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Darkwaltz4 06-13-2004 10:00 PM

Dorm Manager System
What Dorm Manager System is:
-Creates forums based on your default dorms settings based on post count eligibility. The creator (leader) of the dorm is granted several powers, which only exist in the dorm manager system (there is no extra usergroup). These include regulating members who apply for membership to their dorm, creating threads when the default forum option is set to private, and regulating the existing threads of their dorm. This includes setting one of them as 'Public', which makes it accessible to the whole forums regardless of membership (guestroom). Leaders also can delete their dorm. Members can only exist in one dorm at a time, and everything is completely automated.

-(Optional) A specified parent dorm forum set up

Dorm Name-- Dorm, Clan, Room, Floor etc
Guestroom Name-- Lobby, Guestroom, Closet etc
The Master Dorm Forum-- forum which all the dorm forums appear in
Postcount requirements to lead or join a dorm
Maximum members per dorm, maximum total dorms, maximum threads allowed per dorm
Options between name/numeric dorm name type, and limits on the sizes of both.
Standard forum settings--resembles the forum creation page in the admin cp, which all created forums recieve

-MANY more which I cannot remember!

-Upload a few files, run a couple of them, a handful of file edits. Clean installation should take less than 10 minutes for the average admin. Complete instructions are inside the zip.

Upgrade hack version 3.1.3 to 1.4:
-For upgrade information Please see this post

Upgrade hack version 3.1.2 to 3.1.3:

-For upgrade information Please see this post

Supplemental Images:
-Additional Screenshots can be found in the second attachment, CLICK HERE.

Donations and Future Versions:
-PayPal Donations to blackwaltz4@msn.com are gladly accepted, and paid mods are something we could discuss.

This hack is fully free and I'll give support through vbulletin.org :)

Possible Future Features: None (?)

-Long live RPGN & G-force2k2, to whom this concept is owed, but I automated years later.
-I refuse to make this like vBHosting, or anything that violates Jelsoft agreements.
-FFGON.com IS NOT LONGER OPERATED by me or my partner, Cloudclone.
-vB2 version of this hack can be found HERE.

If you like this hack and you don't want to miss an update:
THANKS! :up:

MindTrix 06-14-2004 01:22 PM

Yay first in line, Brilliant once i figure out how to adapt this for my site its going straight on, Thank you sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

MindTrix 06-14-2004 01:32 PM

I noticed you need a required amount of posts to make your own dorm, is that setable? Any chance of some admin cp screenies? :p

MindTrix 06-14-2004 01:52 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrasetype VALUES (151,'dorms','Dorm Hack',3)
mysql error: Duplicate entry '151' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

ummmm help lol

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by MindTrix
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.1:

Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO phrasetype VALUES (151,'dorms','Dorm Hack',3)
mysql error: Duplicate entry '151' for key 1

mysql error number: 1062

ummmm help lol

alright, what that means is you have another hack competing for one of the phrasegroup slots :-p

ill get a more dynamic thing and post it in my next post
admin screenshots? >.< and yes, you can set both postcount requirements to make and create dorms.

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:00 PM

Yeah i gathered that was what it was. Umm you want me to sit and wait then? :p By admin screenshots i meant in the admin cp where you set the settings etc

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 02:12 PM

sorry about that. okay, if your install file errored out, please run the following file to finsih it. DO NOT RUN THIS IMEDIATELY because i commented out the beginning code so as to not cause duplicate problems. so if you run it by itself, it will miss stuff :-p ill be applying this change to the zip file soon. should work, not tested :-p

err, this file is for people like mindtrix :-p god, im still half asleep and stumbling over talking ^_^ and yeah i know ss's of the admincp, its just who needs screenshots of that >.< i explained what it looked like, and rendered it using the admincp display functions :-p you know makeyesnocode? :-p

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:16 PM

Thank you for the quick fix, worked like a charm now on with the rest of the install

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 02:21 PM

excellent :-p im guessing you have the arcade installed? the fix actually searches for a suitable new phrasetype id because vbulletin is incredibly sloppy with assigning ids to its phrases :-p i guess they didnt intend other people to add their own phrase sets, since all the way up to 150 is 'reserved for future vb use' and the special phrasegroups are multiples of 1000 >.> completely destroying the dynamic aspect of mysql >.<

anyway, enough ranting :-p hope it goes well

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:22 PM

me 2, onto file edits, booo

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:33 PM

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@general.v76host.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

When trying to view the dorms_admin.php

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 02:37 PM

did you upload it? did you chmod it to 777? (chmodding isnt necessary, but might help)

on an unrelated to your issue, but might help it, is if you edit the dorms_admin file and remove the set_time_limit(0); line from the top, because depending on your server settings, it might warn you, or crash out if your php is on safemode. although now i figure its like your tonsils; remove it, it does less good than harm :-p

tell me if its still doing it when trying the above three things

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:43 PM

CHMOD'd etc and yes definetly uploaded lol. I removed that line and still the same problem, happens when viewing Dorm.php aswell

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 02:44 PM

does it give a line or anything like that in the file? this has never happened to me, and both dorms and dorms admin have worked perfectly on my test and public board, and the files are exact.

MindTrix 06-14-2004 02:46 PM

nope it only gives the message i showed you, and it only appears on them 2 files :)

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 03:00 PM

can you link me? :-p through pm or messenger if you insist it

MindTrix 06-14-2004 03:24 PM

maybe it has something to do with the database prob at the beginin?

