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Zachariah 12-05-2004 10:00 PM

Module CMPS: Shoutcast Status Full
/* -----------------12/06/2004 10:45AM-----------------
Shoutcast Status Full 1.2 - CMPS Module

This is a Module for CMPS to place Shoutcast Status in a block. :alien:

Hope it helps !!! Zack - http://www.gzhq.net


There are 4 types of this script here on vb.org:

1) CMPS: Shoutcast Status Lite
2) CMPS: Shoutcast Status Full
3) Shoutcast Status Lite (forum home)
4) Shoutcast Status Full (forum home)

This script pulls the XML data from a shoutcast server.
GeZuS P - for giving me a leg up on some code.

(this hack requires a password form the shoutcast admin to pull stream information.) --- Module CMPS: Shoutcast Status Lite does not need one.

================================================== =====
NEEDED To Install:

vBadvanced CMPS
Coded by: Tigga
================================================== =====

Add: 2 templates
Upload: 4 images, 1 php file

Note: This Module with it's current template layout was designed as a center block.

== Install: 2-5 min ==

Server Name
Last 5 songs
DJ Name
Current Song
Users Connected
User Max
IRC Server and Room
Online / Offline status
- Something that came to mind. You can take this add-on and rename the shoutcast.php file to say "shoutcast1.php, shoutcast2.php, etc." and make multi-blocks to get feeds from different servers. They all can use the same templates.

1.2 - 02.22.05
- Added: DJ ICQ, DJ AIM, IRC Server and Room, 2 images
Edited: cleaned up code in templates and php file.

1.1 Fixed - 12.07.04
- shoutcast.php file to show offline if sever IP can not be reached.
To update replace shoutcast.php file.

If you choose not to show any/all:

Variables used.
Here is a list of variables that can be used in your "adv_portal_shoutcast". If do not wish to show data, just remove the variables.

$scdef = Default station name
$scip = IP shoutcast server
$scport = Port of shoutcast server
$scpass = Admin password (not DJ) to shoutcast server
$ircsite = IRC Server - EX: irc.server.com
$song[t] = Song History:t can range from 0-19. EX: $song[$0], $song[1], $song[2] .... $song[19] ----- $song[0] (zerro) is the current song playing.
$servertitle = "Discription" - setting in DJ - DSP (I used for DJ Name).
$servergenre = - setting in DSP.
$bitrate = Quility of the Bitrate - setting in DJ - DSP .
$icq = ICQ# of DJ - setting in DJ - DSP.
$aim = AIM# of DJ - setting in DJ - DSP.
$irc = IRC room of DJ - setting in DJ - DSP.
$url = URL - setting in DJ - DSP
$currentlisteners = Current connected users.
$maxlisteners = Max users for the server.
$irclink = irc://$ircsite/$irc
$listenlink = 'http://$scip:$scport/listen.pls

yinyang 12-06-2004 06:18 PM

awesome! my board really needs this. great work!

*clicks install*

Hades-1 12-06-2004 07:13 PM

this is goddamn awsome but i need a version for regular Vbulletin :(

Zachariah 12-06-2004 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Hades-1
this is goddamn awsome but i need a version for regular Vbulletin :(

I'll work on it it should not be hard, give me a day or so. I got to paint a bedroom. :tired:

Do you think on a diff. page or on the forumhome? ideas ?

yinyang 12-06-2004 07:58 PM

harry - i'm not sure if this is unique to me, but if shoutcast is turned off (deactivated) from the server, the page with the shoutcast module goes haywire and shows basically warning messages.

Zachariah 12-06-2004 08:01 PM

<a href="http://www.gzhq.net/index.php?id=shoutcast" target="_blank">http://www.gzhq.net/index.php?id=shoutcast</a> => Off state

got a link ?

Hades-1 12-06-2004 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by HarryButt
I'll work on it it should not be hard, give me a day or so. I got to paint a bedroom. :tired:

Do you think on a diff. page or on the forumhome? ideas ?

yeah maybe at the bottom of forum home would look nice.

in a little 150 wide box or something

lasto 12-06-2004 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by yinyang
harry - i'm not sure if this is unique to me, but if shoutcast is turned off (deactivated) from the server, the page with the shoutcast module goes haywire and shows basically warning messages.

not just u m8 same happens to me

i get thousands of these appearing and page takes forever to load + it never gets to load the page because the errors keep on comming and coming so u deffo not on your own.

