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Velocd 01-16-2004 10:00 PM

IRC Manager for MIRC
Here is a hack spawned off an original idea by Feldon23 for using mIRC sockets to show who is online in your channel.

This hack advances from his in many features, the most obvious being it uses a MySQL table to store the data.
  • It supports multiple channels, not just one. This means you can show who is online on your forum home page for not just one channel, but many (there is a major restriction to this though, please refer to the install.html)
  • Data is passed through sockets by HTTP POST, not GET, therefore more options are available. For one, this hack will show the topic of your channel.
  • The "most users ever in the channel" has a timestamp to go along with it.
  • The most innovative feature of this hack is the activity bar. This guages the activity of your channel by counting how many lines are outputted in the channel every X amount of seconds (this value is definable by you; default is 3 minutes). The activity bar allows people not in the IRC channel to see if there is activity going on inside.
  • Admin Control Panel integration, for easy adding/deleting/editing channels.

This hack operates in the same as Feldon's, in that you MUST be in mIRC and connected to the channel if you wish for the data to be updated. There is no eggdrop required, and no FTP.

About the only known bug/error I've encountered in this hack is a "socket-in-use" error from mIRC. This can happen if you have a busy chatroom with people changing nicks, or leaving and joining the chatroom constantly. In this case, you will want to make some modifications to the ON-events in the remote script.

For more explanation on features, requirements, and restrictions, please refer to the section in install.html.

Version 1.1 - 1/20/04
  • Changed the way data is sent in the remote socket script, to allow more users being. Unfortuantly mIRC sockets aren't very extensive, and through different functions and loops I still wasn't able figure out a way of sending more data. This simply means the max users that will be updated for each channel is around 60 users. (although, I believe it is more than the the 1.0 version)
  • Created another socket connection for the topic & activity, which should reduce the number of "socket-in-use" errors.
  • Renamed two of the config variables which were somewhat ambigious.

Upgrade 1.1 Instructions:
  • Unload your current ircon_rm.txt remote script and ircon_al.txt alias script, and reload the new ones.

Clear your internet cache before downloading.

If you install this hack, please click the install button. ;)

g-force2k2 01-17-2004 07:43 PM

Looks great Velocd. Something very useful for mIRC users.


MindTrix 01-17-2004 07:46 PM

Nice work mate, kinda make me wonder whether i should try out IRC (Yes i have never bothered with it before ;) )

*arie 01-17-2004 07:58 PM

any tutorials on how to work IRC? it's confusing to me.

FreeTerran 01-17-2004 08:07 PM

hmm it didn't work where must be the irc client on the server where the forum is ?

Zachery 01-17-2004 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by *arie
any tutorials on how to work IRC? it's confusing to me.

very awsome man ^^ :)

FreeTerran 01-17-2004 08:25 PM

yeah it works http://www.bund-der-alten-reiche.de/forum/ look at the buttom

but now a question if i got offline it dosen't will refresh the date how could i make it that it refresh without my mirc client ? any client what i could put on my linux server where the forum is ?

HiDeo 01-17-2004 09:38 PM

Very good I install :D

Velocd 01-17-2004 10:12 PM


but now a question if i got offline it dosen't will refresh the date how could i make it that it refresh without my mirc client ? any client what i could put on my linux server where the forum is ?
If you can figure out a way to make an eggdrop for this sort of hack, which is an IRC bot. I don't have a linux nor shell accounts to test out eggdrops.

This hack absolutely requires mIRC. No other way around it. (although.. there are other mIRC-like programs out there, like visualIRC, but still same scenario).


hmm it didn't work where must be the irc client on the server where the forum is ?
It uses mIRC! This hack is totally separate from whether you have some Java chat installed. Explain your problem a bit more, but you need to download mIRC from www.mirc.com, and then configure it as my instructions have said.

If you need an mIRC tutorial, here are some:


zajako 01-17-2004 10:32 PM

lol good work
If anyone needs any irc hosting for a channel, i have a server @ irc.tfogame.com you guys can use.

*arie 01-17-2004 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd

Thanks :)

Luciolle 01-18-2004 04:31 AM

Sorry I"m very newbie in irc, I try to make this hack work, but :( !

Everything it' work and show on homepage, but no data ?
Non nick, no mostuser, nothing and I go to look the link you put, but I don't understand more sorry :( !