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 03:28 PM

if it was, then it would have had a mysql error, not an internal server error

i ran my own install instructions when i installed the hack onto ffgon.com, and its working just fine.

do you have access to your server log files? they might have a clue into whats happening

MindTrix 06-14-2004 03:29 PM

not to sure, i just pestered my host about the same thing but hes beeing slow at responding

MindTrix 06-14-2004 03:31 PM

error: file is writable by others

thats the error for the files in question

MindTrix 06-14-2004 03:35 PM

i put the dorms admin back 2 644 on chmod and it works now

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 03:39 PM

....lmao...okay whatever works :-p

MindTrix 06-14-2004 03:40 PM

lol but yeah, i put the CHMOD's on the files back to their original and it works perfect now, time to get testing :) Thanks for the brilliant support

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 03:43 PM

im betting your server is set to not allow files to exist so 'freely' that is, completely accessible via 777 :-p or i dont know, im not a sysadmin, maybe in a few years or something, lol

and of course :-p id like to see more people using my hacks

MindTrix 06-14-2004 04:00 PM

hehe well me and another member are running over it now, it works like a dream, One request though -- If your not a member of someones dorm , then you shouldnt be able to see any posts there :)

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 04:05 PM

alright, i might be able to hijack the password system and have it hide stuff as another option :-p ill think about it for the next version

oh, and i found one error in the templates:

in dorms_leaderview
<phrase 1="$numthreads" 2="$doptions[maxmembers]">
should read
<phrase 1="$numthreads" 2="$doptions[maxthreads]">

if you have the same member max as thread max, you wouldnt have noticed this. itll be updated in the new version

MindTrix 06-14-2004 04:08 PM

Question :) lol on the dorm.php page near the bottom right theres a button saying PUBLIC, what does this do? Also, the other member invited me to join his dorm, and it automatically let me etc, i didnt get a request, neither did he when i invited him. And were not showing up as beeing members of the dorms

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 04:13 PM

okay, only in your dorm, (if the admin public option is turned off) then only members of your dorm can post in threads that you create. however, to have a thread which allows the rest of the forum to post in it, you can set 1 thread to 'Public' which becomes a special thread which everyone can post in. (this was something many people wanted during my experience of manual dorm-doing, and the guestroom function is an example of me hijacking the sticky system :-p)

you get listed as members in the forum description. if those are turned off, you wont see the listed members obviously. other than forum listings, membership is invisible, although your dorm will appear as unlocked in the dorm listing. im not sure why it isnt pming. ill look at it right now. and i spent an hour crunching the entirety of private.php into 7 lines of code :-p and they all work on my test forum and mainsite forum btw.

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 04:32 PM

oh, if your already registered to a dorm, the invite request will not go through, and you wont get the option to choose a dorm (because your in one! the see the inview and outview based on if you are joined to a dorm)

and i looked at your forum descriptions, and both of you are showing up on your respective dorms, so where do you not show up? the dorm display is rendered when in any aspect of the dorm control panel, and is normally displayed as the description when on a dorm forum

MindTrix 06-14-2004 04:35 PM

ok heres a picture of the dorm page. I invited a member to join but he never got a pm or anything, and hes not showing up as a member of my dorm. Same vice versa

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 04:44 PM

your member has to apply for your dorm before he will show up in your queue. this is to prevent leaders from roping people into their dorms without their consent :-p

he needs to access the dorm control panel, and find the list of created dorms, and sign up for yours. then you should get a pm, and then he will show up for whatever you plan to do with it.

and the sendpm function posts up the pm to the database just fine. if it isnt appearing then it is probably caused by filtering things, such as being ignored, viewer having admin notifications off, or the pm being sent when the viewer has a full pm box. (thus the 'extra' isnt grabbed when pm listings are queried)

MindTrix 06-14-2004 04:47 PM

if you go to dorm.php it does not show a list of created dorms though

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 04:49 PM

can you get me a screenshot of that? its working on ffgon.com, like 9 people have signed up to the 5 dorms right now, all but one created by me

MindTrix 06-14-2004 04:50 PM

look back a page, i added a screenshot, and at the time there was another member who had created a dorm and invited me 2 it, and i had invited him 2 mine

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 05:02 PM

the invitations would have been stopped, because it wont invite a member who is already joined to a dorm. both yours to him, and his to you.

i would bet you have redirects turned off, there are important messages being posted in those redirects :-p mainly 'user is already a member of a dorm and it makes no sense to invite them to ours' (only more elegantly)

MindTrix 06-14-2004 05:03 PM

Ahh i get you. Does that mean dorms are not beeing shown because we are both already owning a dorm? but if one of us wasnt we would see the dorms?

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 05:06 PM

that is true :-p when you load dorms.php, it goes like this

if your regged to a dorm {
if you are leader {
member+leader view
} else {
just member view
} else {
outview (lists dorms to join, or outputs create form)

i didnt think a formal listing of dorms was needed to people who were already registered to a dorm, because they wouldnt be able to join a new one until quiting their current dorm, and they could just look at the forum listing.

MindTrix 06-14-2004 05:10 PM

Yeah i getcha i thinkkkkkkkkkkk i got it figured now lol, i guess ad ons can be made for this huh? like the thing i requested earlier, or errrm dorm with most members on forum home etc :p

Darkwaltz4 06-14-2004 05:16 PM

yeah for forumhome addons, its pretty simple, but i tend to despise them because there is never a way around the extra query it adds to the most trafficed page. both would take more than a few seconds for me to eck out :-p so i might come up with something for later versions

dndog 06-14-2004 08:54 PM

When I go to dorms.php, I get a blank white page...

How can I fix this?

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