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Tigga 06-02-2004 10:00 PM

vBadvanced CMPS (Content Management & Portal System)
Official Support Forums
vBadvanced.com is now open! There you will find more information regarding vBadvanced CMPS, FAQ's, User's Manual, Add-On Modules, hacks, modifications, and more.

Please note that we also have our own forum here at vbulletin.org now as well. If you do not wish to register at vBadvanced.com, please ask for support in our new forum.

Current Version: 1.0.0 (Updated 06/03/04)

vBadvanced CMPS (Content Management & Portal System) is an advanced portal / content management system that will allow you to easily include different options from your vBulletin message board on your site's homepage. It also allows you to easily create and manage new pages in which you can set different settings other than the default. It's module system also makes it very easy to add custom modules without hacking any of the files, plus it is very easy to integrate with other vBulletin pages and hacks. Everything is also template based and completely integrated with vBulletin, so it is very easy to customize and change everything through your Admin CP.

  • Easily create and manage your site's content and new pages through your vBulletin Admin CP.
  • Easily add new modules without hacking any vBulletin or vBadvanced files.
  • Ability to set a different value for each module's settings on a per-page basis.
  • Easily enable/disable modules on a per-page basis.
  • Set and change all options via the Admin CP.
  • Everything is completely template based so it is very easy to customize.
  • Install file that will make all database queries and templates for you in seconds.
  • Uninstalls in seconds.
  • Tested and stable with vBulletin 3.01, 3.00, RC1, RC2, RC3.
  • 100% validated XHTML 1.0 compliance
  • And Much more!
Included Modules:
  • Welcome Block - Creates a login box for members to log into your site on the homepage, or shows logged in users their avatar, last visit, and new PMs (all of which may be enabled/disabled).
  • News - Post News in a forum you specify and have it appear on your page. Additional options to show attachments, icons, images, HTML, and more in your news posts.
  • News Archive - A condensed version of older news posts. Includes options to control the number of archived posts to show.
  • Latest Topics - Show the latest threads started in your forum. Additional options to set the number of threads to display, show a preview of the first post, icons, and last post info.
  • Currnt Poll - Show a poll and allow users to vote and see the results on your homepage.
  • Buddy List - Show the user's buddy list for members who are logged in.
  • Online Users - Shows a list of active users, including the stats for your 'most users ever online'.
  • Stats - Shows statistics such as total members, threads, posts, top poster, newest member, and today's birthday's.
  • Mini Calendar - Shows a mini calendar with links to days with scheduled events.
  • Search - Search box to allow users to quickly search your forums.
  • Quick Moderation - Shows the number of posts, threads, users, attachments, and calendar events awaiting moderation for users that have permission to moderate these items.
  • Custom Page Content - Allows you to easily specify a template to include the content from on a page.
More modules available in the Addon Modules, Hacks, & Modifications forum.


Help & Support:
Before asking for support, Please read the F.A.Q in the readme file! If you have any problems or questions that are not covered in the F.A.Q. please here, or please check out vBadvanced.com for priority support. I will be more than happy to help in any way I can if the request for help is made there. Anyone trying to contact me via email, private message, or any other means will be ignored.

This script is ? 2003 - 2004 vBadvanced.com and PlurPlanet, LLC.
This hack is NOT to be re-distributed in any way or placed on a website for download without permission.
All copyright notes in the script itself must remain unchanged and visible at all times.

FleaBag 01-09-2005 06:21 PM

Just thought I would post to say thanks for all the good work Brian, and to confirm this working with 3.05. :)

UnknownServices 01-10-2005 12:37 AM

This is an awsome script. GJ btw.

I tried using the same stats you have on the portal on a sidebar that shows everywhere on the board excpet the portal. I found out that I had to include
functions.php and stats.php in the global.php file and it worked fine, but when I do that, the stats block on the portal dosen't show, anyone know why/

Creative Suite 01-10-2005 01:42 AM

great work :)

DrkFusion 01-10-2005 02:31 AM

Did a quick search, in all threads. Are there addons available for other modules such as image gallery and such along those lines?

Tigga 01-10-2005 02:41 AM

Now that we have our own forum for the CMPS, please keep all support related posts there.


Aaron - Which image gallery?

GameTavernNeo 01-10-2005 06:20 PM

I was using vbadvanced along with vb 3.0.0. I have now upgraded to 3.0.5. I installed vbadvanced CMPS and chose to import my old settings. It seems to be slightly messed up however. The pull down menus don't work and there may be an image problem. Can you take a look at my site and see what I may have done wrong? Thanks


syedakm 01-13-2005 10:54 PM


I did as the instructions told me and getting the following error.

