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Brad 04-08-2005 09:09 AM

Do you belive in ghosts?
I used to think it was bull++++, but recent happens have changed that.....

I moved into this house 4 years ago (maybe more by now), we got a good deal on the place because the man that built the house died of a heart attack and his wife was trying to sell so she could move (couldn't stand living in the house her husband passed in).

When we moved in we noticed weird things, there is a light in our basement that turns itself on every so often, it is in a storage room that no one goes in, the only time anyone goes in there is to replace the water filter or fiddle with the hot water heater. I got dis-owned for turning this light on many times, so did my brother, in time my dad belived us and checked out the light for anything out of the norm. Everything looked normal but after it kept happening we replaced the entire thing, same thing happens with the new light.

Last week my dad and I traded bedrooms, and since that time a bunch of weird things have been happening in my room (this is the same room the former owner died in). For one thing my computer, TV, and radio have been coming on by themselves....once the radio came on, and put itself on a radio station I never listen to (old country stuff).

Yesterday I heard my bed making noise like someone had just sat on it, when I looked behind me at the bed the middle of it was caved in as if someone was sitting on it but no one was there.

Sometimes my room gets cold, not see your breath cold but you can tell a difference between my room and the rest of the house. This is not normal, my computer usually makes any room its in 10 degrees warmer then other rooms in the house...

Last night was all the proof I needed tho, I got up to use the bathroom early in the AM. When I woke up the first thing I saw was blue orbs floating around my room, at first I thought my eyes where a little off from sleeping but after a good rub no change. Tonight I turned off everything and sure enough there are orbs floating around me, I am starting to wonder if they are here all the time....

I am a believer now, I am not scared of the ghost because it has not done anything to harm me. At first I didn't want to tell anyone because I thought people would think I am crazy, but I just gatta let someone know ;)

Brad 04-08-2005 09:12 AM

BTW my dad said he traded rooms because he diden't like the closet in here, but he gave up a master bathroom in the process.....I am starting to suspect that he was sick of dealing with the ghost so he dumped it on me ;)

Deaths 04-08-2005 09:14 AM

Wow, that's... wierd.

It would kinda scare me, ghost movies are the one type of movies that scare me ;).

EDIT: To answer your question:
I don't believe in ghosts. Maybe I do, but I just don't want to realise it, because they scare me :D


BTW my dad said he traded rooms because he diden't like the closet in here, but he gave up a master bathroom in the process.....I am starting to suspect that he was sick of dealing with the ghost so he dumped it on me ;)
Hehe :D

deathemperor 04-08-2005 10:21 AM

I don't, unless I see it with my eyes.

That orbs you saw may be some kinds of chemiscal reaction.

If you usually see it, why don't you take a picture for us ? or more than that a video tape.

Dean C 04-08-2005 11:08 AM

Same as the previous replies, until I see something I rarely believe in it. Such a scientist :p

Marco van Herwaarden 04-08-2005 11:46 AM

Brad, you should sleep more.

lasto 04-08-2005 12:55 PM

i dont believe in ghost as such,but one incident happened in my youth (was about 8 or 9 at time).Was asleep and then woke up for no reason and we lived in a big ole house and in corner of room was a chair and i swear that a soldier who looked like he was from the time of oliver cromwell (never knew this at time) appeared though the chair and was walking towards me.I screamed for my life and he hit me in the mouth full force and my mum came running in and there was nothing there for her to see - yet my mouth was covered in blood.
Never seen anything since that day - so who knows if my eyes where payin tricks or what but that is what i seen.

And no i aint a believer - I dont believe in UFOs or anything like that.

Blam Forumz 04-08-2005 01:10 PM

I find that story scary :(

Pics & Vids for proof though

I dont believe in ghosts

lasto 04-08-2005 01:23 PM

is no proof - infact we could`nt afford nothing when i was young so nevermind we having a camera to take pics.

