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-   -   What do you think about people wich release your hacks already for vb3? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=59416)

Lesane 12-28-2003 04:22 PM

What do you think about people wich release your hacks already for vb3?
What are your thoughts about that?

Half of my hacks wich i released here for vb2 are already released by someone else on an other site for vb3. They are basicly stealing someone's else idea/hack.

It has an advantage though, you don't have to re-release your hacks anymore hehe.

MindTrix 12-28-2003 04:28 PM

LOL @ it beeing an advantage

I didnt think people were allowed to release someone elses hack for vB3 without asking permission? What ones of yours have been done?

Dean C 12-28-2003 04:30 PM

I don't want anyone copying my hacks for vB3. I'll do them all myself (only a few which are not redundant).

Zachery 12-28-2003 04:30 PM

well just because it might be your type of hack doesnt mean its your hack remember.

with vb3 any hack that would be "ported" would be almost entirly new coding to begin with.

and anyone who does try to steal users work and put it on vbnl will and have been banned :)

Lesane 12-28-2003 04:42 PM

hehe i am not talking about the 'store' hack, a (template) hack like this:

And i see more vb3 hacks wich i think... hmm mr.x released that for vb2 already.

filburt1 12-28-2003 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Lesane
What are your thoughts about that?

Half of my hacks wich i released here for vb2 are already released by someone else on an other site for vb3. They are basicly stealing someone's else idea/hack.

It has an advantage though, you don't have to re-release your hacks anymore hehe.

That is a violation of copyright laws. Demand that they take them down or face legal prosecution.

Every time somebody requests to translate, modify, or otherwise re-release my hacks, I always deny it for this very reason.

Zachery 12-28-2003 04:50 PM

i dont think you can call one querry and some html, stealing your hack, anyone with half a brain can figure out the correct querry :/ and with a tad more sense figure the html and varible to put it onto a page

Lesane 12-28-2003 05:32 PM

Ofcourse, everyone can figure that query + html out. It's not that, it's about re-releasing the hacks wich you made here on vbulletin.org! :/

Chris Gwynne 12-28-2003 05:53 PM

I don't like it. :(

New releasers of hacks are getting credit for the hack, even if they've done the coding for it, they've stolen the ideas and concepts from the original author and are getting praised for it.

Take revenge Lesane!

sabret00the 12-28-2003 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
i dont think you can call one querry and some html, stealing your hack, anyone with half a brain can figure out the correct querry :/ and with a tad more sense figure the html and varible to put it onto a page

normally i'd agree but it was indeedy released on vBT as a re-release of lesanes hack :confused: :rolleyes:

Lesane 12-28-2003 07:27 PM

Alot of people over at vbulletin.nl wouldn't release their 're-releasers' hacks if they were at vbulletin.org.

Look at this post from mark:
and this thread:

I don't know if that user asked mark for permission, if it is then ok.

Faranth, what happens if vb3 hacking is allowed here? Do we get to see 2 'top poster on forumhome' hacks on vbulletin.org? One from mine (the original) and one from assassingod. I think that we get much more '2 releases of the same hack' here at vbulletin.org once vb3 hacking is allowed.

Don't get me wrong, i don't blame assassingod or any other hacker outside of vbulletin.org. It's the system, no vb3 hacking allowed here on vbulletin.org then there should be no vb3 hacking allowed elsewhere. This is the official place to hack vbulletin and not vbulletin.nl or any other site that allows vb3 hacking!

Brad 12-28-2003 07:38 PM

vBulletintemplates dose not allow hacking, we deal with the templates only. However some templates like phpinclude allow us to add stuff to the source code. Some use this method so they arent stuck re-hacking file x for one line of code every upgrade.

If you feel something of yours was released at vBt without your perrmission then contact the member that posted the modification, if that dosent get you anywhere contact one of the staff members and we will look at the problem. :)

MindTrix 12-29-2003 04:59 AM

I guess you can see Lesane's point. But im sure Assassingod meant no disrespect from releasing that over at vbulletintemplates.com.

