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Paul M 01-17-2005 10:00 PM

FlashChat : Integration upgrades for vBulletin.
This modification is no longer available or supported.

This originally made changes to add new facilities to your FlachChat & vb set-up. However, all the features added are now part of standard Flashchat (4.6.0 and above). This now just supplies the latest vb 3.0 CMS file, which depending on circumstances, may either be the same as, or newer than, the one supplied with Flashchat itself.

To install the latest 3.0 CMS file - unzip it, edit the usergroups access and options as required, and then copy the file to the ../chat/inc/cmses/ folder on your server.

Optionally, you can also edit inc\langs\en.php.

Finding ;

'banned' => "You've been banned",
and replacing with ;

'banned' => "You do not have permission to enter the chat",

* Version 1.82 was the last version of the old hack (for Flashchat 4.2.1 upwards).

History of the 3.0 CMS file

* v1.13 - updated vbulletin30CMS.php file for vb 3.0 and Flashchat 4.5.2+ this contains a fix for a cookie security issue.
* v1.14 - Added ability to login direct to a room using ../flashchat.php?username=_int_&room=n
* v1.15 - Alterations to caching code.
* v1.16 - Minor fix to Get User for membergroupids.
* v1.17 - Security (anti-hacking) code added (as supplied by Darren).
* v1.18 - Usergroup settings moved to top of CMS file.
* v1.19 - Fixed error message when accessing chat admin area.
* v1.20 - Default role changed.
* v1.21 - Minor bug fix to Avatar detection, login code changes, tidy up.

wrongful 01-19-2005 01:41 AM

Works great, thanks for the modifications.

kewl1uk 01-27-2005 06:34 PM

Thanks. Clicks install.

trainer 02-04-2005 05:52 PM

how do you allow specific usergroups access? i don't see the option

Paul M 02-04-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by trainer
how do you allow specific usergroups access? i don't see the option

Taken from the instructions ;


// Edit the cases below to set permissions for different vBulletin usergroups //

function getRoles($usergroupid) {
        switch($usergroupid) {
                case 5:
                case 6:
                        return ROLE_ADMIN; // Chat Staff //
                case 2:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                        return ROLE_USER; // Allowed Users //
                        return ROLE_NOBODY; // Banned Users (everyone else) //

Eagle Creek 02-28-2005 10:54 PM

Stupid question but where can I find the original flash chat? I find modifications, add-ons and hacks everwhere but not the chat itself..

Paul M 02-28-2005 11:47 PM

www.tufat.com - second in the list. :)

Eagle Creek 02-28-2005 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M
www.tufat.com - second in the list. :)

I'll take a look. Thank you!

Edit: I get 404?

SuperGLS 03-04-2005 10:33 PM

When setting different permissions, is the case number equivalent to the chat room number?

EDIT- And, can I make a room for all mods? Not just the Admin (only me)?

Thanks in advance.

Paul M 03-05-2005 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by SuperGLS
When setting different permissions, is the case number equivalent to the chat room number?

EDIT- And, can I make a room for all mods? Not just the Admin (only me)?

Thanks in advance.

The case number is the vBulletin usergroup number, not the room - i.e. the permissions in flashchat/vB integration are usergroup based, not room based.

The Permanant Private rooms this hack adds are visible to anyone defined as flashchat staff - in the example I posted above this is usergroups 6 & 5 (Administrators and Supermods). The Moderators group is id 7.

SuperGLS 03-14-2005 02:13 AM

Ok great. I'll attempt this install tomorrow. Thanks in advance.

emtee 03-22-2005 09:34 PM

Does it work with Usernames that have SPACE (e.g. Test User) ? Because I know fresh FlashChat doesn't work with vB usernames that have SPACE.


Treasure Quest 03-24-2005 08:44 PM

Hi Paul,
Now I really messed things up. My chat asks for login but loads a blank screen.

I tried to edit the connection.php and vbulletinCMS.php for this upgrade but had trouble doing it. Now after I uploaded my backup files the chat will not work.