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/pakdef/public_html/forum/includes/functions.php on line 1916

valentine 01-14-2005 06:35 AM

Thats the same error I had when editing the file in Dreamweaver.

Re-edit it using a text editor (Notepad, Wordpad) or something like Editplus, using your original (unmodified) copy.

Reload it to the server.

That'll fix it, I'll wager.

TonTon 01-16-2005 08:06 PM

i have a problem.

ive done everything according to the readme and im still getting an error.

my forum uses a subdomain, forum.blahblah.com as an example.
ive uploaded the cmps_index.php file to my /forum directory and when i go to /forum/cmps_index.php on my site i get:

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/rpgcn64/public_html/forum/cmps_index.php on line 19

=/ help?

mfk_1868 01-16-2005 10:44 PM

it cannot reach the file so you should control the file location

ArabWarez 01-23-2005 08:42 AM

thank you , great work

KW802 01-28-2005 05:20 PM

For those running 1.0.0 yet, vBa CMPS 1.0.1 has been released over at http://www.vbadvanced.com ;)

shin asura 01-31-2005 06:07 AM

Installed it, went through the setup didn't get any errors but I can't get it to show the portal.

What address do I use?

KW802 01-31-2005 06:30 PM

Shin Asura,

If you used all of the defaults then you'll find it at http://www.{yoursite}/cmps_index.php

shin asura 02-01-2005 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by KW802
Shin Asura,

If you used all of the defaults then you'll find it at http://www.{yoursite}/cmps_index.php

Cool thanks :)

Damian 02-03-2005 04:49 AM

/me installs!

turkforum 02-04-2005 04:47 AM

is there a way to uninstall this hack?
after we installed this hack users cann ot login to board ( some of them)

Wrong username or password. You have used up your failed login quota! Please wait 15 minutes before trying again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!

we are 100 percent sure that username and password is true,. I am positive

MoneyTec.Com 02-05-2005 06:07 PM

Would anyone know of any VBAdvanced CMPS site with multiple last post blocks in it? I was stumbled into one last nigh but not can’t find it,,

We are trying to add multiple last post blocks in VBAdvanced if anyone knows how are where please point us in the right direction

SamirDarji 02-08-2005 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by turkforum
is there a way to uninstall this hack?
after we installed this hack users cann ot login to board ( some of them)

Wrong username or password. You have used up your failed login quota! Please wait 15 minutes before trying again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!

we are 100 percent sure that username and password is true,. I am positive

This can be caused by the domain and cookies. See vbadvanced.com for solutions. I've seen this on boards that have the forums installed in a sub-directory below the portal.

SamirDarji 02-08-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by MoneyTec.Com
Would anyone know of any VBAdvanced CMPS site with multiple last post blocks in it? I was stumbled into one last nigh but not can’t find it,,

We are trying to add multiple last post blocks in VBAdvanced if anyone knows how are where please point us in the right direction

I believe you can do this by creating multiple modules that each pull from a different forum.

TRR 02-08-2005 09:56 PM

I am trying to register on the other board, but I am not receiving the validation e-mail. I have already checked the e-mail address. Hmm.

Anyone know the scoop?

BilldaCat 02-09-2005 04:12 AM

possible dumb question..

can I configure it to allow admins who post news items to use HTML, but not allow people who respond to use it? vB only seems to allow HTML on a forum by forum level.. has this added any ability to do that? I really need more control display-wise over the news content.

SamirDarji 02-09-2005 05:14 PM

I don't think it can do that. It follows the normal rules for that forum.

Raven_FCF 02-12-2005 02:35 PM

what's the diff?


Originally Posted by KW802
For those running 1.0.0 yet, vBa CMPS 1.0.1 has been released over at http://www.vbadvanced.com ;)

KW802 02-13-2005 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Raven_FCF
what's the diff?



