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-   -   vb3 Journal hack (Yes, I'm working on it) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=61503)

Reeve of shinra 02-13-2004 03:03 AM

vb3 Journal hack (Yes, I'm working on it)
Alright, Reeve told me that you guys were like dying for the journal hack for vb3
Well, I've been working on it on and off, I've added a few things to it, Like page support, journal buddy lists, thread style comment pages, comment titles that default to Re: journal entry name.. blah blah blah

to see vb2 hacked version in action www.shinraonline.com/board/journal.php

I've got the vb3 version working on my beta server from home, the templates are still a mess, there's major 'counting' issues on most of the entries, but that's pretty much cosmetic. I'll be upgrading shinra tomorrow night to vb3 and adding my modified code for the journal hacks, so if you like what you see, let me know. and I'll put more work into fixing it up and releasing it.

I don't know anythign about vb.org so like umm.. the original hack was vbJournal 1.1b By Ryangel.


--Wonko the Sane @ shinraonline.com

Link14716 02-13-2004 03:27 AM

Heh, it's been a while since you were around here.

Good luck on the vB3 journal, I'd love to use it. ;)

Reeve of shinra 02-13-2004 03:34 AM

I've never been around here :P, I'm not reeve.
Luck? no, what i need is sleep ;)

Link14716 02-13-2004 03:35 AM


Heh, I know the feeling. ;) I need some sleep too :p

Reeve of shinra 02-13-2004 04:53 AM

Okay, I got bored, I fixed all the errors, bugs, and everything, all that needs to be done now is have the templates updated to vb3 stuff and I'll slap it up.

and since I don't do templates... the time to completion depends upon when MAS gets to it.

sorry to keep you on the edge of your seats


colicab-d 02-13-2004 07:18 AM

ooooh this looks good, never really been one for journals (vb2) but this may just be what our site needs for vb3 ;)

KuraFire 02-13-2004 09:05 AM


that link is just a regular vB Journal Lite...

See the Syn-Journal dev thread for a large list of features that is going to be in my new Journal System for vB3 (which is at base a port of my personal Journal System that I wrote myself; see my vB2 Journal System in action on my site, but with a TON more new features and things).

Also, the JS I'm developing will have an import feature from the vB Journal Lite for vB2, so if people had that running on their site before switching to vB3, and did not delete those tables, they can import all of their user's journals to the new vB3 JS. :)

Reeve of shinra 02-13-2004 09:45 AM

Cool, I'll check it out later, I'm in the process of eating and going of to class.

KuraFire 02-13-2004 09:47 AM

heehee, I'm eating and doing work, atm ^_^

good luck in class then, eh? ;)

Erwin 02-13-2004 10:38 AM

Keep up the good work. :)

sabret00the 02-13-2004 05:05 PM

sorry to seem [insert word here] but what have you done to it exactly bar elongated the most recent entries list? i mean in all honest theirs to many entries there, you should maybe have a link to view all entries? :shrug: the rest i can't comment on as it appears to be bog standard vbjl bar the buddy list that is.

Reeve of shinra 02-13-2004 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
sorry to seem [insert word here] but what have you done to it exactly bar elongated the most recent entries list? i mean in all honest theirs to many entries there, you should maybe have a link to view all entries? :shrug: the rest i can't comment on as it appears to be bog standard vbjl bar the buddy list that is.

Well, I'm going to work on reorganizing that, I was just handed whatever code that our last php guy did, and started working with it, I'll get stuff like that dealt with when the time comes. :)

Reeve of shinra 02-14-2004 07:03 PM

tada, it's up.


templates still need work, and the code still needs major revisions, buuuuut, it works in vb3 without screwing up anywhere.

sabret00the 02-15-2004 03:02 AM

what's on the official features list?

Wonko of Shinra 02-15-2004 02:40 PM


It's basically the same as the vbJournal 1.1b By Ryangel, but with some enhancements

features would be...
  • Users can post Public and Private journal entries
  • (new) Journal entries are divided up into pages
  • (new) Each Journal has it's own comment thread like system (will be adding feature to toggle between entry centric and general comment thread later)
  • (new) comment subject heading, that way the reader knows which entry you're talking about, if one at al.
  • (new) Journal Buddy List, designed if you don't want to go hunting for your friends journal, it's now quick and easy to find

I may of forgotten a few, but it's a little early in the morning for me still

sabret00the 02-15-2004 02:53 PM

not bad, if you haven't already read the thread kura pointed too, what he seems to have planned for the journal system is drool worthy.

