Zero Tolerance |
11-16-2004 10:00 PM |
RPG Inferno Lite
Yep, an RPG system, some of you may of heard or seen RPG Inferno for vbulletin, and you will probably know that is it a paid modification. However this release, which is a trimmed down version is absolutely free to use, for those unable to pay for the whole modifcation, or just for a lil taster or what Inferno is like.
This modification contains a MySQL injection vulnerability, and you are hereby advised to unintall this modification until such time that the author provides a fix.
-- vBorg Staff
So let's look at features.. oh boy im not gonna like typing this ..
- Character Name
- Character Gender
- Limit Break Name (Special Move)
- RPG Alignment (Good/Evil etc..)
- RPG Avatar
- Input your own url with your own dimensions
- Select a pre-installed avatar from the RPG Avatar Gallery
- Elemental Type
- Element Name
- Element Image
- Element Stats (Added to your HP/MP/STR/DEF)
- Elemental Effect In Battle (Status Effect: Blind/Silence/Poison)
- Itemshop
- Choose to expand 1 or all itemshop categorys
- Items Have: Image/Name/Description/Price/Stock/Ability To Add Onto Stats (HP/MP/DEF/STR/VIT/EVA)/Ability To Require Certain Stats (HP/MP/DEF/STR/VIT/EVA/Level)
- Buy Items
- Sell Items
- Healing Center
- Show all current available healing potions
- Potions can cure: HP/MP
- Potions can have the ability to cure status effects
- Buy potions
- Sell potions
- Max Potions: 3
- Bank
- Show Current Money On Hand/In Bank
- Bank Statistics
- Time untill next interest recieved
- Withdraw Money
- Deposit Money
- All bank transations cause interest timer to reset
- Donate
- Donate X Money to other users
- Donate one of your items to other users
- RPG Help
- Show all help files
- Search engine to quickly find info in help files
- Battle Ground
- Go to your current battle
- Create A New Battle
- Create a new battle with another member
- Create a new battle with an AI Bot
- Scan the AI bot to see its stats
- Choose your battle background scene
- Choose if you want battle background music
- View Other Current Battles
- In battle shows:
- Player 1 and Player 2 characteristics and stats (Stats/Element/Healing/Avatar/Name/Surrender Button)
- Attack Types:
- Use your fists
- Attack with your weapons
- Guard with your sheild's
- Battle Log displays all battle history, what each player/bot did for there attack and what happened
- Skill Points
- You may use your skill points to adapt your characters stats, below shows how much a stat will increase by for 1 skill point, and how many skill points you currently have. You gain skill points after leveling up in battle.
- Skill points basically allow you to spend points to increase stats of your choice, allowing you to develop your character how you desire.
- Scan Character
- Shows EVERYTHING about an RPG character, so much that i can't be a**ed to type it all here.
Admin CP Features- RPG Inferno Settings
- Main Settings
- Change bank interest percentage
- Bank interest check option (This can enable you to check if bank interest should be given, it can be made so this is checked on every page or just the bank page, if checked on every page, 1 extra query will be used if bank interest is given)
- Bank Interest given every... [choose time here]
- Max Avatar Width
- Max Avatar Height
- Money Given Per Thread Reply/Quote
- Money Given Per New Thread/Poll
- EXP Give Per Post
- Money Name (Currency Name)
- Maximum Daily User Bot Battle Limit
- Choose which itemshop category is for weapons which can be used to attack with in battle
- Choose which itemshop category is for sheilds which can be used to guard with in battle
- Skill Point Conversions (Set how many stat points is given for 1 skill point used, ie: 5 HP points given for 1 skill point spent on HP)
- Turn users currently vieiwng this rpg page off
- Set an amount of money to give new characters
- Section Status
- Turn any section of the RPG system offline
- Admins can still view the rpg system if the section is offline (a notice is provided on the page too)
- Donate To Members
- Donate X Zeki to members in a certain usergroup
- Itemshop Control
- Add New Item
- Input name/description/image/cost/type/stats given/stats required/current stock/battle attack message
- Control Items
- Lists all items where you can edit/delete them
- Mass Restock Items
- Shows all items out of stock with an input next to each for new stock, and a submit button. Great to mass restock items that need it
- Mass Item Sold Stat Fix
- If an item is bought but then donated or sold, the sold statistic is incorrect, use this feature to fix all items sold stat statistics
- Add New Category
- Add a new itemshop category
- Control Categories
- Edit/Delete current itemshop categories
- Recount Category Statistics
- Will recount all category statistics
- Export Categories/Items
- Exports all itemshop items and categorys into an XML file
- Import Categories/Items
- Import itemshop items and categorys from an XML file
- Healing Center Control
- Add New Healing Item
- Input potion name/description/image/cost/cured hp+mp/potion ability
- Control Healing Items
- Edit/Delete currently existing healing potions
- RPG Profile Control
- RPG Member Control
- RPG Member Search Form
- Edit members rpg profile
- Add/Remove items from inventory
- Add/Remove potions from inventory
- Change characters element
- Remove any equipped items
- Add New RPG Element
- Input name/strength/weakness/image/effect/stats given
- RPG Element Control
- Edit/Delete any currently existing elements
- Add New RPG Avatar
- RPG Avatar Gallery
- Edit/Delete any currently existing rpg avatars
- Add New RPG Avatar Cat
- RPG Avatar Gallery Cats.
- Edit/Delete any currently existing rpg avatar categorys
- RPG Battle Control
- Add New AI Battle Bot
- Input AI Bot Stats And Settings
- Control AI Battle Bots
- Edit/Delete Any currently existing AI Bots
- Add New Battle Field
- Input Name/Image for battle scene
- Control Battle Fields
- Edit/Delete currently existing battle fields
- Add New Battle Music
- Control Battle Music
- Edit/Delete any currently existing battle music
- Control Battles
- Delete Battles
- Delete Battles Older Than [Time Choose]
- Delete All Battles
- RPG Help Control
- Add New RPG Help File
- Input name/description/content
- BBCode is allowed
- Control RPG Help
- Edit/Delete any current help files
Estimated Ratio Of Game From Paid Version: 21%
Please note i will not be making addons or more versions of this lite release, only the paid version goes under futher development. However should you find a bug i will do my best to fix it.
Any questions post below, enjoy :)
- Zero Tolerance