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-   -   Big Picture messing up your design? Install this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=63458)

Dimitrix 04-04-2004 10:00 PM

Big Picture messing up your design? Install this
What does this hack do?
This hack will check if an image that a member of your forums has inserted in the post is below the allowable width. If not, the image will be replaced with a small button that basicly says "Image too big, click here to view". When clicked, the image will appear right in the post but without messing up your forum design one bit.

Working example can be found here:
http://www.designworldwide.com/forum/t35-s.html (note: This is on VB2 but should have the same effect. If you installed it on Vb3, send me a link so I can post it here)
VB2 thread if anyone wants it:

Please post any bugs/comments/questions here.
While making this hack I had some trouble with reg. expressions and had to go around them a little (php developers can see this). Ive been coding for years now but never had the need to learn those :p

(Image now included in ZIP)


Vivi Ornitier 04-05-2004 03:07 AM

u got a pic we can use?

Dimitrix 04-05-2004 03:27 AM

Completely slipped my mind
Here's one I made quickly


xware 04-05-2004 03:31 AM

if there have many images in on post the getimagesize function maybe slowly.

tnguy3n 04-05-2004 03:32 AM

interesting, but does it work for images that link from other servers?

gmarik 04-05-2004 03:35 AM

a nice mode you have

NuclioN 04-05-2004 05:03 AM

object js error :( (object required: line 722 - character 2 in showthread.php)

It is displaying the image but with that error

colicab-d 04-05-2004 05:31 AM

oooh now this is handy :D thnx a lot this is gonna save a few headaches with clients :D

mikeee 04-05-2004 10:08 AM

I tried this on VB3, nothing changed. Doesnt display the image too big button, doesnt give errors. Strange.

tomp 04-05-2004 10:26 AM

very very nice mod

Boofo 04-05-2004 10:58 AM

Is there a way to have the button say "Close this image" (or something like that) after clicking it to open it? I had to play with it to figure out I had to hit the same button to close the image. ;)

Dimitrix 04-05-2004 11:26 AM

I dont have VB3 myself (Have Vb2 installed on my server), so I cant test the hack. It was made blindfolded (after testing with Vb2 of course).

If anyone whos having trouble is willing to give me access to their server, Ill be willing to figure it out and fix the hack.

Sorry, not much time this morning, Ill reply to all posts in a few hours

Aceman 04-05-2004 02:07 PM

Installed at: www.scifi-meshes.com and working fine.

It turns on a layer with the image when you click on the button. I'm concerned that this will work in all browsers.. but it looks fine in IE for me.


Aceman 04-05-2004 02:29 PM

I've found that for images that are say 1024x768 the icon shows up fine. But for some reason I have to reload the page sometimes to get it to work and show the layer with the image when you click on it. Additionally, some images only showed part of the images, it's like it would only show upto the hieght of the post. I think this pertained to threads that were posted before I put in the hack. But new threads seemed to show all the image. It's like it didn't know how tall the image was. (pulled this hack from server pending a revision.. but I really would like to use it.)

Is it possible to modify the code so that it just pops up another window completely with just the image, rather then show it in a hidden layer?


Dimitrix 04-05-2004 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Aceman
Installed at: www.scifi-meshes.com and working fine.

It turns on a layer with the image when you click on the button. I'm concerned that this will work in all browsers.. but it looks fine in IE for me.


Yes, I always work in Mozilla, so it'll work in it for sure (FireFox). In IE I noticed that the layer comes up but <select> form objects appear on top of the image. After doing further reading this is an IE bug that has been an issue since IE 4 (Thanks Microsoft). There are ways to go around it but would require some template edits.

Yes, it's really easy to make it open in a new window. I will add 2 revisions of the hack later today. One will be so you can use text instead of an image. And 2nd, to open in a new window.

Thanks for the ideas

NuclioN 04-05-2004 02:56 PM

Any solution for the javascript error? :)

Dimitrix 04-05-2004 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by NuclioN
Any solution for the javascript error? :)

Can you post a link so I can view JS?

mtha 04-05-2004 09:32 PM

very nice mod.
I would still display the image with the limitation of width=$img_max_width

PHP Code:

 $inp_string "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"window.open('".$link."','OgiginalImage','statusbar=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=".$img_width[0].",height=".$img_width[1]."'); return false;\"><img src=\"".$link."\" alt=\"Original Image is too big\" border=\"0\" width=\"".$img_max_width."\"/></a><br />\n";

vau7 04-06-2004 02:31 AM

It runs perfectly ( No Problems in Opera with the js )


Dimitrix 04-06-2004 02:26 PM

Glad to hear that.

