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xlguy 02-05-2004 10:00 PM

Sigma Chat integration for non-platinum users
This hack integrates your forum with the Sigma Chat software provided by Raidersoft. Unlike the other Sigma integration hack, this one will work for users who own the Professional (entry-level) license, rather than the more expensive Platinum license.

What does it do?
This hack means that only registered forum users will be able to access the chat room. Additionally, they will only be able to chat using the same username as they have on the forum. If someone who isn't registered (or logged in) tries to visit the chat room they will see the standard "No Permission" vBulletin screen.

Is it complicated to install?
No, it's simple. You don't need to edit any VB files, you simply upload one new file (chat.php) to your forum directory and add one new template via your Admin CP.

Yes, I will support this hack. PM me if you need any help.

I've installed this on a colleagues server. You can see the chat integration in action (you will need to register) at at this site

I also used some code (which limits the username length to 15 characters) which was originally created by wot-Mike for his vB2.x chat hack - so all credit to him.

Hope it proves useful for you - please let me know if you use it :)

bluecat 02-06-2004 08:52 PM

This is the message I got when I tried it:

Applet Halted. This chat room is closed.

SVTBlackLight01 02-07-2004 06:04 AM

Any chance of integrating the header/footer and auto-resizing chat window like the VB2 hack?

Mephisteus 02-07-2004 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Any chance of integrating the header/footer and auto-resizing chat window like the VB2 hack?

Isn't this illegal? Since it's only supposed to be supported when you have platinum...

Itworx4me 02-08-2004 04:44 PM

There is a type O in the address that this hack uses. Change the addy to the correct one and everything is good.

Current chatroom template

PHP Code:

title>Chat Room</title>
body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000ff">
applet codebase="http://[B]client1.[/B]sigmachat.com/current/" code="Client.class" archive="scclient_en.zip" width=680 height=480 MAYSCRIPT>
param name="room" value="XXXXX">
param name="cabbase" value="scclient_en.cab">
param name="USERNAME" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
param name="autologin" value="yes">

Change to this:

PHP Code:

title>Chat Room</title>
body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000ff">
applet codebase="http://[B]client.sigmachat.com/current/[/B]" code="Client.class" archive="scclient_en.zip" width=680 height=480 MAYSCRIPT>
param name="room" value="XXXXX">
param name="cabbase" value="scclient_en.cab">
param name="USERNAME" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
param name="autologin" value="yes">

Should work after doing this correction.


xlguy 02-08-2004 10:04 PM

Please check your Sigma Chat control panel for the correct code for the chat room. The code I used in the hack was the code provided by Sigma/Raider and is correct for my room. As for the header and footer - you can edit the chatroom template and add your header and footer manually. I will work on a more complicated version of this hack which resizes the applet if you like.

Preech 02-09-2004 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by xlguy
Please check your Sigma Chat control panel for the correct code for the chat room. The code I used in the hack was the code provided by Sigma/Raider and is correct for my room. As for the header and footer - you can edit the chatroom template and add your header and footer manually. I will work on a more complicated version of this hack which resizes the applet if you like.

Appreciate this. I will work on it to make it resize according to my forum.

SVTBlackLight01 02-10-2004 12:42 AM

Ok , for anyone that's interested, I have modified the template to include the header and the footer. This isn't displaying the navbar however, so if anyone knows why feel free to jump in.

Preech 02-11-2004 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Ok , for anyone that's interested, I have modified the template to include the header and the footer. This isn't displaying the navbar however, so if anyone knows why feel free to jump in.

Just try adding the code from the navbar template into the template for the chat-room.
I'll try and let you know if it worked.

Itworx4me 02-11-2004 02:56 PM

To add the Navbar to the page do the following:

Open chat.php and find this code:

PHP Code:


Add this line just below:

PHP Code:

eval('$navbar = "' fetch_template('navbar') . '";'); 

Save file

The navbar should be displayed on your page now.

Hope this helps.


SVTBlackLight01 02-11-2004 03:20 PM

That worked. Thanx. :)

dsotmoon 02-12-2004 01:19 AM

is there a way to make this work with the free sigma chat?

redd 02-17-2004 07:17 PM

I'm getting an invalid username or password message. My forum username has a space in it, but Sigmachat doesn't allow spaces in usernames. However, when we used a similar hack for vB2, it accepted usernames with spaces. Is it different now, or is there another reason that could cause this? We have sigmachat professional, but will upgrade to platinum if necessary.

thanks :)

xlguy 02-23-2004 01:32 PM

The code should convert spaces in your usernames to underscores _. Did you get it to work yet? You shouldn't see the password screen at all unless you have registered some usernames in the SigmaChat control panel?