Ironhead 04-08-2005 02:04 PM

Better call the professionals


KTBleeding 04-08-2005 05:21 PM

I don't understand how people can't believe in the paranormal. Seriously, what isn't there to believe? Even to those who have experienced things don't believe in it? That's crazy.

lasto 04-08-2005 10:57 PM

is no paranormal - i reckon its to do with the brain what we see.Im sure when i was young my state of mind actually brought to life somethign i never wanted,hence why i thought i seen what i seen.

KTBleeding 04-08-2005 11:23 PM

Well, in that situation what would the blood be from? I guess you could have bumped it on the bed and dream the whole thing up which is likely.. but come on..

I'm not aiming this at anyone directly, and I don't mean to offend.. but if someone has never experienced anything remotely paranormal in their whole life then they must not get out much.

Boofo 04-09-2005 12:38 AM

Those who have never experienced it probably don't believe in it. ;)

The mind is a powerful tool and can make you think and see things that aren't really there. Lack of sleep, mental instabilities, and even post-hypnotic suggestions are just a few of the things that can trigger us "seeing" something. I don't believe in ghosts. Never have and never will. I do, however, believe we are not alone in this universe. We would all have to be conceited to think we are the only ones. ;)

KTBleeding 04-09-2005 12:55 AM

I understand your point, the human mind is an enormous part of most of these things and that you do have to experience it to believe it.

I have physically had experience with ghost's and paranormal and know many people that have. I have hundreds of stories, some I experienced others I didn't. I guess if you really want to find out, go out and "ghost hunt". I'm 99% sure you'll leave a believer.

Boofo 04-09-2005 01:14 AM

I guess I'm too cynical to believe in such things. ;)

DrkFusion 04-09-2005 02:17 AM

I do not believe in ghosts, but here is an interesting story.

I was in my basement, and around 3 o'clock when I was going upstairs to sleep I saw some sort of orb, I got to my room and closed my eyes, but immediatly after I closed my eyes I beautiful girl appeard in my dreams, being the stud I am, I went ahead and pursued her, kissing her and then I couldn't breath, move I was pinned down. I could not open my eyes or anything (cause I was fully concious at this time) I could not move my whole body, open my eyes, yet I knew I was awake....I was convincing myself it was a dream, and faught with all my might to break free, and then finally opened my eyes, I was sweating...never ever happend again.

Brad 04-09-2005 03:15 AM

Drkfusion: That is just part of sleep, you woke up before your body turned off a certain chemical that is sent to the muscles durring sleep.

I am no expert but here is what I understand of it: In your sleep your body repairs itself, most things must be relaxed so they can be repaired. Durring sleep your body produces a chemical (probbly not the correct term...), this paralyzes while you are asleep.

Sometimes you will wake up and it will take a few minutes before you can move, I have had this happen to me a number of times. At first it was scary but I looked it up, now I understand it is normal and it dosen't bother me much anymore :)

My first experance with it was a bit worse then yours. I could'nt move which freaked me out, but I managed to open my eyes. For the minute or so that I could'nt move I could see something out of the corner of my eye and I thought it was someone that had broken into my house and injected me with something and thats why I could'nt move. I kept trying to reach for the shotgun I have in the corner of my room beside my bed but I could'nt move, eventally I broke free, grabed the gun, but when I brought the barrel to where the person was standing it was gone.

I know now that my mind played a trick on me, and there was never anyone there, but at the time the thought 'someone is trying to kill me' was racing in my mind, and that minute felt like it lasted forever.

edit- googled it for ya...


Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone, most often lying in a supine position, about to drop off to sleep, or just upon waking from sleep realizes that s/he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several moments, occasionally longer. People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil. An intense sense of dread and terror is very common. The presence is likely to be vaguely felt or sensed just out of sight but thought to be watching or monitoring, often with intense interest, sometimes standing by, or sitting on, the bed. On some occasions the presence may attack, strangling and exerting crushing pressure on the chest. People also report auditory, visual, proprioceptive, and tactile hallucinations, as well as floating sensations and out-of-body experiences (Hufford, 1982). These various sensory experiences have been referred to collectively as hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences (HHEs). People frequently try, unsuccessfully, to cry out. After seconds or minutes one feels suddenly released from the paralysis, but may be left with a lingering anxiety. Extreme effort to move may even produce phantom movements in which there is proprioceptive feedback of movement that conflicts with visual disconfirmation of any movement of the limb. People may also report severe pain in the limbs when trying to move them. Several recent surveys including our own suggest that between 25-30% of the population reports that they have experienced at least a mild form of sleep paralysis at least once and about 20-30% of these have had the experience on several occasions.

Your body can play tricks on you :), the mind is even worse...we are just starting to understand the power of our own minds.

BamaStangGuy 04-09-2005 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Brad.loo
Drkfusion: That is just part of sleep, you woke up before your body turned off a certain chemical that is sent to the muscles durring sleep.

I am no expert but here is what I understand of it: In your sleep your body repairs itself, most things must be relaxed so they can be repaired. Durring sleep your body produces a chemical (probbly not the correct term...), this paralyzes while you are asleep.

Sometimes you will wake up and it will take a few minutes before you can move, I have had this happen to me a number of times. At first it was scary but I looked it up, now I understand it is normal and it dosen't bother me much anymore :)

My first experance with it was a bit worse then yours. I could'nt move which freaked me out, but I managed to open my eyes. For the minute or so that I could'nt move I could see something out of the corner of my eye and I thought it was someone that had broken into my house and injected me with something and thats why I could'nt move. I kept trying to reach for the shotgun I have in the corner of my room beside my bed but I could'nt move, eventally I broke free, grabed the gun, but when I brought the barrel to where the person was standing it was gone.

I know now that my mind played a trick on me, and there was never anyone there, but at the time the thought 'someone is trying to kill me' was racing in my mind, and that minute felt like it lasted forever.

edit- googled it for ya...


Your body can play tricks on you :), the mind is even worse...we are just starting to understand the power of our own minds.

Remind me not to mess with you during the night.....

lasto 04-09-2005 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by DrkFusion
I do not believe in ghosts, but here is an interesting story.

I was in my basement, and around 3 o'clock when I was going upstairs to sleep I saw some sort of orb, I got to my room and closed my eyes, but immediatly after I closed my eyes I beautiful girl appeard in my dreams, being the stud I am, I went ahead and pursued her, kissing her and then I couldn't breath, move I was pinned down. I could not open my eyes or anything (cause I was fully concious at this time) I could not move my whole body, open my eyes, yet I knew I was awake....I was convincing myself it was a dream, and faught with all my might to break free, and then finally opened my eyes, I was sweating...never ever happend again.

well pretty obvious it was a dream :)

Deaths 04-09-2005 07:24 AM

The reason why ghosts scare me, is this:

A couple of years ago, me and some friends thought it was funny to call on a ghost (you know, sit in a circle with with candels and stuff).
So, we got ourselves a book from the local librairy, and started to call on it. (I don't know what to exactly call it, but you know what I mean)

And at the moment we started it, all candles went out.
We thought it was the wind, so we didnt bother looking.
Then, at a certain point, one of the girls with us started breathing real heavy. We thought she was just wanting to scare us, so we went on.
At a certain point, it was starting to sound like someone was strangling here (yes, I know how it sounds...).
We all paniced, because her had was all blue and purple, so we broke the circle, and at that point she fainted.

Thats why I'm afraid of them, because in some cases they apperantly do hurt someone...

We never talked about it again :ermm:

Guest190829 04-09-2005 09:26 PM

I don't believe in ghosts, because it's just silly IMO. It's all in the mind, like Boofo said the mind is a powerful tool.

