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imported_Eye Kay 02-17-2003 04:35 AM

Updadting your VB versions.. Why?.. Talk about it here
I say.. Why do you have to update it EVERYTIME they push a new one (which seems like once a week). I say updates should go like this (considering you started with v1).. convert at 2.0.0.. convert at 2.2.5.. convert at 3.0..

Thats if you need to stay on the safe-side...
I see this board runs 2.2.6, and I see LOADS of boards that have been arround for ages that are still at 2.1X, etc... and their fine.

Vbulletin dosn't generally have BIG mistakes on any releases, they only patch up things that most people don't even notice. For most people it isn't even worth while to convert unless you've got the time, and know-how...
I just backup my SQL and files everynight.. I've been hacked 4times.. and the site always came back up as-was the night before

Brad 02-17-2003 04:39 AM


I've been hacked 4times..
you answered your own question ;)

imported_Eye Kay 02-17-2003 05:05 AM

No, not really... My hacks weren't on the VB, they were the entire site..
[edit] My entire site was hacked, not the VB*

Tony G 02-17-2003 05:20 AM

They could have done it through your vB, you never know.

imported_Eye Kay 02-17-2003 07:01 AM

True, but regardless, it really wouldn't matter what version of vB I'm running, the security issues are never THAT great with VB, which is the reason they sell it for 160dollars.
I recoment updates for people who have the time, and know-how, and for those users who can't afford to EVER be hacked into.

Remember, Nothing on the internet is hack-proof, you just have to be careful and take precaution

Creative210 02-17-2003 08:02 AM

So what your saying is vb is kinda like windows...just give the people a new flavor (look)...and people might buy it?

Tony G 02-17-2003 08:31 AM


Originally posted by Eye Kay
True, but regardless, it really wouldn't matter what version of vB I'm running, the security issues are never THAT great with VB, which is the reason they sell it for 160dollars.
I recoment updates for people who have the time, and know-how, and for those users who can't afford to EVER be hacked into.

Remember, Nothing on the internet is hack-proof, you just have to be careful and take precaution

You're wrong, any security hole is a big one. It doesn't matter. If they can penetrate your vB it's one hole. These bugs are somewhat made public and if people know that there are bugs in older versions of vB then there's always that little risk.

Small, but significant.

imported_Eye Kay 02-17-2003 06:38 PM

^ Very true, you have a good point.

But, I feel very safe just backing up my files.. and I find it (for me) better then updating every month or so.
Just look at www.RapMusic.com - they have over 64,000 members, and their still running 2.2.6, I talk with the owner, all he does is back up his SQL, and all his HTML files..

Yes, it is the "smart" decision to update all the time. But for most people it's not the more realistic one..

On to the next subject... Who here thinks that VB is going to runn out of numbers before they finally release 3.0? I say their going to start using letters after they get to "2.9.9" lol.

filburt1 02-17-2003 06:42 PM

A rap music forum running an old version of vB just reinforces the concept that rap is a retarded form of entertainment.

imported_Eye Kay 02-17-2003 06:52 PM

Rap may be a "retarded form of entertainment", but I would gladly be labled a retard if I was getting that much money ;)

Tony G 02-18-2003 02:59 AM


Originally posted by filburt1
A rap music forum running an old version of vB just reinforces the concept that rap is a retarded form of entertainment.
LOL! Makes sense. :p

Brad 02-18-2003 07:28 AM


But, I feel very safe just backing up my files.. and I find it (for me) better then updating every month or so.
Just look at www.RapMusic.com - they have over 64,000 members, and their still running 2.2.6, I talk with the owner, all he does is back up his SQL, and all his HTML files..

Yes, it is the "smart" decision to update all the time. But for most people it's not the more realistic one..
Then this is really a question of 'sould i upgrade a hacked board?', because it sould be a realistic option for anyone not running hacks, because all you have to do is upload the new files, and in most cases run a script to update the db schema/import new templates.

If you have a hacked board i can understand skiping minor releases without security holes in them, however if you hack you sould understand how to upgrade your board without to much tourble. The current version of kousetsu runs about 20 custom/pre made hacks and i upgrade every version via beyound compare.

Running 2.2.6 now a days is just asking for tourble, it may be true that you back up the DB and files everyday but think of all the tourble you could save yourself if you just took a hour or so to upgrade your hacked board. I only back up once every week and a half because im on 56k. So upgrading saves me time and worry.


A rap music forum running an old version of vB just reinforces the concept that rap is a retarded form of entertainment.
haha :)

Tony G 02-18-2003 07:51 AM

Beyond Compare is a great program for upgrading hacked files.

You can get it here:


pawel 02-18-2003 12:13 PM


Originally posted by filburt1
A rap music forum running an old version of vB just reinforces the concept that rap is a retarded form of entertainment.
And what kind of crap do you listen too, wannabe angry teens? ;) If you have any security hole it's a huge issue, that's why you should always upgrade. As 2.3 is a release candidate and VB3 is soon to come out I probably will not upgrade this time even though I should.

