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traekwon 04-16-2003 10:00 PM

Flash UserMap add-on
Flash UserMap for Vbulletin 2.x.x - version 2.0
Author: PineappleClock (pineappleclock@clockcrew.cc)

The Flash Usermap is a SWF (Shockwave Flash) program that will work with Vbulletin
to display a zoomable world map, with 'pins' representing the location of your users - so users can find other users local to them and organize meets, etc.
Each user can place his or her pin at their desire. The map is searchable.

This hack consists of a Flash 6 SWF file (your users will require flash player 6 to view this map)
which loads and sends data through a file maphandler.php, which in turn sets and retrieves information
from a custom profile field in Vbulletin. To see a demonstration of this software, go here:


Note: The clockmap running on clockcrew.cc is a specialized version of the Flash UserMap.

file Listing
install.txt -- the installation howto
maphandler.php -- the file that the SWF recieves and transmits data to.
usermap.swf -- the flash 6 user map application.
(not included) usermap.fla -- the source code for usermap.swf
Note: see install.txt for downloading instrunctions, the file is too big to include in the zip (1.4mb)
usermap.html -- a HTML file for displaying usermap.swf

Macromedia Flash MX - optional, for altering the source file 'usermap.fla'
Macromedia Flash player 6 - required for each user, a free plugin available at www.macromedia.com
vbulletin 2.x.x - required

This is a slightly generalized version of the usermap thats running on my site - it's been running for a while with no problems, but there will always be bugs. Please post if you find any, hope you find this useful :)

Vivi Ornitier 04-17-2003 08:06 PM

screens? look interesting

traekwon 04-17-2003 08:53 PM

here's a screenshot, the pin i'm hovering over with my mouse (the mouse cursor isn't in the screenshot) would go to the users Vbulletin profile once clicked:


all the references to clocks are omitted in the generalized version available for download here

Funkie 04-17-2003 09:28 PM

Installed it,mainly to see what it was all about:)
Nice lill hack works fine,just wont rlly have a use for it.

Nice work still the same.

mtha 04-17-2003 10:28 PM

it'd be great if we can add more maps :D

NuclioN 04-17-2003 11:11 PM

That's why i prefer flash 5 above MX, it sucks bigtime. If you want to change the name of choosable maps you must first study a month before you find a way to do that. Anyone an idea how to change those names? :D

zajako 04-17-2003 11:24 PM

well written, though this points most dialup users to their isp boxes and not their homes.

traekwon 04-18-2003 12:17 AM

heres some instructions on changing the maps, it's flash MX so it's a little hairy, but here goes:

changing a map:

1. grab an image that you'd like to use for your map - i used screen caps from a shareware program called 'amiglobe'
2. open usermap.fla
3. File > import to library... select your pic
4. CTRL+L brings up the library, find the map that you just imported, and select it (it should have the same name of the file you just imported)
5. rename it if you want.
6. locate the MovieClip of the map you want to replace, it will look like map###, where ### is a number.
7. double click the icon of the movieclip listing in the library to edit it
8. zoom out if you need to see the whole graphic
9. select the graphic so its selected, and right-click it, then click Swap Bitmap...
10. locate the graphic you imported and select it, and then click OK
11. click on "Scene 1" to exit movieclip editing mode

changing a map name:

with usermap.fla open:
1. put the playhead in frame 2
2. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right
3. in the properties window (Ctrl+f3 to see it) on the 'parameters' tab, double click the list cooresponding to the 'labels' entry,
4. click on the entry you'd like to change, the numbers for the entries coorespond to the map### movie clips in the library.
5. on the top left, there are four small black squares. One of them is named 'getTG', it's the 4th from the left - click to select it, and then right click, and then click on 'actions'
6. find the code that looks like this:

_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(0,"World ("+(worldcount[0] - 1)+")",0);
(assuming that you're renaming map 0, "world"; change "world" to coorespond to the name you changed in the list box.

to add a new map:

