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magnus 05-21-2005 01:16 PM

vBGarage Current Status
I've been informed of the current situation. I apologize. Let me see what I can do.

In the meantime, if anyone has the latest vBGarage (4.1.1?) archive, please e-mail it to magn2o@hotmail.com.


~ magnus

CrimsonGT 05-23-2005 07:20 AM

Thanks magnus :)

djroketboy 05-24-2005 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by magnus
I've been informed of the current situation. I apologize. Let me see what I can do.

In the meantime, if anyone has the latest vBGarage (4.1.1?) archive, please e-mail it to magn2o@hotmail.com.


~ magnus

Do you still need this?

magnus 05-24-2005 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by djroketboy
Do you still need this?

Yes, please.

Bloodlust 05-25-2005 09:20 PM

So where is the latest multi-car version of vbGarage? I would very much like to install it on my forum!

CrimsonGT 05-26-2005 04:20 AM

Noppid got pissed off and took it with him.

djroketboy 05-30-2005 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by magnus
Yes, please.

sent, sorry it took so long i've been super busy :(

BamaStangGuy 06-01-2005 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by CrimsonGT
Noppid got pissed off and took it with him.

He seems to have reappeared on vbulletin.com... with an attitude.

artonex 06-01-2005 07:35 PM

magnus i know nopid made a new unreleased version as i have got it :D

email nopid and ask him for it :)

CrypticGTX 06-04-2005 02:46 AM

any word on someone having the latest. I think my board is running 4.04

no problem really, but I wouldn't mind the lastest

LuBi 06-05-2005 03:39 PM

This is a real shame, I was wroking on the update for my forums and I'd bookmarked the 4.0.4 release but not DL'd it until I was ready to install.. I go to install and it's gone. :disappointed:

I hope we can work something out, because this is a premium modification to me and I'm sure many many others.

Rick 06-06-2005 09:21 PM

Magnus, I really hope you pick this up again. It's a great addition to my site.


djroketboy 06-07-2005 10:20 AM

I emailed Magnus the new files, and asked if he wanted help developing it. But I havn't heard back, so there's really nothing more I can do.

LuBi 06-07-2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by djroketboy
I emailed Magnus the new files, and asked if he wanted help developing it. But I havn't heard back, so there's really nothing more I can do.

Put a package together and put them up online so everyone can have them. I believe there were bugs nut it's probably stuff we can work out. I'd really appreciate if you could send the files to me as well, I can see what I can do.

djroketboy 06-11-2005 02:02 PM

I can't, it's not my release, if magnus says it's ok, then i will....

LuBi 06-11-2005 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by djroketboy
I can't, it's not my release, if magnus says it's ok, then i will....

Well I'm not talking about magnus's release I'm talking about Noppid's. I mean it was online and available so why can't it be again. Why can't we just throw it up, this is the single modification holding me back from bringing my re-designed/updated local mustang forum live. :disappointed:

Rick Sample 06-11-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by LuBi
Well I'm not talking about magnus's release I'm talking about Noppid's. I mean it was online and available so why can't it be again. Why can't we just throw it up, this is the single modification holding me back from bringing my re-designed/updated local mustang forum live. :disappointed:

What new mustang forum do you own, is it the one in your sig or?

LuBi 06-11-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rick Sample
What new mustang forum do you own, is it the one in your sig or?

I'll drop you a PM.

gibgib 06-14-2005 10:28 AM

I'm keen to have multiple garages for our forum.
Very slow progression with this hack!
Great to see magnus back amoungst us.

noppid 06-14-2005 01:17 PM

All vBGarage Code I have released is available at the computer help forum. Magnus and Action-N are still credited for their contributions and the fact magnus got this started.

However, this is no longer even close to the code magnus released as 3.11, it has evolved way beyond that. The primary reason I am now managing this code is that during the 3.11 period magnus was not available and the garage was under attack from kiddie scripters. I fixed mine myself. After weeks of seeing the probelm I stepped up and offered my patch at the time. Things went form there.

So the vBGarage code is available for 4.0.4 if requested and 4.1.0 beta is posted.

vGarage is also ported to a vBulletin 3.5 plugin and working well. There are many new additions and enhancements too.

No one was abondoned. Like many other premium coders, we think it's best if we post and manage our code when and where we choose.

Please remember, vBGarage 4.0.x, 4.1.x and 4.3.5 are copyrighted material.


Marco van Herwaarden 06-14-2005 01:25 PM

Did magnus ever handed over the copyrights to vBGarage to you? If not i think we could have a problem here.

noppid 06-14-2005 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Did magnus ever handed over the copyrights to vBGarage to you? If not i think we could have a problem here.

Based on that, vBGarage is now a private hack. I don't have time for this. Now the copyright concern is dead.


Marco van Herwaarden 06-14-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
Based on that, vBGarage is now a private hack. I don't have time for this. Now the copyright concern is dead.


Sorry seems like i don't understand you. Could you please explain what a "private hack" is and what it means if "the copyright concern is dead"?

noppid 06-14-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
Sorry seems like i don't understand you. Could you please explain what a "private hack" is and what it means if "the copyright concern is dead"?

This is between me and magnus, thanks for your concern. He knows how to contact me.


for the record...

initial permission granted

second version released with permission noted.

A Premium hack forum requested and created with me originally as a moderator and the only poster and coder. The community wanted the code and an admin here asked me to bring it back to availability. This sudden questioning of the perrmission has undertones I resent!

I think that's enough permission. But it's of no consequence. I'll have it recoded and rebranded overnight.

Marco van Herwaarden 06-14-2005 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
This is between me and magnus, thanks for your concern. He knows how to contact me.


Yes you are 100% right if you say it is between you and Magnus. I am sorry if i gave the impression that i was trying to interphere in that.

