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-   -   Forum Display Control Version 0.7 Beta (DOWNLOAD READY) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=80864)

why-not 05-01-2005 10:00 PM

Forum Display Control Version 0.7 Beta (DOWNLOAD READY)


Forum Display Control Version 0.7 Beta

The forum display control is a simple to use control that will allow your members more easier viewing options. It's fully controled by the Adminstrator so that only forums and categories that allowed to be moved or hidden can be. It follows all permissions that each forum and category uses so that members only see what they are allowed to view. Unregistered members are not effected by the display options because the vBulletin default view is loaded in that instance.

The control is easy to install (2) script edits in one (1) script and the forum control is ready to be used! The templates, language phrases can be loaded via the Admin Panel! The control includes (3) new scripts (1) forum front end script and (2) include scripts, (1) for the front end back end and the other for the adminstrator back end! The admin panel also has (6) edits in (1) admin script (forum.php) The database adds (3) rows to the datastore table and (1) new column for user table!

I was going to do this with JavaScript but so many browsers do not support someof the things that I was needing to do, so everything is done in PHP scripting with only a very minor touch of basic JavaScript for the form actions.

There is full online demo at my mod development forum!


Please make an account to demo the control.

The control can be access by the little icon shown in the image below. As always if anyone needs help or for me to install any mod of my just ask!


why-not 05-02-2005 04:21 AM

s/1 Special Notes...

If your using any styles from vBStyles or extremepixels, you will need to do (1) extra edit in the './includes/function_forumlist.php' and (1) edit to template 'forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost'. This is because the first category is hard coded in that template using the variable '$forumid'....

The install has info on how to make it dynamic so you can move categories around without messing up the display!

Look in the folder './other' in the install for this information!

e/1 Special Notes...

Niceboy 05-02-2005 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by why-not

whynot thankyou very much i'am the first one who will install this hack :)

Lionel 05-02-2005 08:48 AM

couple of typos in forum.php. What's in red was missing :-)


print_cells_row(array($vbphrase['forum'], $vbphrase['controls'],

$vbphrase['display_order'], $vbphrase['moderators'], '<div align=\'center\'>' . $vbphrase['allow_move'] . '</div>', '<div

align=\'center\'>' . $vbphrase['allow_hide'] . '</div>'), 1, 'tcat');

Lionel 05-02-2005 09:12 AM

The change in index.php is interfering big time with arrange subforums in columns hack. First it breaks the first status icon in each category, then it totally disabled the above hack.

Lionel 05-02-2005 09:39 AM

And also looks like if on homepage there is a "act as forum" instead of category, it skips it, does not appear on the list. Only what is below a category does.

Polo 05-02-2005 12:41 PM

interesting... but I would suggest making a global test user.... so that everyone can try it out... just my suggestion...

why-not 05-02-2005 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Polo
interesting... but I would suggest making a global test user.... so that everyone can try it out... just my suggestion...

Sometimes it's ok to share a login, but because this control is based on each user, I did not want people trying it to be interfered with someone else trying it! Also the sign up does not make you have to wait for a conformation so what is the problem?

Are you lazy? :rolleyes:


Polo 05-02-2005 01:21 PM

Ok...? :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by why-not
are you lazy? :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Polo
Just my suggestion

why-not 05-02-2005 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
The change in index.php is interfering big time with arrange subforums in columns hack. First it breaks the first status icon in each category, then it totally disabled the above hack.

You know if you PM me saying Sonia can you make this work for this other mod I would show you how to do it, but posting stuff like that does not help me in anyway develop this mod!

Also thank you for the report of the $vbphrase in the admin script not being done right! I'll fix that when I release the Admin Update this morning!


Polo 05-02-2005 03:54 PM

Excellent Hack! I think this should be really useful for those forums that have alot of forums.... Thanks why-not oh and also while at your forums I decided to isntall the weather hack and the bible hack ;)

Thanks alot :)

Paul M 05-02-2005 04:16 PM


If you're going to be so arrogant you could at least spell it correctly. :)

why-not 05-02-2005 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
If you're going to be so arrogant you could at least spell it correctly. :)

Maybe I did miss a key when posting that, but I think what you said is childish. Again this mod is in beta development so only report problems related to it! After I have things working the way they should then I can focus on supporting other tie-ins! If you don't like what I posted why even reply, maybe you did because your so vain you think what I posted was centered at you! Anything else?


