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Intex 06-03-2004 07:38 PM

vBadvanced CMPS - Old Support Thread
Tigga - let me be the first to say what an absolutely outstanding hack this is. I've been using it now for about a month (or whenever you first released it on your website).

Installed and working great on 3.0.1. Fantastic work !!!! Waiting to vote for it on 'Hack of the Month'.

* Intex clicks INSTALL. Even though it was installed a few weeks ago :).

snyx 06-03-2004 09:21 PM


does this allow me to create seperate /file.php? files with these options, or are they all /index.php?page=file generated?

tcs 06-03-2004 09:21 PM

The CMPS is outstanding and easy to add modules too. Fully customizable.

Importing styles and getting them to run right the first time without a bunch of major code work is a breeze.

Manuals, Instructions and Tech Support are the best you will find anywhere.

Content management come strait from the forums.

This is truly a great CMS for vBulletin.

Running on my site if you need a demo and to see how well it adapts to hacks added from this site.

Demo --> http://www.maysvillekybbs.com

rookie7 06-03-2004 09:35 PM

Can you tell us how many queries does your hack have?

tilight 06-03-2004 09:37 PM

Very nice, i'll install right away. Been waiting for something like this.

Preech 06-03-2004 09:40 PM

Gotta click install. I've been using this since you released it on your forum.

FleaBag 06-03-2004 11:29 PM


milkmycow 06-03-2004 11:54 PM

what are the advantages of using this over the original VBadvanced?

Synicide 06-04-2004 12:58 AM

Best portal evar.
/me is a very proud user.

Bad Bunny 06-04-2004 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Synicide
Best portal evar.
[high]* Synicide is a very proud user.[/high]

Sounds great, bro. I will have to check this out, as I really appreciate the thinking of a full site instead of just a portal page.

Wasser 06-04-2004 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by milkmycow
what are the advantages of using this over the original VBadvanced?

the biggest improvement over vba homepage is the way the frontpage content is moved around and the method of adding new content. look at the screenshots he posted and you'll get the idea.

Dan 06-04-2004 05:24 AM

nice job tigga :)

msimplay 06-04-2004 06:16 AM

i remember having a major struggle with making the main page 100% width last time
because the forums width is fixed at 750
is it easily done this time around ?

Dean C 06-04-2004 10:43 AM

Looks very nice Brian :)!

BoNfiRe 06-04-2004 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C
Looks very nice Brian :)!

Yep the best portal out there been using it since the rc1 release.

[high]* BoNfiRe clicks install[/high]

Zachery 06-04-2004 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by BoNfiRe
Yep the best portal out there been using it since the rc1 release.

[high]* BoNfiRe clicks install[/high]

Ive been using vBadvanced systems since it was still called mYvBindex for vB3 ;D

Tigga 06-04-2004 02:33 PM

Thank you all for the compliments. :)
I've tried to create a portal/cms that would allow novice users and advanced coders alike to easily set up and manage their site's content, and easily add new modules without having to hack any files. Judging from the comments, it looks like I've acomplished my goal. :cool:



does this allow me to create seperate /file.php? files with these options, or are they all /index.php?page=file generated?
You could rename the cmps_index.php file to anything that you would like, and change the 'page=' part to anything you would like (there's an option to change the 'page=' variable in the default settings). It also would not be a problem to have multiple copies of the cmps_index.php file on your server if you wanted one for your homepage and another for some other reason.


Can you tell us how many queries does your hack have?
It is just about the same as vBa Homepage, except there is one extra query (which is very quick) to pull the info for the particular page. With all of the default modules enabled, I believe the number of queries is at 20. Here is a quick breakdown of the queries for you though:
  • News & New Archive - 1 query pulls both
  • Latest Threads - 1 query
  • Poll - 1 query
  • User's Avatar (part of the Welcome Block module) - 1 query
  • Buddy List and/or Online Users - 1 query pulls both
  • Mini Calendar - 3 queries (none for the simple calendar)
  • Stats - 2 queries
  • New Posts (part of the Welcome Block module) - 1 query
  • Quick Moderation - 4 queries (Note that these will only be performed for usergroups that have permission to view this module).
Also note that the queries will not be performed for any modules that are not active on a particular page.


what are the advantages of using this over the original VBadvanced?
Excuse me for being lazy, but I'm just going to copy and paste the answer I gave when this was asked on our forum the other day. ;)
If you're good with PHP, or at least very comfortable with HTML, then the Homepage may be a good solution. If not, the CMPS is much easier to customize and change. If you would like to move one of the blocks in the Homepage, you would have to edit a template and move the HTML around. In the CMPS, you simply click a link to move the module to a different column, and specify the order in which you'd like it to be displayed in that column. Adding modules to the Homepage would require hacking the file to add the code. Adding modules to the CMPS only requires uploading the file, and then adding the module through the Admin CP. The CMPS also gives you more control and options when adding new pages, whereas the Homepage only allows you to replace the news section in the middle with content from a custom template.


i remember having a major struggle with making the main page 100% width last time
because the forums width is fixed at 750
is it easily done this time around ?
The CMPS should go by the same width you have set for your forums. The only case I remember where someone has experienced a problem with this is when their news posts contained images that were too big and were causing the page to be stretched out. Other than something such as that, there should be no problem.

Tigga 06-04-2004 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Ive been using vBadvanced systems since it was still called mYvBindex for vB3 ;D

Hehe... Zachery thinks he's oldschool. :p
I didn't even remember what it was called back then... That was what, a little over a year ago? I seriously doubt I even still have a copy of that file.

Zachery 06-04-2004 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tigga
Hehe... Zachery thinks he's oldschool. :p
I didn't even remember what it was called back then... That was what, a little over a year ago? I seriously doubt I even still have a copy of that file.