Osmosis 01-18-2004 05:30 AM

I installed this hack, very nice and confusing with no FTP script, but it seems to be working for the most part. The one thing that isnt working: the topic is not being displayed on forumhome. Can you think of why this might be?

CHeeKY 01-18-2004 07:23 AM

ok I am looged into my channel and loaded the scripts.

In the alias config is below right?

%ircserver = irc.freenode.net
%ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
%irckey = xxxxxx
%ircchan = #channelname
%ircwait = 120

then in my irc manager in admincp I have

Handle #channelname
Server #irc.freenode.net

I am not getting any listings in the forum with the current config :(


FreeTerran 01-18-2004 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Velocd
If you can figure out a way to make an eggdrop for this sort of hack, which is an IRC bot. I don't have a linux nor shell accounts to test out eggdrops.

velcod if you could code it i could test it for you ;)

empreur76 01-18-2004 11:07 AM

very nice !! work on v2.2.9 !?? thx

MindTrix 01-18-2004 11:09 AM

Its a hack in the vB3 section so im guessing it wont mate ;)

Velocd 01-18-2004 03:26 PM

Let me explain how exactly it updates. It uses mIRC remote events to update the DB table through sockets.

There are two primary commands, /ircrefresh and /refreshtopic

If you type /ircrefresh and hit enter, it will update the irc_channel table in your DB with the latest users in your channel.

/refreshtopic will update your topic.

Here are the remote events used (by default):

on 1:CONNECT:/timer 1 4 /begintime
on 1:TOPIC:%ircchan: /topicrefresh
on 1:TEXT:*:%ircchan: inc %irclines 1
on 1:KICK:%ircchan: /ircrefresh
on 1:JOIN:%ircchan: /timer 1 4 /ircrefresh
on 1:PART:%ircchan: /timer 1 4 /ircrefresh
on 1:QUIT: /timer 1 4 /ircrefresh
on 1:NICK: /timer 1 4 /ircrefresh
If a user is kicked, quits, changes his nick, or joins your channel, the command /ircrefresh will be triggered.

If your topic is changed inside the channel (while you are connected to your channel!), then the topic will update. The drawback on this is that, if it is changed when you are not in your channel, you will manually have to update it using /refreshtopic. You can fix this by using the following line:

on 1:CONNECT:/timer 1 4 /begintime | /timer 1 4 /topicrefresh
Instead of the current on:CONNECT event.

The problem that exists is sometimes a "socket-in-user" error can develop if you run /topicrefresh or /ircrefresh too quickly.


ok I am looged into my channel and loaded the scripts.

In the alias config is below right?

%ircserver = irc.freenode.net
%ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
%irckey = xxxxxx
%ircchan = #channelname
%ircwait = 120

then in my irc manager in admincp I have

Handle #channelname
Server #irc.freenode.net

I am not getting any listings in the forum with the current config

This is my fault for I named the variables somewhat ambiguous, but %ircserver is not your irc server! It's suppose to be your webdomain server that irconline.php is on.

Think of it as that, %ircserver and %ircfilepath are connected.

Thus, www.yourserver.com/forums/irconline.php would be the full path.

Also ensure that:

%ircchan = #channelname

Is pointing to your channel name! I think in this case you are hiding your channel name, but everyone make sure that config area is filled out properly.


Sorry I"m very newbie in irc, I try to make this hack work, but !

Everything it' work and show on homepage, but no data ?
Non nick, no mostuser, nothing and I go to look the link you put, but I don't understand more sorry !

Recheck your alias script, to ensure the values are set correctly as mentioned above.

Then, try manually typing /ircbrowse and see if it updates your DB. Also check the status window of your IRC server, which is the first window on the channel-bar in mIRC. If any errors appear, they'll be at the bottom.


I installed this hack, very nice and confusing with no FTP script, but it seems to be working for the most part. The one thing that isnt working: the topic is not being displayed on forumhome. Can you think of why this might be?
Try manually typing /topicrefresh .

My guess is you haven't changed the topic, and therefore the remote event is not triggering.


velcod if you could code it i could test it for you
I'll look into it, to see if I even have the time to code one. ;)

KISS 01-18-2004 03:46 PM

I tried this on a test board, and everything installed properly, except for after intall the index.php page shows the area for it but the topic is blank and shows no one online in the room. Seems information is not getting to it. I am 100% sure I installed everything right so Im taking it that some will not be able to use this depending on whether there server will allow it?

Thats the problem Ive had in the past with this type of hack is server wont allow it so Im taking same problem? Any clues?