Maybe if he made it better or different to Lesane's version it would be a different story.Who knows :p

Brad 12-29-2003 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by MindTrix
I guess you can see Lesane's point. But im sure Assassingod meant no disrespect from releasing that over at vbulletintemplates.com.

Maybe if he made it better or different to Lesane's version it would be a different story.Who knows :p

I can see his point but it dosent take a IQ of a millon to call the query_frist function, write some SQL, set a var, and output it in html.

If someone copied his store hack and made it work in phpinclude it would be removed as soon as it was seen, not only because it is lesanes code. But also there is no reason to add that much overhead to vBulletin in the frist place, the phpinclude template can kill your board if you dont work with it correctly. Hacking will always be better for most things.

MindTrix 12-29-2003 05:10 AM

True i guess the set back of releases of vB3 hacks here until RC1 is effecting more people in more ways now :(

RDX1 12-29-2003 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by filburt1
That is a violation of copyright laws. Demand that they take them down or face legal prosecution.

Yeah right, is coke going to sue pepsi (Or vise versa) because they have the same idea? They both have different ingredients.

Is vBulletin going to be sued because they started forum software, and got the idea from UBB to start one?

I don't think so, your point is moot.

Dean C 12-29-2003 09:57 AM

This has been discussed by the staff at vB.org. We came to the conclusion that if people go round re-releasing others code just ported to vB3 then it won't be allowed. We'd like to give the original authors first preference on re-releasing their code but we can't patent ideas when the code has been re-written :)

filburt1 12-29-2003 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by NerdNations
Yeah right, is coke going to sue pepsi (Or vise versa) because they have the same idea? They both have different ingredients.

Is vBulletin going to be sued because they started forum software, and got the idea from UBB to start one?

I don't think so, your point is moot.

If it is copied code with only minor changes to suit the new needs of the user, then it is still illegal.

MindTrix 12-29-2003 10:46 AM

Well all you have to do is look at the bottom of vb.org

Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.0 Gamma
Copyright ?2000 - 2003, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. This site is copyright ?2001 - 2003, vBulletin.org. All hacks are copyright their respective owners.

trafix 12-29-2003 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by MindTrix
Well all you have to do is look at the bottom of vb.org

Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.0 Gamma
Copyright ?2000 - 2003, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. This site is copyright ?2001 - 2003, vBulletin.org. All hacks are copyright their respective owners.

My point exactly!

I would definatly cause a comotion if someone release one of my hacks for vb3 ..... that is sooooooo wrong!

P.S. I have added a copyright reminder to the first post of all my vb2 hacks here on vb.org just to remind any perspective thieves ;)

Floris 12-29-2003 11:42 AM

On vBulletin.nl we allow users to release their work, IF they are the owner of the code. It has to be written from scratch. And not some remodded work or renamed functions. Unfortn. we can't check each release but when we find out someone has done this, we will take action against that release. We do not allow users to release their ports from 2.x to 3.x if they are not the author. They can, IF they have written permission from the author of the original hack. If a user finds that a hack from 2.x isn't available for 3.x and writes it from scratch him/herself and releases it, it becomes their copyright. It is just competition for the person who published his/her version for 2.x first. There are several RPG hacks on vbulletin.org and there are several portals and frontpages and cms's and there are also going to be several versions for other hacks too.

If anybody finds their work posted on vbulletin.nl please contact me on info@vbulletin.nl with details and proof that you are the author of the original work and our staff will look into it.

Floris 12-29-2003 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lesane
Alot of people over at vbulletin.nl wouldn't release their 're-releasers' hacks if they were at vbulletin.org.

Look at this post from mark:
and this thread:

I don't know if that user asked mark for permission, if it is then ok.

Faranth, what happens if vb3 hacking is allowed here? Do we get to see 2 'top poster on forumhome' hacks on vbulletin.org? One from mine (the original) and one from assassingod. I think that we get much more '2 releases of the same hack' here at vbulletin.org once vb3 hacking is allowed.

Don't get me wrong, i don't blame assassingod or any other hacker outside of vbulletin.org. It's the system, no vb3 hacking allowed here on vbulletin.org then there should be no vb3 hacking allowed elsewhere. This is the official place to hack vbulletin and not vbulletin.nl or any other site that allows vb3 hacking!

