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miz 12-02-2004 10:00 PM

VbTeams/Clubs Hack
vbTeams / Clubs Hack 2.0.2
this hack allow you to add teams to your board via smart mangemnet
from admin cp with special features like team admin, team privte forums, team privte aream, team chat, join to teams via polls
with addition of pm system.
every team got privte info and public which can be easyly manged via teamadmin control panel.
every team got privte forums and team admin get automaticly set to be team moderator.

features list is long so ill write it later.

also i didnt included the upgrade script for now as i didnt had time to test it
so only new install for you guys, sorry about that
well enjoy.

bug fixes excpected on 2.0.2 version :

  • all header problems (headers allready sent) replaced by new error and redirect messages.
  • query'scount,willbeaboutmax 7-8 querys per page, dosent metter how manyteams onboard(onold hackwe got 200 querys for 100 team).
  • all session problems has been fixed.
  • problems on member.php has been fixed.
  • teamless timeout is fixed.
  • teamadmin - upload avatars bug (save all images as gif) fixed
  • reputation showenonly if enabled in vboptiions(Admincp)
  • Fixed Navbar Array's
new additions on new version :
  • Added $bbteaminfo with pre chace for better coding issue's
  • Privte Team Forum - with privte posts,threads,polls
  • join polls report
  • enable/disable features via admincp
  • Added Protect team with Password
  • Reputation replaced with a Reputation Bar(Vb deafult)
  • teamadminisautomatic set as moderator of the forum (without setting him up asmodvia admin cp) and have powers to close/open edit,stick and etc...

want to help ?
if you know about more bugs that not mention here
pleaseinformme,soicaninclude the fix's in the next versions.alsoifyougotmoreidea'sabout howto improve the hack i will begladtoknowaboutthemand to addthem.

Yours. MiZ.

added some screen shoots from next version

reteep 12-03-2004 01:11 PM

Nice to see your hack back online. I'll check it out soon, thanks!

capslock 12-03-2004 01:25 PM

there is no install instructions :(

miz 12-03-2004 01:31 PM

fixed , forgot to add the txt files heh

vorphalack 12-03-2004 01:34 PM

Any limit on the number of "teams"? And is it easy to change the word "team" to something else or would that require a lot of edits?

I also see several misspelled words like private, management, because

I would also want change words to lower case such as (looking at privtearea_viewpoll screenshot): We and Accept

Other than these smaller issues, looks great! There's something I was thinking about adding usergroups for but I think this would work way better.

capslock 12-03-2004 01:44 PM

there is a mysql error during install

miz 12-03-2004 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by capslock
there is a mysql error during install

what is the error cuse i check the install script about 10 times before posted..


Originally Posted by vorphalack
Any limit on the number of "teams"? And is it easy to change the word "team" to something else or would that require a lot of edits?

I also see several misspelled words like private, management, because

I would also want change words to lower case such as (looking at privtearea_viewpoll screenshot): We and Accept

Other than these smaller issues, looks great! There's something I was thinking about adding usergroups for but I think this would work way better.

ok .
1. no limit - you can add as much teams as you want
2. to change word team will take lots of edits - allmost the entire hack
3. if you can pm the sppeking problems i will fix it asap and repost
4. to change what you want edit templates if you dont find it just tell

Tradjick 12-03-2004 02:40 PM

This is awesome! Although i can?t use it right now cause i don?t have enough members yet :(
Some questions:
Is it possible for team members to talk in private forums or do you plan on coding such a feature?
What if reputation isn?t enabled?

miz 12-03-2004 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tradjick
This is awesome! Although i can?t use it right now cause i don?t have enough members yet :(
Some questions:
Is it possible for team members to talk in private forums or do you plan on coding such a feature?
What if reputation isn?t enabled?

