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Velocd 05-24-2004 01:37 AM

US draft in 2005?
The Republican government is hoping for it in June 2005.

It seems they're pushing legislation silently until the election of 2004 is confirmed, so that it doesn't hurt Bush's chances.

If Bush was confronted to announce his support for the draft, his chances of winning the election would surely be altered.


Not sure how old that article is, but I came across it today. It's interesting how little I see/read about the draft in the news.. they really are trying to keep it on the low. Pft.

Hopefully there is enough common sense in people to understand the draft does more bad then good (e.g. Vietnam), and thus vote against any draft measures.

There will be no college deferment either, which would utlimatley hurt the economy if you send off to war future prospects.

Reeve of shinra 05-24-2004 01:53 AM

Its been on the table since early 2003 I think but there has been little discussion in congress on it.

KTBleeding 05-24-2004 05:16 AM

Seriously.. if draft is issued..
Yeah.. Hmm. I'll probably shoot myself in the leg or arm.
I can't KILL another human being so it would be pointless for me to go.
I know I'm not even close to being alone on this..

tgillespie 05-24-2004 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by KTBleeding
Seriously.. if draft is issued..
Yeah.. Hmm. I'll probably shoot myself in the leg or arm.
I can't KILL another human being so it would be pointless for me to go.
I know I'm not even close to being alone on this..

There is other things to do in the Military than kill people. Personally I would go, and personally, I don't think it would be all that bad of an idea. The only way the Jews are surviving today is because of a draft.

Boofo 05-24-2004 05:52 AM

I disagree with some of the posts above. I think the draft should be enabled. I would have gone to Iraq myself if they would have let me. The problem with the war we are in now is because we are using week-end warriors (what the reserves are referred to by the full-time military) who aren't as well trained as a full-time military would be. This war would be a lot further along and our boys would be coming home sooner if we have a well-trained military over there. And there probably wouldn't be near as many deaths as there have been. The draft is the only way that will happen with the way everyone seems to think of the military these days.

assassingod 05-24-2004 06:09 AM

A draft seems unfair, and to me, a US draft tells me the USA are losing soldiers so they need more.

Boofo 05-24-2004 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by assassingod
A draft seems unfair, and to me, a US draft tells me the USA are losing soldiers so they need more.

It's not that wqe are losing soldiers, it's guys with the attitude that they don't want to server their country that aren't signing up. If more people would want to server their country, they wouldn't have to have a draft.

Serge 05-24-2004 01:12 PM

This is what I can't stand for in this bill. To be in the house you must be atleast 25 years old I believe. And to be in the senate you have to be at least 30 years old. The proposed bill suggests that anyone age 18 to 25 serve a 2 year period of service. Who is protecting me up in DC? Since no one in that age group is in Congress, save a few House members maybe, who is there to protect me? This is like your parnets telling you you have to join metal shop or something I honestly be no draft without proper representation in congress.

On another note I have thought hard and long about whether I would go into the service or not. I'm still undecided but I know I don't want to be on the front lines being shot at. While I believe true peace can probably never be achieved and you must fight for freedom I would rather be helping those on the front lines than actually be on the front lines. If I went anywhere it would probably be to the Air Force as a computer programmer or something.

Boofo 05-24-2004 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Serge
This is what I can't stand for in this bill. To be in the house you must be atleast 25 years old I believe. And to be in the senate you have to be at least 30 years old. The proposed bill suggests that anyone age 18 to 25 serve a 2 year period of service. Who is protecting me up in DC? Since no one in that age group is in Congress, save a few House members maybe, who is there to protect me? This is like your parnets telling you you have to join metal shop or something I honestly be no draft without proper representation in congress.

It's been that way since way before I can rememeber and it will always be like that. I really don't want an 18-year-old representing me in Congress OR the Senate. They haven't been around long enough to be able to represent like they should. It isn't their fault, but with age comes wisdom.


On another note I have thought hard and long about whether I would go into the service or not. I'm still undecided but I know I don't want to be on the front lines being shot at. While I believe true peace can probably never be achieved and you must fight for freedom I would rather be helping those on the front lines than actually be on the front lines. If I went anywhere it would probably be to the Air Force as a computer programmer or something.
If everyone felt the way you do, there would be no soldiers on the front lines for you to help and support. They'd all be computer programmers or something. What about the guys who were on the front lines defending your freedom and way of life? Aren't they worth remembering and fighting for?

assassingod 05-24-2004 02:44 PM

Although I am underage and I don't live in the US, I would still oppose a draft, I don't like the idea of having to fight when I don't want to. However i'm not saying I would serve, but if I did I would do it on my own free will (or if im really bored)

(I'm opening up my house for draft-dodgers, stay here until the war ends:))

Boofo 05-24-2004 02:45 PM

Then you'll lose any respect I might have for you. I have no time for cowards (or draft dodgers as you call them). ;)

Dean C 05-24-2004 03:14 PM

Bob that is an attitude i'd have to disagree with completely. (Not that I live in the US but) Some of us have families, loved ones we care about. I'd rather not risk my life, and risk traumatising those that love me most. So that makes me a coward?