I believe Dan worked on that hack by himself because he wanted it on his site and couldn't find the source code for version 3. Did he use code from version 2 or 3 or is just the idea of the hack the same?

Lesane 12-29-2003 01:59 PM

It's not about the code because simply all the code is changed because of the incompatibility, so yes someone has started from scratch because they had to. You can't compare any code from vb3 with vb2 because of the big change in the structure as you all already know. So it's the 're-release of a hack somewhere else then vbulletin.org and where the author has changed'!

We all know that mystics released the 'Who was online today on forumhome' and now some 'animewebby' have released it again, for vb3 then.


It's just not 'fair' towards the original hacker here on vbulletin.org!

What would you do if someone else release a vb3 version of 'vb Statements System' on your site and let's say you already have planned a vb3 version of it?

Lesane 12-29-2003 02:05 PM

It seems that the original hackers here are forced to release their vb3 versions of their hacks on other places quickly before any other person re-release it!

Floris 12-29-2003 02:08 PM

Sometimes it is quite obvious how one version of a certain type of hack is written and how another version of a certain type of hack is written. The same goes for software.
ipb comes out with new features that are only seen in vb3 - its not in the vb code, but rewritten ipb code. Because they like the new feature and members want it, and they can't use vb's, they are forced to write their version of that type of feature. It can give jelsoft a bad feeling, but it is just healthy competition. The same goes for my vb statement hack - if someone rewrites it because I haven't done that already, or even if I have, but does it in his/her own way and does not use my setup for file changes, custom functions or variables and other destinctive things, then it is just another version for such a type of hack. It is competition. Unless I find a way to patent it or trademark the name. Things change when its just changed here and there and maybe a small option added, and re-released as if that person was the original author.

Lesane 12-29-2003 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mist
This has been discussed by the staff at vB.org. We came to the conclusion that if people go round re-releasing others code just ported to vB3 then it won't be allowed. We'd like to give the original authors first preference on re-releasing their code but we can't patent ideas when the code has been re-written :)

Ofcourse, the code has been rewritten for all of the vb3 hacks. Obviously don't you think?

So it isn't allowed here, what's the benefit for us when it is allowed on other sites?

Floris 12-29-2003 02:14 PM

There is a clear difference between writing code from scratch (with features and options and how it is used and set up) against converting code from vb2 to vb3.

Lesane 12-29-2003 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by floris
Sometimes it is quite obvious how one version of a certain type of hack is written and how another version of a certain type of hack is written. The same goes for software.
ipb comes out with new features that are only seen in vb3 - its not in the vb code, but rewritten ipb code. Because they like the new feature and members want it, and they can't use vb's, they are forced to write their version of that type of feature. It can give jelsoft a bad feeling, but it is just healthy competition. The same goes for my vb statement hack - if someone rewrites it because I haven't done that already, or even if I have, but does it in his/her own way and does not use my setup for file changes, custom functions or variables and other destinctive things, then it is just another version for such a type of hack. It is competition. Unless I find a way to patent it or trademark the name. Things change when its just changed here and there and maybe a small option added, and re-released as if that person was the original author.

I understand, but there is no competition in alot of hacks. What's the competition in my 'show top poster on forumhome' hack? ;)


Originally Posted by floris
There is a clear difference between writing code from scratch (with features and options and how it is used and set up) against converting code from vb2 to vb3.

Indeed, that store hack wich is released on your forum is just great. Other code, other layout.. .just a whole different store. That's from scratch, but there are alot of other hacks wich are just ported over by someone else.

RDX1 12-30-2003 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by filburt1
If it is copied code with only minor changes to suit the new needs of the user, then it is still illegal.

But he never said they copied his code, he said that they used his idea, two completely different things.

Serge 12-31-2003 01:54 AM

Microsoft does this kind of stuff everyday. Microsoft didn't make the frist windowed operation system and they didn't do a lot of other things frist either. They took the ideas that worked from other people and then redid them themselves and call it there own.

It kind of sucks for hack writers since they did it for free and it was kind of small thing to begin with but it is life or at least sociaity makes it that way.