I really dont see a reason why JS would give problems. Its very basic code (1 line).
Can you post a link? :)

wolfgang2 04-07-2004 12:10 PM

a very nice idea.
Heard from it in the german vB-Forums and tried it.
But , unfortunately the hack did not work quite properly.
Esp. in Mozilla and Netscape the window with the picture did not open itself.
Also it is not working with IE5, only with IE 6.

The 2nd problem:
If there is a thread with many pictures u can not klick one of the samll replacements pics at once.
u have to wait until all pictures in the thread are loaded.
If u klick to early no picture will load properly anymore and the pics will open for example 1/ 3rd of its size.

But when these problems are dealed with then i might insatll again because its a good idea.

Dimitrix 04-07-2004 08:14 PM

There was a problem with Javascript. Not the actual JS, but the code executed an extra command that is NOT needed (This is a personal mod I did on my forum and forgot to undo changes)

Fix is attached (Tried just putting it in the reply but VB was replacing my code for some reason)


NuclioN 04-07-2004 08:22 PM

Tnx for the fix, works great now. :)

vau7 04-15-2004 02:00 PM

Another Problem:

Sometimes i get this Error:


Warning: getimagesize(http://www.ccc.de/campaigns/music/COPY_banner.jpg): failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home/www/web75/html/board3/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 1020
The Hack is 100% correct installed but sometimes it doesnt work and the whole Thread isnt reachable because of this error.

And if a whole Thread isnt reachable this Hack is not so good at all. Without this Error it is an absolut galant and beautiful way to solve this Problem. But can you fix this error?
That would be great!

Dimitrix 04-15-2004 07:52 PM

This is the error I seemed to be getting a LOT lately on my server after it took about 2 mins of loading time.
The problem seems to be with that function retrieving the image at times. This is not the code's fault. It's either server's, GD library's, or PHP, I have yet to figure it out.

Ill post here as soon as I get more info on this. On my forum I had to completely disable the hack which sux because I made it :p

vau7 04-16-2004 01:58 AM

Yes, i know that the fault isnt in the code. But there must be a way to handle it. :ermm:

Dimitrix 04-16-2004 12:50 PM

I figured everything out.
Had to restart some processes on my server to get it working so it wasnt the hacks fault.

Ive added a security check that checks if the file actually exists or not. And also added a Slowdown function, which will wait 1500 miliseconds before checking each minute. This helps the previous check to be finished and server doesnt get overloaded with constant outgoing connections piled up one on one (if you have a bunch [img] in thread). This barely slows down the load of the thread, 1500 miliseconds is nothing really, but enough (or SHOULD be enough) for server to complete previous task).

I will post the upgrade and update the hack later today when I get home :)

Here's what broken images look like :) Replaced with text:

vau7 04-16-2004 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dimitrix

I will post the upgrade and update the hack later today when I get home :)


Thats awesome!

vau7 04-16-2004 10:08 PM

Something new bout the security check update?

Raimund 04-17-2004 01:16 PM

to check if the file/image exists, replace the following in functions_bbcodeparse.php


// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
        $img_replacement = "images/buttons/imagebig.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed instead of the big image.
        $img_max_width = 640; // <-- This is the maximum width that an image is allowed to be viewed safely.
        $link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
        // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
        $link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);
        $img_width = getimagesize($link);
        if ($img_width[0] > $img_max_width) {
                $number = rand(10,100);

                $inp_string = "<a href=\"javascript:toggle_imgview('bigimg".$number."')\"><img src=\"".$img_replacement."\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a><br />\n";
                $inp_string .= "<div style=\"position:absolute;display:none;z-index:1;\" id=\"bigimg".$number."\"><img src=\"".$link."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></div>";

                return $inp_string;
        } else return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';



// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
        $img_replacement = "images/buttons/imagebig.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed instead of the big image.
        $img_replacement2 = "images/buttons/imagenotexist.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed if file does not exist.
        $img_max_width = 640; // <-- This is the maximum width that an image is allowed to be viewed safely.
        $link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
        // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
        $link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);
        $image= ($link);

        if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
        $img_width = getimagesize($link);
        if ($img_width[0] > $img_max_width) {
                $number = rand(10,100);

                $inp_string = "<a href=\"javascript:toggle_imgview('bigimg".$number."')\"><img src=\"".$img_replacement."\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a><br />\n";
                $inp_string .= "<div style=\"position:absolute;display:none;z-index:1;\" id=\"bigimg".$number."\"><img src=\"".$link."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></div>";

                return $inp_string;
                } else return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
        } else {
                return '<img src="' .  $img_replacement2 . '" border="0" alt="" />';


vau7 04-17-2004 04:37 PM

Thanks, i think it works!

mikeee 04-17-2004 09:20 PM

Can anyone tell me why this doesnt work on my board? The install is quite simple, I double checked everything and it is installed correctly on my VB3