SVTBlackLight01 02-28-2004 02:02 AM

Has anyone experienced any problems with this from behind a firewall?

joanne862 03-10-2004 05:25 PM

I'm trying to install the hack for sigma chat (pro version).
I've done steps #1 & #2.

For step #3-
In VBulletin admin cp I've done, templates > add template and copied and pasted the contents of chatroom_template.txt into it.

When I try to test it I get this error message -
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_template() in /home/wdisneyw/public_html/forums/chat.php on line 17

I presume it means I've not added the template correctly, but I can't see how.

Using VBulletin Version 2.2.8.


Grim77 03-11-2004 04:39 AM

Nice work :)

Now that the 3.0.0 "Gold" release has been announced, we're (RaiderSoft author of SigmaChat) is hoping for full integration with the product, for all versions (from Free to Enterprise) as well as support for auto-login, remote authentication, and the Who's Online Module feature. This is a great start. If anyone is interested in working with us to complete the project, please let us know (support AT raidersoft.com)

One note -- we use multiple servers for our software, and some users are provided slightly different applet link code than others. The only difference is the server (either client.sigmachat.com, client0.sigmachat.com, or client1.sigmachat.com at the moment for our networks) It would really rock if this could be worked into the admin CP somehow. Possible?

We'd also be interested in adding any polished mods to our own database available for users to download from the "Extras" section of the SigmaChat control panel :)

Sinko 03-21-2004 02:53 PM

Hey guys.

Whenever I go to type in my username and password I always get an error that says Invalid Username or Password even though they are both correct. Any suggestions?

martinh4 03-23-2004 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Ok , for anyone that's interested, I have modified the template to include the header and the footer. This isn't displaying the navbar however, so if anyone knows why feel free to jump in.

Thanks, that's just what i needed. :)


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Has anyone experienced any problems with this from behind a firewall?

I use zonealrm and there hasn't been any probs.


Originally Posted by dsotmoon
is there a way to make this work with the free sigma chat?

I'm using the free version and it works fine. ;)

SVTBlackLight01 03-23-2004 03:02 PM

Another problem.

The pop-up menus of the navbar appear behind the chat room.

Where is the support for this hack? Although the title states: "The Author agreed to give support for this hack!" he hasn't replied to any questions.

joanne862 03-26-2004 09:23 AM

I've now got this installed and working with VB3 Gold. Only problem is that it's not recognising moderators and admins in the chat room.

xlguy 04-14-2004 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sinko
Hey guys.

Whenever I go to type in my username and password I always get an error that says Invalid Username or Password even though they are both correct. Any suggestions?

If you followed the instructions correctly, then you shouldn't see the login screen unless your forum username matches one that you registered in your RaiderSoft control panel.

xlguy 04-14-2004 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by joanne862
I've now got this installed and working with VB3 Gold. Only problem is that it's not recognising moderators and admins in the chat room.

Glad to see you've got it working. The chat room won't recognise moderators or admins - you need to give them accounts via the RaiderSoft control panel. You can either give them new passwords or ask them to send you their vB passwords - you can then set them up with identical accounts at RaiderSoft. This means that when a moderator or admin visits the room they will be prompted for a login. It also means they can kick, ban, etc. If you need help with this then PM me :)

xlguy 04-14-2004 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Another problem.

The pop-up menus of the navbar appear behind the chat room.

Where is the support for this hack? Although the title states: "The Author agreed to give support for this hack!" he hasn't replied to any questions.

What do you mean by behind? Can you PM me with your site address etc. so I can see this problem - I've disabled pop-up menus on my site.


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Has anyone experienced any problems with this from behind a firewall?

This is an issue with the applet and not with this hack. Check RaiderSoft's web page for details on how to fix the firewall issue.

joanne862 04-14-2004 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by xlguy
Glad to see you've got it working. The chat room won't recognise moderators or admins - you need to give them accounts via the RaiderSoft control panel. You can either give them new passwords or ask them to send you their vB passwords - you can then set them up with identical accounts at RaiderSoft. This means that when a moderator or admin visits the room they will be prompted for a login. It also means they can kick, ban, etc. If you need help with this then PM me :)

When I tried to set up identical accounts in the raidersoft control panel, it wouldn't let VB users login to the chat room.


xlguy 04-14-2004 03:27 PM

If you had a moderator on your forum called 'Bill' and his password was 'apples' then you need to enter these details in to the 'Users' section of your RaiderSoft control panel. When 'Bill' visits the chat room, he will then be presented with a login screen (rather than being taken direclty in to chat). All he needs to do is enter his username and password (i.e. 'Bill' and 'apples'). Basically it requires him to login twice for security.