13th_Disciple 05-24-2004 04:28 PM

I am kinda sorta for the way Isreal does their military.. 2 years mandantory for anyone coming out of school.. Past that, there is no more call for military duty, and there has never been a need for a draft in Isreal.. Now I don't agree with everything Isreal does or doesn't do.. But since I don't live there, it's not my place to say.. But that seems to be the most fair option there is if it comes down to having to be forced into military service..

But since I have worked for the dept. of defense, and worked for those that supply the DoD with parts, munitions, aircraft, I would have to say I believe I have done my part as best I can to help sustain the war machine..

Which reminds me.. Pink Floyd comes to mind with all of this.. time to listen to The Wall and then Dark Side of the Moon.. Good stuff there..

Also, try not to let a thread about draft institution turn into a flame fest for whatever reason.. The fights have long since grown tiring around here.. Not saying this is a fight.. More along the lines of a debate that is getting close the edge of that mountain that has no beginning or ending..

Velocd 05-24-2004 04:30 PM

For Boofo, it's understandable his opinions differ, given his age difference from the majority young here. Opinions are relative. Maybe he grew up in a location where there wasn't much opportunity, and being patriotic was best represented by going to war for your country.

Today is an era of technology and change, and there are more openings to success for young people than there were in the past. Going to war isn't the only way to be patriotic for your country. Building a family, and contributing to the economy also will help the country. It's harsh to think the government would ignore people's ambitions, dreams, or aspirations and send them off to war to be killed. The draft is a ridiculous concept in a true Democracy. If people don't want to go to war, the government shouldn't be going to war either. The Republican government is also being cowardice by slying this legislation behind peoples back, they should really confront it with the people more.

Not only is a family whose son or daughter (will they force women into war..?) killed in war suffer emotionally, but if that son or daughter was the family's prime chance of getting out of financial slump, then that family just lost its chance and will remain poor for the rest of their lives. For every good life lost in the draft, many others are lost.

Brad 05-24-2004 04:31 PM

This thread reminded me that I hav'nt signed up at sss.gov yet :rolleyes:

Hey if my name comes up, good chance finding me. Backwoods, canada, mexico, south america, its all good :cool:

assassingod 05-24-2004 04:34 PM

Brad check out my post, come stay with me :cool:

Brad 05-24-2004 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
It's not that wqe are losing soldiers, it's guys with the attitude that they don't want to server their country that aren't signing up. If more people would want to server their country, they wouldn't have to have a draft.

Boofo I hate to pick on ya man but your post caught my attention. I don't know the hard facts but i'm willing to bet the US army is the largest in the world behind china. And in my honest opioion there is NO reason to have a draft in this day and age. We are not in any major conflict that our current reserves can't handle.

I don't know about you man but I love my for-fathers as much as anyone else, and im grateful to live in this country (altho some days I wish I was in a'dam). But im not going oversee's or anywhere else to fight any war I don't agree with.

Reeve of shinra 05-24-2004 06:08 PM


I personally would not want to be drafted. I disagree with the reasons we've stated for the invasion of Iraq and I do not feel confident that the administration is handling the war in the best possible way. Its not the training of the 'weekend warriors' that has dragged the war in Iraq out but rather poor "post war" planning. US Generals have gone on record saying that disposing of Saddam would be the easy part but rebuilding a democratic Iraq would be a very difficult task -- something our leader and chief ignored or failed to plan for appropriately.

Does this make me unpatriotic? I don't think so... I firmly believe in the constition and the principles America was founded on - priciples that are being abused more and more by our own government with every passing day. This is America though and in America, you can't question Bush because in doing so your helping terrorism.


"The situation in Iraq and the reckless economic policies in the United States speak to one issue for me, and that is the competence of our leader," Pelosi said. "These policies are not working. But speaking specifically to Iraq, we have a situation where -- without adequate evidence -- we put our young people in harm's way."

Asked specifically if she was calling Bush incompetent, Pelosi replied:

"I believe that the president's leadership in the actions taken in Iraq demonstrate an incompetence in terms of knowledge, judgment and experience in making the decisions that would have been necessary to truly accomplish the mission without the deaths to our troops and the cost to our taxpayers."

Pelosi charged the Bush administration has proved itself wrong on a number of issues with Iraq, including its initial assertions that Iraqis would welcome U.S. troops and that Iraq itself could pay for much of the reconstruction effort.

"Rocket-propelled grenades, not rose petals, greeted them," Pelosi said of U.S. troops. "Instead ... of Iraq being a country that would readily pay for its own reconstruction ... we're up to over $200 billion in cost to the American people."
Response from Tom DeLay - house leader:


"Nancy Pelosi should apologize for her irresponsible, dangerous rhetoric," DeLay, R-Texas, said. "She apparently is so caught up in partisan hatred for President Bush that her words are putting American lives at risk."