1. import a graphic for your map (i.e. Baghdad)
2. CTRL+L opens the library, look at the list of maps and find a free number (i.e. map13)
2. select the graphic, and then Insert > convert to symbol
3. make it a movieclip and name it that free number (i.e. map13)
4. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right
5. double click to edit the 'labels' data - and add the map name for your new map in a new row at the end. (i.e. Baghdad)
6. double click the Data list to edit it, and add a numeric entry to coorespond to your new map at the end of the rows. (13)
7. on the top left, there are four small black squares. One of them is named 'getTG', it's the 4th from the left - click to select it, and then right click, and then click on 'actions' to view the code.
8. find the code that looks like this:

worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
and add another 0 to the end of the list:


worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
at the end of the code, there are lines that look like this:

_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(12,"Netherlands ("+worldcount[12]+")",12);
add another entry, and change the numbers and names to coorespond. Using our example:

_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(12,"Netherlands ("+worldcount[12]+")",12);
_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(13,"Baghdad ("+worldcount[13]+")",13);

thats it, it should work - if you edit your maps, the coorseponding data on the server side will be wrong for that map.

Sorry for the complicated procedure, but it's Flash MX..
I've started work on a 2.1 version that will load pictures dynamically from images on the server and a configuration file

Erwin 04-18-2003 01:03 AM

Very cool hack. :) Well done.

auz1111 04-18-2003 03:25 AM

cool hack - installed!

Mike11212 04-18-2003 08:31 AM

I am having trouble i installed it on my board
but some reason i cant add my point or anything what am I doing wrong?

Mike11212 04-18-2003 08:33 AM

nevermind i figured it out. just having a blonde moment

Dean C 04-18-2003 01:03 PM

Wow this sounds so good but your site is saying its bandwidth limit is exceeded :(

Ninth Dimension 04-18-2003 03:35 PM

This sounds like a cool hack, if what i understand it to be is true, i'd love to have a look but as Mist said, i'm getting a bandwidth limit error :(

traekwon 04-18-2003 06:22 PM

sorry, the bandwidth error should be resolved shortly :angry: thats my hosting acting up again

Kars10 04-18-2003 06:38 PM

Hi Traekwon!
First of all, this is a really great Hack. Thanks for sharing here. :)
I have a question, how can i make a group in the Location-Dropdown for Germany. Most of my users are coming from germany.

Thanks in advance
Kars :)

[high]* Kars10 licks install![/high]

Cyricx 04-18-2003 08:23 PM

Pardon the n00b question here :P

What program are you using to open the .fla? :)

Jitway 04-18-2003 08:31 PM

Great hack love it. Installed flawless and works A-1. :cheeky:

SmartGnome 04-18-2003 08:52 PM


Today at 08:38 PM Kars10 said this in Post #16
Hi Traekwon!
First of all, this is a really great Hack. Thanks for sharing here. :)
I have a question, how can i make a group in the Location-Dropdown for Germany. Most of my users are coming from germany.

Thanks in advance
Kars :)

* Kars10 licks install!

Same for me. Great hack btw I love this flash :banana:

Will install it in the weekend

Okiewan 04-18-2003 10:24 PM

looking forward to the server working :)

mtha 04-18-2003 11:15 PM


Yesterday at 07:38 PM Kars10 said this in Post #16
I have a question, how can i make a group in the Location-Dropdown for Germany. Most of my users are coming from germany.
Kars :)

You can read post # 8 for instruction:


What program are you using to open the .fla?
Macromedia Flash

The hack is cool, *click installed*

One idea (i dont know if it's doable or not) is that, when you add one pin in a country map, it will be displayed in the world map too (estimately at the same location in the country, w.r.t world map)

same thing for "pins on state map" would be added to "country map" and "world map" too. however, for world wise use, I think we just need a world map and country maps.

the tree would be

-- Country 1
-- Country 2
--++ State/City 1
--++ State/City 2
--++ State/City 3
-- Country 3
-- Country 4
-- Country 5

Black Vivi 04-19-2003 12:33 AM

could u attach an SS?
ur bandwidth limit's exceeded

ryancooper 04-19-2003 01:18 AM

30 sec install and works perfectly!! Thanks :D

ryancooper 04-19-2003 02:00 AM

Question: How would you remove maps? I would like to get rid of the USA state maps. If they live in the USA i want them to all be on one map?

