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Logikos 04-01-2004 04:26 PM

vB Hacks Open
We finally decided to open the doors to www.vbhacks.us Tell me what you guys think. For those who don't know who we are, we're a site dedicated to add-on releases for vBulletin. Take a look around. :)

Xenon 04-01-2004 05:15 PM

Very dark skin in my eyes.
also i don't like moseover effects or things like active X popups ^^

trafix 04-01-2004 08:59 PM

So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont? How are you stopping the piriate from downloading and installing hacks on their unlicened forums?

I sorta agree with Xenon, the style is very dark

Zachery 04-01-2004 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by trafix
So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont? How are you stopping the piriate from downloading and installing hacks on their unlicened forums?

I sorta agree with Xenon, the style is very dark

Header is meh, text deosnt look good.

Overall its not so great, and what trafix said.

lasto 04-01-2004 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by trafix
So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont? How are you stopping the piriate from downloading and installing hacks on their unlicened forums?

I sorta agree with Xenon, the style is very dark

wheres it say in the LA if he opens a forum and does hacks he must install some sort of system to prevent illegal use of any hacks ?

End of day an admin replied to him and never asked the same question so if you aint staff then basically its none of your business.This is what has been giving this board that rough edge lately where everyone thinks they are in charge when clearly they aint.

If a problem existed im sure Xenon would be quite capable of handling it and even dealing with it.

Zachery 04-01-2004 09:13 PM


Trafix is a rather nice guy, and his concerns are valid :)

trafix 04-01-2004 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by lasto
wheres it say in the LA if he opens a forum and does hacks he must install some sort of system to prevent illegal use of any hacks ?

Should the LA have to spell that out? NO, prevening illegal use of any hacks should be done out of respect to the developers!


Originally Posted by lasto
End of day an admin replied to him and never asked the same question so if you aint staff then basically its none of your business.This is what has been giving this board that rough edge lately where everyone thinks they are in charge when clearly they aint.

If a problem existed im sure Xenon would be quite capable of handling it and even dealing with it.

Again.... No, Xenon cant make these decisions, however its possible that he has passed on any conserns to jelsoft privatly.

Logikos 04-01-2004 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by trafix
So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont? How are you stopping the piriate from downloading and installing hacks on their unlicened forums?

I sorta agree with Xenon, the style is very dark

People having priated vBulletin boards is none of my conceren. Thats the developers concern (Jelsoft). My only concern is that my board is legit, which it is. So far i have obeyed by the LA and continue to do so.

About the style: I do plan on making a lighter style for the site as well. Im in the middle of making a style now.

filburt1 04-01-2004 09:38 PM

No disrespect intended, but you clearly were "inspired" by the current set of forums here. Competition with a site of tens of thousands of members was not necessarily the best use of your $160.

Logikos 04-01-2004 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by filburt1
No disrespect intended, but you clearly were "inspired" by the current set of forums here. Competition with a site of tens of thousands of members was not necessarily the best use of your $160.

Im in no way in competiton with vb.org. I love vb.org and my 2 other boards would be no where with out vb.org. About how i spend my money is really none of your business.

Gotta run for a bit, will be back soon.

Logikos 04-01-2004 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by trafix
So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont?

I would like to comment on that if i may. Our goal at www.vbhacks.us is to create a hacks site driven around the users. We want the users feedback in what they would like to see developed for the site and there ideas in how they would like to see the site run.

We dont feel we should rule like admins do on most other sites. This site is here for the users. We feel that the users should have an extemely important role in what goes on there. We want the users to feel as if this is a site where they can come and be themselfs and get the help they need. We want them to be able to tailor things around them unlike on most sites.

trafix 04-02-2004 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by []\[]emesis
I would like to comment on that if i may. Our goal at www.vbhacks.us is to create a hacks site driven around the users. We want the users feedback in what they would like to see developed for the site and there ideas in how they would like to see the site run.

We dont feel we should rule like admins do on most other sites. This site is here for the users. We feel that the users should have an extemely important role in what goes on there. We want the users to feel as if this is a site where they can come and be themselfs and get the help they need. We want them to be able to tailor things around them unlike on most sites.


We dont feel we should rule like admins do on most other sites
There is nothing new or special there. In the last 3 weeks 3 hacking sites have been launched and I have lost track of the amount of hacking sites launched in the last 6 months.

I'm sorry but you have not convinced me or given me any other form of reason for me to register with your site.

Logikos 04-02-2004 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by trafix
There is nothing new or special there. In the last 3 weeks 3 hacking sites have been launched and I have lost track of the amount of hacking sites launched in the last 6 months.

I'm sorry but you have not convinced me or given me any other form of reason for me to register with your site.

Well registering on vbhacks.us is completely optional. I would love to see you join. But like i said, 'optional' no harm done if you or anyone eles don't. :)

lasto 04-02-2004 08:47 AM

first of all trafix - a day later i read my post and it does sound like it has attitude but it was`nt meant to so sorry if it did.Maybe i needed to re-word it thats all

but what i meant was if a supermarket opens in town and sells everything - does that mean the small shops cant do business ?

