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-   -   Signature Guardian Version 1 (Beta Released) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=79566)

why-not 04-06-2005 10:00 PM

Signature Guardian Version 1 (Beta Released)
Signature Guardian Version 1 / 0212

Tomorrow night will be the big update... April 29, 2005

I have been out of town so I have not had a chance to get the final version done, but it is done now. The final version will include the following...

1. Mod Panel Controls

The Admin Panel has a option for the administrator to set permissions for mods and super mods to access the following controls!

A. Can or can not remove signature bans!
B. Can or can not view or edit signatures! (only signatures that are under ban!)
C. Can or can not access the forum signature controls (threadbit, postbits)

2. Admin Panel Controls

A. Set Auto ban limits ( hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), forever ) [per group]
B. You now can merge permissions into multi groups (set one permission to have it be used by many groups)
C. Admin Signature Editor, (all editors, uses the one you have selected in your options)
D. Image viewer (report)
E. Turn on or Off forum signature controls! (validate signatures (by post or thread) full detailed report shown with Admin options... (what to validate)
F. domain blocking via file or database.

I have also written a 15 page help file with over 100 images that explains each control in as much detail as I could. Also Help phrases have been added throughout the Admin and Mod panel and on the threadbits and postbits controls!

That it, c ya tomorrow!


(2) mirror errors that should be corrected. MySQL 3 support


Added MySQL support for any version of MySQL less than 4.1, including MySQL version 3, but you should update your MySQL install if you can!

Update the zip file to include both Mysql version scripts and error fixes!

The signature control is very advanced signature control and monitor! This modification will allow the administrator to take back control of all signatures on their forum. The control has over 100 key features that will allow total control of signature displaying on your forum!

The signature control allows you to switch from using vBulletin limited signature permissions, to a really advanced signature control. It does this by not ever effecting vBulletin control, allowing you to use the standard vBulletin control for some groups and use this advanced control for others!

The reason for developing this modification was to bring the complete signature control into one single Administrator Panel, so as not to have to set (bbcode rules) on one vBulletin options page, then have to set (image rules) and other signature option on many different pages! It make administering your forum much easier!

The signature control gives you many different options. Each is designed to allow you complete unlimited control of just how you want each groups to display their signatures!

Key Features...

Overrides vBulletin Signature rules
Works via groups and single users!
Group can use signatures (yes/no)
Group can view any signature (yes/no)
Enforce new rules or updated rules now! (yes/no)

Signature monitor (vB fake cron, server cron) scripts included!
Auto Ban (Soft, signature removed until revalidated)
Auto Ban (Hard, signature removed until administrator review)

Signature Admin Panel

View and remove bans on banned signatures (with full details about each ban)
Quick stats (users who are using signatures, sizes)

Signature Permissions

Document permissions

Total lines allowed
Total characters per line
Total characters for (1) single word
Total spacing allowed between lines that have content
Total characters for complete signature
Turn bad word filter on or off

Smilies permissions

Group can use smilies (yes/no)
Total smilies allowed to be used (limit rule)
A list of smilies that are not allowed (denied rule)

bbcode permissions

Each BBCODE has it's own allow rules (yes/no)
Maximum times any (1) bbcode may be reused (#)
The total combined BBCODES allowed (#)
The minimum and maximum font SIZE allowed

URL permissions

Group can have links in their signatures (yes/no)
The maximum number of links allowed (#)
The HTTP protocols that are allowed (http, https, ftp...)
Domain Link blocking (allow and denied list Or just denied list) [simple wildcard rules]

IMAGE permissions

Group can have images in their signatures (yes/no)
Inline or display as link (yes/no)
The maximum number of images allowed (#)
Validate all images not local to this domain (yes/no)
Do line break testing if images with text (yes/no)
maximum size of any (1) image
maximum height of any (1) image
maximum width of any (1) image
image extensions that are allowed!
Domain image blocking (allow and denied list Or just denied list) [simple wildcard rules]

This is the beta release of this modification! The only part that is still beta, is the Admin Panel. The front end of this control is the (100% final working version). There will be no changes to that part of the code when this is released as being (Final).

The Admin Panel still needs (ban list sorting and limiting), see the install file for when this will be added as the first of (2) updates that this modification will have before being released as final!

As it is now, you can 100% (add, update) permissions, you also (view and remove hard bans). The Signature Monitor is (100%) working including (both) versions, the vB fake cron or the real server based cron!

FIRST UPDATE DONE (sort and limit) ban list

Zip File Updated....

For those that already have downloaded this before this update, see the first post below for the update zip file

Demo is here...