Zachery 12-31-2003 04:00 AM

taking an idea is just that,

a now playing hack has been done to death

the store hack, is going to be done to death

CMS / Portals will be done to death

but will anyone be jumping down each others throats?

just because YOU released it first on vb.org doesnt mean you were the FIRST to do it.
im sure before you released it someone else was doing it on their own forums and just didnt release it, let alone might it even been on vBulletin. hell is the store hack even 100% your own idea? or did someone (or some other forum system) already have it and you said i can do this. so you released it?

so why arnt they complaining here?

its an idea, and it can be done 1000 times each a differnt way, and have one same effect, each way might be just as effeictient, and NO ONE is stealing anything.

cinq 12-31-2003 04:44 AM

imho, if someone were to release a hack i did , either for vb2 or vb3 versions , with or without copied code ( if without , similiar/identical ideas/features ) , I am fine with it.

It's for the benefit of the general vB community anyways. ( provided it is released through the proper avenues - such as here on vb.org where only licensed users can obtain the hack )

Unless he/she decides to sell it for profit. That then is a different story.

restless 12-31-2003 04:59 AM

would this discussion apply to "styles" where no original graphics are used? is a color scheme and placement of a few graphics included in this? i don't possibly see how it could be.

MindTrix 12-31-2003 04:24 PM

Well if i sat down and coded a real nice hack for vbulletin and it was an original idea, then all of a sudden another version popped up a couple of weeks later for vB3, i would be pretty cheesed off myself. The way i look at things, when im ATTEMPTING to create a hack for vB, i dont look down the list of hacks and say "Ohh i can make a better one of that" etc, i look for something that isnt there, so i can make it myself. If an idea has been thought of and created, then why bother making more versions of it?

Sure other people probably did make store hacks for vB before Lesane did, but Lesane was kind enough to spend the time making it and then releasing it, FOR FREE. He could have charged for something that big and there is no denying how popular that hack is.

All in all the way i see it is, if a hack has been made for vB2, leave it too the hack author too make a version for vB3, be original ;)

Zachery 12-31-2003 06:19 PM

to be fair im suprised Lesanes hack is as popular as it is considering how badly it sucks and how many security holes it opens up.

but i belive my point still stands. from my post up there

MindTrix 12-31-2003 06:23 PM

Maybe but Lesane's new store hack is alot better coded and still remains one or maybe the, most popular hack on this site. Not meaning to sound nasty as i seriously am not meaning to be, but i do not see you releasing a store hack or anything that big, Neither have i and probably never will for sometime. Who knows maybe you do have hacks like that, yet not released to the public.

In the end everyone is entitled to their point of view and their opinions i just feel maybe you should give Lesane some credit at least ;)

Zachery 12-31-2003 06:28 PM

im not saying that its not popular or that it isnt a big hack. you never know what ill release ;D

if i DID develop some store hack id probally give credit to whoever helped me. not Lesane, while he did his store hack i know it had been done before on other forums, regardless of it being public :)

MindTrix 12-31-2003 06:32 PM

Well i hope you do release something like it ;) Would be interesting :)
And yes the store hack probably was done loads of times before Lesane released his, no-one was debating that :) I meerly said Lesane was the first person to be kind enough to make one, and release it for free on this site.

But lets say for example, you made a store hack yourself. And it was really popular and it took you AGES and i mean AGES to get it perfect. Then before you know it a version is released for vB3 yet not by you, by someone else and it looked remarkably just like yours. You cannot say that, that would not annoy you

Zachery 12-31-2003 06:38 PM

sure it would annoy me but id let it go, and still release mine :)

Brad 12-31-2003 06:44 PM

Look at every bulletin board avaiable coded in php, look at every photogallery script coded in php, look at all the CMS scripts coded in php (hell just look at nuke and its forks!).

I dont see a point to this thread unless someone has copy/pasted your work, hackers are always ganna be coding, if they see something wrong and not getting fixed in hack x then they have every right to code one from scratch and release it imo.

Also, your right something is probbly ganna need to be 100% re-coded for vB 3, all I can say is make your version of said hack the best if you want people to use it, or be prepaird for someone to make a better one.

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