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uae 12-12-2004 10:00 PM

vB Pager 2.0.4
vB Pager
Version: 2.0.4
vB-version: 3.0.6
Developer: WwW.UAEWEB.CoM
Install-difficulty: Easy

This Hack has been moved to Full Releases Forums.


Updates in Version 2.0.4
  • DHTML popup for Sending New Pager and Replying.
  • Upgrade from version 2.0.0 and 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 inlcuded.
  • New option in ADMINCP for Hard deleting messages.
vB pager is a new refined & light paging system that enables authorized users to exchange short & quick messages amongst each other. Unlike the regular private messaging system, the paged user is guaranteed to read your message & reply to it (if you choose this option) instantly & easily.

  • You won't need to log on your CP to send a message, just click on the pager icon next to the name of the user you'd like to page! (See Screenshots)
  • Switch the paging system on or off anytime you wish!
  • Specify who gets to use the paging system by Usergroup, or even User IDs to send messages to your forum members.
  • vB Pager users can send pager messages to members of the forum and/or non-registered guests from the WhoisOnline's page.
  • Optional Anonymity: you can choose to hide your username when paging another user on the forum, & define which Usergroup or User IDs can utilize this option.
  • Restrict the number of characters in each message: you can restrict the use of this paging system to short messages only by simply typing in the maximum number of characters that can be used. The window comes in with a built-in character counter to enable the user to keep track of the characters typed.
  • Logs of all incoming and outgoing pager messages member has, can be viewed and deleted.
  • Logs of all incoming and outgoing pager messages (Deleted and Unread messages) for all members can be viewed and deleted through the Admin CP.

File-edits: 8
Template-edits: 9
New files for this Hack: 3
Files modified for this Hack: 5
New templates for this Hack: 4
vbpager_popup (v 2.0.2)
vbpager_new (v 2.0.4)
Templates modified for this Hack: 7
postbit_legacy (Optional)
postbit (Optional)
New DB tables for this Hack: 1
DB Tables modified for this Hack: 1

Please click https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/ if you install this hack, thanks.

vB Pager is free, and will remain free.

NuclioN 12-13-2004 07:09 AM

so far no errors :) Is it correct by upgrading you don't have to overwrite/replace the pageradmin.php?

uae 12-13-2004 07:53 AM

nope, you don't need to replace it :)

what you will need to replace is pager.php only and the installer for upgrading.

Polo 12-13-2004 02:25 PM

Cool :cool: thank you for sharing with the community uae ;)

TwinsX2Dad 12-13-2004 03:51 PM


Fixable, I am sure. :nervous:

I uploaded all of the files, checking them twice.

When I run the vbpager_install.php file (from admincp folder), I get the following database error:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE vb3_language ADD `phrasegroup_vbpager` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_vbpager'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Monday 13th of December 2004 10:46:56 AM
Script: http://www.mydomain.net/forums/admincp/vbpager_install.php?step=dophrases
Referer: http://www.mydomain.net/forums/admincp/vbpager_install.php
Username: XXXXXXX
IP Address: XX.X.XX.XXX

Do you have any ideas as to what went wrong?

Thanks in advance!

C.Birch 12-13-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
Duplicate column name 'phrasegroup_vbpager'

you already have a column by that name in your database, so the edit that the upgrade code is trying to do can ot work due to it.

TwinsX2Dad 12-13-2004 04:48 PM

I figured that, so I went into phpMyAdmin and searched for all examples of it. I found one, then deleted the table.

Then I went back in and tried the install again - same result. So, I used the install file to uninstall whatever it had done, then checked the database again and deleted the table (again), then retried the install.

Same result.

This is driving me nuts! :)

dr-jamal 12-13-2004 07:09 PM

well .. I did everything ..
but nothing showed up .. I mean .. I can't activate it .. see the picture I attached ..

BarHopper 12-13-2004 08:06 PM

I tried the last veersion and it messed up my vB. Although nice, idea, i will not be implementing it.