KuraFire 02-15-2004 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
not bad, if you haven't already read the thread kura pointed too, what he seems to have planned for the journal system is drool worthy.

Gracias ;)

JamesFrost 02-16-2004 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Reeve of shinra
Alright, Reeve told me that you guys were like dying for the journal hack for vb3
Well, I've been working on it on and off, I've added a few things to it, Like page support, journal buddy lists, thread style comment pages, comment titles that default to Re: journal entry name.. blah blah blah

to see vb2 hacked version in action www.shinraonline.com/board/journal.php

I've got the vb3 version working on my beta server from home, the templates are still a mess, there's major 'counting' issues on most of the entries, but that's pretty much cosmetic. I'll be upgrading shinra tomorrow night to vb3 and adding my modified code for the journal hacks, so if you like what you see, let me know. and I'll put more work into fixing it up and releasing it.

I don't know anythign about vb.org so like umm.. the original hack was vbJournal 1.1b By Ryangel.


--Wonko the Sane @ shinraonline.com

It looks good on Shinraonline. :D

I'd be interested in using this (whilst waiting for Kura's journal update - hint, hint;)). Any idea when it will be available?

I'm currently using vb3 rc4, but with the journal running off my old vb2 site. It's a real mess in terms of cookies, new users etc etc, so any improvements would be most welcome.

JamesFrost 02-22-2004 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
It looks good on Shinraonline. :D

I'd be interested in using this (whilst waiting for Kura's journal update - hint, hint;)). Any idea when it will be available?

I'm currently using vb3 rc4, but with the journal running off my old vb2 site. It's a real mess in terms of cookies, new users etc etc, so any improvements would be most welcome.

Any update on when this might be available guys?

Wonko of Shinra 02-24-2004 01:50 AM

Well, I can put it up now if you want, Reeve's put out an email to the creator of the previous hack, to make sure it's alright that I release this.

the templates are still full of ugly vb2 code, and I have one bug left that I want to hammer out and I'll toss it up in the betas section and link you

I will only partially support this hack. because I want to have time to do my school work and work on this archiving hack I'm doing for the shinra writing community (currently not really working in any shape form www.shinraonline.com/wbarchive.php )

KuraFire 02-25-2004 08:05 AM

An FYI to all people waiting for my upcoming vB3 Journal System:

I will be releasing a very basic vB3 Journal System soon (this weekend?) that will be forwards-compatible to the later-to-come FULL version.

This because many people keep asking me when it'll be done because their members are screaming for a journal system (but they've upgraded to vB3 already...) - Because so many people are waiting for my journal system I've decided to make an initial start that people could use. It will not have many features AT ALL yet, it will be really basic (and with very basic templates), but once the full version is finished you can easily upgrade without losing anything. So that's a plus, ne? :)

JamesFrost 02-25-2004 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by KuraFire
An FYI to all people waiting for my upcoming vB3 Journal System:

I will be releasing a very basic vB3 Journal System soon (this weekend?) that will be forwards-compatible to the later-to-come FULL version.

This because many people keep asking me when it'll be done because their members are screaming for a journal system (but they've upgraded to vB3 already...) - Because so many people are waiting for my journal system I've decided to make an initial start that people could use. It will not have many features AT ALL yet, it will be really basic (and with very basic templates), but once the full version is finished you can easily upgrade without losing anything. So that's a plus, ne? :)

Sounds fantastic - count me in! :D

colicab-d 02-25-2004 09:29 AM

hey kura i,ll def give this to my users on artorg :D should be kool as hell :D
u got my msn still?

KuraFire 02-25-2004 09:50 AM

Ehhh, not sure if I have your MSN - PM it to me if you'd like :)

Nam 02-25-2004 10:04 AM

yes, yes, please release it as soon as you can, if it's easy to upgrade then I don't mind to use it at all, just some basic function first.

Oblivion Knight 02-25-2004 10:24 AM

Journal.. vB3.. Must have.. *twitches*

JamesFrost 02-25-2004 06:29 PM


I will be releasing a very basic vB3 Journal System soon (this weekend?) that will be forwards-compatible to the later-to-come FULL version.
just a quick question KuraFire - will the journal be HTL only?

Neo 02-26-2004 03:38 AM

I am still waiting for ShinraOnline to release its store hack. :(

KuraFire 02-26-2004 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
just a quick question KuraFire - will the journal be HTL only?

Read: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=61939

sabret00the 02-26-2004 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by KuraFire
An FYI to all people waiting for my upcoming vB3 Journal System:

I will be releasing a very basic vB3 Journal System soon (this weekend?) that will be forwards-compatible to the later-to-come FULL version.