Velocd 01-18-2004 04:39 PM


Thats the problem Ive had in the past with this type of hack is server wont allow it so Im taking same problem? Any clues?
Post in vB code tag what you have in your aliases page, so I can verify it.

Remember, typing manually /ircrefresh and /topicrefresh is good for troubleshooting. Make sure no socket-in-use or other errors show up in your IRC server status window.

Just about any server should be able to receive the socket request, that is, if PORT 80 is open. Most servers have port 80 open for requests, but if all else fails, contact your host to make sure it is.

CHeeKY 01-18-2004 05:16 PM

ok heres my new settings

%ircserver = http://x.x.x.x
%ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
%irckey = 11111
%ircchan = #qteam
%ircwait = 60


Handle #qteam
Server b0rk.uk.quakenet.org

this is the error I get

* /sockwrite: 'dbupdate' not connected (line 2, ircon_rm.txt)


this is from ircon_rm.txt

on *:sockopen:dbupdate:{
sockwrite -n $sockname POST %ircfilepath HTTP/1.1
sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: mIRC $+ / $+ $version (compatible; MTS Downloader 1.1; Windows $os $+ )
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %ircserver
sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%sockstring)
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
sockwrite -t $sockname %sockstring
any tips?

KISS 01-18-2004 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
Post in vB code tag what you have in your aliases page, so I can verify it.

Remember, typing manually /ircrefresh and /topicrefresh is good for troubleshooting. Make sure no socket-in-use or other errors show up in your IRC server status window.

Just about any server should be able to receive the socket request, that is, if PORT 80 is open. Most servers have port 80 open for requests, but if all else fails, contact your host to make sure it is.

Okay was told by my server that port 80 is used for only http requests and that for security reasons they cannot devulged any open ports to me. So am I outta luck on this working?

gc1 01-18-2004 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by CHeeKY
ok heres my new settings

%ircserver = http://x.x.x.x
%ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
%irckey = 11111
%ircchan = #qteam
%ircwait = 60


Handle #qteam
Server b0rk.uk.quakenet.org

this is the error I get

* /sockwrite: 'dbupdate' not connected (line 2, ircon_rm.txt)

any tips?

This is exactly what I am getting hmm

Velocd 01-18-2004 08:36 PM

@cheeky, gc1:

THe %ircserver value needs to be in www.yoursite.domain format.

Here is my example:


  %ircserver  = www.animesystem.com
  %ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
  %irckey      = 54321
  %ircchan    = #animesystem
  %ircwait    = 120

If you are getting a socket-write error message, it simply means it can't connect to the site.

Make sure the value of %irckey matches $irckey inside irconline.php.


This is what I got in the alias tab
Are you getting any errors from mIRC in the server status window?

Velocd 01-18-2004 08:47 PM


Okay was told by my server that port 80 is used for only http requests and that for security reasons they cannot devulged any open ports to me. So am I outta luck on this working?
If they're saying port 80 is open for HTTP requests, then this hack should work.

Check for any errors from mIRC in the server status window.

Who is your host, btw?

KISS 01-18-2004 08:53 PM


They are saying:

Your account will be suspended if you use IRC on our servers without any notifications. We are not allowing the users to use the open ports just because they may cause heavy loads.

So sounds like I am outta luck. Nope no errors inside of MIRC either.

*** Loaded aliases 'C:\Program Files\MIRC\ircon_al.txt'
*** Loaded script 'C:\Program Files\MIRC\ircon_rm.txt'

* Timer 1 activated

Thats all I get there.

Also get this on index.php page :

Most users in the chat was 0 on 12-31-1969 at 07:00 PM.

Velocd 01-18-2004 09:05 PM


Your account will be suspended if you use IRC on our servers without any notifications. We are not allowing the users to use the open ports just because they may cause heavy loads.
Hmm, well, it's best not tampering with it if your host has threatened to suspend your account. :^/

What you could do is test out PHP sockets on your site and see if port 80 is open for requests. This would just verify that they indeed have blocked out mIRC.