TwinsX2Dad 12-14-2004 01:22 AM

So, no solutions for Dr-Jamal & me?

docvader 12-14-2004 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
So, no solutions for Dr-Jamal & me?

I'm really looking forward to seeing a good working copy of this. Truly a great idea.


uae 12-14-2004 05:56 AM

TwinsX2Dad, I have no idea about what causing that problem with your setup!

sorry guys, but I have installed this thing in like five different sites, and never faced any problem!!

can anyone look into the installer please??

uae 12-14-2004 06:13 AM

sometime and for some reason, users gets blank messages from guest!

to fix this problem

Open file includes/functions.php and FIND


return $pagerinfo;


if (!$pagerinfo[pagerid])
if ($bbuserinfo[pager] > 0)
$result = $DB_site->query("UPDATE ". TABLE_PREFIX . "user set pager=pager - 1 where
userid = " . $bbuserinfo[userid] . "");
return false;

Open file yourforums/global.php and FIND


eval('$pagermessage = "' . fetch_template('vbpager_popup') . '";');


if ($pagerinfo)
Installer has been updated.

uae 12-14-2004 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by dr-jamal
well .. I did everything ..
but nothing showed up .. I mean .. I can't activate it .. see the picture I attached ..

can you try editing any phrase, then save it!

let's see if this will help, cos I have faced the same problem only with vB 3.0.0 and below, but never with 3.0.1 or above.

kamu 12-14-2004 06:29 AM

Great hack.

Unfortunately, I must advise all with my unfortunate experience after installing this hack.

I have the latest version of IE, and this hack will cause my IE to crash by loading into my forum. Also, the template additions for the MemberInfo did not plant the Message link.

If there is a fix to these issues I'd appriciate the help.
Until then, I have uninstalled this hack.

uae 12-14-2004 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by kamu
Great hack.

Unfortunately, I must advise all with my unfortunate experience after installing this hack.

I have the latest version of IE, and this hack will cause my IE to crash by loading into my forum. Also, the template additions for the MemberInfo did not plant the Message link.

If there is a fix to these issues I'd appriciate the help.
Until then, I have uninstalled this hack.

Thanks kamu, and sorry for that, but causing your IE to crash is something I have never experienced, strange!

Regarding the MemberInfo template, is it only with this template where you can't see the links to send a pager to others??

can you see the little button for sending a pager from whoisonline page?

have you set the right permission to use pager with your userid or usergroup?

kamu 12-14-2004 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by uae
Thanks kamu, and sorry for that, but causing your IE to crash is something I have never experienced, strange!

It may possibly be my computer, maybe Adware is causing some kind of conflict. I had some of my members play with it just before I uninstalled and they advised me that there were no problems. Unfortunately, until I can find a solution I will not be able to install :(


Originally Posted by uae
Regarding the MemberInfo template, is it only with this template where you can't see the links to send a pager to others??

can you see the little button for sending a pager from whoisonline page?

have you set the right permission to use pager with your userid or usergroup?

Yes, only with the MEMBERINFO template. The images within my onlinebits worked fine. The link within my vbmenu also worked flawlessly. I didn't review the template coding within the MEMBERINFO template extensively, but I did triple check my modification according to your instructions and it appeared non-existent on my Info page, in other words it looked exactly the same as before I added the modified code.

Hope that helps :)

uae 12-14-2004 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by kamu
Yes, only with the MEMBERINFO template. The images within my onlinebits worked fine. The link within my vbmenu also worked flawlessly. I didn't review the template coding within the MEMBERINFO template extensively, but I did triple check my modification according to your instructions and it appeared non-existent on my Info page, in other words it looked exactly the same as before I added the modified code.