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource (pathname)

Zachariah 12-06-2004 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by lasto, yinyang
Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource (pathname)

There is a step in the install that was over looked.

Edit shoutcast.php
- Change values with in the "quotes" to your shoutcast server settings.

$scdef = "Server Name"; // Default station name
$scip = ""; // ip or url of shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
$scpass = "changeme"; // password to shoutcast server
$maxusers = "???"; // max users for your server
//End configuration


yinyang 12-07-2004 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by lasto
not just u m8 same happens to me

i get thousands of these appearing and page takes forever to load + it never gets to load the page because the errors keep on comming and coming so u deffo not on your own.

Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource (pathname)

sorry harry, no link as i've disabled it for now. but it works beautiful when the thing was on, but i'm having the same problem as lasto.

Zachariah 12-07-2004 02:07 AM

If there is no server for the script to interact with it will error. I'll have to look @ <if> no server <then> show template.

If your shoutcast server is on-line but no one is DJing it will show off line status. If the server is shut off it errors.

lasto 12-07-2004 07:06 AM

yep its the errors when the server is off thats causeing the problems

Imagine this - your ip changes from the one in your config file and u not updated it) now people on your board will be getting that error until u return and fix it and with the amount of errors it throws up i cant see anyone sitting there watching screens of the same error code.
Not knocking your hack m8 just saying its needs a backup just in case it cant connect.

Zachariah 12-07-2004 12:23 PM

ya, I am reading up on If no fsockopen connect then offline template. I almost got it done.

Zachariah 12-07-2004 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
yep its the errors when the server is off thats causeing the problems

Imagine this - your ip changes from the one in your config file and u not updated it) now people on your board will be getting that error until u return and fix it and with the amount of errors it throws up i cant see anyone sitting there watching screens of the same error code.
Not knocking your hack m8 just saying its needs a backup just in case it cant connect.

1.1 Fixed
- shoutcast.php file to show offline if sever IP can not be reached.

To update replace shoutcast.php file.

yinyang 12-07-2004 06:13 PM

good going harrybutt. it works beautifully now.

lasto 12-07-2004 06:29 PM

nice going m8 and really appreciae the time u took to solve this small problem

/me clicks installs and says `thank u m8`

RMS-Chef 12-07-2004 06:43 PM

This works great, well done.

I would love to see this to be incorporated elsewhere as well, perhaps with the option of a significantly more compact template.

gmarik 12-07-2004 08:37 PM

This seems to be the best hack for a long period of time.

Zachariah 12-08-2004 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by gmarik
This seems to be the best hack for a long period of time.

Thank you sir, for the flowers. I have seen tons better, but I did miss doing shout casts and thought it would be cool to have a stat / on-line indicator.

Phalynx 12-09-2004 09:36 PM

Great, thanks!

Zachariah 12-10-2004 02:09 AM

ya'll get this turkey going ?

BlazeXXX 12-20-2004 06:19 PM

*clicks install* Great hack, exactly wat i was waiting for. Gonna customise it to work with normal forumhome template and see ;) thanks fella.

BlazeXXX 12-20-2004 09:17 PM

ok.. it looks good, but having a problem here:

I configured 'shoutcast.php' with my own server details and uploaded this and other images in to the appropriate folders. I went in to my Vbulletin template and den in ForumHome template:

I added:

<if condition="$scfp">
<if condition="$streamstatus=1">

pasted code for Shoutcast (online one)

<else />

Pasted code for Shoutcast (offline one)

It doesn't seem to recognise the DJ gone offline. I tried changing <if condition="$streamstatus=1"> to <if condition="$streamstatus['1']">, still doesn't work. Am I doing something stupid?

I am not a programmer, so was playing arnd with just vb knowledge. Any expert advice here on how to make it show offline condition in an event of dj goes off? or no spinning happening at that time?

