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-   -   Increasing Traffic/Attracting Members - I made a new custom Addon :) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=67197)

SaN-DeeP 07-15-2004 06:17 AM

Increasing Traffic/Attracting Members - I made a new custom Addon :)
Check the attachments people.
Please give me your comments/review about this addon, if someone wants to display there rigs on my forums, do leave me a pm. i do not want stale users registering :) who wont visit every again.

I made this new addon for my board, heavily customized my scripts and templates from vbgarage hack

I have given ability to users, to upload there machine specifications in details
What do u think about this ? I spend more then a month to make it ^_^
coz i am not a pro coder
just got start with vbulletin 2 months back and still learning.. :nervous:

If anyone interested, leave me a PM.
I mite think of adding this to you. i am looking to buy some new addons like photopost and quicshock

My 2 Cents -> VB ROCKs...

SaN-DeeP 07-15-2004 06:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
System Specifications List

SaN-DeeP 07-15-2004 06:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Viewing Rigs uploaded by users :)

SaN-DeeP 07-15-2004 06:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Editing Users Rig
It gives a detailed description box as well customized fields to users for uploading there system specifications and an option to upload images

MindTrix 07-15-2004 10:13 AM

Seeing as you said your just starting i think you did very well ;) If you cant make a hack from scratch the best place to start is editing others to your needs. Well done mate and keep it up

cinq 07-17-2004 12:58 AM

Nice job Sandy, I too heavily modified the vbgarage hack for my own requirements at my personal site.
Magnus gave us a wonderful hack to work with, 3 cheers to him in the first place for giving us the Vbgarage hack

eoc_Jason 07-18-2004 12:49 AM


I don't mind you ripping my customization ideas.
I don't mind you ripping my page/form data.
I don't mind you ripping my text (some of it verbatim).

But couldn't you have come up with your own name at least (instead of just ripping "MyRig" too)? I *was* planning on releasing a v2 to vB.org (a complete re-write from the ground up with a whole new set of features), however now I'm not so sure, you will probably just rip it when it's done anyhow...

Please change the name of the hack/addon from "MyRig" to something else if you want to claim that you made it. A name gives something its uniqueness, which you clearly do not have.

Modin 07-21-2004 07:42 PM

Looks like a decent mod, though I'm a little confused...
Are you saying that he stole your code? Or stole your ideas?

cinq 07-22-2004 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Modin
Looks like a decent mod, though I'm a little confused...
Are you saying that he stole your code? Or stole your ideas?

Check Jason's site :

Floris 07-24-2004 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by cinq

There are also many sites that run forum software that looks like vbulletin but uses their own code and images. Not much one could do about that. So .. is this his own code or just a copy of the vb garage code?

SaN-DeeP 07-24-2004 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by eoc_Jason

I don't mind you ripping my customization ideas.
I don't mind you ripping my page/form data.
I don't mind you ripping my text (some of it verbatim).

But couldn't you have come up with your own name at least (instead of just ripping "MyRig" too)? I *was* planning on releasing a v2 to vB.org (a complete re-write from the ground up with a whole new set of features), however now I'm not so sure, you will probably just rip it when it's done anyhow...

Please change the name of the hack/addon from "MyRig" to something else if you want to claim that you made it. A name gives something its uniqueness, which you clearly do not have.

Hey Jason,
I was not sure to request your permissions too about this hack to be used on our forums coz when i posted this thread here I got a immediate pm to request the permission for the author of the hack VbGarage - magus
I have done so and this is the copy of same

Customized your hack to MyRig
I have customized your hack vbgarage heavily and made a myrig hack out of it.
Please let me know if you can permit me to use the same.
Warm Regards,

It is still there in my sent items (any of Admins can check the same)

Not to argue on more, coz i do not deny at all, that I have copied THE IDEA
from your forums. It was referred to me by one of the moderators of my board
I had requested your help when i was in the process of making this hack in a pm and also in a post on your forums but you did not replied back.

But I am using my own Code for this for which i have taken help from lots of coders on vbulletin.org If you need a proof of this,. I might request them to post it over here. I also have lot of pm related to this. (posted with the codes) to/from those coders
I have my TEST Forums stood up (which can be looked upon if you need) and all the posts etc. there (from my forums staff members) who helped me TEST the code.
This will confirm that I have my own CODE for the hack, but still the Idea was adopted.

I am using the Data available on your forms and the name.
(But i have also added lot of other data to your data)

Apart from that, I have made many more changes/addition to my system,
I have added a Standard Edit Bar
Re-Written Garage permissions (as it has probs with 3.0.0 versions)
Added my own Rating Script
and also Added foll. additional fields
Memory Size:
Video Card Manufacturer:
Video Chipset:
Hard Drive Manufacture:
Hard Drive Model:
Monitor Manufacture:
Monitor Size:
Also made 1 another php page with security setin (which helps me change/update/add new components directly to the database and these is not a part of vbgarage too, this is my own code written)

We run a small community just migrated here from IPB 2 months back. I am not a coder, hence do not know about the rules associated with the hacks etc. I do not personally wish to have a addon on my forums which will be called a copy in future creating a bad name.