Info on PHP sockets:

PHP.net example:

PHP Code:

if (!
$fp) {
"$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
} else {
$out "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$out .= "Host: www.example.com\r\n";
$out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

   while (!
feof($fp)) {

KISS 01-18-2004 09:18 PM

* /sockwrite: 'dbupdate' not connected (line 2, ircon_rm.txt)
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 2 activated
* Timer 3 activated
* Timer 4 activated
* Timer 5 activated
* Timer 6 activated
* Timer 1 halted
* Timer 2 halted
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 106, ircon_al.txt)
* Timer 3 halted
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 106, ircon_al.txt)
* Timer 4 halted
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 106, ircon_al.txt)
* Timer 5 halted
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 106, ircon_al.txt)
* Timer 6 halted

Velocd 01-18-2004 10:31 PM

Kiss, if you don't care, I could test it out on my mIRC.

All I would have to do is configure the alias script with your values.

If you want to do this, send me a PM with your site domain, the value of %ircfilepath, and then the value of $irckey in irconline.php.

KISS 01-18-2004 10:50 PM

Now I am getting this:

* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 8, ircon_al.txt)
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 8, ircon_al.txt)
* /sockwrite: 'dbupdate' not connected (line 2, ircon_rm.txt)
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 8, ircon_al.txt)
* /sockopen: 'dbupdate' socket in use (line 8, ircon_al.txt)
* /sockwrite: 'dbupdate' not connected (line 2, ircon_rm.txt)

Velocd 01-18-2004 10:58 PM

"Socket-in-use" means that another command has initiated the socket and the request process isn't quite finished.

But, if you are getting "not connected" errors, it ultimately means no socket connection is ever being established.

If you want me to test it out on my mIRC, I'd have no problem about it. ;)

KISS 01-18-2004 11:04 PM

So the not connected errors mean that it isnt getting thru and my server probably then isnt allowing it?

Velocd 01-18-2004 11:17 PM

Yep. Or, you have configured something wrong in the aliases script.

Ronin 01-18-2004 11:58 PM

Nice Job gonna try this one out thanks alot!

MrWee 01-19-2004 03:31 AM

Is it possible for it to display a "Bot Offline" message when the computer running mIRC is not connected?

CHeeKY 01-19-2004 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Velocd
@cheeky, gc1:

THe %ircserver value needs to be in www.yoursite.domain format.

Here is my example:


  %ircserver  = www.animesystem.com
  %ircfilepath = /forums/irconline.php
  %irckey      = 54321
  %ircchan    = #animesystem
  %ircwait    = 120

If you are getting a socket-write error message, it simply means it can't connect to the site.

Make sure the value of %irckey matches $irckey inside irconline.php.

Are you getting any errors from mIRC in the server status window?

that error is coming from the mirc window, and I cant put my domain in domain format as it doesnt have one, we use a re-direct to ip, so the domain is ip...

Should it make a idfference? I checked with the host and the irc people and they aid, its fine to use what I am doing....
If it only works for domain, can I make a suggestion that it reads http://x.x.x.x in future?


Osmosis 01-19-2004 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Osmosis
I installed this hack, very nice and confusing with no FTP script, but it seems to be working for the most part. The one thing that isnt working: the topic is not being displayed on forumhome. Can you think of why this might be?

Still no idea why the topic isnt making it to the forumhome...

Velocd 01-19-2004 05:08 PM


Is it possible for it to display a "Bot Offline" message when the computer running mIRC is not connected?
This hack has nothing to do with bots, so you'll have to ask someone else.


that error is coming from the mirc window, and I cant put my domain in domain format as it doesnt have one, we use a re-direct to ip, so the domain is ip...

Should it make a idfference? I checked with the host and the irc people and they aid, its fine to use what I am doing....
If it only works for domain, can I make a suggestion that it reads http://x.x.x.x in future?

You'll just have to trouble shoot and test it out. I've only tested it in normal domain format.


Still no idea why the topic isnt making it to the forumhome...
Read through the thread, there are tons of suggestions for troubleshooting.

Try the command /topicrefresh

Check if it gives you any errors in the status iwndow of your IRC server in mIRC.

MrWee 01-19-2004 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Velocd
This hack has nothing to do with bots, so you'll have to ask someone else.

the user running the mIRC script could be considered a bot.

Let me rephrase: i am asking is it possible that the stats could display some kind of "offline" message when it has no connection to irc.

Velocd 01-19-2004 11:21 PM

You would have to modify the mIRC script to make it so that when you disconnect from mIRC, it sends a request to the website notifying that the bot is offline.

Someone with the script would still have to be present, though, since the on:EVENT remote commands in mIRC aren't triggered by actions that you, the script holder, perform.

Your best bet is simply giving the script to other people you can trust, like a mod or other admin, and having them set it up on their mIRC.

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