Paul M 05-02-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by why-not
If you don't like what I posted why even reply, maybe you did because your so vain you think what I posted was centered at you!

Yeah right, that's it, I'm here in my paranoid little universe thinking you're out to get me. :)


Originally Posted by why-not
Anything else?

Well, I notice you haven't actually corrected the error ...... ;)

Aurous 05-02-2005 05:27 PM

Once again sonia, you have done a great job. I am going to test this out tonite. Once again after signature guardian, you have come out with a great hack!

Paul M and Sonia, take it easy you lot. Now shake hands both of you :p

Lionel 05-02-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by why-not
You know if you PM me saying Sonia can you make this work for this other mod I would show you how to do it, but posting stuff like that does not help me in anyway develop this mod!

Sorry Sonia, I meant to help. Hack looked very nice on your site. I was wondering though. All your forums are under a Category. Could you create one or two test forums not under any Categories just to see if they will display too?

Sent you a PM.

why-not 05-02-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lionel
Sorry Sonia, I meant to help. Hack looked very nice on your site. I was wondering though. All your forums are under a Category. Could you create one or two test forums not under any Categories just to see if they will display too?

Sent you a PM.

I send you a PM, I will work on making a custom version to support forums that have that other mod installed, I will try to have it done tomorrow some time!

Take Care


why-not 05-02-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Aurous
Once again sonia, you have done a great job. I am going to test this out tonite. Once again after signature guardian, you have come out with a great hack!

Paul M and Sonia, take it easy you lot. Now shake hands both of you :p

If I can help just ask...

As for the other matter I don't go bother other coders and their releases so why bother me. If they want to do things their way that is fine but don't come and tell me what I have written is mean or is literally meant as attack on anyone because that is not my intention. I was only saying that reporting bugs related to this mod is fine, but not other stuff. As having to come to the forum to check out new posts that have nothing to with the mod is a waste of my time.


turkforum 05-03-2005 07:03 AM

Its really easy to install with sonia'a step by step instruction.. :)
Thats a really nice hack..I think one of the best..Thank you very much sonia.. Some people wanna see this for next vb version.. :)

Just little problem as it mentioned first page..Subforums.. If you able to fix this sonia, it would be so appriciated..

why-not 05-03-2005 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by turkforum
Its really easy to install with sonia'a step by step instruction.. :)
Thats a really nice hack..I think one of the best..Thank you very much sonia.. Some people wanna see this for next vb version.. :)

Just little problem as it mentioned first page..Subforums.. If you able to fix this sonia, it would be so appriciated..

Hi turkforum

I promise to get sub forums supported in the final. My intention was to only have this work on the forum home, but I guess many do things differently than myself so I will be adding sub forums support to make this more inline with how many do their forums. I started only doing this last night and I think I have it figured out. I will be doing some testing today and hope to release sub forum support and few other types of forum displays that use other mods. The sub forum support will be first though, along with one special request that another person made!

Have a wonderful day...


RaZor Edge 05-03-2005 07:28 PM

Cool! Great Hack!!

Can be a good idea to offer users an option to reset everything to default.

Polo 05-03-2005 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by RaZor Edge
Cool! Great Hack!!

Can be a good idea to offer users an option to reset everything to default.

yeah.. that would definetly be something cool :)

M1th 05-04-2005 02:42 PM

Very interesting concept... might give it a test. :)

Cyricx 05-05-2005 05:04 PM

Can you please add the fix in post #4 into the zip?

May I also suggest that if yoru going to code it in to use images in a specific folder that isn't there by default, perhaps include those images in a folder named that with instructions to upload it? :)

[high]* Cyricx heads off to create some images and edit all the img srcs[/high]

Awesome hack, just a few things that will make it easier for the coding impaired :)

Cyricx 05-05-2005 11:08 PM

Has anyone gotten this working correctly?

