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-   -   vb3 Hacks.. Who is ready? What will they be? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=58614)

FlyBoy73 11-15-2003 02:37 AM

vb3 Hacks.. Who is ready? What will they be?
I'm a bit torn at the moment. I am right at the start of having a fully customized and heavily hacked v2.3.2 community built.. Graphics, scripts, hacks, and more..

Like many, I have been waiting for vb3's full release for a while. I guess the bottom line is I am willing to wait a bit longer to do my community "v2" if I can have vb3 AND the hacks that I need.

How many of you are already planning (if not working) on vb3 hacks that are either new or upgrades of the current vb2.x.x hacks, and what are they?

Please post so we can see what is planned for vB3 hacks!


Koutaru 11-15-2003 02:48 AM

If you visit http://www.vbulletin.nl there are already a few vb3 hacks out there :)

FlyBoy73 11-15-2003 02:57 AM

I checked them out but I am more interested in what the hackers from vb.org are planning. Especially upgrades (to vb3) of hacks currently available for vb2.x.x.

Gio Takahashi 11-15-2003 04:21 AM

vB3 has been around for almost a year, and betas has been indeed around for a good long time. This does give hackers a chance to make hacks for the forums.

I am very sure that there are a very good number of vB3 hacks out, just waiting to be released. Remember that vB3 hacks cannot be released until the Release Candidate (RC1) is released, which is I think due sometime in December.

So my bet is that there are a very good set of vB3 hacks made. Have patient. I am waiting for those hacks as well ;)

Link14716 11-15-2003 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by dFrisk
I checked them out but I am more interested in what the hackers from vb.org are planning. Especially upgrades (to vb3) of hacks currently available for vb2.x.x.

For the record, I had released a hack at vB.nl and I'm a vB.org hacker. Not to say I have released any hacks in a while since I have been busy on vB3.

FlyBoy73 11-15-2003 04:43 AM

Ok.. In that case, could you all list the hacks that you have made in this thread..?

Link14716 11-15-2003 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by dFrisk
Ok.. In that case, could you all list the hacks that you have made in this thread..?

All I have released at vB.nl was Shoutbox 1.0 (not to be confused with fury's shoutbox hack ;))

I have made other bug-ridden vB2 hacks, a list of those are in my profile.

I plan on killing all the bugs and completing the shoutbox hack, then moving on to other hacks.

Ky Kiske 11-15-2003 05:08 AM

I am waiting to port the ones I have been working to vb3 Gamma. I have a news script and a reviewing script.

assassingod 11-15-2003 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Ky Kiske
I am waiting to port the ones I have been working to vb3 Gamma. I have a news script and a reviewing script.

I've made:
a Portal, a Point System (Change Username via CP intergration), Avatar in UserCP, Since Your Lasy Visit, Last 10 Post of Forumhome, Add Style Link in Style Manager, Change Username via UserCP, Users Threads in Profile (Like at vb.org here)

all for vB3

Lesane 11-15-2003 10:26 AM

First i will finish the Store Hack version 3.0 for vb2.3.3 and then i will start on the vb3.0 version.

sabret00the 11-15-2003 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by assassingod
Users Threads in Profile (Like at vb.org here)

all for vB3

oooohhh that sounds sexy :)

assassingod 11-15-2003 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by sabret00the
oooohhh that sounds sexy :)

Looks it too;)

Dan 11-15-2003 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by assassingod

sexy steven very sexy :p

Zachery 11-15-2003 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Oricon
sexy steven very sexy :p

my java chat is already at vb3, ill be porting an older hack or two for some users who like it. :)

Ky Kiske 11-15-2003 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
my java chat is already at vb3, ill be porting an older hack or two for some users who like it. :)

The biggest problem I had was tapping to the WYSIWYG II Toolbar. It's took me a full month to figure out how to get it to work. Oh and using the Templates was new to me. I am a php newbie. So alot of this was killing my brain. Here's a list of some other things I am doing.

