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Logikos 10-08-2004 10:00 PM

vB Category Icons
vB Category Icons

  • None At this Moment

Future Plans
Being able to upload the icon via the admincp. (not guaranteed)

What this does
This will allow you to setup a icon to display by the title of each forum you have. The look of the icon depends on how you want to set it up in the templates. This will work for all levels of sub-forums.

To do list...
  • Time to install: 5-10 minutes
  • Queries to run: 1
  • File Mods: 1
    • /admincp/forum.php
  • Templates to edit: 0
  • Templates to add: 0
  • New Phrases: 1

Please read carefully and make all the necessary changes as stated. This is will work if installed properly.

Click It

Help & Support
Before asking for support Please make sure you have done all necessary changes! If you still need support please post a reply here.

Please post bugs and errors here. Hope you like, feedback welcomed.

GamerJunk.net 10-09-2004 04:31 AM

Good job! Installed :)

Logikos 10-09-2004 04:46 AM

Thank you ^^

vBTotal 10-09-2004 04:55 AM


Nice hack, been looking for something similar to this very nice :)

Logikos 10-09-2004 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by dfr.cry

Nice hack, been looking for something similar to this very nice :)

Hmm, Thanks. Could you click the install button? Thanks! ^^

Silverdawn222 10-09-2004 07:36 AM

Is there a board you could link to for a demonstration? Though I get the purpose for this hack, and I see the screenshot, I'd like to see it used across a board.

Logikos 10-09-2004 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Silverdawn222
Is there a board you could link to for a demonstration? Though I get the purpose for this hack, and I see the screenshot, I'd like to see it used across a board.


Lionel 10-09-2004 12:57 PM

why would that tell me
WHERE forumid=17
mysql error: Unknown column 'forumhomeicon' in 'field list'

you forgot to include the alter db in instructions

Logikos 10-09-2004 01:08 PM

Run this query

forumhomeicon VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''

Instructions updated

AnhTuanCool 10-09-2004 01:24 PM

Uploaded the wrong installation txt file Live Wire, Rss Feed on forumhome page. :ermm:

Logikos 10-09-2004 01:33 PM

Grrr, lol i just woke up, sorry lol. Rereupload the file again. Lets try this again kenny. ^^

cinq 10-09-2004 01:50 PM

There is already such a hack available , been using it for quite some time :)

Logikos 10-09-2004 01:52 PM

I released this hack some time ago, but i had it deleted. But i have decided to bring it back, if your not talking about this hack. Then which would you be refering to?

AnhTuanCool 10-09-2004 01:58 PM

The one without query to run and file to edit.

I can release it but without file to edit then it's not hack any more :p

Logikos 10-09-2004 02:02 PM

I know how to do this via templates, but it much more orginized when the control is right there in your admincp, so much esier to edit and add new ones, ect...

Just a personal prefrence of mine, that i wanted to share. :)

HiDeo 10-09-2004 02:12 PM

Good job thanks

AnhTuanCool 10-09-2004 02:17 PM

No problem Live Wire :)

About your hack, I think it needs a bit more detail about where to place the $forum[forumhomeicon] ;)

Silverdawn222 10-09-2004 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Live Wire

Cheers, Live Wire! Great hack.

turkforum 10-12-2004 06:38 AM

<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=114545&highlight=images%2Fforum_p ics%2F" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...Fforum_pics%2F</a>

I guess this si the same as this post why take the risk of running queries at the database

Nice hack anyway

Logikos 10-12-2004 10:04 AM

This hack does not run queries at the database to grab the icon. I've installed a clean default vBulletin version 3.0.3 on my localhost, and there are 9 queries executed when going to the forumhome.

After installing my hack there are still only 9 queries executed when showing the forumhome, and you can have 100 forums with 100 icons, and no addtional queries are executed. The diffrence between that one and my, besides the fact that his is a template mod, mine makes it much more more orginized, and easy to get to.