I see your point about piracy etc but its an old one and everyone uses it - lets face it - regardless of what is available out there vb.org will always be the motherboard where everything is posted and support on here is second to none so if smaller boards spring open they aint taking nothing away from here but in my view its still nice to see them.
Also if vb.org never wanted other boards to do hacks im pretty sure they would of included a clause somewhere along the line saying `you may not distribute hacks`.

noppid 04-02-2004 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by []\[]emesis
We finally decided to open the doors to www.vbhacks.us Tell me what you guys think. For those who don't know who we are, we're a site dedicated to add-on releases for vBulletin. Take a look around. :)

I like the idea.
I like the style.
I like the people I've met so far there.

Excellent job!

Boofo 04-02-2004 11:44 AM

The hacks for download there won't include the ones from here, right? I don't want mine on there. ;)

Logikos 04-02-2004 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
The hacks for download there won't include the ones from here, right? I don't want mine on there. ;)

If you don't release it there, then they won't be there.

Boofo 04-02-2004 12:03 PM

Then I say go for it and I wish you the best of luck! ;)

I don't think I would base the whole board on that, though. Maybe have some other areas to fall back on. ;)

Logikos 04-02-2004 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Then I say go for it and I wish you the best of luck! ;)

I don't think I would base the whole board on that, though. Maybe have some other areas to fall back on. ;)

Thanks for the suggestions Boofo :) Will take in consideration.

Boofo 04-02-2004 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by []\[]emesis
Thanks for the suggestions Boofo :) Will take in consideration.

We also write our own hacks on our site but I would never depend on just that. I want a variety of users. ;)

eXtremeTim 04-02-2004 03:54 PM

I strongly believe that this site will grow. I would hope that you all will be willing to look at the site latter on after I have more time to really start scripting the stuff for it. I have some great ideas that I havent seen on any hack release site yet. So please just be patient and check in every now and then and let us know what you think. As livewire already stated were not here to compete with vb.org.

AWS 04-02-2004 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
I strongly believe that this site will grow. I would hope that you all will be willing to look at the site latter on after I have more time to really start scripting the stuff for it. I have some great ideas that I havent seen on any hack release site yet. So please just be patient and check in every now and then and let us know what you think. As livewire already stated were not here to compete with vb.org.

I agree with you. The attitudes of some of the people in this thread and most other threads from the last year will drive users to other hack sites.

Logikos 04-07-2004 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by trafix
So what are you offering that vborg or any of the other hacking sites dont?

Ummm, for starters; LockDown Hack and Advance Super Forums. ^^

Wifey 04-07-2004 07:58 PM

Hey traffix - there are lots of other hacking sites? I'd love to know where to find them. Of course, I guess that it's pretty much just the same rotation of hacks for the most part.

I like vBhacks.us, I think it's nice. Smaller, but nice just the same. I like darker themes, so it works for me :)

Logikos 04-07-2004 10:52 PM

Thanks alot ashly glad to have the support.

DrkFusion 04-14-2004 11:50 PM

Better than vB.org hands down. Truly the users are in control there, and it is a very FUN community (from what I have observed).

Good job guys, keep up the work, and you can be sure as I find time will transition my time to your board.

Logikos 04-15-2004 02:16 AM

Thanks alot DrkFusion. Got some nice things in the making, and were trying to bring all request to life.

AN-net 04-15-2004 02:49 AM

wasnt vbhosting banned from this site if im not mistaken?

Link14716 04-15-2004 02:56 AM

The "Featuring Lockdown and ASF" thing in the header just tells me to keep away.

FASherman 04-15-2004 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery

Trafix is a rather nice guy, and his concerns are valid :)

I respectfully disagree. The only one who has any stake in restricting the so-called pirate copies is Jelsoft. Thats their job. Don't look for the rest of us to do it.

Zachery 04-15-2004 05:15 AM

I work for jelsoft, my concerns are valid :)

Logikos 04-15-2004 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
The "Featuring Lockdown and ASF" thing in the header just tells me to keep away.

lol whys that Matt? Having the hack isn't illegal, either one of them ;) Jelsoft has alot of people rather scared for some reason. But i'm still up and will continue to stay up.

Logikos 04-15-2004 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Zachery
I work for jelsoft, my concerns are valid :)

What is there to be concerned about? I'm not handing zip files of vb. I'm simply supporting that wants support from vbh.

Logikos 04-15-2004 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by AN-net
wasnt vbhosting banned from this site if im not mistaken?

Yes both vbhosting and lockdown was banned from vb.org. Well acully vbhosting hasn't been officially banned 'yet'.

FASherman 04-15-2004 01:01 PM

I'm kind of excited to see how I can get Advance Super Forums working together with VB3Nuke after I release it. Imagine how powerful the two together would be? Creating subforums AND giving them a unique portal page. Much coolness.