Ky Kiske's Prototypes:
1. vB3 Multiplayer Battle System
2. vB3 Exams
3. sysNews Ver. 2.1 (WYSIWYG Enabled)
4. RPG Trader's Post

Zachery 11-15-2003 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ky Kiske
The biggest problem I had was tapping to the WYSIWYG II Toolbar. It's took me a full month to figure out how to get it to work. Oh and using the Templates was new to me. I am a php newbie. So alot of this was killing my brain. Here's a list of some other things I am doing.

Ky Kiske's Prototypes:
1. vB3 Multiplayer Battle System
2. vB3 Exams
3. sysNews Ver. 2.1 (WYSIWYG Enabled)
4. RPG Trader's Post

everyone and there brother is doing a CMS / news system

however im intrested in vB3 Multiplayer Battle system

Gio Takahashi 11-15-2003 05:37 PM

Damn, sounds like tons of interesting hacks are waiting to be released here. I think I will actually upgrade when Gamma comes out.

NTLDR 11-15-2003 08:26 PM

Where to start on my on-going list of vB3 hacks. I upgraded a week or two after Beta 4 came out and converted/re-wrote all the hacks that I actually used for vB2 to vB3 as well as numerous others, note I don't take credit for the origional code, idea for all the hacks.
  • vBsite - web portal
  • vBindex - vB powered index page (See coreforums.net)
  • /me code
  • Support forum
  • Forums as columns
  • Total time online
  • Pre post messages for certain users
  • Users style in postbit
  • User selectable date format
  • Style dropdown
  • New posts/threads since last visit
  • Signature image limits
  • vB2 Style ACP Navagation
  • Microstats
  • Ban certain users from using smilies
  • Hacked archive to use URLs like Skuzzy's
  • Default avatars
  • Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc)
  • Prevent users with less than X posts posting/pmming URLs/emails
  • Prevent low posters from accessing the PM system (could be don't via usergroups, but I didn't want to :P)
  • Melody - vB FAQ Bot;
  • Allow selected users to post with a different name in selected forums;
  • Episode database;
  • Single post per thread for set threads for non-staff
  • Quick signature suspension for mods
  • Attacment icon in toolbar
  • Global ignore style moderation, users see there own unmoderated posts, other members don't
  • Strip multiple quotes on PM replies
  • Close thread on QRB
  • Hide QRB if user was the last poster
  • Changed vB Credits box in the CPs to a Site staff box
  • Log post moderation in the moderation log
  • Added WOL information for all the extra pages added
  • Non-standard extension (eg .core instead of .php)

Thats all I can think of, I'm sure I've made numerous other edits/hacks though :D

Zachery 11-15-2003 09:28 PM

Users style in postbit(done)
Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc) (wtf is the point? its just a template change anyway)
Hide QRB if user was the last poster(template edit with conditionals)
Non-standard extension (eg .core instead of .php)(according to what ive talked to kier about, will be part of the gold download system)

yea >.>

assassingod 11-15-2003 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc) (wtf is the point? its just a template change anyway)

Uhh, no...

Zachery 11-15-2003 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by assassingod
Uhh, no...

both forumid= and f= work last time i checked there parsed globaly

assassingod 11-15-2003 09:42 PM

Not to my knowledge. But most of it is file change.

Zachery 11-15-2003 09:44 PM

http://www.digitalkore.net/vb3/forum...php?forumid=29 check that out and

both work fine :)

assassingod 11-15-2003 09:45 PM

Im not talking about fourmid, action is the main one.

NTLDR 11-15-2003 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
Change do, f, p etc in the URLs to the long version (action, forumid, postid etc) (wtf is the point? its just a template change anyway)

Because I like many other users prefer this method. Yes it can be done with pesky template changes, but I'd rather not customise every template and have to spend hours updating them when the next release is out. Besides I never said there was a point to it. There are stacks of hacks which IMO are pointless, what you consider to be pointless maybe usefull to many others.


Hide QRB if user was the last poster(template edit with conditionals)
I couldn't find any variable which held the last posters userid, so its a hack at least for me.