1. you can use this hack even if you got only 1 member, its dosent metter
if you want this option its better to have it before you adding members
2. yes , im planing to do team privte forum but its not easy as its seems so i didnt wanted to add unfinish things that only add bugs
3.team reputation takes all users reputation (which in team) and count them
so its dosent metter if you enable/disable this option..

btw does any1 else have problems with install script ?

capslock 12-03-2004 02:58 PM

this is the error:
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE `teams` (
`teamid` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`posts` tinyint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`reputation` tinyint(10) NOT NULL default '0',
`avatarurl` varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'images/teamavatars/no-avatar.gif',
`words` text NOT NULL,
`adminmsg` text NOT NULL,
`ircserver` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`ircport` int(4) NOT NULL default '6667',
`chan` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`chanpass` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`notes` text NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`teamid`)

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ';
' at line 18

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 03rd of December 2004 05:57:07 PM

miz 12-03-2004 03:13 PM

hmm first use php bbcode when you post things like that
secend i rechecked the file and its runned fine without any problems
does any1 else have this problem ?

ericgtr 12-03-2004 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by miz
hmm first use php bbcode when you post things like that
secend i rechecked the file and its runned fine without any problems
does any1 else have this problem ?

Looks really cool, what exactly would this be used for though, could you give an example?

miz 12-03-2004 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr
Looks really cool, what exactly would this be used for though, could you give an example?

hmm best exsample i can give is this site(vb.org) which diffrent teams posting around like Vbdev vb.org and more..

more exsample is Cs forum which users are arrange in teams and every user got team, or as intergration with rpg system where teams can make challange between them and more and more.
just nothing pop up to my head.

Red Blaze 12-03-2004 06:19 PM

This looks pretty cool, I'll try it out some time.

Polo 12-03-2004 06:54 PM

Cool, been looking for something like this ;)

Silverdawn222 12-03-2004 07:21 PM

It looks great - I'll try it out once this thread gets more feedback. Like most people, I like my hacks (almost) bugfree and without spelling errors. :) Great job!

capslock 12-03-2004 08:15 PM

please, remember the mysql problem. What may be?

ericgtr 12-03-2004 08:16 PM

Hmm.. I made all the file modifications but it really tweaked out my postbit_legacy, can you add instructions for it?

MindTrix 12-03-2004 08:43 PM

Any chance of some screenies for the admin control panel side?? Not admin of the team, admin of the whole board you know :)

Is this done by phrases aswell???

I run a hip hop website so would change 'team' to crew. Otherwise it looks pretty neat.

Does the teams avatar replace their current one of will it be placed somewhere else, im sure my members would not like it to replace their current avatar.

ericgtr 12-03-2004 09:06 PM

I had a lot of trouble with this myself, I guess it's still in beta though. I ended up having to undo everything. the show members who aren't in a team killed my server with lag as if it was trying to parse all 7800 users on one page.

zzzxxzzz 12-03-2004 10:09 PM

got blank page when click invite someone in my team

miz 12-04-2004 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by ericgtr
Hmm.. I made all the file modifications but it really tweaked out my postbit_legacy, can you add instructions for it?

postbit_legacy ?? hmm try to change the conditions on postbit, i dont change postbit_legacy in any condition so i dont know what is your problem, screen shot can be nice explain

Originally Posted by MindTrix
Any chance of some screenies for the admin control panel side?? Not admin of the team, admin of the whole board you know

Is this done by phrases aswell???

I run a hip hop website so would change 'team' to crew. Otherwise it looks pretty neat.

Does the teams avatar replace their current one of will it be placed somewhere else, im sure my members would not like it to replace their current avatar.

i guss you didnt read the options to the end, if user dont use avatar its show's team avatar, if he do then its show user avatar.
about the phrases , im sorry but i really hate this system so i dont use it
about the screen from admincp i will upload soon, i guss i forgot to add them to pics.