Just create an account to try it!


why-not 04-07-2005 08:51 PM

UPDATE (1) is attached to this post!

Adds Sort and limit to the Ban List updates the query to work with sorting...

Also see the image 'sort.png' above to see exactly what this update adds!!

Images Explained!

start / removed_sig_warning.png

This is (1) of (3) different signature message a user will see if they have done any of the following! Note these messages are only seen by the user that has violated a signature rule!!!


If a user changes a image on a remote server and that image violates any (1) rule then they will be given a SOFT BAN, (must revalidate signature)


If a user changes a image on a remote server and that image violates any (3) rules then they will be given a HARD BAN, (must ask administrator to remove ban)


If the administrator has set new rules and has chosen to ENFORCE the new rules, then each user in that group that has a signature and that signature is not banned will get a message (please revalidate your signature, because we have enacted new rules)


Each message is related to the permission control that the user is under! All messages give HELP links and direct links to do the revalidation!

end / removed_sig_warning.png

start / admin.png

This is the signature permissions setting control where you will setup or update signature permission for each group!

end / admin.png

start / manager.png

The signature manager is the gateway to all controls maintained by the signature control. This includes (signature permissions, ban user manager, ban limit permissions)

end / manager.png

start / ban_list.png

The Ban List, gives you a full list of users that are currently banned from having a signature. The list gives full details about each BAN using mouseover each column will give even more information so you can see exactly why a user signature has been ban!

This list allows the administrator to convert a HARD ban to a SOFT ban so the user can revalidate their signature and again have access to having a signature! SOFT bans are listed but do not need any administration as they are under the signature monitor control!

end / ban_list.png

images explained...


TCattitude 04-07-2005 10:11 PM

Awesome work... really useful hack and complete for all neededs.

Bolas 04-07-2005 10:22 PM


lazee 04-07-2005 10:29 PM

yeathhhhhhhh cool .Hotm 4 me ,waiting for this hack .
demo, link die.

bigcurt 04-07-2005 10:39 PM

Nice hack man, good HOTM material...need to try first though so...come with the download soon :) :) :)

why-not 04-07-2005 10:42 PM

Download is up...

I can not connect to the forum from my home, so I am doing this from my office! My ISP says that their 5 servers are under attack, LoL!


nexialys 04-08-2005 12:34 AM

good, i'll now be able to control everybody, everything and everyway.. ;0)

Polo 04-08-2005 01:23 AM

Thanks for sharing it with the community why-not, I'm pretty sure many members will find this mod useful :)

007 04-08-2005 05:17 AM

How soon until this will be released as an official hack and not beta? VERY COOL HACK!!


why-not 04-08-2005 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by 006
How soon until this will be released as an official hack and not beta? VERY COOL HACK!!


It is pretty much done in the state it is in. I am just adding (1) more thing to the Admin Panel and then do some code clean up of the back end, not really code clean up, I am just thinking about some logic changes but they only effect people using MySQL 3.

The final version will be released with in the week. I just need to add the Admin Ban Control (ban limits) ie, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week and so on.. Also add Admin configured Ban Types, that is all part of the Admin Signature Panel that is not in the beta version. But it's not needed to run the modification, like I said before...

This control is 100% working, that includes the monitor and the forum controls and the signature permissions (configure or update). There will be no Forum Script changes from now to Final. That means './includes/signature.php' and all the other Forum related scripts will not need any editing. Only the Admin scripts will need to be overwritten, not edited!


lasto 04-08-2005 05:50 AM

this aint a sig uploader is it ?

Mephisteus 04-08-2005 06:45 AM

One word, awsome :)

[high]* Mephisteus nominates for HoTM[/high]

Aurous 04-08-2005 06:58 AM


Will wait for the final version before I install it. Keep up the great work sonia.

uae 04-08-2005 07:38 AM

This should be a standard option in the next vB Release.

Pretty good job, we'll be looking forward till the final release :)

oh yeah HOTM!

Jenta 04-08-2005 08:45 AM

the most requested feature ever has arrived

uae 04-08-2005 10:02 AM

I got this error when clicked on the Signature Permissions link in Admincp!


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_real_escape_string() in /home/virtual/site9/fst/var/www/html/vb3/includes/adminfunctions_signature.php on line 992

pelukis 04-08-2005 10:29 AM

cool..just downloaded the zip..will see how it works...thanks sonia!!:)

nexialys 04-08-2005 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by lasto
this aint a sig uploader is it ?

if you READ THE DESCRIPTION, you will answer yourself!!!

lasto 04-08-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by nexialys
if you READ THE DESCRIPTION, you will answer yourself!!!

read it so dont be so narky.