Of course when it's late, and I've spent hours on the computer...I think I see something in the shadows or hear something upstairs. But after I focus my brain I realize it was nothing but a figment of my imagination.

Boofo 04-09-2005 10:14 PM

Like I said, I don't believe in them, although I have had instances where if I DID believe, it would have made more sense at the time. After evaluating what happened, there was a rational explanantion. Example:

My mother died around Mothers' Day in 1997. I took it pretty hard at the time and quite a while afterwards. I still have my days of not coping very well. Every once in a while, I think I see something out of the corner of my eye, like in my periphial (sp?) vision and when I turn to check it out, I think I see something moving like ducking into another room. I will go check it out and it will be nothing. Now, I know no one is here as I live alone at the present, but I find after thinking about it that I was thinking of my mother and my mind wanted to believe she was here, in one way or the other. I made myself WANT to see something that I knew wasn't there. ;)

Life is more rational than many people believe. Sometimes it's easier to believe in something else instead of looking at it in a rational way. Rationality always makes sense and it is always constant.

Now, if anyone understands any of what I just said, please explain it to me. I think I was just having a moment of incoherency here. ;)

Cloud Strife 04-10-2005 12:17 AM

I think you should lay off the shrooms :D j/k

Reeve of shinra 04-10-2005 02:40 AM

Yeah I do although I haven't had a personal experience like yours. I had an odd experience though that I will share however.

When I was about 5 or 6 years old (1984 or 85 that would make it), I was playing with the girl across the street in front of her house one night when she looks up the block and says "look its the king and queen of the fireflys".

I turn around and at the top of my block are two beings. They had 3 sections to them, a head section, a middle section and an end section kind of like ants in an upright almost C shape. They had a neon like glow to them and they both floated a foot or two off the floor. I think they had thin "insect" like wings. I couldnt really see them except to see the blur of something moving really fast. They were maybe 2 or 3 feet in hieght.

These beings flew down the block about as fast as I could turn my head. The flight was completely silent and I'd have to estitimate thier speed at approx 80-90mph.

They turned the corner and after a moment, I ran over but they were gone. The girl and I never talked about it and she moved maybe a year or two later. Im not sure where.

Some other people moved onto the block and I was actually chatting with one of the guys about paranormal experiences and told him this story. He then tells me that the summer before he was sitting outside in his dad's van listening to some music waiting for his family and he saw the same being (only one this time) fly down the middle of the street and then fly up and over the highway which runs parrallel to our block.

A third friend of ours that also lives on the block came out at the end here and without hearing the description of the beings goes on to say that he saw the same thing some time before the first friend but after my experience. Two beings that flew down the block and turned the same corner. They flew literally right past my friend but his parents who maybe 10 feet behind and hadn't turned the corner yet didnt see them although they would've had to.

Needless to say, after that, I am open to the idea of ghosts and other things.

Boofo 04-10-2005 03:19 AM

The power of suggestion can also be a mighty thing. ;)

Reeve of shinra 04-10-2005 03:22 AM

pfft... its no suggestion when 4 people see the same the same thing at three different times and one is able to describe those things I saw without hearing the description. =p

KTBleeding 04-10-2005 04:38 AM

Yeah, if I ever saw that.. I would seriously fall over dead. That would freak me out so bad.. hahaha.

I'll make this story short. There was an old abandoned house close to our house where exagerated ghost stories have come from. (one of those, the wife/husband went crazy and killed them all and buried them in the basement stories) The house itself was just creepy.. anyways we went exploring and saw a tree branch as if someone where pulling down on it.. then let it go. We were all freaked out by it so we left. The kid who owned the car stopped to get gas and we all got out to go get candy/drinks/etc and all over his car in the dirt there were hand prints of what appeared to be little children. Later to find out what really happened at the house was a little boy was sexually abused and murdered.