Paul, I believe you are a member at my forum, could you look and see what its doing and suggestions.
Need help sir,



Treasure Quest 03-25-2005 02:42 PM

Couldn't get the upgrade to work, probaBLY MY ERROR.
How come when I re uploaded my two back up files now nothing works.

Paul M 03-26-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Treasure Quest
Paul, I believe you are a member at my forum, could you look and see what its doing and suggestions.
Need help sir,



I'll look later, I have only just got back from a weeks holiday. :)

Treasure Quest 03-26-2005 05:21 PM

I'm sorry Paul, I just noticed yesterday that you were on vacation.
Hope you had a good time :)


Treasure Quest 03-26-2005 09:24 PM

Hi Paul,
Did I have the upgraded files?
I can still log into the chat via banned user.

If I didn't then thats okay, I won't worry about it :cheeky:


Paul M 03-26-2005 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Treasure Quest
Hi Paul,
Did I have the upgraded files?
I can still log into the chat via banned user.

If I didn't then thats okay, I won't worry about it :cheeky:


Sorry - I didn't realise you had removed the hacked connections.php - I have uploaded the modified version to your site which should prevent non allowed usergroups logging in. :)

Treasure Quest 03-26-2005 09:57 PM

Thanks Paul.
I'll give it a try.

Paul's a great person!

Treasure Quest 03-26-2005 10:02 PM

I have a test user that I have banned.

password: tooty4

I can still log into the chat using the banned username.

I'll try again in a bit,


Paul M 03-26-2005 10:29 PM

That's because I used a copy of my cms file, which had a few extra usergroups allowed - one of which must have the same id number as your banned group. Now only groups 5, 6, 7 & 2 are allowed (with 5 & 6 defined as admin).

Treasure Quest 03-26-2005 10:36 PM

I got to thinking on this Paul and the banned user Chip has my IP address, that may create a problem as well?


Paul M 03-26-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Treasure Quest
I got to thinking on this Paul and the banned user Chip has my IP address, that may create a problem as well?


That user can no longer log into the chat (tested here). There is no ip check in the usergroup checking code (of this hack).

Treasure Quest 03-27-2005 12:04 AM

Thank you, works great!!!

Mosh 03-28-2005 12:02 AM

[high]* Mosh clicks install
I am getting to be a fan of your hacks, I think this is the third one of yours I have used as they are nice and simple to install with no fuss.


jd :)

Paul M 03-28-2005 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by jdsinclair
[high]* jdsinclair clicks install
I am getting to be a fan of your hacks, I think this is the third one of yours I have used as they are nice and simple to install with no fuss.

Thank you for your comments. :)

camoman 03-30-2005 09:20 PM

I have a problem with my flash chat since the upgrade to 3.0.7 .. seems everything loads fine but all I get is a blue screen.. I hoped that this would fix it since it says it works on 3.0.7. I tried posting on tufat's forums and they said they have heard of this but don't have time to fix it right now :( .. they are suposidly working on a new release of Flash Chat.

Has anyone see this or know somthing I can try. I have tried the cookie hacks and the domain hacks but they didn;t work either :( I love this chat and my members want it back..
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!

you can view it here: www.trackshare.com but you'll have to sign up to see the link:(

these are the erros in my httpd log:

Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 64
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 63
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 61
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fopen(./appdata/appTime.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 60
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 64
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 63
[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home2/camoman/public_html/forum/FlashChat/inc/classes/chatServer.php on line 61

Paul M 03-31-2005 04:24 PM

This appears to be your problem ;

[Thu Mar 24 10:58:17 2005] [error] PHP Warning: fopen(./appdata/appTime.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied

The /appdata/appTime.txt file needs to be set to universal read/write access (777 in unix) otherwise flashchat will hang on loading (as yours is).

camoman 03-31-2005 04:25 PM

Thanks got it working :)

Mosh 04-25-2005 12:08 PM

Well, I have installed FlashChat 4.01 onto my test server.