I am gonna change the name to something else (different from myrig)
and also the data (this will take me a lil time as already users have started posting there Rigs)


If you want I will remove the hack :) from our forums.

Please let me know what you want me to do


SaN-DeeP 07-24-2004 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by floris
There are also many sites that run forum software that looks like vbulletin but uses their own code and images. Not much one could do about that. So .. is this his own code or just a copy of the vb garage code?

Hello floris,
This addon is a copy of Vbgarage hack.
But i have taken my own efforts to code it.

But I have a adopted this Idea from EOC forums addons, the data they have on there forums drop down boxes and the name they have given to this addon.
But as listed above I have many more customizations made to same.

I do not mind removing the hack :) regardless of fact it costed me more then a months time to code.
I do not wish to have a addon which will be called COPIED etc. in future

DrkFusion 07-24-2004 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by SaN-DeeP
Hey Jason,
I was not sure to request your permissions too about this hack to be used on our forums coz when i posted this thread here I got a immediate pm to request the permission for the author of the hack VbGarage - magus
I have done so and this is the copy of same

Customized your hack to MyRig
I have customized your hack vbgarage heavily and made a myrig hack out of it.
Please let me know if you can permit me to use the same.
Warm Regards,

It is still there in my sent items (any of Admins can check the same)

Not to argue on more, coz i do not deny at all, that I have copied THE IDEA
from your forums. It was referred to me by one of the moderators of my board
I had requested your help when i was in the process of making this hack in a pm and also in a post on your forums but you did not replied back.

But I am using my own Code for this for which i have taken help from lots of coders on vbulletin.org If you need a proof of this,. I might request them to post it over here. I also have lot of pm related to this. (posted with the codes) to/from those coders
I have my TEST Forums stood up (which can be looked upon if you need) and all the posts etc. there (from my forums staff members) who helped me TEST the code.
This will confirm that I have my own CODE for the hack, but still the Idea was adopted.

I am using the Data available on your forms and the name.
(But i have also added lot of other data to your data)

Apart from that, I have made many more changes/addition to my system,
I have added a Standard Edit Bar
Re-Written Garage permissions (as it has probs with 3.0.0 versions)
Added my own Rating Script
and also Added foll. additional fields
Memory Size:
Video Card Manufacturer:
Video Chipset:
Hard Drive Manufacture:
Hard Drive Model:
Monitor Manufacture:
Monitor Size:
Also made 1 another php page with security setin (which helps me change/update/add new components directly to the database and these is not a part of vbgarage too, this is my own code written)

We run a small community just migrated here from IPB 2 months back. I am not a coder, hence do not know about the rules associated with the hacks etc. I do not personally wish to have a addon on my forums which will be called a copy in future creating a bad name.

I am gonna change the name to something else (different from myrig)
and also the data (this will take me a lil time as already users have started posting there Rigs)


If you want I will remove the hack :) from our forums.

Please let me know what you want me to do


If that is so, it is your right to keep it. You may cause more problems if you release it but if you are going to keep it to yourself go ahead and keep it. You've done a great job :) As for the idea, you can't do much about that. Coke came out with that fridge case thing, and so did pepsi so what?? I understand that unique ideas etc give you a personal reassurance, and self-respect and what not, but according to San-deep he used his own code, learned and did it, good for him and congratulations on the job well done.

SaN-DeeP 07-24-2004 10:08 PM

HI drkfusion,

You may cause more problems if you release it but if you are going to keep it to yourself go ahead and keep it.
I dont understand what you meant by this ?

But I have copied there IDEA, Data used on there form, and also given it the same name. MyRig on both places.

I am in process of changing those things (but need atleast a weeks time for this coz as i already mentioned I am not a coder)
or else if it is against the coding/addons/hacks rules I dont mind removing it


-=Sniper=- 07-24-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by floris
There are also many sites that run forum software that looks like vbulletin but uses their own code and images. Not much one could do about that. So .. is this his own code or just a copy of the vb garage code?

would have to agree!

kall 07-25-2004 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by -=Sniper=-
would have to agree!

Me too!

What are we agreeing with again? Ah yes, the fact that Floris had a question...I think.

Anyway, The two things look basically identical..even the pagenav bit in the source is commented in the same way, and they are both called MyRig.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's either a duck, or a really good copy.

-=Sniper=- 07-25-2004 11:53 AM

its fair to say the layout is the same, but it uses the vb3 style, why would you wana use a style which doesnt fit the forums? though I'm sure another layout can be thought of!

just to make the EOF happy, he could change the layout, I know of other forums who use this, as its already been done! http://forums.pcper.com do it, but no pics, but also list the system in the postbit, where user can click on a my system link and it shows the users system and I've been told H]ard|Forums has something in the works!

