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Logician 04-23-2004 08:27 AM

Status of Logician Hacks (vb2 -> vb3 porting)
Hey there,

I receive many questions about the porting of my hacks so I wanted to inform everybody in this thread. I'll try to update this thread in time. Here is the status of my hacks:

Hacks Already Ported into VB3:
[vB 2.2.x] Dynamic Announcements: Programmable Forum Home Announcement/Message with conditionals 05.Sep.2002 173 => vb 3 version here
[vB 2.2.x] Trap Banned Members: They cant logout. 17.Apr.2002 63 => vb 3 version here
[vB 2.2.x] Message Editing Hierarchy 24.May.2002 42 => Xenon ported it here.
[vB 2.2.x] Clean Sweep Private Message Box 10.May.2002 49 => Erwin ported it here.
[vB 2.2.x] Download Thread 12.Jul.2002 224 => vb 3 version here
WebTemplates 3.x: VB Integrated Content Management System => vb 3 version here

Hacks Currently Being Worked ON:

Hacks Obselete:
These hacks are obselete and will not be ported into vb3 because vb3 already has them as a default feature:

[vB 2.2.x] Advanced Templates: Dynamic Templates Changing according to different conditions 08.Sep.2002 161
[vB 2.2.x] Confirm Unsubscribe From All Threads Requests 29.Aug.2002 24
[vB 2.2.x] Automatic Greeting Email/PM/Threads for Member Birthdays 10.Jun.2002 233
[vB 2.2.x] Change "Subscribe to This Thread" link to "Unsubscribe" if already subscribed 27.Feb.2002 85

Hacks I don't plan to port into vb3:
[vB 2.2.x] Logician NEWS: Drag Any Message to Your Main Page 31.May.2002 102
[vB 2.2.x] PM/Email Notification for Pending (Moderated) Messages 07.May.2002 4
[vB 2.2.x] Display Board Authorities in Forum Home 22.Jun.2002 19
[vB 2.2.x] Prevent Shouting (ALL-CAPS) in Subject Field (For Non-English Boards) 13.Feb.2002 5
[vB 2.2.x] Send Part of User's Reply with Email Notification 09.Feb.2002 40
[vB 2.2.x] Fast access to forum rules from anywhere
(If you need "Send Part of User's Reply with Email Notification" or "Fast access to forum rules from anywhere" hacks in vb3, open a thread in modification requests forum and pm the thread to me and I'll give you the hack code in your thread.)

Hacks Waiting in my to-do list to Port:
[vB 2.2.x] RealTime Template Compressor: Reduces page sizes, loads pages faster, saves Bandwidth 29.Aug.2003 85
[vB 2.2.x] Easy Unsubscription From Admin Email (Unsubscribe Newsletter Link ) 20.Mar.2003 8
[vB 2.2.x] Advanced Password Rules 23.Jul.2002 68
[vB 2.2.x] Greet Members' Xth posts via Email/PM/Thread automatically 14.Jun.2002 58
[vB 2.2.x] Display Thread Raters: Who rated how? 04.Jun.2002 30
[vB 2.2.x] Date blinks to get attention if viewed message is older than X days 22.May.2002 18
[vB 2.2.x] HTML Email Feature 03.May.2002 42
[vB 2.2.x] Fast Access to Visibility/Invisibility 28.Apr.2002 31
[vB 2.2.x] Show Thread Subscribers in All Threads 25.Mar.2002 22
[vB 2.2.x] Numeric Required User Profile Field 16.Feb.2002 8
[vB 2.2.x] Who might this New User be? 22.May.2002 162 => One note for who might this new user be hack: I need to find a different algorithm to port this hack because vb3 password system has changed so dramatically that it made this hack impossible to match new users for passwords. So this calls for some new thoughts and more work to port the hack. Thus this has lower priority in my to-do list atm.

As you can see I have quite long to-do list so I thank you for patience and understanding and extend my apologies if you are waiting for one of these hacks.

AlexanderT 04-23-2004 08:52 AM

Great list, Logician! I wish every major hack developer here would offer such a list :)

the Sandman 04-23-2004 10:16 AM

Of the Hacks in your To-Do List, the one I'd like to see soonest is Who might this New User be?

Thus this has lower priority in my to-do list atm.
What can we do to change your mind?? :squareeyed:

Logician 04-23-2004 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by the Sandman
Of the Hacks in your To-Do List, the one I'd like to see soonest is Who might this New User be? What can we do to change your mind?? :squareeyed:

If you ask Kathy to add it to her to-do list, you can consider it delivered. ^^ But even in this scenario I need to find a wise way to match passwords in the new password system which made it very hard for me to port this hack as it salts passwords uniquely.

the Sandman 04-23-2004 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Logician
If you ask Kathy to add it to her to-do list, you can consider it delivered. ^^ But even in this scenario I need to find a wise way to match passwords in the new password system which made it very hard for me to port this hack as it salts passwords uniquely.