Zachariah 12-21-2004 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by BlazeXXX
ok.. it looks good, but having a problem here:

I configured 'shoutcast.php' with my own server details and uploaded this and other images in to the appropriate folders. I went in to my Vbulletin template and den in ForumHome template:

I added:

<if condition="$scfp">
<if condition="$streamstatus=1">

pasted code for Shoutcast (online one)

<else />

Pasted code for Shoutcast (offline one)

It doesn't seem to recognise the DJ gone offline. I tried changing <if condition="$streamstatus=1"> to <if condition="$streamstatus['1']">, still doesn't work. Am I doing something stupid?

I am not a programmer, so was playing arnd with just vb knowledge. Any expert advice here on how to make it show offline condition in an event of dj goes off? or no spinning happening at that time?

Its not gana work that easy w/ forumhome. I'll work on it soon. I did this mod-hack for php-nuke by request.


I'll work on forumhome and a full static page next. :D - Just off the top of my head for forumhome perhaps an edit to phpinclude template to call the page that requests the shoutcast info, but its 1:49AM :sleep: :dead:

pfdc 01-09-2005 06:30 AM

a great hack.. can this be done for the forumhome instead as a right hand block?? please let me know if you could make this one. I appreciate and I am sure many others would like it too. Thank again. :-)

H@K@N 01-09-2005 11:38 AM


lol pfdc, i was just wrinting the same Message :


does somebody know, how i can place that Module into the Forumhome Template ?

Zachariah 01-09-2005 03:21 PM

I have been busy off-line, still worken on it on forumhome.

pramodha 01-12-2005 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by HarryButt
I have been busy off-line, still worken on it on forumhome.

When can i except this for normal vb without installing CMPS ?

pfdc 01-14-2005 05:13 PM

please please.. can someone else do this as Harry is obviously busy.. it shouldnt be that hard..

hXc Radio 01-15-2005 08:11 AM

What about a way to cal to Amazon to get the cover artwork of current song? I know this can be done using python. I'd love it for vB

pfdc 01-18-2005 09:46 PM

back to top

Zachariah 01-23-2005 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by pfdc
please please.. can someone else do this as Harry is obviously busy.. it shouldnt be that hard..

Not that busy :D .. I am back on it

pramodha 01-24-2005 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by HarryButt
Not that busy :D .. I am back on it

cool will be waiting for the release

Zachariah 02-24-2005 04:46 PM

New update


1.2 - 02.22.05
- Added: DJ ICQ, DJ AIM, IRC Server and Room, 2 images
Edited: cleaned up code in templates and php file.


Originally Posted by pramodha
cool will be waiting for the release

Shoutcast Status Lite 1.0.1
Shoutcast Status Full 1.0.2

OTuRaNBoGHa 04-04-2005 08:39 AM

my problem is that when the server is offline or the DJ is out, it shows the offline page with an image error[the image lacks the correct path; so there is an X]. But when the shoutcast program is online with a dj, it shows the correct info without any image errors. What can I do about it? I definetely followed ALL the instructions :(

Zachariah 04-04-2005 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by OTuRaNBoGHa
my problem is that when the server is offline or the DJ is out, it shows the offline page with an image error[the image lacks the correct path; so there is an X]. But when the shoutcast program is online with a dj, it shows the correct info without any image errors. What can I do about it? I definetely followed ALL the instructions :(

================================================== =====
Upload: Images |
im_genre.gif, im_mirc.gif, shoutcast_off.gif, sound.gif

$stylevar[imgdir_misc] - style_location/images/misc

If you have a style that the images do not show up on, then perhaps the images are not in the correct location. To check the path:

Admincp -> Styles & Templates -> Image Paths
Miscellaneous Images Folder
This folder contains the various images that do not fit into other category.

Place the images there. If you have many styles; upload the images to each "misc" folder for each style.

Zachariah 12-10-2005 04:22 PM

Full 1.2 - CMPS Module not 1.6 :|
- Updates soon

cashpath 01-29-2006 05:29 PM

Will this work or can it be made to work with .nsv streams?

Zachariah 01-29-2006 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by cashpath
Will this work or can it be made to work with .nsv streams?

This pulls a shoutcast XML feed.
- What system are you talking about ? I am sure something could be made.

cashpath 01-30-2006 03:14 AM

I will be using NSVtools to upload a video and audio capture to my shoutcast server..

I changed the shoutcast.php file and as long as they drag and drop the 'tune in' link to winamp it works..

Thanks for the great hack

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