That's def not the freakiest thing I've experienced, infact that one is pretty mediocre. It's just the best example I could think of to how someone can't believe in something like that.. I mean, it does take the personal experience in order to actually understand.. but I'm telling you, I was there and I experienced it first hand. It wasn't my mind playing tricks on me cause it was in plain light and everyone else saw it too.

Boofo 04-10-2005 06:38 AM

I'm not saying that you guys don't really see what you think you've seen. But there are things like the power of suggestion and mass hysteria that could be an explanantion to some of these things as well as anything else. ;)

Deaths 04-10-2005 08:44 AM

Hmm, I'm guessing you just don't want to believe :p

Boofo 04-10-2005 09:19 AM

It has nothing tio do with wanting to believe or not believe. Want has no part in it. Either you believe or you don't. But I don't think anyone ever "wants" to believe it is happening to them. ;)

Erwin 04-10-2005 11:39 AM

You believe in ghosts, and you see ghosts in your bedroom, and you still sleep in it?

Dean C 04-10-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
You believe in ghosts, and you see ghosts in your bedroom, and you still sleep in it?

Perhaps it's one of those sexy lady ghosts ;)

MentaL 04-10-2005 12:30 PM

Few things..

- Strange white light appeared in my friends room, all dark inside nowhere for the light to cast but appeared in the corner and wouldnt go away (his house is haunted.. numerous reasons)

- In his room, hand shadows appear going over the pillows.. weird ;)

- His new house (also haunted.. family thing) Walking shadows appear to walk past the window over and over..

- Also in the new house, fag ends appear out of no where( like what his uncle used to do b4 he died, just leave em around)..

from experience ;).

ive had other stuff but wont mension ;)

Boofo 04-10-2005 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Erwin
You believe in ghosts, and you see ghosts in your bedroom, and you still sleep in it?

What this for me? ;)

DrkFusion 04-12-2005 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Brad.loo
Drkfusion: That is just part of sleep, you woke up before your body turned off a certain chemical that is sent to the muscles durring sleep.

I am no expert but here is what I understand of it: In your sleep your body repairs itself, most things must be relaxed so they can be repaired. Durring sleep your body produces a chemical (probbly not the correct term...), this paralyzes while you are asleep.

Sometimes you will wake up and it will take a few minutes before you can move, I have had this happen to me a number of times. At first it was scary but I looked it up, now I understand it is normal and it dosen't bother me much anymore :)

My first experance with it was a bit worse then yours. I could'nt move which freaked me out, but I managed to open my eyes. For the minute or so that I could'nt move I could see something out of the corner of my eye and I thought it was someone that had broken into my house and injected me with something and thats why I could'nt move. I kept trying to reach for the shotgun I have in the corner of my room beside my bed but I could'nt move, eventally I broke free, grabed the gun, but when I brought the barrel to where the person was standing it was gone.

I know now that my mind played a trick on me, and there was never anyone there, but at the time the thought 'someone is trying to kill me' was racing in my mind, and that minute felt like it lasted forever.

edit- googled it for ya...


Your body can play tricks on you :), the mind is even worse...we are just starting to understand the power of our own minds.

You do not know how relieved I am for that explanation! Seriously it makes sense now! Good to know...and I guess it is about time I get a shotgun by my bedside as well.

Erwin 04-13-2005 10:15 PM

Read all about it:

Hypnagogic hallucinations = hallucinations you get when you are just about to drop to sleep.

Hypnopompic hallucinations = hallucinations you get when you are just about to wake up.

They are normal and people can sometimes get them.

DrkFusion 04-17-2005 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Erwin
Read all about it:

Hypnagogic hallucinations = hallucinations you get when you are just about to drop to sleep.

Hypnopompic hallucinations = hallucinations you get when you are just about to wake up.

They are normal and people can sometimes get them.

Thanks Erwin! I am done reading, and it is quite an interesting topic.

Dean C 04-17-2005 06:32 PM

Hey isn't it great having a doc on hand with all the useful info ;)

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