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DestinyIslands 01-04-2004 06:43 PM

Store Hack
I don't think this has been requested yet but does anyone know if the owner is going to post this hack over? I really would like this hack to be ported!

- DestinyIslands.com

MindTrix 01-04-2004 06:57 PM

Yes i believe Lesane is planning/working on a update to vB3

RixiuS 01-04-2004 06:58 PM

Also, there is a Store Hack (Alpha) that is released at vBulletinNL by Yoshy


When it is gold I think he's releasing it here.

Lesane 01-04-2004 07:55 PM

Nope, i won't upgrade my store hack to vb3 since i don't upgrade my forum to vb3(atleast not yet in the next few months) + my time is very limited.

I do keep adding new stuff to the current version though.

DestinyIslands 01-04-2004 07:58 PM

There are 100's of people who really would like you to upgrade this. That guys on vB.nl SUCKS! Dude, your the origonator of origonality. Can you please reconsider. I know my Community won't be the same without an upgrade. Please reply with some info. Anyways well yeah ... I hope you change your mind.


Lesane 01-04-2004 08:05 PM

My motivation is taken away since a few other store hacks will be released, no problem for me.. i love to see more store hacks but then i don't see the point of spending my oh so valuable time into porting it over while there are various other store hacks to be available for you guys.

Buczilla 01-04-2004 08:15 PM

Will you be porting any hacks, Lesane?

DestinyIslands 01-04-2004 08:23 PM

Well .. why would you let a couple oddballs change your mind? I would dare say 80% of the Store Hack people would want your Store Hack. I mean think about it. But if not, can someone else port it?

- DestinyIslands.com

Rocol 01-04-2004 10:27 PM

Agree .. the " Lesane's Store " is the one that we are all waiting for :cool: :up:

Cassidy 01-04-2004 11:14 PM

Heh i'm gonna join in to. The rest of the store hacks arnt worth it IMO. Your one really rocks believe me. There's so much more with yours!

DestinyIslands 01-04-2004 11:18 PM

Well the people have spooken ... Like I said 80% maybe more ... but it's up to you, I just hope someone can port if you don't Lesane!

- DestinyIslands

DuffMan 01-04-2004 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lesane
My motivation is taken away since a few other store hacks will be released, no problem for me.. i love to see more store hacks but then i don't see the point of spending my oh so valuable time into porting it over while there are various other store hacks to be available for you guys.

Other ones are available, but they're nowhere near as good as yours. None of the other store hacks are as customizable and feature-full as yours is. Please port it!

Yoshy 01-04-2004 11:40 PM

Well thanks for that - I think I'll code something into my store hack to crash your board if you decide to install...

DestinyIslands 01-04-2004 11:47 PM

That isn't very Pro. Yoshy, I mean sorry about saying your Store hack SUCKED, but at the same time it was a low blow to Leasne to make the same hack he has. I mean it was his idea. Not to mention his is much better. But hey, to each is their own, you might get banned from vB.org if a mod reads this ... so be carefull. I think that's a threath anyways. Good luck, and Leasne ... please recondisder.

- DestinyIslands

NinjaBelly 01-04-2004 11:51 PM

Easy to add stuff I didn't even know you could modify lesane's lol..........Have you even used yoshy's. It's much easier to modify and once it goes beta it will have alot more options.

Yoshy 01-04-2004 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by DestinyIslands
That isn't very Pro. Yoshy, I mean sorry about saying your Store hack SUCKED, but at the same time it was a low blow to Leasne to make the same hack he has. I mean it was his idea. Not to mention his is much better. But hey, to each is their own, you might get banned from vB.org if a mod reads this ... so be carefull. I think that's a threath anyways. Good luck, and Leasne ... please recondisder.

- DestinyIslands

Dude - I dont care if I get banned, My site will still work and I will still release my hack. Remeber it's my code, I can do w/e I want w/ it... I offer no warenties. As for those who want updates, I post them over at VB.nl.

I can now deny actions from groups. Remove usergroups from top x lists. Also I have a loto addon that will be working soon.. A change user title color that is in WIP...

Remeber you seen an alpha hack, I continue to develop it...

Xenon 01-04-2004 11:56 PM

Calm down a bit ok?

Yoshy, as for your first post you should choose something else as saying you will put destructive code into your hacks!

Yoshy 01-05-2004 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Xenon
Yoshy, as for your first post you should choose something else as saying you will put destructive code into your hacks!

Both of the store hacks contained destructive code... the change username is one big destructing peace of code...

Especially if the user hits the stop button in the middle of the updates... :tired:
(I speak from experience)

deathemperor 01-05-2004 12:25 AM

I'm the next one who want Lesane back to work.
DestinyIslands, there are lot of people want this as you and me, so why dont u make a poll ? It'll show who loves Lesane

Yoshy 01-05-2004 12:52 AM

I love Lesane .. He got me interested in VB Hacking - and his store hack "worked" but that doesn't mean other can't make one that works and that DOESN' SUCK... DestinyIslands if you soo want a store hack - make one yourself... That's what I did.