Hope that helps :)

Let's try this again

in MEMBERINFO template find



Below it ADD


<if condition="$bbuserinfo[canpager]">
<if condition="$bbuserinfo[userid]!=$userinfo[userid]">
        $vbphrase[vbpager_message]:<br />
        <a href="#" onClick='window.open("pager.php?action=pager&do=newpager&touserid=$userinfo[userid]","pager","width=330,height=177");return false;'><phrase 1="$userinfo[username]">$vbphrase[vbpager_send_pager_to] $userinfo[username]</phrase> </a>
<!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='WwW.UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='2.0.0' CHANGEID= 3 ] -->

This exactly what I got right now in the that template!

dr-jamal 12-14-2004 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by uae
can you try editing any phrase, then save it!

let's see if this will help, cos I have faced the same problem only with vB 3.0.0 and below, but never with 3.0.1 or above.

well .. I did that but it has no effect .. still I can't see the options ..

TwinsX2Dad 12-14-2004 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by uae
TwinsX2Dad, I have no idea about what causing that problem with your setup!

sorry guys, but I have installed this thing in like five different sites, and never faced any problem!!

can anyone look into the installer please??

Interesting. Anyone else had any difficulty in installing (initial installer) and gotten around it?

Amiga75 12-14-2004 04:10 PM

No Problems. Works Perfect. :squareeyed:

TwinsX2Dad 12-14-2004 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Amiga75
No Problems. Works Perfect. :squareeyed:

Sure - make me feel stupid here! ;)

dr-jamal 12-15-2004 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by TwinsX2Dad
Sure - make me feel stupid here! ;)

Me too :squareeyed: .. that's why I decided to forget all about it .. Uninstall everything..

TwinsX2Dad 12-15-2004 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by dr-jamal
Me too :squareeyed: .. that's why I decided to forget all about it .. Uninstall everything..

Ditto here.

There is something wrong in the install file, as I triple checked my DB, then ran the installer - it crashes, telling me there is a duplicate. I check the DB and, lo & behold, there is a dupe - JUST CREATED BY THE INSTALLER! So, I delete the referenced bits, check again and yes, the offending bits are indeed gone. So I run the installer again with the same results.

The error is happening before the file is even done building the phrases.

Maybe this thing works on a plain vanilla, unmodified copy of vB. With minor hacks installed, the thing just doesn't work.

docvader 12-15-2004 11:49 PM

I feel kind of stupid too. I've installed this, (it was easy, with no errors), but I can't see any pager image anywhere. I assume it's supposed to be next to the reputation scale in the upper right corner of the postbit template version of the post. There is also supposed to be a link in the navbar, under "Quick Links". Apparently, there needs to be certain permissions for people to use this, and view this, which is why maybe I can't "see" it. But, in the Usergroup Manager (admincp), there is no option for granting this permission.

Any suggestions?


docvader 12-16-2004 12:54 AM

Oh, in my Admin Control Panel, in the vBPager Options, I don't get anything to choose in that page. So, I must be missing something... What file edit controls that? Same as Dr Jamal's problem above. I've "saved" the phrases, etc.

docvader 12-16-2004 02:39 AM

Interesting, the phrases for the Pager Options in the Admin CP are present in the forum database. I've tried saving a few of them to see if they'd "appear", to no avail. I guess I don't see the Pager stuff in the forum because I have not turned it on. And I can't turn it on, because the admin cp/pager options shows what Dr Jamal's post above shows: nothing.

So, what do we do to get the pager options to "appear"? The admin cp/ pager messages panel seems to work fine.

TwinsX2Dad 12-16-2004 12:35 PM

I guess some things, some promises, are meaningless.

docvader 12-16-2004 12:49 PM

This lack of vbpager options in the admin cp is not uncommon apparently. It was noticed in the previous thread for this hack, before it was supposedly upgraded to vb 3.03.

In the admin cp, the vbpager options calls to ./admincp/options.php..., but, we didn't alter anything in that during the install. Something simple is missing here. Either I missed it, or it's not in the installer.

Would love to get this working. Looks like it could be a great addition. I've been looking for something like this for a while.