I am not getting any java error, no board error, it's as if I never modified anything. Any ideas? :ermm:

mtha 05-16-2004 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Raimund
to check if the file/image exists, replace the following in functions_bbcodeparse.php

        $image= ($link);
        if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
        $img_width = getimagesize($link);


:) this is nice, but I run into another problem. My member sometime post WRONG images, they post html links as image something like [img]http://w.w.w/a.html[/img]
which would give errors:
"Unable to add cookies, header already sent..."
"Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking ..."

how should I check if the link IS image (based on image extension?), before checking if it exist?

should I use
$ext = strrchr($image, ".");
or use
or something else?

alkahf 05-18-2004 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Raimund
to check if the file/image exists, replace the following in functions_bbcodeparse.php


// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
        $img_replacement = "images/buttons/imagebig.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed instead of the big image.
        $img_replacement2 = "images/buttons/imagenotexist.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed if file does not exist.
        $img_max_width = 640; // <-- This is the maximum width that an image is allowed to be viewed safely.
        $link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
        // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
        $link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);
        $image= ($link);

        if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
        $img_width = getimagesize($link);
        if ($img_width[0] > $img_max_width) {
                $number = rand(10,100);

                $inp_string = "<a href=\"javascript:toggle_imgview('bigimg".$number."')\"><img src=\"".$img_replacement."\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a><br />\n";
                $inp_string .= "<div style=\"position:absolute;display:none;z-index:1;\" id=\"bigimg".$number."\"><img src=\"".$link."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></div>";

                return $inp_string;
                } else return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
        } else {
                return '<img src="' .  $img_replacement2 . '" border="0" alt="" />';


What about these errors?


Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking in /home/client/public_html/vb/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 1023

Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking in /home/client/public_html/vb/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 1023

Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking in /home/client/public_html/vb/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 1023

Warning: getimagesize(): stream does not support seeking in /home/client/public_html/vb/includes/functions_bbcodeparse.php on line 1023

Thank you

WEForums 05-24-2004 04:13 AM

Installed this and got errors galore. I'm guessing it has to do with my server, though.

What is required?

(I'd post the errors but there were so many that I had to fix it immediately. I'll post them later if you're interested)

marcjd 06-16-2004 05:06 PM

It would be nice to have a feature like this for signatures. I want to allow the use of the image tag in sigs., but would also like to control the size of the displayed image. Thanks.

Sir_Yaro 06-26-2004 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Raimund
to check if the file/image exists, replace the following in functions_bbcodeparse.php


// ###################### Start handle_bbcode_img_match #######################
// this is only called by handle_bbcode_img
function handle_bbcode_img_match($link)
        $img_replacement = "images/buttons/imagebig.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed instead of the big image.
        $img_replacement2 = "images/buttons/imagenotexist.gif"; // <-- This is the button/image that will be displayed if file does not exist.
        $img_max_width = 640; // <-- This is the maximum width that an image is allowed to be viewed safely.
        $link = strip_smilies(str_replace('\\"', '"', $link));
        // remove double spaces -- fixes issues with wordwrap
        $link = str_replace('  ', '', $link);
        $image= ($link);

        if (@fclose(@fopen("$image", "r"))) {
        $img_width = getimagesize($link);
        if ($img_width[0] > $img_max_width) {
                $number = rand(10,100);

                $inp_string = "<a href=\"javascript:toggle_imgview('bigimg".$number."')\"><img src=\"".$img_replacement."\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /></a><br />\n";
                $inp_string .= "<div style=\"position:absolute;display:none;z-index:1;\" id=\"bigimg".$number."\"><img src=\"".$link."\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></div>";

                return $inp_string;
                } else return '<img src="' .  $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
        } else {
                return '<img src="' .  $img_replacement2 . '" border="0" alt="" />';


after this modyfication i can see right pictures but after clicking on them nothing is happening

NuclioN 06-27-2004 03:26 PM

It shows the image correct but text under the image is underlined a behaves as a link. (??)

Sir_Yaro 06-28-2004 08:53 AM

<a href="http://justget.org/showpost.php?p=102313&postcount=18" target="_blank">http://justget.org/showpost.php?p=102313&postcount=18</a>

jugo 07-13-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by tnguy3n
interesting, but does it work for images that link from other servers?


If the image is not found on the remote host wether it be that the image was deleted or the host no longer responds, 2 things happen:

1. The thread takes forever to load.
2. It errors out and it does not display the thread.

I tried to get the correct error in here but while trying to get the error to display I lost my patience and put my mouse through my monitor.

I just got back from CompUSA (sale on 19inch monitors by the way...good deals)....and I was not going to risk losing it again.

P.S. the mouse survived.

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