My store hack is VERY easy to modify, just upload a new action file and add it... Lesane if you want you could even make actions for my store - I'll release a newer SDK soon.

I'll release a new screenshot pack at vb.nl soon

dstruct2k 01-05-2004 01:00 AM

Lesane, would you be opposed to someone else attempting to port over your store hack? Original credit would remain your own, but the hack would now be vB3-compatible.

Yoshy, I applaud you for making an original piece of code. The fact that the end result is similar to someone else's code is not something to make fun of, like these people have done. It's what vBulletin is doing right now. It's called competing. You might not be competing for people's money, but you are after their business. I haven't seen your hack, but the fact that it doesn't kill vBulletin, and that it does add something, is definitely worth a thumbs up.

Buczilla 01-05-2004 01:51 AM

Yoshy's hack is extremely nice with the action manager. Super-easy to add a bunch of things to your store. I have used it, and I must say it is pretty good (and it's only in the Alpha Stage). I never used Lesane's store, so I have no comments on it.

ENZcom 01-05-2004 04:44 AM

Yoshy's hack also doesn't work... I kept getting an error message and it couldn't be fixed.

But, it definitely had some promise.

However, Lesane's store is what everybody wants, so someone should port it over.

Logician 01-05-2004 07:21 AM

I don't use a store hack in my own board but I'd like to see Lesane port his hack into VB3. It was not only one of the most popular VB2 hack, it is also more valuable than other store hacks for many people because they would not only need a store hack, they would need their own store hack to get migrated. Most of the other store hacks can be great for first time installers but for people who already uses Lesane's hack, they don't mean much as they will lose points, customization, add-ons etc.

@Yoshy: If you release a hack that is same with one of the most popular VB2 hacks ever, you should be by all means open to critism. If we detect any destructive code in any hacks, it will be gone from vb.org. If it is planted intentionally, its author will be gone either..

Yoshy 01-05-2004 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Logician
I don't use a store hack in my own board but I'd like to see Lesane port his hack into VB3. It was not only one of the most popular VB2 hack, it is also more valuable than other store hacks for many people because they would not only need a store hack, they would need their own store hack to get migrated. Most of the other store hacks can be great for first time installers but for people who already uses Lesane's hack, they don't mean much as they will lose points, customization, add-ons etc.

@Yoshy: If you release a hack that is same with one of the most popular VB2 hacks ever, you should be by all means open to critism. If we detect any destructive code in any hacks, it will be gone from vb.org. If it is planted intentionally, its author will be gone either..

Don't worry I don't even plan on releasing it here, vb.nl will get it and only them... and as with all hacks, I'm not responsible if something goes wrong; even if it was tested and currently runs on 5 forums. (2 Dev + 2 Sites + 1 Test Site)

And I've done some migrating instructions so ppl don't lose points from Lesans's store.

And what kind of criticism is "IT SUCKS" ?
I'd like to ask you something - How would YOU react if someone that Didn't even take the time to look at your hack said your ALPHA (Read: not even beta) hack sucked and didn't have any options ?

Now - I'm not alone developing this hack, it's a team effort ! The other team member is credited in the TXTs other things are also listed in those TXTs...

Updates --> http://www.vbulletin.nl/community/showthread.php?t=1718

monstergamer 01-05-2004 12:28 PM

since i dont have mysql 4 i can not even use Yoshy store hack so i would like to know if some one ports over Lesane's store well it work for mysql 3?

mzlogical 01-05-2004 02:05 PM

Yoshy, you're going to do just fine with your store hack, you have a lot of supporters. It's cleaner and better anyway (i use it). It's good even in the Alpha stage all by itself.

TheMayhem 01-05-2004 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by monstergamer
since i dont have mysql 4 i can not even use Yoshy store hack so i would like to know if some one ports over Lesane's store well it work for mysql 3?

Yoshy's beta release that he is releasing within the next few days is compatible with both mysql 3+4.

MindTrix 01-05-2004 04:06 PM

If someone ports over Lesane's Store hack other than Lesane i think i will faint :) Also i think there would be a hugeeee debate on it ;)

Bottom line is no-one is forced too use either Store hack. I personally will not be using Yoshys. Not because of any comments ive read or anything, but just because i would rather use Lesane's as he has become a pretty solid coder in my opinion, and he also gives the best support i have ever seen on any hack, to the point he will take time out to fix anything personally, or help you to change things. And i guess Yoshys comment on adding malicious coding (Whether you was joking or not) did put me off a bit ;)

Just my two cents

Buczilla 01-05-2004 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by ENZcom
Yoshy's hack also doesn't work... I kept getting an error message and it couldn't be fixed.

It's an ALPHA hack.