Lain Iwakura 02-18-2003 06:02 PM

:P off topic, rap does suck :P punk all the way baby

i update my vb for one reason only: i love the pretty numbers :P

imported_Eye Kay 02-18-2003 07:40 PM

1). Hip-hop (not "rap") is the BEST form of music to this date...
Punk is OKAY, but I'd much rather listen to someone letting their emotions loose on a beat with a real nice, clean baseline..
then hear some skroney kid screaming his lungs out, saying words that some of us arn't even sure are words.. sometimes I just think they lose their breath and forget the words at the same time.. Not to mention that 90% of the background music is just clashing, which CAN be good, but usually isn't.
But lets not talk about hip-hop being SOOOOOOOOOO much better then punk, or any foarm of music for that matter.

That site which is running 2.2.7 has been up since 99', and has been using 2.2.7 since it's release, I've never noticed a hack.
Now, as for updating, yes.. you SHOULD do it, but I don't think it's really all that nessicary to do it EVERY tme VB releases an update.
Personally, I don't like doing it, especially because I have to re-install alot of hacks, and 'til now I didn't know there was a program that did it for you.

filburt1 02-18-2003 07:56 PM

Rap, by definition (literally), is not music. Rap is just a bunch of retarded jobless losers whining about their lives and bragging about the violent crimes they've committed and stuff that they've sniffed.

pawel 02-18-2003 10:04 PM


Originally posted by filburt1
Rap, by definition (literally), is not music. Rap is just a bunch of retarded jobless losers whining about their lives and bragging about the violent crimes they've committed and stuff that they've sniffed.
Obviously you've never listened to a rap song before. You know what kind of people I think are "retarded jobless losers "? The kinds that will make a stupid comment based on stereotype instead of researching the subject they are commenting on.

filburt1 02-18-2003 10:20 PM

What's your birthday (including year)?

Brad 02-18-2003 10:37 PM

Why dose age even matter..?

filburt1 02-18-2003 10:44 PM

I was going to say that I at least graduated high school if that helped my argument :p

Brad 02-18-2003 10:45 PM

I dont think that would have helped a thing.

Rufus69 02-18-2003 10:52 PM

because he would just say "F*ck you b****!" like all the other rappers ;)

pawel 02-18-2003 10:55 PM

That's a pretty dumb question as age has nothing to do with it but my birthday is 10-3-81, if you must know. Also I did graduate High School and I own my own internet business, so that doesn't help you eighter. Your comment was one of the dumbest comments I ever heard as you did not provide any evidance to support your opinion. If you like I can post 1,000 different points that disaprove your stupid comment.

pawel 02-18-2003 10:58 PM


Originally posted by Rufus69
because he would just say "F*ck you b****!" like all the other rappers ;)
Yes, cause that's how rappers make a few million dollars a year, by saying "F*ck you b****" to all the different record labels, advertising firms, and movie companies that hire them. I don't know the last time you got a job by saying "F*ck you b****" to the interviewer, if you like you can try, Good luck.

filburt1 02-18-2003 11:12 PM

[high]* filburt1 bans him just for spite :D


pawel 02-18-2003 11:16 PM


Originally posted by filburt1
[high]* thehotweb bans him just for spite :D


Just to make sure everyone kows this, I am trying to have a good debate here about wether rap music is what people think it is. No hard feelings or anything like that against anyone that participates in this. ;) I jumped on you because you made an accusation without providing any evidance. So if you can provide some evidance please do, this can be a good debate :).

filburt1 02-18-2003 11:19 PM

It's all opinion anyway so you can't have any "evidence." Just riling things up a bit :p

pawel 02-18-2003 11:20 PM


Originally posted by filburt1
It's all opinion anyway so you can't have any "evidence." Just riling things up a bit :p
Well my opinion is that that was a pretty stupid opinion :).

Lain Iwakura 02-19-2003 12:19 AM


Originally posted by Eye Kay
1). Hip-hop (not "rap") is the BEST form of music to this date...
Punk is OKAY, but I'd much rather listen to someone letting their emotions loose on a beat with a real nice, clean baseline..
then hear some skroney kid screaming his lungs out, saying words that some of us arn't even sure are words.. sometimes I just think they lose their breath and forget the words at the same time.. Not to mention that 90% of the background music is just clashing, which CAN be good, but usually isn't.
But lets not talk about hip-hop being SOOOOOOOOOO much better then punk, or any foarm of music for that matter.

That site which is running 2.2.7 has been up since 99', and has been using 2.2.7 since it's release, I've never noticed a hack.
Now, as for updating, yes.. you SHOULD do it, but I don't think it's really all that nessicary to do it EVERY tme VB releases an update.
Personally, I don't like doing it, especially because I have to re-install alot of hacks, and 'til now I didn't know there was a program that did it for you.

