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FlyingDutchman 01-18-2004 10:00 PM

vB3 Stars Hack
My first vB3 hack is a conversion of my own stars hack for vB2 :)
I got lot of requests to convert this hack because there's no real stars hack like this available for vb3... I didn't want to convert it at first because of vB3's beta stage, but it's in RC stage now and the phrase system and style and such is final, so i decided to start converting my hacks...

What Does This Hack Do?: It adds stars to your postbit based on the number of posts you have. You earn a star by Y number of posts (you can set Y in the admin control panel).
For every 10 stars (that's 10 x Y posts) you get a other color star, for 10 other color stars you get another color star, etc, you see the point (i hope, or see the screenshot for an example).
Just to be clear: [high]This hack is NOT thesame as the other stars hack that is available for vb3[/high]

(thanks, VampireMan!)

Should be very easy if you follow the instructions in the install.txt file in the zip that's attached to this post

See the options in the admin cp for this, there's not much else to say about using this hack :)

[high]19th jan 2004[/high]: Initial release, version 1.0

Mike11212 01-19-2004 04:30 PM

so this is sorta like the rep system.

FlyingDutchman 01-19-2004 04:34 PM

unless the reputation system is solely based on posts, no.

(sorry i don't know, because i don't use the reputation system myself...)

Zachery 01-19-2004 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
unless the reputation system is solely based on posts, no.

(sorry i don't know, because i don't use the reputation system myself...)

so this is just the RANK system then?

FlyingDutchman 01-19-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
so this is just the RANK system then?

no (and yes). You might be able to recreate this with the rank system, but that would take a long time and would be a very repetitive task, and secondly it would be waaaay less dynamic...

the biggest difference is that when you have 10 'level1' stars, they will be replaced by 1 'level2' star...
with the rank system you will not be able to do this fully afaik.

Zachery 01-19-2004 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
no (and yes). You might be able to recreate this with the rank system, but that would take a long time and would be a very repetitive task, and secondly it would be waaaay less dynamic...

the biggest difference is that when you have 10 'level1' stars, they will be replaced by 1 'level2' star...
with the rank system you will not be able to do this fully afaik.

yea you can, when you read a certain ammount of posts youd just change over and use a new graphic

how is it less dynamic, this effects everyone? no?

the rank system lets you set it to any usergroup youd like and to just specific usergroups.

anytime you go to setup and fully cuztomize a vB its repetitive

VampireMan 01-19-2004 06:00 PM

Flying Duchman , thanks.
Just installed :)

Saves a lot of time and hassle if i wanted to use the built in stars.

VampireMan 01-19-2004 07:01 PM

This star hack as used on my forum (using postbit_legacy).

Xyphen 01-19-2004 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingDutchman
My first vB3 hack is a conversion of my own stars hack for vB2 :)
I got lot of requests to convert this hack because there's no real stars hack like this available for vb3... I didn't want to convert it at first because of vB3's beta stage, but it's in RC stage now and the phrase system and style and such is final, so i decided to start converting my hacks...

What Does This Hack Do?: It adds stars to your postbit based on the number of posts you have. You earn a star by Y number of posts (you can set Y in the admin control panel).
For every 10 stars (that's 10 x Y posts) you get a other color star, for 10 other color stars you get another color star, etc, you see the point (i hope, or see the screenshot for an example).
Just to be clear: [high]This hack is NOT thesame as the other stars hack that is available for vb3[/high]

(this is the old vb2 screenshot, but it looks similar in vb3 and i don't have the right tools handy to create a few new screenies... therefore there's no admin cp screenshot yet... Will be available within a few days)

Should be very easy if you follow the instructions in the install.txt file in the zip that's attached to this post

See the options in the admin cp for this, there's not much else to say about using this hack :)

[high]19th jan 2004[/high]: Initial release, version 1.0

This is already in vb3 I belive, its called rank images... you just specify for how many posts, you want how many stars, isn't this the same thing?

VampireMan 01-19-2004 10:21 PM

If you look at the layout of the stars in the postbit image i posted it uses serveral different images at the same time. while that may be possible with the vb3 intergrated stars , this hack saves a lot of time.
(i havnt made enough posts yet to have all 4 images showing).

And more than anything this is far easier to configure with different images.
Ok it's limited to 4 images at the moment, but im sure it will be easy enough to add more if needed.

I did actually pm him and asked him to port this hack as i loved it so much :)

Feran 01-20-2004 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by VampireMan
If you look at the layout of the stars in the postbit image i posted it uses serveral different images at the same time. while that may be possible with the vb3 intergrated stars , this hack saves a lot of time.
(i havnt made enough posts yet to have all 4 images showing).

And more than anything this is far easier to configure with different images.
Ok it's limited to 4 images at the moment, but im sure it will be easy enough to add more if needed.

I did actually pm him and asked him to port this hack as i loved it so much :)

It's okay Dutchman, I got the same stuff from when I released *my* star hack, which is a quick and easy way to add stars, like yours is, vs. adding fifty billion different ranks.

Power to the coders! >.>

kylek 01-20-2004 07:10 AM

Thanks FlyingDutchman for releasing this for VB3, had it on vb 2.3.2, and when I upgraded to vb3, the biggest thing my members missed was the star hack of yours.

Floris 01-20-2004 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by kylek
Thanks FlyingDutchman for releasing this for VB3, had it on vb 2.3.2, and when I upgraded to vb3, the biggest thing my members missed was the star hack of yours.

