filburt1 |
12-15-2002 10:00 PM |
[release] PAPI, a phpinclude API
Version 1.0.9
to download PAPI, see the attached several posts down
Author: filburt1
Description: The swiss army knife of the phpinclude template. A phpinclude API that allows for simpler and more readable coding of phpinclude mods. By itself, PAPI doesn't do anything. You have to write or use mods that are powered by it to actually do something.
Screenshot/Demo: n/a
DO NOT REMOVE THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE INCLUDED WITH PAPI! "Some template modifications powered by PAPI" must appear in your header or footer so I can get some recognition for writing the near-1000 lines by scratch.
Installation instructions are included in the PAPI download.
Mods that use PAPI: (reply to this thread if a mod is missing)
Features and the actual mod coming up in the next few posts.
1.0.9 (3/9/03)
Bug fixes in floodcheck() when checking simultaneously for threads and replies
1.0.8 (3/8/03)- floodcheck() can now efficiently check for flooding of both replies and threads at the same time
- Various bug fixes, tweaks, and comment edits
1.0.7 (3/8/03)- Behavior change for floodcheck(); now is inclusive for $count instead of exclusive
- functions to ban a user, and (given a userid) lock all threads, hide all threads, delete all threads including their replies, delete all posts, hide all posts, and split all posts into one thread added
1.0.6 (3/5/03)- Automatic syntax check implicitly made (errors will reference the correct line numbers in papi.php should you choose to made errors); adding papisyntaxcheck=1 has no effect anymore
- Various bug and security fixes
- PAPI now encapsulated in its own file for theoretically drastically improved performance and a much less crowded phpinclude template
- englishboolean() added; returns a string version of a boolean value
- floodcheck() added for an upcoming mod; returns true if a given user has posted more than a given number of threads/replies in a given time period
- Extra small functions added
1.0.5 (12/26/02):- Bug fix in mysqlresultlessquery() (bug exists only in PAPI 1.0.3 and 1.0.4). Before the fix, mysqlresultlessquery() might echo a PHP error referencing mysql_fetch_array() and db_mysql.php.
- updatethreadtitlecache() redocumented and new feature added; updating by threadid is now possible.
1.0.4 (12/23/02):- function added: cleanstring(). This takes a string and runs it through the censor and then converts HTML characters to their entities to avoid HTML injection.
- function added: prettydate(). Given a date, formats it using vbdate and optionally even the {timecolor} replacement
- Existing functions converted to use cleanstring() instead of htmlspecialchars(censortext()).
1.0.3 (12/19/02):- debug mode consolidated; now a single constant (PAPI_DEBUG_MODE) defines all debugging messages to be on or off globally. As a result, the first argument ($unused, previously $debugmode) in updatethreadtitlecache() is ignored and is now deprecated and runs the risk of being removed in 1.1.0.
- Global query counter; $papiquerycount increments every time you call one of PAPI's mysql...() functions.
- Function mysqlresulthandle() added (see the function's comments for details). This allows for simple queries to be included in $papiquerycounter
1.0.2 (12/16/02): provided enhanced copyright notice and version number to the actual code for clarity (no functional changes)
1.0.1 (12/16/02): fixed HTML injection issues with updatethreadtitlecache
1.0.0 (12/16/02): initial release