Lesane....I really think you should update your store hack, because even if a bunch of people use Yoshy's store, your store hack was the 5th most popular vB2 hack....and 767 people would have to completely wipe out their store and install someone elses (users wouldn't be able to keep their points, etc).

I support both hacks, I think it's good (as dstruct2k said) to have a level of competition, and improve the overall hack quality!

PuddingMonkey 01-05-2004 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Buczilla
It's an ALPHA hack.

Lesane....I really think you should update your store hack, because even if a bunch of people use Yoshy's store, your store hack was the 5th most popular vB2 hack....and 767 people would have to completely wipe out their store and install someone elses (users wouldn't be able to keep their points, etc).

I support both hacks, I think it's good (as dstruct2k said) to have a level of competition, and improve the overall hack quality!

About the don't want to lose the points thing, I'm pretty sure theres a converter because that hack is running on a big site that used to use Lesane's hack and all the point values are the same. So I don't see a problem with users losing their points, etc.

And I think people should take criticism, where criticism is deserved. Criticism like "certain problems that I've seen arise when using this forum throw me off from using the hack" is something I can see as completely acceptable. But that said, criticism like "THIS SUCKS" is just completely useless and unnecessary.

And as for the user talking about intentional destructive code, maybe you need to note the sarcasm. I don't think he would waste his time putting in code to smite you.

DestinyIslands 01-05-2004 09:27 PM

This is totaly off topic .. so let's get back on ... if the code is going to be ported please reply, if not .. can someone else port it? That simple.

MindTrix 01-05-2004 09:30 PM

I do not believe LESANE's store hack will be. And i also do not believe anyone should port it without permission.

DestinyIslands 01-05-2004 11:02 PM

I know that's why I was dircting my post to Leasne himself

monstergamer 01-06-2004 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by MindTrix
If someone ports over Lesane's Store hack other than Lesane i think i will faint :) Also i think there would be a hugeeee debate on it ;)

Bottom line is no-one is forced too use either Store hack. I personally will not be using Yoshys. Not because of any comments ive read or anything, but just because i would rather use Lesane's as he has become a pretty solid coder in my opinion, and he also gives the best support i have ever seen on any hack, to the point he will take time out to fix anything personally, or help you to change things. And i guess Yoshys comment on adding malicious coding (Whether you was joking or not) did put me off a bit ;)

Just my two cents

yes, he is the best with support of his hacks
he helped me many of times when i had vb2 and loved the store hack when i had it.....

PGU 01-06-2004 07:16 PM

please, update your store hack

Cassidy 01-06-2004 07:21 PM

If you want to keep Lesane's store hack then dont upgrade the vb3. Its that simple. The vb3 alternative is Yoshy's store hack. If Lesane upgrades, Great I'd love it! But dont pester him or anyone else about it.

Right now i think i'll install Yoshys, to me it's more customizable and i cant wait to see the final ^_^

monstergamer 01-06-2004 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheMayhem
Yoshy's beta release that he is releasing within the next few days is compatible with both mysql 3+4.

if Yoshy's store hack well work with mysql 3 when beta comes out i well install it
but i did read on VB.nl that he was not going to make it work for mysql 3

Floris 01-12-2004 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by DestinyIslands
There are 100's of people who really would like you to upgrade this. That guys on vB.nl SUCKS! Dude, your the origonator of origonality. Can you please reconsider. I know my Community won't be the same without an upgrade. Please reply with some info. Anyways well yeah ... I hope you change your mind.


that guys?

If you mean that guy .. yoshi, please don't rant and flame members, this site doesn't like that. But if you mean those guys .. on vbulletin.nl, then I think you are just unexperienced.

Anyway, if you compare the source code from the store hack from lesane with the source code from yoshi, I prefer yoshi's beta hack over the 'so called' stable release of lesane. It appears more complete, tested and organized. Lesane's code appears to be put in place 'so it works for that situation'. I appriciate both lesane and yoshi in making addons for vbulletin and sharing it. Liking source code over another source code doesn't mean a person sucks, or that one has a dislike for the other. That is just stupid to think. And such a shame these kind of threads seem to be based on those kind of comments.

Dark Shogun 01-12-2004 11:12 AM

I can not believe or understand the complete and utter rudeness and disrepect shown to yoshy from DestinyIslands. There is something called CONSTRUCTIVE criticism please use it and leave the it sucks comments out of here.

As far as the question to if Lesane will allow a port of his hack, well it's been over a week since his last post so I would just wait and see if he announces that he will give permission or not. I don't use any store hacks because I have no need for them but I do give props to both Yoshy and Lesane on their hacks and thank them for making others happy by making the hacks they do even after unprofessional negative comments from people that may couldn't get the hack to work or just didn't try it out and passed judgement.

Anyway. Again Thanks both of you for your contribution to the vBulletin community.

Dark Shogun

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