Boofo 05-24-2004 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dean C
Bob that is an attitude i'd have to disagree with completely. (Not that I live in the US but) Some of us have families, loved ones we care about. I'd rather not risk my life, and risk traumatising those that love me most. So that makes me a coward?

Do you think we didn't have loved ones back here that we cared about, too? But in order for us to maintain our quality of life here in the US. someone has to make the sacrifices. To insure my family doesn't have to suffer the pains of war, I will do my part as I have always done. Serve my country. And the only ones I was calling cowards are draft dodgers, if you will re-read the message you will see that. And, yes, Dean, if you were to dodge the draft, I would consider you to be a coward. Nothing personal to you, but I've been there and done my part and you or anyone else who takes for granted the freedoms they have are no better than I am and should do your part, too, for your family and loved ones if not for yourself. ;)

Scrub 05-24-2004 09:11 PM

I would most deffinatly join the militray if needed, but due to some birth defects I can't. :(

AWS 05-24-2004 10:14 PM


I would have gone to Iraq myself if they would have let me.
You might say that now, but if you ever experienced armed battle you would think twice about saying it or about going to battle.
I was drafted in the last draft the US had in 1972. I was watching the news and they listed the top 100 birthdays. If your birthday was one of them you were called to duty. My birthday was the 5TH selected. I got my induction letter about a week later and chose to enlist in the Marines instead the Army.
Call me a draft dodger if you wish, but, knowing what I know now and what I experienced if I had to do it over I would have went to Canada.
I don't regret the service I did for my country, but, I would never do it again unless the battle was on our home soil.

ap0c 05-24-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
The Republican government is hoping for it in June 2005.

It seems they're pushing legislation silently until the election of 2004 is confirmed, so that it doesn't hurt Bush's chances.


Kerry and most democrats(non liberals) support this also. The reason it's being kept quiet, congress also has elections this year:)

Scrub 05-24-2004 10:43 PM

Bah! Accidently deleted my last post. :D.

But anyways, AWS, Boofo is ex-military and I belive he has experinced it if I am not mistaken. So, I think he know's what he is talking about. ;)

13th_Disciple 05-24-2004 10:45 PM

BTW.. Canada now has a treaty with the US and will send back folks avoiding the draft and seeking refuge in Canada.. I think that was one of the points either in NAFTA or some arrangement previous to that.. can't remember.. I do know that they will send you back.. Claiming asylum won't help, nor will claiming political refugee status as we are not considered a country in turmoil.. or something along those lines..

Personally, I lived in Canada for awhile back in '99.. and while I found it nice, it didn't feel right.. Nor did I feel welcome.. I was actually very surprised to see the amount of outright hatred towards Americans in Canada..

So often, people tend to forget that the people of a country may not stand beside or even behind the reasoning of their goverment.. People of other locations use a given countries foreign policy as an immediate way to hate those from that country.. I love America.. the good ol' USA and all that.. But if I had to choose anywhere in the world, it would have to be Sweden.. They are, as far as I know, one of the last remaining large, non third world countries, to remain nuetral.. If not the only remaining country that's not considered third world..

Besides, who can resist the Swedish Bikini Team, ffs.. :p

Velocd 05-24-2004 11:39 PM

The better of this argument is not whether this draft should be enacted, or whether it's "cowardice" for someone not to comply with the draft, but to confront the plain concept behind an American draft.

Should the government have the right to send males into military against their will? If so, why not females?

I can't plausibly see how in a government reputable for its civil rights can still shelter a draft resolution. In fact, it seems unconstitutional. I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in my life the draft is made unconstitutional. You cannot take the liberty from anyone in this country, who justly does not deserve so, away.

The other argument is why put people against a war in the military? A military works best with volunteers and people committed to its purpose. Occupying a military with bitter and discrepant individuals will only secure more convulation and tension, then ease.

RichieBoy67 05-25-2004 12:32 AM

This sure would have been a good thread on my board...www.speakoutonline.net

VeoMorphine 05-26-2004 03:31 PM

Congress is Considering Re-enacting the Draft

I decided to post this, just because I think it is a very important issue that will in fact change the way we live our lives.
The United States Congress is considering re-enacting the Draft. It would require all persons age's 18-27 to serve in some capacity for the armed forces. Both men and women will be required to serve. Running to Canada, o attending college will not be options. The United States also has an agreement with Canada to return people who try to dodge the draft by moving to Canada. College students will not be exempt. The Draft will start in June 2005.
You can find the article here:

13th_Disciple 05-26-2004 06:06 PM

yeah.. we have been discussing it a bit.. check this link for a bit of background on what all we have discussed..


StarBuG 05-26-2004 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
yeah.. we have been discussing it a bit.. check this link for a bit of background on what all we have discussed..


Germany is going to reduce or even drop the draft in the near future hehe

We finaly will be free :D


Rose 05-26-2004 06:28 PM

*draft threads merged together*

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