great hack otherwise. :)

03-02-2001 03:46 PM






(add slashes before $ otherwise it will parse as a var) :-)

03-02-2001 11:00 PM

I don't understand how to install this hack?
  • Upload masspm.php
  • Then I get lost?

03-03-2001 12:01 AM

that is it, the run masspm.php.

I used wreckman's and it went pearshaped and did not send the message for some reason so had to use my old one to do it. Not sure what the bug is but something not quite right i don't think?

TechTalk 04-14-2001 04:00 PM



kreker 05-06-2001 10:21 AM

all right! works fine

The Realist 07-28-2001 09:50 AM

I have done the below but still getting the problem were the first name in the first message is being sent in all PM'ed messages.



Originally posted by marl





(add slashes before $ otherwise it will parse as a var) :-)


fury 07-31-2001 06:44 PM

That is what I am experiencing too

Also, with the next update to this script, if possible could you make an "Are you sure" screen that allows you to select which users should and should not receive the message?

The Realist 07-31-2001 06:48 PM

Solved the problem by running the repair script.

veedee 08-01-2001 07:15 AM

great hack !!!

I havent used it yet as i havent thought of a good enough subject to PM my users with !!!

here is a screen shot !!


Dioxin 08-16-2001 09:22 AM

ok, found the error regarding the username not correctly parsed:

change this on:

PHP Code:


$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL, '0', '$user[userid]', '$user[userid]', '$fromuserid', '".addslashes($title)."', '".addslashes($message)."', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '1', '0', '0')"); 

to this one:

PHP Code:


$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL,'0','$user[userid]','$user[userid]','$fromuserid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($title))."','".addslashes($messagetosend)."',".time().",'1','0','0')"); 


DarkReaper 08-21-2001 12:45 AM


Originally posted by The Realist
Solved the problem by running the repair script.
What repair script? I get the problem where if I have a message with something like "Your username: $username" then it says the username of me(id = 1). I've got a slash before the $ on each one of them...

JoshFink 08-21-2001 12:52 AM

Is there an updated version with all the fixes?



butty 08-26-2001 09:04 PM

yeah i wouldnt mind installin this one but with all the changes and stuff its baffled me a bit so il have 2 leave it for the sake of my forum!!!!!

Pulsorock 08-26-2001 09:48 PM

I install this, but it doesn't parsed the information (username, email, password). I also noticed that the user doesn't get a msg pop-up even when they specified to get a pop-up when new PM arrive.

Nam 11-04-2001 11:30 PM

is there new version for 2.2.0?

I've just install it to my new version 2.2.0, it works perfectly, just have some suggestions.

1. "search for pass" is meangless now, since new version has encrypted pass, please remove it.

2. We really need Save function that keep all of our mass PM to users in Send Folder box. To keep for the record.

KarateKid 12-09-2001 08:11 PM

does it work for 2.2.1 ?

Mystics 02-10-2002 01:33 PM

I have adjusted the script a little bit.
It's now nearly the same as the "Send eMail to users"-Feature, so now you can test the process before sending and all variables get replaced correct.

The Script works perfect for vBulletin 2.2.x!

I have attached the script (German an English version!) to this Posting.


2. We really need Save function that keep all of our mass PM to users in Send Folder box. To keep for the record.
To save the sent PM in the Send Folder Box of the Admin who sent the PM, do the following (referring to my version of the script):

PHP Code:

    echo "<p><b>All done!</b></p>"

and replace it with:
PHP Code:

    echo "<p><b>All done!</b></p>";
    if (!
$test) {
$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL,'-1','$fromuserid','$fromuserid','$fromuserid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject))."','".addslashes($sendmessage)."',".time().",'1','0','0')");

Small update (changed code order)

Updated the archive with new versions (Bugfix + Automatic redirect Feature when sending over several pages.)

Updated the archive with new versions (Bugfix + eMail Feature)


Jawelin 02-11-2002 08:20 AM

Thanks a lot. Very cool!

Actually there are - in your masspm.php - two lines with
<b>All done!</b> (one for first page, another for the multiple pages option)

Which of them should I replace with the above INSERT to save the PM in the outbox ?

Besides, the INSERT itself contains three identical values:
Is it right (I shall not save the single target of each message...) ?
Hwr. that variable is NEVER defined anywhere :stupid: :stupid:


Jawelin 02-11-2002 09:49 AM

Sorry Mystics, but I definetively think your insert queries
PHP Code:

$sql=$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid, folderid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread) VALUES (NULL,'0','$user[userid]','$user[userid]','$fromuserid','".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject))."','".addslashes($sendmessage)."',".time().",'1','0','0')"); 

and the other you specified two posts above, should be replaced with something like:
PHP Code:

// insert message in inbox of the receiver 
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid,userid,touserid,fromuserid,title,message,dateline,showsignature,iconid,messageread,folderid,receipt) VALUES (NULL,$user[userid],$user[userid],$bbuserinfo[userid],'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject))."','".addslashes($sendmessage)."',".time().",'1',0,0,0,0)");

// insert message in outbox of the sender 
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (privatemessageid,userid,touserid,fromuserid,title,message,dateline,showsignature,iconid,messageread,folderid,receipt) VALUES (NULL,$bbuserinfo[userid],$user[userid],$bbuserinfo[userid],'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject))."','".addslashes($sendmessage)."',".time().",'1',0,0,-1,0)"); 

What do you think about ?


Mystics 02-11-2002 10:04 AM


Originally posted by Jawelin
Actually there are - in your masspm.php - two lines with
<b>All done!</b> (one for first page, another for the multiple pages option)

This line does not appear two times!!!

There is one line with <b>All done!</b> and one line with <p><b>All done!</b></p> and as I wrote you should replace the second one!

Originally posted by Jawelin
Besides, the INSERT itself contains three identical values:
Is it right (I shall not save the single target of each message...) ?
Hwr. that variable is NEVER defined anywhere :stupid: :stupid:

This variable is defined!
PHP Code:


But you are right, you may replace $fromuserid with $bbuserid....I just have taken this from the original "hack".

The reason why this variable appears three times in the "Save-Sent-PM-in-My-Outbox" Feature is simple: you are the sender of the pm, you are the receiver of the pm and the PM belongs to you, so all userids have to be of course the same.

I have tested all of this before I posted it, so just believe me, it works! :rolleyes:

Jawelin 02-11-2002 11:21 AM

Thnx for having cleaned out.

bluecat 06-12-2002 02:12 PM

Great hack. I'm wondering, is there a way to put to this in my control panel for easy access (rather then enter the url manually)? Thanks.

Mystics 06-12-2002 02:18 PM


Originally posted by bluecat
Great hack. I'm wondering, is there a way to put to this in my control panel for easy access (rather then enter the url manually)? Thanks.
Open admin/index.php

PHP Code:

makenavoption("Email Users","email.php?action=start","<br>"); 

Add below it:
PHP Code:

makenavoption("Send PM to Users","masspm.php?action=start","<br>"); 

JoshFink 07-12-2002 05:40 PM

The only problem I see so far with this is that it does not send out a notification email if when someone receives a PM. Is there a way to fix this?



Mystics 07-12-2002 05:55 PM


Originally posted by JoshFink
The only problem I see so far with this is that it does not send out a notification email if when someone receives a PM. Is there a way to fix this?
I have replaced my attachment with the new version.

I have done the eMail Feature + Bugfix long time ago, sorry ;)


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