13th_Disciple 04-15-2004 09:54 PM

community == atmosphere.. not attitude.. too much attitude here from some folks.. and others, who offer somewhat valid comments towards users asking for help sometimes end up acting like an ass the other 99% of the time..

the site looks good to me.. i ain't a stylist, per se.. but it's a bought style and it looks nice as long as it won't be found anywhere else..

the lockdown hack and vbhosting hack are probably what will influence my registering.. i have been there a couple of times to watch the site.. and it is steadily growing..

also, people speak of "all these hacking sites".. as if they are concerned they will detract from vb.org, yet they expressly support one of these sites in particular, evb.org.. because of that, it is a truly irritating hypocracy that flows through the veins of a ton of folks here.. i just renewed my license for one more year.. i can assure Jelsoft, with 100% certainty, it is NOT because of helpful people, it is not because of the community involved with vb.org.. it is solely because of the software itself.. the community here sux these days.. and the attitude, and atmosphere, here, detracts directly from what the software promotes as it's main claim.. instant community.. i never noticed hostility in the banner or on the jelsoft/vb.com site.. i reckon that's a between the lines kind of read..

i will say though, folks wanted to know a way to change that atmosphere around here in a thread within the forums under site suggestions, i think it was.. i gave a decent answer, an yet no one would even reply to the idea.. even to say it is not an option.. i reckon sometimes it's easier to ignore than it is to deal with something.. i may not have been a member here for very long, but i can asure you, it is not a place where i recommend hanging out.. it is only a place i recommend for downloading hacks and leaving..

of all of the hacks i have ever used and even so much as asked questions on, it is NTLDR that has helped me to understand what i needed to understand.. and it has only been NTLDR and his hack that has kept me using vBulletin this long.. the forums software is great.. the attitude behind those claiming community and support behind the idea suck..

Link14716 04-16-2004 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by []\[]emesis
lol whys that Matt? Having the hack isn't illegal, either one of them ;) Jelsoft has alot of people rather scared for some reason. But i'm still up and will continue to stay up.

It has nothing to do with their legality. But linking to hacks in bright colors on every single page just because vB.org doesn't allow them is annoying. I don't agree with them not being allowed at vB.org, but that isn't the point.

Also the fact that you aren't even trying to stop pirates from being abke to access hacks just means I won't be releasing my hacks there

Logikos 04-16-2004 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Link14716
It has nothing to do with their legality. But linking to hacks in bright colors on every single page just because vB.org doesn't allow them is annoying. I don't agree with them not being allowed at vB.org, but that isn't the point.

Also the fact that you aren't even trying to stop pirates from being abke to access hacks just means I won't be releasing my hacks there

I don't have them linked in bright colors to get back at vb.org. Its there to simply show users that we have 2 very demanding hacks that cannot be found very eaisly.

Also, you talk like these pirates are some low life kids/criminals. Guess what Matt Maybe you?ve forgotten to register WinZip after your 30 day trial has run out? Or maybe you just happened to download a MP3 file of an artist you really adore? Guess what? You?re one of those criminals who are automatically bad and should prompty disappear off the surface of the world, so we could all enjoy a happy, friendly life.

I don't support pirates or warez, but i will not turn a member away from getting supprt for something they need support for. If they have a illagal copy of vB, what can i do to stop them? Shut my site down? Do you really think that will stop them. No. They will just look eleswhere for support.

Well, let's face it, 90% of us are using some kind of illegal software (according to most computer magazines at least). Hiding/ignoring the truth isn't exactly freedom of speech, so why should we really ignore it when everyone KNOWS things are like this anyway? Of course, (almost) all professional software developers are allergic to warez for reasons, but there's really nothing that can be done about it.

People download warez/pirated software fairly easily these days, and while we will not distribute/link to warez/pirated software, I could accept that they could get talked about. For example, if someone asks for help with the 3D Studio MAX renderer because his "illegal" version always crashes when he wants to render an animation, I think we should help him out. If we just tell him that we don't accept warez/pirated software, he will most certainly leave the board and look for another one. And remember that this person is most likely not exactly a bad guy, no more evil than any of us, so what we did was to send a perfectly fine member somewhere else.

What are the chances of that "The User" will acually say he is running pirated board. What are the chances that "The User" will actually cease and desist to use warez just because we tell him that we don't allow it? I'm sure it's not the first time he has heard it, and as I already mentioned, he will just leave and look somewhere else.

Warez/Pirated Software are not going to stop unless the developers physically find a way to make software a lot more secure in general. DVD's used to be very secure until someone cracked their encryption, and it might only be a matter of time before CD Keys/Credit cards are no longer a threat to those who want to play MMO games free of charge.

In closing, not realeasing your hacks on vBh won't really stop anyone from getting priated software. The site will continue to grow, hacks will continue to be released, and the users will continue to get support. I'm not forceing you too join, or anyone in that matter. If you like the site, and or have suggetions for the site then i encourage you to join and give us a hand. I don't run the site, the users do. And i will stick to that till the end.

Sorry its a touchy subject for me, and don't take anything personal. I like everyone and hold no gruges agaist anyone and or anything.

Logikos 04-16-2004 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by 13th_Disciple
the site looks good to me.. i ain't a stylist, per se.. but it's a bought style and it looks nice as long as it won't be found anywhere else..

Hey Hey I didn't buy that style. Took me like 10 mins to do. :p

Spitfireisgod 04-18-2004 11:12 PM

The way you have your boards arranged reminded me of a message board I view...

...oh wait

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