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Brad 06-06-2005 10:00 PM

[How to] Install Plug-ins/Hooks
1 Attachment(s)
This is a basic guide to installing plug-in's via the admin cp written for newbies :)

[high]What you should have[/high]

All plug-in's require one thing, a .xml that contains the plug-in name, php code, and hook location. In most cases this file will be named plugin_name.xml but some authors may not change the file name and use the default vbulletin-plugins.xml filename.

Some plug-in's may require you to run SQL queries on the database before you can use them, you can find instructions on how to do this in Logician's "How to install a vBulletin Hack" thread found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=39142

[high]Installing the Plug-in[/high]

This is a very simple process, browse to the download/upload plug-in's page in your admin cp (located at http://www.yoururl.com/forum/admincp...n.php?do=files)

See the first attachment for a picture of the page I'm talking about :)

In the "Import Plugin Definitions XML File" table locate the "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer" columns and click on the browse button. A new window will pop up, locate the plug-in.xml file on your hard-drive and select it. Click the 'Import' button. Your plug-in is now active.

If the .xml file is large and you are worried about php time outs you can upload it to the /xml/ folder in your forum root, then insert the correct filename/path in the "OR import the XML file from your server" column.

Next thing you will want to do is browse to the plug-in manager page (located at http://www.yoururl.com/forum/admincp....php?do=modify) and make sure your newly added plug-in's are active.

See second attachment for a pic.

I almost forgot, if your plug-in's are set up correctly but not working make sure you have the global vBoption for the plug-in system set to enabled. You can find this option in the admin cp by browsing to vBoptions -> Select Plugin/Hook System from menu -> Set Enable Plugin/Hook System to yes.

That is all it is to it! :)

Andreas 06-10-2005 03:49 AM

If you ever face major problems with your plugins and can't get into AdminCP to disable them:

PHP Code:


in config.php.

This will disable the whole plugins system, no matter what the ACP setting is.

Paul M 06-10-2005 03:52 AM

This actually exists ? - only it appeared as a suggestion on vb.com a few minutes ago ???

Andreas 06-10-2005 03:54 AM

Yeah, that was my fault - I didn't read the files carefully enough ;)

southernlady 06-10-2005 05:24 PM

What about the Hook Location part? Where does that fit in? Liz

Borimikan 07-09-2005 01:59 PM

I was trying to find the Pluging/hook on my AdminCP, but I do notr have it.. Im running 3.0.7.. Do i need to do something?

xxskullxx 07-09-2005 05:41 PM

It only exists in 3.5

TitanKing 07-13-2005 09:00 AM

Yea this is one of the major changes VB 3.5.0 offers...

WNxWakko 09-11-2005 10:32 PM

I am wondering, do upgrades partially wipeout plugins or are plugins pretty much safe from having to fix it to work on the next upgrade?

Andreas 09-11-2005 10:33 PM

As long as Hooks aren't removed/necessary Objects/Variables for the Plugins changed they will continue to work just fine.

WNxWakko 09-11-2005 10:36 PM

ok so basically when 3.5 final is out and I begin installing all kinds of plugins and then they release 3.5.1 I can upgrade with no worries that my plugin will stop working.

Andreas 09-11-2005 10:40 PM

Well ... could happen, but chances shouldn't be that high.

BANDiT600 09-29-2005 09:21 PM

Brad, what they doing, I mean plugins.

Marco van Herwaarden 09-30-2005 03:22 AM

I am not Brad, but will still try to answer:
Plugins are small pieces of custom code, that get executed on a hook location. You can see it as putting extra code in a script without modifying the file.

lefthome 09-30-2005 12:38 PM

This is absolutely amazing. I’m installing new “hacks” that took hours before in a matter of minutes, if not seconds.

Thank god and the creators of 3.5

I love it!

cooldude714 03-26-2006 02:51 PM

I tried to the legend thing but it won't show up :l

Sober-Teens 11-11-2006 07:02 PM

Thank you so much for this! I've been searching for hours trying to learn how to install a hack for the first time..... I'm just thrilled my first attempt went so well and took less than a minute after hours of looking for the "how to". So again thank you! That was easy for sure!

Sarah EI 01-25-2012 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Brad (Post 663064)
This is a basic guide to installing plug-in's via the admin cp written for newbies :)

[high]What you should have[/high]

All plug-in's require one thing, a .xml that contains the plug-in name, php code, and hook location. In most cases this file will be named plugin_name.xml but some authors may not change the file name and use the default vbulletin-plugins.xml filename.

Some plug-in's may require you to run SQL queries on the database before you can use them, you can find instructions on how to do this in Logician's "How to install a vBulletin Hack" thread found here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=39142

[high]Installing the Plug-in[/high]

This is a very simple process, browse to the download/upload plug-in's page in your admin cp (located at http://www.yoururl.com/forum/admincp...n.php?do=files)

See the first attachment for a picture of the page I'm talking about :)

In the "Import Plugin Definitions XML File" table locate the "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer" columns and click on the browse button. A new window will pop up, locate the plug-in.xml file on your hard-drive and select it. Click the 'Import' button. Your plug-in is now active.

If the .xml file is large and you are worried about php time outs you can upload it to the /xml/ folder in your forum root, then insert the correct filename/path in the "OR import the XML file from your server" column.

Next thing you will want to do is browse to the plug-in manager page (located at http://www.yoururl.com/forum/admincp....php?do=modify) and make sure your newly added plug-in's are active.

See second attachment for a pic.

I almost forgot, if your plug-in's are set up correctly but not working make sure you have the global vBoption for the plug-in system set to enabled. You can find this option in the admin cp by browsing to vBoptions -> Select Plugin/Hook System from menu -> Set Enable Plugin/Hook System to yes.

That is all it is to it! :)

Seems easy for someone who has no clue about, I have done everything as it is described here,installed the plugin okay and the forum didnt work properly after,so,I had to disable the plugin,now forum back to normal.
What I did wrong?!
Thank you.

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