Hope this helps.

Cold Steel 04-14-2004 11:42 PM

/me installs.

Cold Steel 04-16-2004 02:15 PM

Is there anyway to get the Who's Online module working with this?

my username 04-16-2004 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by xlguy
Additionally, they will only be able to chat using the same username as they have on the forum.

First thanks for the hack. I "installed" it and it works great.

Just a minor detail: because of the nature of the sigma chat vs. the vbulletin system, users are indeed able to login to the chat with usernames different than their own.

Say you enter your chat at http://www.example.com/forum/chat.php
Then you open a new window in your web browser, and enter the chat again [in this new window (staying logged in in the first window)]. You'll now be kicked from the chat because the "default" [chat-]username is already in use, and be prompted to log in to the chat. Hence you can enter with another user's username (or they can just log-out of the chat)...

[this is possible because the PHP-script wont reload, the things done are done "in the java-applet"]

xlguy 05-01-2004 09:35 PM

Hi, you can fix that issue quite easily. Basically you can alter the 'kick' page in your SigmaChat control area. I set my 'kick' page to my forum home page - this means if someone opens a new window, the first one will kick them back to the home page.

Go to your Sigma control panel > web sites > settings > exit url

Hope that helps.

xlguy 05-01-2004 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by joanne862
When I tried to set up identical accounts in the raidersoft control panel, it wouldn't let VB users login to the chat room.


Like I said, if you create accounts in the sigma control panel (you should only do this for mods/admins) then it won't auto-login them. This is because the username they are trying to login with is now protected. All they have to do is enter their password and they login - it doesn't take very long and I trust my moderators not to change their usernames as this stage.

InsaneContender 05-09-2004 06:39 AM

Just Installed It. Works great. Thanks alot!

PIF 05-09-2004 07:44 PM

Also installed thanks

uzitalk 05-11-2004 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by joanne862
I'm trying to install the hack for sigma chat (pro version).
I've done steps #1 & #2.

For step #3-
In VBulletin admin cp I've done, templates > add template and copied and pasted the contents of chatroom_template.txt into it.

When I try to test it I get this error message -
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_template() in /home/wdisneyw/public_html/forums/chat.php on line 17

I presume it means I've not added the template correctly, but I can't see how.

Using VBulletin Version 2.2.8.


I have the same error with 2.3.4. Will it work with this version?

uzitalk 05-12-2004 01:26 AM

I got it working with 2.3.4. Here it is:

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'chat');
$globaltemplates = array('chatroom');

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]=='') {
} else {
$username1=ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", $bbuserinfo['username']);
$myLength = strlen( $username1 );
if ($myLength > 15) {
$username = substr( $username1, 0, 15 );
} else {
$username = $username1;
eval('dooutput("' . gettemplate('chatroom') . '");');

SVTBlackLight01 05-12-2004 09:54 AM

You guys do realize this is the vb3 hacks section.

calldaffer 06-25-2004 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
You guys do realize this is the vb3 hacks section.

anyone know how I can restrict certain usergroups from accessing the chatroom?

Cold Steel 06-25-2004 10:50 PM


calldaffer 06-25-2004 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Cold Steel

yeah, that was helpful man, thanks :rolleyes:

joergh 08-16-2004 06:35 PM

No problem to integrate with vb.3.0.3

*klicks install

Maybe one small hint for users who still own a sigmachat for a longer time:


<title>Chat Room</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#0000ff">
<applet codebase="http://client1.sigmachat.com/current/" code="Client.class" archive="scclient_en.zip" width=680 height=480 MAYSCRIPT>
  <param name="room" value="XXXXX">
  <param name="cabbase" value="scclient_en.cab">
  <param name="USERNAME" value="$bbuserinfo[username]">
  <param name="autologin" value="yes">

The default Url is <applet codebase="http://client1.sigmachat.com/current/

It took me 10 minutes to realize that my "old" chat lies on: :ninja:


Maybe that helps, before that I got the message "This chat is closed"


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