I'm having a helluva time with it. The admin side, with the fixes in post 4, works fine, it saves the settings I set for allowmove and allowhide.

However on the main forums page, when you open up the popup, it lists the right number of rows for the number of forums.. but with no names.. and you cannot move anything around..

Yes the phrases are in, the templates are in, I use a database prefix, so yep, I entered the queries in with a prefix even jumped into phpmyadmin to make sure they were created, rechecked the file edits 3 times, and uploaded the new files 3 times..

I'm betting it's prolly something simple, but right now.. it's kickin my ass lol

Lionel 05-05-2005 11:12 PM

Make sure you updated at least one phrase (open and save any phrase without doing anything to it).

My issue is different, but if you install properly, it will work

Cyricx 05-05-2005 11:28 PM

Nope, the phrases are showing up correctly

It's not grabbing the information for what is allowed to move or be hidden for the popup correctly.. I'm guessing it's because i"m using database prefixes... but I can't find a missing " . TABLE_PREFIX . " anywhere in her code...

Here is a pic of what my popup is looking like..

Keep it mind, it appears to be saving everything correctly in the datastore, when I change setitngs in the forum manager, close and reopen it, it has the settings at what I changed them to.

But for some reason, this popup is coming up blank, with no permissions..

Lionel 05-05-2005 11:42 PM

Have you set any forums as allowed in forums settings?

Cyricx 05-05-2005 11:46 PM

Yep, and if I change any of these to no, it remembers that, so it's saving in the datastore...

Do you use a database prefix Lionel?

Lionel 05-05-2005 11:48 PM

i don't

Cyricx 05-05-2005 11:51 PM

Thing is, even when you put the mouse over one of the locked images, I just see

Can not move forum:

But on why not's test site, when I do that I see something like

Move up forum: HTML Programming

So it's like it's not even gathering the information on my forums

Polo 05-06-2005 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by RaZor Edge
Cool! Great Hack!!

Can be a good idea to offer users an option to reset everything to default.

are you planning to implement this? if not could you tell us how we can accomplish this? thank you :)

Princeton 05-08-2005 12:24 PM

good job :up:

I have something similar on one of my sites.. I took a different route. :D

However, this doesn't allow users to change order as your does ... this is just for admins.

again, good job :up:

Cyricx 05-12-2005 05:47 PM

Has anyone that has gotten this working use table prefixes?

It's the only difference I can find between me and others that have this successfully installed.

Wish the author would post and confirm or deny my suspicion ;)

turkforum 05-16-2005 07:29 AM

Whynot still waiting and checking this thread almost everyday Please make a comment so that we know what to do:)


Cyricx 05-17-2005 04:33 PM

O yeah confirmed. There are alot of quirky bugs with table prefixes.

I cannot find a reason why, but I wiped my test board, loaded it up fresh install without prefixes, added the hack, worked great.

Wiped it again, loaded it fresh WITH prefixes. And I'm getting a ton of wierd bugs, won't load up all the forums in the popup, in the admincp, some of them won't even show a dropdown to select yes or no for hide/move.

murrtex 06-07-2005 09:32 AM

hi there is a little problem i think,have a look,

Forum Control Version .07 beta
Copyright Sonia Ricci



open the file 'vbulletin_global.js' you will find it in the directory './clientscript/'



function vBulletin_init()

E / FIND THIS.... ???????


function vbcats(){W=600;H=440;wX=(screen.width-W)/2;wY=(screen.height-H)/2;window.open('display.php?'+SESSIONURL+'', 'control', 'height='+H+',width='+W+',scrollbars=1,location=0, status=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0,r esizable=0,left='+wX+',top='+wY+'');}

function vBulletin_init()

E / REPLACE WITH.... ????????

// +_ done

that places (????????) are empty.and what should write on there??

akanevsky 10-22-2005 06:56 PM

Although this is impressive, I am never going to use it cause it does not follow the KISS principle :)

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