Non-standard extension (eg .core instead of .php)(according to what ive talked to kier about, will be part of the gold download system)
Lets hope so, although I'm not overly bothered now I've done it myself, saves a little processing per page though, so it would be a bonus :)

sabret00the 11-15-2003 09:53 PM

nice work lee, that's dedication for ya :)

Zachery 11-15-2003 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
I couldn't find any variable which held the last posters userid, so its a hack at least for me.

i just did it, and ill be posting it at vbt in just abit :)


Erwin 11-16-2003 08:24 AM

I've made a few large hacks for my private forums - the main one being a totally integrated custom points system, which links to Paypal, posting, avatars, sigs, and even custom homepages. I've also made my own version of the chatbox (no queries!) and lots of admin/ moderating changes. I'll release my moderating hacks once vB3 goes RC.

sabret00the 11-16-2003 09:01 AM

i was gonna make a hack where you could buy store points via paypal, you hacked into my dreams and stole my idea erwin ;) :p

Velocd 11-16-2003 02:16 PM

I have some innovative concepts in mind. I'm currently working on a portal system. I also will release my vB3 version (much more accurate) of the similar topic check.

KuraFire 11-16-2003 03:20 PM

I have about 20 major feature additions listed in my Design Plan for KFN 6, most of which will be released here. Some of them are upgrades to my existing vB2 hacks that I never released (such as Pocket Change, my own Journal system [which is far more powerful than the vB Journal thing], my Shop), some are upgrades to vB2 hacks that I did release here (Newsportal, Change Style on All pages, Ultimate Quotes Hack [going to be massively cool in its vB3 version!], etc.), and some are features that are totally innovative on the Internet and have never before been seen on any forum in existance. :)

sabret00the 11-16-2003 03:39 PM

i gotta few hacks planned for if i ever finish learning php

KuraFire 11-16-2003 03:46 PM

Finish learning PHP? You're waiting until then? Ehm..

One can never really finish learning PHP, cos like with Every programming language there is, there are always things yet to discover that you could do with it. ^_^
(I'm being nitpicky, I know :p)

Xenon 11-16-2003 04:16 PM

I'm looking forward of the vb3 Version for Store-Hack.
Not that i'd use it, as i don't need it, but it would be surely interesting to see the changes for such a big hack :)

Myself, i've prepared 1 vb3 hack already, will prepare the second one after we upgraded to vb3 Gamma, and then when i find enough time, i'll port over all of my vb2 hacks, and maybe i'll release some of the vb.org Hacks i wrote :)

So it will be a very "releasing" first month i fear, poor mods here ;)

Ky Kiske 11-16-2003 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
everyone and there brother is doing a CMS / news system

however im intrested in vB3 Multiplayer Battle system

I know everyone does this when they start but for me sysNews was a big step since I am also using the vb3 WYSIWYG II Toolbar. Plus It's alot more big to me since I started learning php 2 months before vb3 Beta 3 came out. Oh am my multiplayer Battle System...still don't know if I am going to release that. I want to but it might stress vb3 users on servers with low bandwidth.

Dan 11-16-2003 06:16 PM

I've already ported over a few hacks to vB3 but the main one is my Now Playing Hack :D

KuraFire 11-16-2003 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Faranth
everyone and there brother is doing a CMS / news system

however im intrested in vB3 Multiplayer Battle system

Yup, but I've yet to see a single news system announced by anyone here that is going to be revolutionary. So far I've only really seen the same thing in various displays, essentially.

Good thing mine won't be anything like that ^_^

Chris M 11-16-2003 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by KuraFire
Yup, but I've yet to see a single news system announced by anyone here that is going to be revolutionary. So far I've only really seen the same thing in various displays, essentially.

Good thing mine won't be anything like that ^_^

vBindex is fairly revolutionary, with it's re-arangeable side-blocks, sidebar alignment etc...


KuraFire 11-16-2003 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by hellsatan
vBindex is fairly revolutionary, with it's re-arangeable side-blocks, sidebar alignment etc...


I don't call that revolutionary at all, no offense.

That's (as far as I can tell from your description and from what I know of vBindex) mostly just template-issues and have very little to do with the php code.

Zachery 11-16-2003 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by KuraFire
I don't call that revolutionary at all, no offense.

That's (as far as I can tell from your description and from what I know of vBindex) mostly just template-issues and have very little to do with the php code.

i can do that with mYvBindex and vBadvanced its just some html and where it goes >.>

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