I just didn't understand the meaning of your reply and i was hoping that you could word it different so i could understand. You must forgive me, but sometimes it is hard, not being a native English speaker.

On the other hand if you are using our forums to promote private distribution of materials for which the copyright is held by someone else, then it is not only a question between you and Magnus anymore. But this is not up to us to decide (in my opinion this still is up to magnus, personal opinion). But since this forum is already being used to promote your site, it is reasonable i think that i am trying to understand what you are posting here.

noppid 06-14-2005 03:15 PM

I am a license holder and I expect to be able to promote my forums here just as anyone else does. You seem to be saying alot but trying to come off as being concerned. I don't believe it and I resent it.

I thought we were done and beyond the anomosity, apparently not.

I will leave and go away. It's obvious that the employees of Jelsoft have no intention of ever treating me fairly again.


Zachery 06-14-2005 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by noppid
I am a license holder and I expect to be able to promote my forums here just as anyone else does. You seem to be saying alot but trying to come off as being concerned. I don't believe it and I resent it.

I thought we were done and beyond the anomosity, apparently not.

I will leave and go away. It's obvious that the employees of Jelsoft have no intention of ever treating me fairly again.


noppid, as far as I am aware, your continuation of the vBgarage project was only allowed to you as long as you kept the code and the hack here for vBulletin.org and no where else.

And it seems like you have broken that agreement.

noppid 06-14-2005 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
noppid, as far as I am aware, your continuation of the vBgarage project was only allowed to you as long as you kept the code and the hack here for vBulletin.org and no where else.

And it seems like you have broken that agreement.

You have no clue what me and magnus discussed. So therefore, you too need to mind your business.


I might add, you are heading into territory where by if Magnus claims copyrigth to vbgarage 3.11 that that would invalidate the code I wrote and everyone, not just me, would have to give up the code. This is of no benefit to the community.

Let me know if we are going to continue a good hack or have a fight about where it lives.

I have the DCMA forms ready to file. This will be done right if that's how you want to do things and it will not benefit the community.

Does your boss want to do that work? Are you speaking for Jelsoft when you question my copyright? Are you an attorney? Are you an attorney for magnus? Do you have a copy of the copyright agreement you say you are aware of and that you cite?

Did magnus file a copyright petition with the proper authorities? I'm certainly not aware of one.

Let's get this de-escalted now, because I'm really fed up.

The bigest reason to drop this is...

Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U. S. origin.

There is no enforceable action that can be taken here. I'm certainly not looking for one in any case. If that's where you are going, I think it's just going to cause decent amoung those that will lose out.

Erwin 06-14-2005 11:05 PM

Just to make one thing clear, no vB.org staff except for those who are also vB.com staff are Jelsoft employees. :) We are merely volunteers, just like you and other members of vB.org

This is just to clarify that one point for other members who may read this. That's all.

We always encourage hacks to be released on official Jelsoft sites to prevent piracy but obviously every hacker has a right to do what he wishes with his hack. :) We all respect this.

noppid 06-15-2005 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
Just to make one thing clear, no vB.org staff except for those who are also vB.com staff are Jelsoft employees. :) We are merely volunteers, just like you and other members of vB.org

This is just to clarify that one point for other members who may read this. That's all.

We always encourage hacks to be released on official Jelsoft sites to prevent piracy but obviously every hacker has a right to do what he wishes with his hack. :) We all respect this.

Thanks for the reply. I appeciate the clarification. Rather then deal with ownership, I have coded a totally new photo gallery as a vBulletin 3.5 plugin. It is vBulletin 3.5 code which makes it 100% unique. vBGarage is incomaptable with vBulletin 3.5. There are at least 29 points of difference between this and vBGarage. There will be no copyright issues.

To avoid future concerns over the vBGarage copyright it's probably best if it is left alone. Magnus has the base code in 3.11 to continue the job if he desires. The 4.x.x code is withdrawn to protect his interests.

If he wants to continue, he can contact me for permission to use the 4.x code in the future. That makes the copyright respect go both ways which is only fair if in fact this is stated to have been a partnership and not that I took over.


lilox 06-16-2005 09:52 PM

Hello, please can you help me I really need this code, could someone mail me the 4.0.4 release? or at the very least the readme file?

take out the PLEASEREMOVETHIS to mail me

thankyou very much, I need to move my site to 3.0.7 and can't currently as i have over 400 people who depend on vbgarage

Marco van Herwaarden 06-17-2005 03:28 AM

You could PM one of the authors asking for this. Unfotunatly it is not allowed for another member to send you this hack if it is not released atm on the authors wish.

joeychgo 06-17-2005 03:38 AM

you can find noppid at vBulletin Webmaster - PM him there.

He's working on a whole new photo gallery that goes far beyond what VB Garage can do. Its really very cool.


dodgez 07-01-2005 03:52 AM

I guess I am dumb but I can't find the 3.5 plug in download.

dodgez 07-19-2005 04:26 PM

Sweet I am glad to hear all of the info!!!!

MrNase 07-27-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by dodgez
I guess I am dumb but I can't find the 3.5 plug in download.

Because there's no :(

I already contacted the author but I don't think he will reply :(

Hornstar 08-13-2005 11:44 AM

I hope everyone sorts things out in the end, because this is a good hack that i would love to see continued.

latham45 08-13-2005 09:36 PM

yeh im also looking forward to this plugin wud help greatley on my site thank u.

FOZ13 08-13-2005 11:49 PM

I hope its worth the wait :)

FD929 08-14-2005 03:56 PM

Replying here for the lack of desire to register and post elsewhere. Noppid, I respect your decision and will be more than happy to purchase your product when it becomes available. :)

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