I was wondering why all these options when vbull does`nt even have a decent sig uploader so was a bit confused tbh.But i supose if u allow offsite linking then this hack is fine.

Darmak 04-08-2005 03:55 PM

Thank You soniaa !! Nice work :D

007 04-08-2005 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by why-not
It is pretty much done in the state it is in. I am just adding (1) more thing to the Admin Panel and then do some code clean up of the back end, not really code clean up, I am just thinking about some logic changes but they only effect people using MySQL 3.

The final version will be released with in the week. I just need to add the Admin Ban Control (ban limits) ie, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week and so on.. Also add Admin configured Ban Types, that is all part of the Admin Signature Panel that is not in the beta version. But it's not needed to run the modification, like I said before...

This control is 100% working, that includes the monitor and the forum controls and the signature permissions (configure or update). There will be no Forum Script changes from now to Final. That means './includes/signature.php' and all the other Forum related scripts will not need any editing. Only the Admin scripts will need to be overwritten, not edited!


Hey Sonia,

I guess my question is will file edits need to be redone when the next version comes out? Or are you just changing the php files that come with this? If that's the case then I will install now! I love the idea of this, just don't want to have to rehack in a week! Please let me know, THANKS!


dndog 04-09-2005 12:54 AM

Definitely HOTM! This is a hack that has been needed desperatly.

Thanks so much for your hack!


C.Birch 04-09-2005 07:21 AM

I installed this and had a few probs, first of all after install peoples signs wouldshows sometimes and not other times within the same topics also.

2nd the phrases never showed even know they got added to the database.

Trigunflame 04-09-2005 09:48 AM

Lol, ive got about this same script in a 10 or so line cron script. Would basically be the same thing if I added variables for its configuration in the admin control panel.

Took about 5 or so min to code..


This != hotm

not putting down author :), great hack for those who need it.

Jenta 04-09-2005 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Trigunflame
Lol, ive got about this same script in a 10 or so line cron script. Would basically be the same thing if I added variables for its configuration in the admin control panel.

Took about 5 or so min to code..


This != hotm


Mephisteus 04-09-2005 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Trigunflame
Lol, ive got about this same script in a 10 or so line cron script. Would basically be the same thing if I added variables for its configuration in the admin control panel.

Took about 5 or so min to code..


This != hotm

not putting down author :), great hack for those who need it.

1. That goes for almost every hack
2. I higly doubt you got this in a 10 line cron script :p. Really...

Trigunflame 04-10-2005 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by DarkSSJ3
1. That goes for almost every hack
2. I higly doubt you got this in a 10 line cron script :p. Really...

Short of the text replacement (which is 5 lines), and the 4 variables each on 1 line.

Query is ran:
SELECT userid, signature FROM usertextfield WHERE signature <> ''

The code simply checks returned signature for string length, (how many of 3 types of bbcode I monitor are inside the signature), if any 1 violates the limit, the signature is changed with the text replacement.

Nothing I would install an entire hack to replace, maybe im just lazy..

j_86 04-10-2005 12:08 PM

Have you actually read through the feature list? Please do and edit your posts :)

jcr 04-10-2005 02:44 PM

I downloaded it, but I was very confused with the mysql part, otherwise I really love the idea, but i just cant't afford to screw up my database, something that is very possible, when I didn't understand the instructions :-S

I click install anyways and hopes that a final version with better / easier mysql instructions exists then :)

Scerina 04-10-2005 07:07 PM

Can someone help me out here? How do you add an Real PHP Cron Job? This paragraph confused me...

Next set the values for your database at the top
of the script you are using then place it in the
path that you want it to be called from. Then do
a system call to add the task to your cron.

someone care to explain?

Scerina 04-10-2005 07:36 PM

i cant see anything on admincp admin signature guardian section

Scerina 04-10-2005 07:44 PM

i need help on my lang mysql query part
i just messed up on it...

Scerina 04-10-2005 08:24 PM

i fix the last co uple of issues but the cron job wordin in admin cp...i cant view it...i only see the path to my monitor.php and other stuff but no descriptions

MPDev 04-11-2005 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Trigunflame
Lol, ive got about this same script in a 10 or so line cron script. Would basically be the same thing if I added variables for its configuration in the admin control panel..

Wow, you did all this in 10 lines of code? That's simply amazing! You must be an ubber-coder to get that much functionality out of 10 lines of code. No, really, you must post these 10 lines of code which duplicate all the functionality of this script so that us mere mortals can learn from someone with such mastery of scripting.

Sure my Dodge Viper has four wheels and a motor, but that doesn't mean its the same thing as your Geo Traacker.