But we're in a world of choice.... ^^

deb0 10-13-2004 12:45 AM

I am stuck halfway thru the hack instructions. I don't know where to add the last instruction part- I am a newbie:

Add $forum[forumhomeicon] in your forumhome_forumbit_level1_post and forumhome_forumbit_level2_post
to display on all your forums, and sub forums.
================================================== =====

Logikos 10-13-2004 01:03 AM

The $forum[forumhomeicon] will call the image being used.

$forum[forumhomeicon] = <img></img>

So you would place $forum[forumhomeicon] in those 2 templates to show the icon.

deb0 10-13-2004 01:08 AM

thx Live for the quick response. I know what it's for, but I don't have a clue where in those templates it should go. Here is my _level1post:

<tr align="center">
<td class="alt1Active" colspan="2" align="$stylevar[left]" id="f$forum[forumid]">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" /></td>
<td><img src="$vboptions[cleargifurl]" alt="" width="9" height="1" border="0" /></td>
<a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]"><strong>$forum[title]</strong></a>
<if condition="$show['browsers']"><span class="smallfont">(<phrase 1="$forum[browsers]">$vbphrase[x_viewing]</phrase>)</span></if>
<if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div></if>
<if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"><div class="smallfont"><strong><a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></strong></div></if>
<if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $forum[subforums]</div></if>

<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap">$forum[lastpostinfo]</td>
<td class="alt1">$forum[threadcount]</td>
<td class="alt2">$forum[replycount]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">
<td class="alt1"><div class="smallfont">$forum[moderators]&nbsp;</div></td>
<if condition="$childforumbits">

svtsnake01 10-13-2004 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by deb0
thx Live for the quick response. I know what it's for, but I don't have a clue where in those templates it should go. Here is my _level1post:

<tr align="center">
<td class="alt1Active" colspan="2" align="$stylevar[left]" id="f$forum[forumid]">

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" /></td>
<td><img src="$vboptions[cleargifurl]" alt="" width="9" height="1" border="0" /></td>
<a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]"><strong>$forum[title]</strong></a>
<if condition="$show['browsers']"><span class="smallfont">(<phrase 1="$forum[browsers]">$vbphrase[x_viewing]</phrase>)</span></if>
<if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div></if>
<if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"><div class="smallfont"><strong><a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></strong></div></if>
<if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $forum[subforums]</div></if>

<td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap">$forum[lastpostinfo]</td>
<td class="alt1">$forum[threadcount]</td>
<td class="alt2">$forum[replycount]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">
<td class="alt1"><div class="smallfont">$forum[moderators]&nbsp;</div></td>
<if condition="$childforumbits">

I'd like to use this but I would want some limitations.

I want my users to either use this, or use a text signature.

I do not want them to be able to use the IMG tags to retrieve their signature from else where. I am tired of the HUGE sig images. With it done this way, I can control the image size.

Logikos 10-13-2004 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by deb0
thx Live for the quick response. I know what it's for, but I don't have a clue where in those templates it should go. Here is my _level1post

HTML Code:

        <tr align="center">
                <td class="alt1Active" colspan="2" align="$stylevar[left]" id="f$forum[forumid]">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
                        <td><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" /></td>
                        <td><img src="$vboptions[cleargifurl]" alt="" width="9" height="1" border="0" /></td>
                                <a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]"><strong>$forum[title]</strong></a>
                                <if condition="$show['browsers']"><span class="smallfont">(<phrase 1="$forum[browsers]">$vbphrase[x_viewing]</phrase>)</span></if>
                        <if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div></if>
                        <if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"><div class="smallfont"><strong><a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></strong></div></if>
                        <if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $forum[subforums]</div></if>
                <td class="alt2" nowrap="nowrap">$forum[lastpostinfo]</td>
                <td class="alt1">$forum[threadcount]</td>
                <td class="alt2">$forum[replycount]</td>
                <if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">
                <td class="alt1"><div class="smallfont">$forum[moderators]&nbsp;</div></td>
<if condition="$childforumbits">

Use that and you will get the idea...