Originally Posted by zzzxxzzz
got blank page when click invite someone in my team

check if all templates are in place i cant find other thing that can cuse this issue


Originally Posted by ericgtr
I had a lot of trouble with this myself, I guess it's still in beta though. I ended up having to undo everything. the show members who aren't in a team killed my server with lag as if it was trying to parse all 7800 users on one page.

offcurse its will lag and kill your server, you show in 1 time 7800 users with online status, its not ment to be for such big users without team
but you gave me idea, and i will do it like on memberlist page with order by latter
to bad you removed the hack only cuse of 1 option i reccomand that you will reinstall the hack and soon ill add this feature (with latters), the true's i didnt thought about such condition (7800 users without team) but its good you let me know, ill edit it asap..

Originally Posted by capslock
please, remember the mysql problem. What may be?

the true's i dont know cuse you the only 1 that its happend to him, but just for checking try to run the query from phpmyadmin
if its still happen i guss its problem from your server...

Kesomir 12-04-2004 09:10 AM

Is it possible for board members to belong to more than one team? If not then might this be considered for a future version.

I think if it could be made easy to change the word "team" as well that would be useful. I notice a few other posters in this thread mentioning that and I would like to change it to either guild or clan so I see that as in important feature-to-be since it widens the possible use of this great sounding hack.

miz 12-04-2004 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Kesomir
Is it possible for board members to belong to more than one team? If not then might this be considered for a future version.

I think if it could be made easy to change the word "team" as well that would be useful. I notice a few other posters in this thread mentioning that and I would like to change it to either guild or clan so I see that as in important feature-to-be since it widens the possible use of this great sounding hack.

well to allow member to be more then 1 team is not on my mind beacuse i need to do some major changes on team admin part and more im not intead to do so
about change the team name, i will add the pharse so all of you will be able to change it

Kesomir 12-04-2004 02:30 PM

Shame about joining multiple teams, really restricts the usefulness of the hack. I understand time constraints though.

I've got it installed on my site now after a long trawl through all the code to fix the spelling mistakes. Still some left in there, but sort of lost the will for a bit ;)

major ones were

privte = private
memembers = members
wellcome = welcome

Not a dig, I know English may not be your first language, but it's a good idea to get these mistakes removed for a release candidate.

There is also a bug with the avatar upload. While it uploads the avatar and renames fine, it uses the suffix .gif in the db so non gif images won't display.

Plus I managed to get errors with the pm when denying a poll. Still sent the pm however.

Hope you find this information useful.

ericgtr 12-04-2004 02:38 PM

Miz, thanks for your reply. I will keep an eye on this thread an try again later :)

miz 12-04-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kesomir
Shame about joining multiple teams, really restricts the usefulness of the hack. I understand time constraints though.

I've got it installed on my site now after a long trawl through all the code to fix the spelling mistakes. Still some left in there, but sort of lost the will for a bit ;)

major ones were

privte = private
memembers = members
wellcome = welcome

Not a dig, I know English may not be your first language, but it's a good idea to get these mistakes removed for a release candidate.

There is also a bug with the avatar upload. While it uploads the avatar and renames fine, it uses the suffix .gif in the db so non gif images won't display.

Plus I managed to get errors with the pm when denying a poll. Still sent the pm however.

Hope you find this information useful.

when you deny a poll its sent a pm to a user which said its denined
thats what you ment ?
i will get the spell fix's as soon as possible

and the avatar problem, i never thought about it...

SilentK 12-04-2004 05:05 PM

I like this hack but I would prefer not to have to add teams myself. Is it possible for the user to create a team? If so how would I do this?

Andrew 12-04-2004 09:46 PM

I am getting a MySQL error when trying to view the No-Team List page. Everything else is working fine but for some reason this is giving me problems. Forum can be accessed at http://www.x-six.org/V.3/VB3/index.php if you need to see it.


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM session WHERE userid='2' AND lastactivity>1102202980
mysql error: Table 'rvadmin_v2.session' doesn't exist

mysql error number: 1146

Date: Saturday 04th of December 2004 06:44:40 PM
Script: http://www.x-six.org/V.3/VB3/showteams.php?do=teamless
Referer: http://www.x-six.org/V.3/VB3/index.php?
Username: Steve
IP Address:

Andrew 12-04-2004 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by ericgtr
Hmm.. I made all the file modifications but it really tweaked out my postbit_legacy, can you add instructions for it?