[high]* the Sandman goes to send Kathy a PM...[/high]

extremeskins24 04-24-2004 05:54 AM

Logician, what is Kathy's username? I would like to send her a PM concerning the hack as well. Like "the Sandman", I view this particular hack as virtually essential to maintaining decorum on our fairly large community. I've had the hack for over a year now and I simply couldn't imagine upgrading until it was in place. It's important in keeping the trash out and avoiding multiple registrations.

Logician 04-24-2004 07:04 AM

Kathy and Sandman are the owners and admins of Admin Zone Forums.

Highlander 05-03-2004 08:44 AM


Hacks Currently Being Worked ON:
[vB 2.2.x] WebTemplates 2.x: VB Integrated Content Management System 30.Jun.2003 160 : I don't want to promise ETA so as to not to let anybody down if I can't make it. But I work on it at the moment and I expect it to be ready with in 3 weeks. (Again no promises!)
what it means :D *smile*

30. june release date or 3 Weeks counted from beginning the first post would mean it would be ready in 2 weeks?

I know only one thing!
I waited sooo long before i convert my 2.3.0 board into 3.0.0, the only reason for this was the webtemplates could not be ported to vb3.0.0 .. so. in vb2.3.0 i worked many weeks on dynamic pages and it was a big hooray when the first user visited this new kind of website .. in just a few days this section (all webtemplate pages) appeared to be the most visited and most important websitesites on www.spieleplanet.com .. the dynamic and information in webtemplates could pull out nearly everything and nearly an infinity loop of options and layouts..

..but one, really bad day, the server collapes and much data was lost, i had to build up everything new from zero.
So i decided to upgrade the board to vb3.0.0, it is a also great thing this new version of vBulletin, but without the webtemplates www.spieleplanet.com is only driving on 50% of the possibilities users could have with the webtemplates

.. it is really naked now :( ..

one thing you have to know:
.. if i would win in a lottery. .maybe i will.. i will give you a part of it .. you do a very great job .. maybe one day i am millionare .. than you will be it too ..

..my baby www.spieleplanet.com is next to my wife a very importand thing to me.. and your works did this part to a very nice place where freinds, me and all the 10 Million visitors i had spend their time in the last 3 years :D

..so i would do anything to help you finishing up the news version webtepmplates.. just tell my a m if you need somthing ..

happy greeting from Germany
Daniel L. (spieleplanet.com)

Logician 05-03-2004 09:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
wow very nice&praiseful comments thank you! I didn't know any of my hacks meant so much for some people. Let me give you some good news then: ;) Vb3 version of webtemplates is mostly ready. I have some little work to polish it, then some more work to test it before releasing. Still no promises but I believe it will be released in 2 weeks.

Ps. I wish you win the lottery! ^^

Boofo 05-03-2004 09:49 AM

This is one of my favorites. ;)

Fast Access to Visibility/Invisibility

JohnXWA 05-14-2004 10:40 PM

Thanks Logician! VBTemplates is looking good :D If you need a beta tester i'm your guy.

Incendium 05-14-2004 11:52 PM

Logician, your links to Dynamic Announcements and Trap Banned Users are mixed up. ;)

Logician 05-26-2004 07:36 AM

Webtemplate production is taking sometime, sorry for that. In the meantime I released a easier to port hack: Download Thread.

Its number of installers were more than that of webtemplates anyway. ^^

JohnXWA 05-26-2004 02:55 PM

:( I'm still up for testing :) Basic HTML pages only tho, I don't have any pages that use the more advanced features at the moment.

LeMans350z 05-28-2004 01:24 PM

Logician - Do you have a new date or time frame in mind for completing the vB3 webtemplates hack?


Logician 05-28-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by LeMans350z
Logician - Do you have a new date or time frame in mind for completing the vB3 webtemplates hack?


Sorry all I can say is "soon". I have things to deal with at the moment. As soon as I have some spare time, I'll finish it. It is already mostly finished but of course there are still things to do like test it, fix bugs, write help files, write install instructions, write upgrade instructions etc.

JohnXWA 05-28-2004 05:27 PM

I can test :D

I'm begging to test, lol.

Logician 05-28-2004 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by JohnXWA
I can test :D

I'm begging to test, lol.

Are you begging to test or use? ^^ I still have to write the install instructions etc. so that I can send it to test users.