Polo 12-16-2004 11:34 PM

Insalled succesfully with tons of hacks installed in my site... seems to work ok... but i'm also having the problem other member had of not viewing the pager in the memberinfo template....

Polo 12-16-2004 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Polo
Insalled succesfully with tons of hacks installed in my site... seems to work ok... but i'm also having the problem other member had of not viewing the pager in the memberinfo template....

Ok, never mind.. the image and info is there in the template is just that if you look at your own profile you wont see it... so far this is the best pager around congratulations uae

Polo 12-16-2004 11:40 PM

One last thing... how can I make the little "Allow Reply" box to be checked by default... I know this must be exremely easy right... thanks in advance...

Polo 12-16-2004 11:48 PM

Ok, this pager works great, however, i'm having some displaying errors... i have attached an image of what seems to be errors... can someone direct me in the right direction of where I can fix those displaying errors?

Please view attachment...

docvader 12-17-2004 12:21 AM

How did you get it to work, and we didn't? LOL. Can you see the VbPager options in the admincp??? I'm not sure why that is not showing, what file makes that appear?

Polo 12-17-2004 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by docvader
How did you get it to work, and we didn't? LOL. Can you see the VbPager options in the admincp??? I'm not sure why that is not showing, what file makes that appear?

in the installation you need to make the changes to the admincp/index.php files... unless you edit that file, you wont see the menu in your admincp

docvader 12-17-2004 12:56 AM

I see the menu in the admin cp; that's not the problem. Two items are there in that litle menu section, one is vbpager options, the other is the messages list. The vbpager options section does not show (it calls to ./options.php, which we don't edit in this install), the messages list section does (it does not call to ./options.php). So, I'm a bit bewildered at this. I have all the phrases in my phrase manager, the three templates were transcribed, the file edits have all been done (for the fifth or so time), but I can't seem to get the vbpager options showing in the admin cp. Which is what the other guys (twindad and drjamal) seem to be having problems with.

Any ideas Polo?? You've got an elaborate forum man, I have no doubt that you can figure this out. What did you do differently than the rest of us?


TwinsX2Dad 12-17-2004 04:22 AM

It seems to be one of a couple of possible issues, Rich - and I am not certain which one it is.

My assumption is that it is either table prefixes or a conflict with another mod. I use prefixes and have a heavily modified board. I tried it on a plain vanilla test board and got it to work, but with the same issues Polo is now bringing up.

Once I started adding mods, the board locked up. The odd thing is that I added a mod at a time until I had DB issues, then removed the last mod. I still got the DB issues. I double and triple checked the coding, even restoring the files I just modified and still I had the problems. This leads me to believe that the root issue is in DB changes. But, as we all know, a vB database is a rather large creature and I don't have all the time in the world to figure out where things are breaking.

docvader 12-17-2004 04:34 AM

I'm not sure it would be a conflict with another mod, I"ve got a bunch of hacks on my board, and they all peacefully coexist with each other. Why this one shouldn't, with relatively minor file edits, is beyond me. I think that your idea of the table prefixes is a good one; but, I agree, I wouldn't be delving into that monster either.

Sure hope Uae figures this out. It looks like it could be an awesome hack to have. I'll leave it "installed" for now....

(The installer that was provided with this hack was by far, very pretty, and well thought out, but, most definitely hard to work with when going back to reinstall and evaluate. In my opinion, simple text files are much easier to deal with when doing template and file edits).

boo.3 12-19-2004 01:46 AM

Can't wait for full version for this! :)

uae 12-19-2004 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by Polo
One last thing... how can I make the little "Allow Reply" box to be checked by default... I know this must be exremely easy right... thanks in advance...

in the TEMPLATE vbpager FIND


<input class="button" type="checkbox" id="pager_reply" name="usercanreply" value="1">$vbphrase[vbpager_allow_reply]</label>

Replace it with


<input class="button" type="checkbox" id="pager_reply" name="usercanreply" value="1" checked>$vbphrase[vbpager_allow_reply]</label>

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