Download a song by either Green Day, Dashboard Confessional, or The Juliana Theory. You obviously dont know what punk is...punk is some kind of song to a rythem, where the lyrics can make you laugh. Take for instance the sweater song by weezer:
Who i, i think, i sink, and i die! if you want to distroy my sweater, pull this thread as i walk away, as i walk away, watch me unravel, i'll soon be naked, lying on the floor, i've come undone.
Or maybe emo (emotionaly charged punk):
And this bitter pill is leaving you with such an angry mouth, one that's void of all discretion, such an awful tearing sound, with it's measure only equiled by the power of my stare, bearing over you and over you this feeling of dispare.
What you would be refering to (head banging music :P) would be maybe heavy metal, or grunge. Look it up some day :P


Originally posted by filburt1
Rap, by definition (literally), is not music. Rap is just a bunch of retarded jobless losers whining about their lives and bragging about the violent crimes they've committed and stuff that they've sniffed.
You know, your actualy right, rap came from...rap sheet probably lol. a series of crimes in your history... o.o sounds like eminem! XD


Tony G 02-19-2003 03:29 AM

My opinion is rap is okay, but I don't like listening to it in big doses or ever be a fan of it again. :p

Rufus69 02-19-2003 11:13 AM

yeah, I don't take it at large doses but I don't turn the radio off if some rap comes on. :)


Originally posted by thehotweb

Yes, cause that's how rappers make a few million dollars a year, by saying "F*ck you b****" to all the different record labels, advertising firms, and movie companies that hire them. I don't know the last time you got a job by saying "F*ck you b****" to the interviewer, if you like you can try, Good luck.

That's how I got my job...:(:(

Creative210 02-19-2003 01:53 PM


Originally posted by Tony
My opinion is rap is okay, but I don't like listening to it in big doses or ever be a fan of it again. :p
Raps ok....R&B can get really repediative, really repediative, really repediative at times. ;)

imported_bharvey42 02-19-2003 02:28 PM


Originally posted by angelus0

Download a song by either Green Day, Dashboard Confessional, or The Juliana Theory. You obviously dont know what punk is...punk is some kind of song to a rythem, where the lyrics can make you laugh.

You know, your actualy right, rap came from...rap sheet probably lol. a series of crimes in your history... o.o sounds like eminem! XD


Another one of those kids, that think they know what punk is. You don't know what punk is, punk is dead and has been dead.

Emo is just a bunch of pus*ies crying.

I rather listen to rap that that crap. As far as retards attempting poetry that just shows your lack of intelligence. Eminem's rap sheet ain't that big either. You think Eminem can't rap go listen to The Sauce, that's skill. Not somebody talking about who they shot or what drugs they did.

Brad 02-19-2003 02:33 PM

Id rather listen to metal and not care what everyone else thinks :) ;)

Creative210 02-19-2003 03:06 PM


Originally posted by bharvey42

Another one of those kids, that think they know what punk is. You don't know what punk is, punk is dead and has been dead.

Emo is just a bunch of pus*ies crying.

I rather listen to rap that that crap. As far as retards attempting poetry that just shows your lack of intelligence. Eminem's rap sheet ain't that big either. You think Eminem can't rap go listen to The Sauce, that's skill. Not somebody talking about who they shot or what drugs they did.

Your very opinionated, I enjoy EMO & Punk, weither the cry or not the bands I listen to can put on a hell of a preformance.

ok this is off topic.

Lain Iwakura 02-19-2003 10:13 PM


Originally posted by bharvey42

Another one of those kids, that think they know what punk is. You don't know what punk is, punk is dead and has been dead.

Emo is just a bunch of pus*ies crying.

I rather listen to rap that that crap. As far as retards attempting poetry that just shows your lack of intelligence. Eminem's rap sheet ain't that big either. You think Eminem can't rap go listen to The Sauce, that's skill. Not somebody talking about who they shot or what drugs they did.

i never said that eminem cant rap, i said that rap sucks. and i dont care how short eminem's rap sheet is, just listen to his songs. his daughter helping him throw his dead wife's body off a pier? yeah right, i'm sorry, but that's just wrong. and if you think i dont know what punk is, you truely are a retard. and dont make fun of emo :P

Tony G 02-19-2003 10:38 PM

Okay lets not get personal here. ;)

I used to like Eminem, and it was him who drived me out of liking rap 2 years ago. Things get annoying, and he was one.

Lain Iwakura 02-19-2003 11:07 PM

yeah, i used to like rap awhile ago too... now it just sucks.

Brad 02-19-2003 11:13 PM

I still listen to some rap on odd days, if you have a pair of subs that can push its not to bad ;). Then again i have mp3's upon mp3's that can out do any rap song when it comes to bass.

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