Instead of his modification of the avatar code - Use the following for postbit legacy and it works great (Example at : http://www.x-six.org/V.3/VB3/showthr...?p=110#post110 ):

HTML Code:

                        <if condition="$show['avatar']">
                                <a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$post[userid]"><img src="$avatarurl" alt="<phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[xs_avatar]</phrase>" border="0" /></a>
                        <else />
                        <if condition="$teaminfo['teamid']!=1">
                                <a href="showteams.php?$session[sessionurl]do=teamprofile&teamid=$post[teamid]"><img src="$teaminfo[avatarurl]" alt="$teaminfo[name] Avatar" border="0" /></a></if>

Zachariah 12-05-2004 01:42 AM

I'll check it out.

Hades-1 12-05-2004 02:34 AM

i cant upload avatars, nothing happens, just takes me to admin index

and when i delete avatar i get sql error, column 'avatar' not fund in 'feild list'

Hades-1 12-05-2004 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by MindTrix
Any chance of some screenies for the admin control panel side?? Not admin of the team, admin of the whole board you know :)

Is this done by phrases aswell???

I run a hip hop website so would change 'team' to crew. Otherwise it looks pretty neat.

Does the teams avatar replace their current one of will it be placed somewhere else, im sure my members would not like it to replace their current avatar.

nope not on phares, i run music site and made it say labels

well half of it, its hard to weed it all out.

SilentK 12-05-2004 12:46 PM

I had a problem with team avatars not coming up. The reason is that it always looks for .gifs for some reason. I uploaded a jpg and it was a jpg on the server but in the source code the team page was looking for the same file name just with a .gif

Hades-1 12-05-2004 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by SilentK
I had a problem with team avatars not coming up. The reason is that it always looks for .gifs for some reason. I uploaded a jpg and it was a jpg on the server but in the source code the team page was looking for the same file name just with a .gif

exact problem, i have to login phpmyadmin to fix.

Hades-1 12-05-2004 01:39 PM

honestly, shoud'nt this be a beta release?

how are we suppose to delete the private chat?

does that stay there forever?

How can fix the problem with images always looking for gif?

Andrew 12-05-2004 03:45 PM

The problem is in this following bit of code at the bottom of teamadmin.php - I don't know much PHP or I would try to fix it. It is automattically saving the path to the images in the DB with the gif extension regardless of the filetype. The upload function in function_team is saving them properly - All that needs done is a way to add the correct extension in this code here so it referrences it correctly in the DB.
PHP Code:

if ($_POST['do'] == removeavatar) {
$teamid $_POST['teamid'];
// Delete Avatar image from server        
$teamoldava "team".$teamid."_avatar.gif";
$team_ava "team_noavatar.gif";
        UPDATE " 
        SET  avatarurl='images/teamavatars/
$team_ava', avatar='0'
        WHERE teamid ='
header("Location: teamadmin.php?&teamid=$teamid");


// upload avatar
If($_POST['do'] == doupload) {
$teamid $_POST['teamid'];
$team_ava "team".$teamid."_avatar.gif";
        UPDATE " 
        SET  avatarurl='images/teamavatars/
        WHERE teamid ='

header("Location: teamadmin.php?&teamid=$teamid");

Hades-1 12-05-2004 04:42 PM

yeah i am not good either it should be something like

$teamoldava = "team".$teamid."_avatar.$type";

Andrew 12-05-2004 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hades-1
yeah i am not good either it should be something like

$teamoldava = "team".$teamid."_avatar.$type";

Yeah - But the problem I ran into is I have no clue how to code it to determine the type of the file. It's prolly something that would have to be stored in the DB and then queried for each team.

miz 12-05-2004 10:05 PM

sorry for late with answer i will rls v2.0.1 which will be bug fix of avatars problem, spelling and session problem
if you have few more problems please tell me...

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