JohnXWA 05-28-2004 06:57 PM

Both :D I was dumb enough to upgrade to VB3 without checking if the old WT would work :( I guessed as no chanegs to VB2 files were changed it would just work, I was wrong :D

But if you need people to test before you release, i'm up for it when you are ready.

Gio Takahashi 05-29-2004 01:29 AM

I assume that it CAN port the vB2 webtemplates, right?

Highlander 05-29-2004 09:40 AM

i will test it if you really want test user .. send it to me anytime .. night,day no matter :D and tell me what to test beside normal installation and creating news templates with news queries :D

..really .. i would test it


Intex 06-01-2004 03:50 PM

Logician - I note that you've put this in your 'Obselete hacks' pile. Does vB3 have an automated method for this then?

Logician 06-01-2004 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Intex
Logician - I note that you've put this in your 'Obselete hacks' pile. Does vB3 have an automated method for this then?

"This" is?

Intex 06-01-2004 04:51 PM

Sorry I thought I'd posted it in the hack thread itself, then saw your progress link and posted it there instead :(.

I was referring to your Birthday Greeting thread. I used it all the time for my members, had it customised to include HTML, sounds etc. Was a nice hack :cool:.

Logician 06-01-2004 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Intex
Sorry I thought I'd posted it in the hack thread itself, then saw your progress link and posted it there instead :(.

I was referring to your Birthday Greeting thread. I used it all the time for my members, had it customised to include HTML, sounds etc. Was a nice hack :cool:.

I see.

I didnt plan to import this hack because its primary feature (greeting birthdays automatically) are already covered by vb3. However if I recall correctly, somebody already released a hack for vb3 for creating greeting threads for birthdays so I'd say check it out.

Intex 06-01-2004 07:17 PM

Thx. will do :).

Intex 06-01-2004 07:29 PM

Checked it out, but it's not as good as yours to be honest.

Highlander 06-06-2004 05:05 AM

Hi Logician :) .. still waiting for the great WT 3.0 .. do you any idea when you will finish it ?

JohnXWA 06-12-2004 05:18 PM

Yep, i'm itching for WT3 :(

Highlander 06-14-2004 08:22 AM

hehe i cant wait .. but we have to wait until its finished .. i hope it will be something like this month ..

Logician 06-14-2004 08:40 AM

Sorry guys some unexpected things suddenly came up. We need to do some major repairwork in the house, I can hardly commit time for my business, let alone webtemplates.

JohnXWA 06-14-2004 10:21 AM

Is it possible to release what you have as beta? I just need something that will use my WT2 info and display basic html. No fancy stuff needed :D

This is what you get for making an outstanding hack :D

JohnXWA 06-20-2004 05:10 PM

Thats a no then, lol.

Oh well, stuffed for now I guess. Can I revert to VB2 without loosing posts etc?

Logician 06-20-2004 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by JohnXWA
Thats a no then, lol.

Oh well, stuffed for now I guess. Can I revert to VB2 without loosing posts etc?

you can not downgrade from vb3 to vb2. PM me your email and I'll send you the part I have finished. There is no guarentee it will work bugless but I see you are desperate so I'm hoping that this can help you a little. But please note that I can not spare extra time to fix bugs of the script I'll send to you. So if it does not work, you need to wait for the official release. Hope this helps a bit.

Edit : Second thought: Instead of email, give me access (vb admin cp, phpmyadmin, ftp) to your server so that I can install it for you. It will take a lot of time to compile a "how to install document" if you try to install yourself.

JohnXWA 06-20-2004 07:25 PM

If your still up for it, mail it to john@addison-net.co.uk and I might be able to work it out. I'm in need but I don't expect you to set it up for me, I see you have much more important things to do.

But if I can't figure it out and you have some time over the next week or so i'll get you access. My site is hosted by GameSpy, i'll send a mail to them on Monday morning requesting an account for you. If they don't respond with 24 hours i'll send you my details, i'm sure I can trust you :D

Thanks again!

Logician 06-20-2004 07:59 PM

email sent. try to figure out installing yourself (file structure is pretty same with vb2 version) and if you are stuck, you can give me access so that I'll check it out.

Highlander 06-22-2004 08:39 PM

whoops .. me too please :D admin@spieleplanet.com .. is my email ..maybe i can be also lucky with a beta :D

Highlander 06-24-2004 11:09 AM

hmpf .. just in need of it ..

Logician 06-24-2004 11:17 AM

I already sent it to you yesterday

Highlander 06-26-2004 08:25 AM

ok got it now the second time :D

@john you managed installing this?
i will begin now a try out .. can you givbe me some hints?

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