From your instructions:

Step 1. Can not be done in its current state as

$this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
has changed to

$this->ip = ($args['is_bot'] == null)? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : $args['is_bot'];
I am not sure what would need to replace this line.

Step 2 & 3. You need to edit sendLoginInfo.php instead of connection.php

Step 4 & 5. You need to edit vbulletinCMS.php (vB 3.0.3) or vbulletinCMS2.php (vB 3.0.7)

So it is just the Proxy detection that needs fixing as far as I know.

Hope this helps you a bit in changing the instructions for v 4.01


T3MEDIA 04-25-2005 12:14 PM

Woah nice. I didnt even know flashchat had a version 4.

BUT this is nice!!!

Paul M 04-25-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by jdsinclair
Well, I have installed FlashChat 4.01 onto my test server.

From your instructions:

Step 1. Can not be done in its current state as

$this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
has changed to

$this->ip = ($args['is_bot'] == null)? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : $args['is_bot'];
I am not sure what would need to replace this line.

Step 2 & 3. You need to edit sendLoginInfo.php instead of connection.php

Step 4 & 5. You need to edit vbulletinCMS.php (vB 3.0.3) or vbulletinCMS2.php (vB 3.0.7)

So it is just the Proxy detection that needs fixing as far as I know.

Hope this helps you a bit in changing the instructions for v 4.01


LOL, Thanks - I have actually already done all the required changes on my test system [last week], I just haven't got round to doing a new set of instructions for upload yet. :)

Mosh 04-25-2005 12:44 PM

Cool, I look forward in anticipation for you new install instructions :) I can then upgrade my live server to FlashChat v 4.01

Thanks for your FlashChat hacks, I love them :)

Paul M 04-25-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jdsinclair
Cool, I look forward in anticipation for you new install instructions :)

Okay - Version 1.50 uploaded (for FC4.0.1).


Originally Posted by jdsinclair
Thanks for your FlashChat hacks, I love them :)

Thank you. :)

Mosh 04-26-2005 08:17 AM

Thanks, have downloaded them and will install later :D

TheHokkaidoCrow 05-01-2005 06:38 AM

This part smells kind of funny...


// Edit to set user roles for different vB usergroups
function getRoles($usergroupid) {
        switch($usergroupid) {
                case 5:
                case 6:
                        return ROLE_ADMIN; // Chat Staff //
                case 2:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                        return ROLE_USER; // Allowed Users //
                        return ROLE_NOBODY; // Unauthorised Users (i.e. everyone else) //

On my unhacked 3.0.7 vBulletin system, usergroupid 8 is the banned group. The regular users are all usergroupid 2. Why are you returning a ROLE_USER for case 8?

Paul M 05-01-2005 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheHokkaidoCrow
This part smells kind of funny...

On my unhacked 3.0.7 vBulletin system, usergroupid 8 is the banned group. The regular users are all usergroupid 2. Why are you returning a ROLE_USER for case 8?

Just because Usergroup 8 is a banned group on your forum, doesn't make it so on every forum.

Like it says "// Edit to set user roles for different vB usergroups ".

..... and if you have installed this, please click on install.

T3MEDIA 05-01-2005 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M
Okay - Version 1.50 uploaded (for FC4.0.1).

Thank you. :)

question can the vbindex/vbadvanced hack still work or its completely differnt now?

Second question is there a major difference in the chat? I have it but didnt install.

Paul M 05-01-2005 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
question can the vbindex/vbadvanced hack still work or its completely differnt now?

Not sure what you mean, please explain.


Originally Posted by T3MEDIA
Second question is there a major difference in the chat? I have it but didnt install.

Yes, a number of changes (like bots). However, the vB integration with it (as supplied) is complete pants and is unlikely to work for you - unless you know what you are doing, stay with 3.9.6 atm.

Mosh 05-07-2005 07:26 AM


This has been up on my live forums for about a week and still working like a charm.

Thanks again,

jd :)

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