Marco van Herwaarden 04-11-2005 12:56 PM

Lol he didn't mention how long these lines are, not the fact it will only work on MySQL7.3Beta4/PHP9.0.1

But serious. If you take out all the settings and just focus on some fixed limitations, i guess you could code it in a few lines cronjob.

Trigunflame 04-11-2005 01:20 PM

I format my code as to be easily readible ie (function and brackets on seperate lines), plus the comments...

However if you inline the code and IF() calls, remove comments, and disregard the variables/replace text.. the core script works out to about 9-10 lines.

The starting PHP, and ending PHP are just routine cron sanity check, and then logging if enabled... in cronjob setting.

PHP Code:


if (!
is_object($DB_site)) { exit; }

// Max Sigs
$maxSigs 3;
$maxSpoilers 2;
$maxQuotes 1;

// Message To Display
$message "Your signature has been removed due to signature violation. 
    Signatures are limited to a maximum of 
$maxSigs images, a maximum 
$maxSpoilers spoilers, and a maximum of $maxQuotes quote tags.
    Please remake your signature with the limit in mind. 
    Note: This has been done via auto Signature Removal.

// Signature Query
$signatures $DB_site->query("SELECT userid, signature FROM usertextfield WHERE signature <> ''");

// Loop Signatures
$total 0;
while (
$signature $DB_site->fetch_array($signatures))
$sig strtolower($signature['signature']);
    if (    
substr_count($sig,'[img') > $maxSigs OR
substr_count($sig,'[spoiler') > $maxSpoilers OR
substr_count($sig,'[quote') > $maxQuotes
"UPDATE " TABLE_PREFIX "usertextfield " 
"SET signature = '" $message "' " 
"WHERE userid = '"$signature['userid']. "'"

// Finished
if ($total)
log_cron_action("[#$total] Signatures with violations have been removed."$nextitem);
log_cron_action('No Signatures found in violation.'$nextitem);


PS. I never said it "had" all the functionality of the Thread Authors script..
I just said I wouldn't install an entirely new hack over my simple crontab I have now..

MPDev 04-11-2005 01:30 PM

Wow, this script really does do everything the mod posted does - and more! I'm impressed. Take out the configuration items, the comments and the line breaks and you really did it in 10 lines. A work of art. Feature for feature your script kicks this mod's butt in simplicity and ease of implentation. Thank you for sharing this genius piece of work.


PS. I never said it "had" all the functionality of the Thread Authors script..
I just said I wouldn't install an entirely new hack over my simple crontab I have now..
No, that's not what you said. You said, "Lol, ive got about this same script in a 10 or so line cron script. Would basically be the same thing if I added variables for its configuration in the admin control panel.."

Even going to the effort of "laughing out loud" before you made your claim of writing this script in "10 lines or so" and that it would "basically be the same thing".

Marco van Herwaarden 04-11-2005 01:39 PM

Well your code is not configurable per usergroup/user.
Your code does not control who can SEE signatures.
It don't work real time.
No 'Soft' remove
No moderating of Sig's
No statistics
No Limitation in number of lines
No group control over smily usage
No control over number of smilies
No control over which BB-codes are allowed

Could go on for more then 10 lines like this ;)

Seems i need more then 10 lines to describe what your code is missing.

PS Not trying to burn you down now, but you really did ask for a reaction like this.

why-not 04-11-2005 03:13 PM

This post was not meant as a reply to or centered at MarcoH64 I apologize if that is how it sounded, it is a reply to the person who keeps making accounts on my demo forum just to PM me really dumb, rude comments!

One of them PMS


You know your mod really sucks and should not be allowed to be posted at
vb...org. You copied the guy that made this mod for phpBB and did not give
him any credit. Plus your mod don't work at ell!

If you think I copied anyones mod please show where my code is like person you said I copied. You will not find it, because I did not copy anyone's code!

I will answer each of your comments any ways!

Your code does not control who can SEE signatures.

Yes it does, I think your confused!

Go here without being logged in, you can not see any signatures! (configured per group)


No Limitation in number of lines

The following (2) are the same (per group)

No group control over smily usage

No control over number of smilies

No control over which BB-codes are allowed

The following is part of the Admin Panel that has not been released with the Beta version...

This includes...

Mod and Admin forum controls (validate signatures when browsing the forum)

Statistics (part of the Admin Panel, update (2) soon to be released!)

Signature Admin Panel


total images, total unique links in signatures, search signatures by.. (size, image size, text size)

Admin Configuration!

Cron control
Set Ban Limits
Set Ban Duration
Set Configuration of....

Bad word filter... (user db, or file system to maintain lists)
Domain blocking... (user db, or file system to maintain lists)


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