Originally Posted by Brian

vBa CMPS v1.0.1 is now available in the 'Programs / Scripts' section of the site. This version is mostly a maintenance release to fix all currently known bugs.
There are, however, a few new options. A new 'Global vBadvanced Settings' group has been added which contains three new settings - 'Header Replacements', 'Navbar Replacements', and 'Footer Replacements'. These options will allow you to enter a list of filenames that may be in your header, navbar, and footer that need to have your forum's URL added in front of the name. These new options should prove to be useful for those who have installed hacks and need to replace the filename for these, or for those who have installed a style in which the default navbar links have been moved to the header. These will also be global options for all future vBadvanced products and will affect vBa CMPS 1.0.1, vBa Links 1.0.1 (to be released shortly), and vBa Gallery RC3 (also to be released shortly).
The last new setting is the 'Portal Output Global Variables' option. This option will be useful for those who have added other hacks to vBulletin and need to add the variables from those hacks to the print_portal_output() function's global list. Now instead of having to edit any files, you may simply add the variable name in this setting.
For those who wish to upgrade, you will find upgrade instructions at the bottom of the readme file included in the new zip package.

Jenta 02-15-2005 03:08 PM

any reason for this when i view portal?

Page generated in 0.41773 seconds with 33 queries (10 queries for uncached templates) [Server Loads: 0.85 1.01 : 1.02]
Uncached templates: adv_portal_buddylist (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopicbits (10)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_latesttopics (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_moderation (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_newsbits (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_onlineusers (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_search (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_stats (1)
Uncached templates: adv_portal_welcomeblock (1)
Uncached templates: forumhome_loggedinuser (2)

SamirDarji 02-15-2005 04:02 PM

Don't know. Try over at www.vbadvanced.com. I'd be interested too. I've got quite a few modules on my home page.

KW802 02-15-2005 06:56 PM

utlamer, SamirDarji: Check your settings to global.php to make sure you got this changes correctly. If you're sure that the changes to global.php are correct then check your modules to make sure that the template names are still present.

MAK-upl 02-17-2005 12:01 AM

I clicked "instal" and want to confirm that this is working with 3.0.6

Keep it real :D

KW802 02-17-2005 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by MAK-upl
I clicked "instal" and want to confirm that this is working with 3.0.6

Keep it real :D

Yep, it'll work fine with 3.0.6

Greebo 02-17-2005 06:34 PM

Beautiful install - flawless - done in 15 minutes and looks great!

Now to begin customizing! Muhahahahah! :) :)


KW802 02-17-2005 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Greebo
Beautiful install - flawless - done in 15 minutes and looks great!

Now to begin customizing! Muhahahahah! :) :)



Oreamnos 02-20-2005 12:33 PM

works in 3.0.7 :)

iTaLiAnBoY165 02-20-2005 02:18 PM

hey me and my friend installed this on our site but it says line 25 in index.php which is the directory or soemthign and i have the example of what vb put in there i have tried many ways but none worked any help is appriciated this is the exact error

Warning: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/iden-pro/public_html/index.php on line 19

Warning: main(./global.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/iden-pro/public_html/index.php on line 25

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/iden-pro/public_html/index.php on line 25

G3MM4 02-20-2005 03:04 PM

How do I get the portal to show up at www.the-everquest-vault.com instead of at www.the-everquest-vault.com/cmps_index.php?

SamirDarji 02-21-2005 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by G3MM4
How do I get the portal to show up at www.the-everquest-vault.com instead of at www.the-everquest-vault.com/cmps_index.php?

You have to rename the file and rename the file for your forum index. And then you have to change the name in the options for the forum index to whatever to changed it to.

For my sites I renamed the index.php to forum.php and then renamed the cmps_index.php to index.php. Hope this helps.

Sinister21 02-22-2005 04:39 PM

installed works fine from its location.. cept how do i go back and change the image paths for the avatars and smilies etc.?

not referering to the one under style manager -> all style options.

EDIT: actually all the links seem to be going to www.mysite.com/www.mysite.com/path/path etc.

where can i adjust this?


G3MM4 02-22-2005 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
You have to rename the file and rename the file for your forum index. And then you have to change the name in the options for the forum index to whatever to changed it to.

For my sites I renamed the index.php to forum.php and then renamed the cmps_index.php to index.php. Hope this helps.

I suspect this would work if my board was in the same directory as the portal itself, but my board is in a different directory. Like, my portal is in the root directory, and the board is in the community directory. So this being the case, how would I go about getting the portal to show up at www.the-everquest-vault.com? I've already renamed cmps_index.php to index.php.

neofootball 02-22-2005 11:24 PM

Install went great but when I go to the portal page Iget this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_portal_output() in /home3/xxxxxx/public_html/gridiron/cmps_index.php on line 27

I check what was on line 27:


Can someone help me out with this error?

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