Nice to see someone take the rank system and crank it up a level.

dontpanic 01-23-2004 04:13 PM

Of those that have installed the vB 3.0 version, have any of you done it using the new postbit layout? I'm interested to see how well it works...works like a champ in the legacy layout.


jilly 01-25-2004 11:18 PM

For example I just requested this in the requests forum - would this hack use for it?

I would like to create some custom profile fields that woudl hold an image, and want to display more than one in a user's profile area that shows up when they post. For example:

There is an icon to represent post count, an icon to represent a member who donates money to support the site, and an icon to represent someone who is a moderator.

I would liek the ability to display 1, 2 or all 3 of these images in the user's profile area when they post. It would also be nice to let them have an option in their user cp to turn the display of that icon on or off at will.

alzibub 01-29-2004 09:38 PM


Just wondering - could be me but looks like there could be an issue with VB3 RC3 and your Phrase SQL entries... ?

I get an error when I run them and they dont appear in the Phrases & Language setting in admin...

As such - when I view the Admin Panel/VBoptions - the drop down list show the catagory for the Stars hack as empty space - when you select it - you have the options but no text for each catagory

I have attached a screenie for you to see...

Please advise if this is my error or if there is a hack issue ??

Massive thanks in advance !!

Logikos 02-12-2004 07:13 AM

What would be nice if you can have a rank system soley based on activity. Example. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60951 Now that i and alot others could use.

Kumaro 03-23-2004 12:59 PM

Hack works great. Thanks

Just a huge pain to insert all those queries one by one! For some reason I get errors when doing them all at once.

Quintak 03-24-2004 12:28 AM

thx a lot! could you please also make one that changes the usertitle base on # of posts?

Kumaro 03-24-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Quintak
thx a lot! could you please also make one that changes the usertitle base on # of posts?

yeah, the old stars hack for 2.x.x was amazing with many more options.

Anub1s 04-26-2004 02:47 AM

0k i just clicked on install

so, i have a question

if i want 10 levels, what i must do?

RichieBoy67 05-27-2004 02:43 AM

Great Hack!! Thanks!! Much easier to use.....

contramontanum 06-15-2004 04:02 PM

If anyone is still watching this thread I could use a little help. :)

I ran the queries and got this error msg back from phpMyAdmin:



SQL-query :

INSERT INTO settinggroup( grouptitle, displayorder, volatile )

"vb3starshack", "691", "0"

MySQL said:

#1062 - Duplicate entry 'vb3starshack' for key 1
I've also attached a screenshot of what my ACP options look like, and there's obviously something missing.

Is this hack incompatible with vB 3.0? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Oldfart 07-01-2004 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by contramontanum
If anyone is still watching this thread I could use a little help. :)

I ran the queries and got this error msg back from phpMyAdmin:

I've also attached a screenshot of what my ACP options look like, and there's obviously something missing.

Is this hack incompatible with vB 3.0? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Well I haven't installed this hack but from what your error message says it looks like you have either tried installing this before or you are reinstalling it. It's saying there is a duplicate entry for the same name 'vb3starshack' You'll have to drop the old entry first then try reinstalling it again.

Jacko 07-04-2004 11:01 PM

i got the hack up and running, with a few difficulties but im there now.

only problem is i seem to get a <br> above the stars, how can i change this???


deb0 11-20-2004 08:33 PM

Nice hack. I was a lil worried bout all the queries that had to be run, but no problems at all.

My board will like this. Much more dynamic than current rank system.

docvader 12-05-2004 07:44 PM

Awesome. Works great in postbit. But for some reason, I can't get it to work in postbit_legacy. Can any of you tell me where I missed this???

kylek 12-05-2004 09:09 PM

Same problem, what did I overlook to get it to work in postbit_legacy?

paulmjno 12-06-2004 03:56 PM

To get it to work on legacy: replace the code in postbit_legacy template, like you did in postbit template. Save the stars hack settings as you would like them, to refresh the system with this information. And viola!

docvader 12-06-2004 06:15 PM

AARGH. How stupid of me. I was looking for that, and I missed that in the install instructions, LOL, when I went back to it. Thanks for waking me up paul!


docvader 12-06-2004 06:20 PM

No, I had done it. But the copy and paste got screwed up, that's all. You have to be careful about how you put it in there. Got it working, awesome hack.

But, can we add more levels??? I've got some high posters.

bigwest 03-24-2005 10:02 PM

This is the most important hack to me.

Yet on vb3 I cannot get the stars to show.

I have carefully completed the instructions yet no stars show in the postbit.

Any ideas off the top of your head? In my admin the is no option to turn on or off vbstars hack. Is that normal?

UnForums2k 04-17-2005 05:56 AM

thiers still no hack with ability to set stars for usergroups aswell???

bigwest 04-19-2005 12:49 AM

I have two seperate options for the stars hack in my admin CP:

vB3 Stars Hack Options
vB Stars Hack

Is that normal? And if so... I am not sure I understand the difference.

bigwest 07-16-2005 04:54 AM

Has anyone updated this hack to add an additional level or two?

C.Birch 11-05-2005 05:33 PM

any hope of a port to 3.5?

paulmjno 11-23-2005 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by C.Birch
any hope of a port to 3.5?

Yeh...I need this...I just upgraded.

paulmjno 11-26-2005 10:16 PM

Just bumping this, in case anyone is interested in making the port.

Startinfresh 12-01-2005 11:10 PM

OH OH OH I want this one too PLEASE

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