Logikos 10-13-2004 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by svtsnake01
I'd like to use this but I would want some limitations.

I want my users to either use this, or use a text signature.

I do not want them to be able to use the IMG tags to retrieve their signature from else where. I am tired of the HUGE sig images. With it done this way, I can control the image size.

What are you talking about? This is a hack for Icons on your categorys...

svtsnake01 10-13-2004 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Live Wire
What are you talking about? This is a hack for Icons on your categorys...

Opps, I had way to many windows open at once. Disregard

deb0 10-13-2004 09:18 PM

thanks live, great hack.

Blackbeard 10-15-2004 07:45 PM

http://learnall/image/intros.gif Members Introduction
Must introduce yourself before being allowed into the rest of the forum.

this is whats being displayed what have i done wrong

Blackbeard 10-15-2004 08:17 PM

<img scr="images/homeicon/intros.gif" border="0" />

is what iam putting in

i just get a image square box with colour shapes inside inside, not my image

marcel-ea 10-27-2004 09:16 PM

me to the same problem

Logikos 10-28-2004 09:10 AM

There must be an error with your urls, try adding.
HTML Code:

<img scr="http://www.yoursite.com/forums/images/homeicon/intros.gif" border="0" />
The full url and see if it shows, working fine for me.

TheWolverine 11-07-2004 07:24 PM

I'm having the same problem. The image is not showing up. I've tried both the full url and the relative one and the result is the same. Any other suggestions?

The Wolverine :D

cecilBergwin 11-25-2004 08:33 PM

Nice addon thank you, just installed temp version and it looked great, ill now go ahead with full update.


Wayne2k1.com 12-07-2004 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Live Wire
There must be an error with your urls, try adding.
HTML Code:

<img scr="http://www.yoursite.com/forums/images/homeicon/intros.gif" border="0" />
The full url and see if it shows, working fine for me.

img S-R-C, not S-C-R :)

HTML Code:

<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/forums/images/homeicon/intros.gif" border="0" />

Logikos 12-17-2004 01:49 PM

Good eye wayne ;)

N8 12-24-2004 04:27 AM

Awesome hack, thanks Live Wire!

/me installs

camikazi2k 12-24-2004 10:38 PM

why mine is not showing in a seperate cell like your site is showing, its just next to the forum name text

Logikos 12-25-2004 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by camikazi2k
why mine is not showing in a seperate cell like your site is showing, its just next to the forum name text

i did that with alittle HTML.

pauloo 12-25-2004 04:58 PM

Thank you !

But I need your help.
My img isn't center.
I want in center ( see screen demo ) here

My template level2 is:


<tr align="center">
<td class="alt2"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif" alt="" border="0" /></td>
<td class="alt1Active" align="$stylevar[left]" id="f$forum[forumid]">
<a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]f=$forum[forumid]"><strong>$forum[title]</strong></a>
<if condition="$show['browsers']"><span class="smallfont">(<phrase 1="$forum[browsers]">$vbphrase[x_viewing]</phrase>)</span></if>

<if condition="$show['forumdescription']"><div class="smallfont">$forum[description]</div></if>
<if condition="$show['forumsubscription']"><div class="smallfont"><strong><a href="subscription.php?$session[sessionurl]do=removesubscription&amp;f=$forum[forumid]">$vbphrase[unsubscribe_from_this_forum]</a></strong></div></if>
<if condition="$show['subforums']"><div class="smallfont" style="margin-top:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><strong>$vbphrase[subforums]</strong>: $forum[subforums]</div></if>
<td class="alt1" nowrap="nowrap">$forum[lastpostinfo]</td>
<td class="alt2">$forum[threadcount]</td>
<td class="alt1">$forum[replycount]</td>
<if condition="$vboptions['showmoderatorcolumn']">
<td class="alt2"><div class="smallfont">$forum[moderators]&nbsp;</div></td>
Thank you
(ps: sorry for my english)

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