I am so old skool :p

Ive been supporting mYvBindex and vBa for well over a year and half at least :D

Tigga 06-04-2004 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery

I am so old skool :p

Ive been supporting mYvBindex and vBa for well over a year and half at least :D

God no! No templates! I probably don't even want to see all the mistakes and such from back then. :p

BoNfiRe 06-04-2004 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery
Ive been using vBadvanced systems since it was still called mYvBindex for vB3 ;D

:rolleyes: I have only been using vBulletin for like 2 months so I guess i'm not old skool lol :ermm:

Anyway I was on about the first release of the CMPS :) ;)

frankenberrie 06-04-2004 08:18 PM

I have been using VBadvanced for the bast few months and it has been getting better and better with age. This portal is by far the best and easiest to install & use. On a scale from 1 to 10 I give this a

100000000000000000000000000 ++++ :rolleyes:

Imprezer 06-05-2004 04:38 AM

Great hack!

I am currently using vBindex and I get 0 support with it as all of my questions are being ignored. So, I am considering switching to this portal. And, I have a question.

Is there any way of displaying the LATEST THREADS from a selected forum in a block?

Thanks a lot!

SnowBot 06-05-2004 07:19 AM

Can you run through the steps to upgrade from vBAdvanced in full please. ? :)

Cyricx 06-05-2004 10:40 AM


I don't think I can say it any clearer then that. Thank you so much for creating and releasing this! :)

freehtml 06-05-2004 11:59 AM

I had one friend told me that he switched from vBadvance to other potral system as vBadvance cannot handle high traffic as according to him...anyone had any feedback on this?

Intex 06-05-2004 12:01 PM

I've personnally not had any performance problems with it. As for a comparison against other portal systems, they might not be doing as much work on the homepage, it really depends on what you intend to display and therefore how many queries are run etc.

With vBAdvanced you can turn modules on / off, so I don't really see any problems with that.

Zachery 06-05-2004 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by freehtml
I had one friend told me that he switched from vBadvance to other potral system as vBadvance cannot handle high traffic as according to him...anyone had any feedback on this?

http://www.plurplanet.com/ << last time i checked thats vBadvanced, and last time i checked thats a rather large forum.

NexVision 06-05-2004 01:36 PM

I have installed this numerous times and cannot get the index page to load it just hangs and then times out. Switched over from vbadvanced and now have nothing

tjdrico 06-05-2004 02:16 PM

Installed this and thought it was cool, so I even provide a module for it with my latest hack. Nice work.

SmasherMaster 06-05-2004 09:15 PM

I have RC1...Think I'll upgrade tomorrow. Still, freakin awesome job Tigga!

freehtml 06-06-2004 12:36 AM

I had just installed it at http://www.sgwebhostingtalk.com/index.php

And ithad displayed me the following error :

Warning: main(/home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/cmps_index.php on line 25

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/global.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/cmps_index.php on line 25

I had tried to append the path info in the info.php that I created and the same problem still occurs..'

Any advice?

Zachery 06-06-2004 02:20 AM

You did edit the chdir correctly


However it seems to be working fine now

ShutDown23 06-06-2004 02:46 AM

Can someone help me?

I've edited all the options in the admincp, but when i go to my portal, I don't see the news I was imported just the News Archive.

Thank you

msimplay 06-06-2004 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Tigga
The CMPS should go by the same width you have set for your forums. The only case I remember where someone has experienced a problem with this is when their news posts contained images that were too big and were causing the page to be stretched out. Other than something such as that, there should be no problem.

no you misunderstand
the point of it is that i don't want CMPS to be same width as the forum

i'd like it to be 100% instead of the same width as the forum

is it easily done this time ?

Intex 06-06-2004 01:23 PM

msimplay - this is pretty easy to do. Simply create a child-style from your existing forum style. You can then change the width of the homepage + anything else you like and anything you change will only apply to that style.

The advantage of using a child style also means that any global changes you make to the parent style will cascade to the child style, where you haven't modified that directly of course.

Hope that helps.

Tigga 06-06-2004 02:35 PM


Great hack!

I am currently using vBindex and I get 0 support with it as all of my questions are being ignored. So, I am considering switching to this portal. And, I have a question.

Is there any way of displaying the LATEST THREADS from a selected forum in a block?

Thanks a lot!
Yes, there is an option in the latest threads section where you may specify a forumid(s) to pull the threads from. :)


Can you run through the steps to upgrade from vBAdvanced in full please. ?
Follow the install instructions, set up the CMPS, and then uninstall the homepage. There is a section in the CMPS install file that checks to see if you have the Homepage installed, and if so, gives you the option to import your settings. :)


Can someone help me?

I've edited all the options in the admincp, but when i go to my portal, I don't see the news I was imported just the News Archive.

Thank you
What do you have your 'News Posts Maximum' set to? From looking at your site, it looks like you may have that set to 0, which would cause the posts to be displayed in the archive instead.


no you misunderstand
the point of it is that i don't want CMPS to be same width as the forum

i'd like it to be 100% instead of the same width as the forum

is it easily done this time ?
Ahhh, sorry. Yes, you should be able to change the width of that table in the 'adv_portal' template.

ragintajin 06-06-2004 08:26 PM

Is it possible to assign each page its own unique theme/style?

Tigga 06-06-2004 08:27 PM

Yup. Take a look at this screenshot and you will see the option. :)

Lee Wilde 06-07-2004 12:02 AM

Have installed in minutes and thanks to the user manual you provide, am already adding new pages. A huge amount of work and forethought has obviously gone into this. Superlative work!

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