This because many people keep asking me when it'll be done because their members are screaming for a journal system (but they've upgraded to vB3 already...) - Because so many people are waiting for my journal system I've decided to make an initial start that people could use. It will not have many features AT ALL yet, it will be really basic (and with very basic templates), but once the full version is finished you can easily upgrade without losing anything. So that's a plus, ne? :)

[high] * sabret00the enteres the drool fest

awesome news, i've been waiting for this for agessssssssssssssssssssss

Wonko of Shinra 02-26-2004 02:29 PM

We're working on the store hack right now, I'm just having MASelphie finish up on the vb3 journal templates, and waiting on a response from the original creator of the journal hack and if he says okay then I'll release it

if you don't like my system and want to swap over to kura's instead, I have done things to make it compatible. though you will lose comments with renamed subject headers.

KuraFire 02-26-2004 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Wonko of Shinra
We're working on the store hack right now, I'm just having MASelphie finish up on the vb3 journal templates, and waiting on a response from the original creator of the journal hack and if he says okay then I'll release it

if you don't like my system and want to swap over to kura's instead, I have done things to make it compatible. though you will lose comments with renamed subject headers.

I'm sure I could make an importer for that, so that nothing would be lost. :)

Not an unfair thing to do, right?

Wonko of Shinra 02-26-2004 04:39 PM

Our goal is making people happy, not journal competition so sure :)

Alright, here's the deal
the vb2 edition had comments per entry, the people at shinra prefered their comments to be threaded. so we modified that (example http://www.shinraonline.com/board/jo...journalid=2359 )
In order for it to still act much like the old system. To make it work with your upgrade script, i've modified how it adds comments.

so when you have an entry such as...
to make a comment you hit discuss and come back with a link like...
shinraonline.com/board/journal.php?s=&action=comments&journalid=786&entry id=9190

and inside my code it checks to see if the person still wanted to comment on on that topic...
PHP Code:

        if (isset($entryid) && $entryid != "")
$testtitle $DB_site->query_first("SELECT title FROM
                journal_entry WHERE entryid=
$testtitle[title] = "Re: " $testtitle[title];
$subject addslashes(htmlspecialchars($subject));
                if (
$subject != $testtitle[title])
$entryid 0;
        } else {
$entryid 0;
$insert_comment $DB_site->query("INSERT INTO journal_comments
(commentid, title, comment, timestamp, entryid, journalid, userid) VALUES
('commentid+1', '
.time()."', '$entryid', '$journalid', '$bbuserid')"); 

best way to make it compatible is to have it check the timestamp of all comments tied to entryid=0 and check it with the timestamps of the journal entries and insert them where appropriate.

I'll be releasing this in a matter of days or less, so you can figure it all out from there.

JamesFrost 02-26-2004 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by KuraFire

I would ..... if it were still there.

Oblivion Knight 02-26-2004 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by JamesFrost
I would ..... if it were still there.

Basically, his Journal mod will be HTL only and released at EvB.

JamesFrost 02-27-2004 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Basically, his Journal mod will be HTL only and released at EvB.

OK, thanks. :)

Wonko of Shinra 03-01-2004 03:43 AM

Beta posted.

JamesFrost 03-01-2004 03:05 PM


the link doesnt work anymore. Has the software been pulled for some reason?


assassingod 03-01-2004 03:07 PM

It was removed because the original author didn't give permission for the hack to be ported.

spence2 03-01-2004 03:26 PM

You know...between the endless betas of vB3 and the disarray about permissions over mods, IPB is looking better everyday!

And, I don't give a rat's behind which sycophant jumps in to defend vB...I'm annoyed, frustrated and I'm sure as hell not the only one!

As suggested in another post to me, I PM'd the original "owner" of this mod about his/her intentions to port this to vB3. "Yes," they replied, "but it won't be me doing it, it will be ______." So, I kept checking back for progress...and nothing, nada, zilch!

Since the code for the original mod is now obsolete for vB3 that means coding changes had to be made. At what point...and in whose judgment enough changes are ever made to designate it an original mod, I don't know. I'm not in favor, of course, of not giving credit where it is due, but isn't "credit" enough?

If someone does not "grant permission" for others...ever...which, I am assuming is their "right" (no matter how much the original code must be altered)...then I suppose some mods will not only never get ported to vB3...they will never get ported to 4, 5 or 6!

I'd rant some more, but I've gotta get outside and take the tires off my car, because after all, I don't think Goodyear invented the wheel!

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