This can also be done using the custom fields vb3 offers!

Edit: another site with a similar idea http://forums.guru3d.com/

SaN-DeeP 07-25-2004 12:47 PM

I request Vbulletin Forums Admins and Mods to come in here and help me resolve this ISSUE please.

Due to this, I started receiving SPAM/BAD/FLAMING Posts on my forums first, I had to delete them and change the new user registrations to Users Awaiting Moderation.
Now even my Mail System, and the Site Portal has been started abusing .. !
(with comments and BULK emails)

I am still waiting for a reply !!! What do i do ?? now
Do i remove this Addon right now for big boards terrorizing our small board ? :surprised:
I request an Urgent Answer to this.
IF a proof of mails/posts is needed i will post them too.

I was very happy when i made this looking @ idea of other people, but now feels like never coding ANYTHING looking @ someone else at all !
Specially Big Boards, who create such Flames, even before the Issues are resolved !


MindTrix 07-25-2004 12:53 PM

I dont see why people are complaining. So the idea has been done already, so what? You coded it yourself so it should not matter one bit.

The Arcade hack was made before John released it yet his thread does not get flammed about it. Sheeeeeshh

eoc_Jason 07-26-2004 04:36 AM

Do people just skim, or do they actually read? As I stated in my post on the 1st page:


I don't mind you ripping my customization ideas.
I don't mind you ripping my page/form data.
I don't mind you ripping my text (some of it verbatim).
That's not the part that bugs me, imitation is what makes the world go round. The part that bugs me is that he copied the name "MyRig"... If you look at the links people provide (and other sites / forums), people come up with a "unique" name for their add-on's... "PC Specs", "My System", "PCDB", "OCDB", etc... Each name is unique because each person took the time to write their own add-on.

What I'm ticked about is the duplication of the name, so yes I would appreciate it if you came up with your own name instead of just using "MyRig". Every author here at vB.org comes up with unique names for their add-on's, even though some do the same thing. How do you think the authors of vBulletin(.com) would feel if someone else created a forum software and decided to call it "vBulletin" just because it did the same thing? What about if someone else made a new soft drink and called it "Coke"?

That's my beef... nothing more...

Logician 07-26-2004 04:58 AM

Legal Opinion : Provided that script itself is written from the ground, ideas can be copied (unless it is under protection of a patent). Lotus123 is the inventor of "spreedsheet" software but Microsoft is also using the same spreedsheet concept in "Excel".

But if the software is imitating the other too much, this may go beyond copying an "idea", it can be copying the software itself even if its written from the ground. IMO using verbatim texts, same file names, same visual style is more than just using the "hack idea".

Bottomline I think eoc_Jason has his point since SaN-DeeP's hack is imitating his hack too harshly. It is ok to use the same idea, but why use the same wording, file names, visual design anyway?

BTW. I'm not judging anybody here, nor giving a decree but I'm just stating my opinion since San-Deep asked me to do so. We are not in the position of solving the issue anyway because the hack has not been released here, just screenshots are provided.

Personal opinion : I usually do not release a similiar hack myself when someone else has already used the same idea. This is not a law, nor against vb.org rules but this is just a personal preferrence as I find it rude to the other hack author if I release an hack whose idea is verbatim to his hack. Again: This is just a personal opinion!

cinq 07-26-2004 08:02 AM

Just a query, isn't intellectual property copyright of the implementation and not the idea ?
Or are my law principles rusty ..

SaN-DeeP 07-26-2004 06:48 PM

I will change the name from MyRig to something else
(Name change can be confirmed/checked in next 7 - 10 days)
i will try to change the file name too from myrig.php to something else too but cannot gurantee.


Personal opinion : I usually do not release a similiar hack myself when someone else has already used the same idea. This is not a law, nor against vb.org rules but this is just a personal preferrence as I find it rude to the other hack author if I release an hack whose idea is verbatim to his hack. Again: This is just a personal opinion!
Thnx for your time Logician,
I never intended to release the hack here, only posted the screenshots to show others what was achieved with vbulletin which i already confirmed in my first post

If anyone interested, leave me a PM.
I mite think of adding this to you.

eoc_Jason 08-09-2004 04:42 PM

14 Days (2 weeks)... still no name change.... :(

SaN-DeeP 08-15-2004 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
14 Days (2 weeks)... still no name change.... :(

I was away for a long time and still not properly setup. (house-move)
I am having problems with renaming the myrig name on my forums due to live-data in the same and cant allocate proper time for same.

I will try to rename it by end of this month or completely remove same.
Before Sepetember hits.

I had some flames create by users. hence i have put up this post:

I kindly request you to ask your members to stop, if its them..


rjerina 09-26-2004 09:06 PM

funny in PMs you told me that you paid someone to do this for you.

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