Erwin 04-19-2003 09:41 AM

I've installed it - modified to reduce 1 query and dumped the HTML file into a template so it's integrated into the forums.

I don't use flash at all - is there any way of removing the "stalker" word from description? Anyone? :)

gmarik 04-20-2003 07:55 AM

No screen working.
Can you give a link do a demo?
Sounds interesting!

dirtymerc 04-20-2003 06:24 PM

cool hack anyway to make it so it opens up in the forums with the header and footer?

alkatraz 04-20-2003 07:35 PM

sweet hack


pgowder 04-21-2003 01:39 AM

How do you add maps?? I tried the posted instructions, but the options were grayed out??

I'm looking for a map with more US cities. Has anyone created one?

mtha 04-21-2003 05:34 AM


Today at 02:39 AM pgowder said this in Post #29
How do you add maps?? I tried the posted instructions, but the options were grayed out??

I dont understand why people keep asking the same question that was ANSWERED clearly (given that you know how to work with FlashMX - otherwise, you cant do anything for right now).

the only thing traekwon forgot is adding this step before step 4:
-. put the playhead in frame 2


to add a new map :

1. import a graphic for your map (i.e. Baghdad)
2. CTRL+L opens the library, look at the list of maps and find a free number (i.e. map13)
2. select the graphic, and then Insert > convert to symbol
3. make it a movieclip and name it that free number (i.e. map13)
4. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right
5. double click to edit the 'labels' data - and add the map name for your new map in a new row at the end. (i.e. Baghdad)
6. double click the Data list to edit it, and add a numeric entry to coorespond to your new map at the end of the rows. (13)
7. on the top left, there are four small black squares. One of them is named 'getTG', it's the 4th from the left - click to select it, and then right click, and then click on 'actions' to view the code.
8. find the code that looks like this:

worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
and add another 0 to the end of the list:


worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
at the end of the code, there are lines that look like this:

_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(12,"Netherlands ("+worldcount[12]+")",12);
add another entry, and change the numbers and names to coorespond. Using our example:

_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(12,"Netherlands ("+worldcount[12]+")",12);
_root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(13,"Baghdad ("+worldcount[13]+")",13);

thats it, it should work - if you edit your maps, the coorseponding data on the server side will be wrong for that map.

to remove maps, you can do the opposite steps:


to remove maps :

1. load the .fla file
2. relax
2. relax
3. put the playhead in frame 2
4. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right
5. double click to edit the 'labels' data - and remove the map names that you want to remove
*6. double click the Data list to edit it, and remove the numeric entry to coorespond to your removed map.
(the renumbered would be [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

7. on the top left, there are four small black squares. One of them is named 'getTG', it's the 4th from the left - click to select it, and then right click, and then click on 'actions' to view the code.
*8. find the code that looks like this:

worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
and remove #0 coresponding to the # of maps that you removed in the list:


worldcount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
at the end of the code, there are lines that look like this:

    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(0, "World ("+(worldcount[0]-1)+")", 0);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(1, "USA ("+worldcount[1]+")", 1);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(2, "Europe ("+worldcount[2]+")", 2);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(3, "UK ("+worldcount[3]+")", 3);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(4, "Canada ("+worldcount[4]+")", 4);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(5, "Australia ("+worldcount[5]+")", 5);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(6, "Japan ("+worldcount[6]+")", 6);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(7, "California ("+worldcount[7]+")", 7);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(8, "Texas ("+worldcount[8]+")", 8);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(9, "Hawaii ("+worldcount[9]+")", 9);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(10, "NY/Toronto ("+worldcount[10]+")", 10);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(11, "Florida ("+worldcount[11]+")", 11);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(12, "Netherlands ("+worldcount[12]+")", 12);

remove the entry, coresponding to the removed map(s).


    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(0, "World ("+(worldcount[0]-1)+")", 0);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(1, "USA ("+worldcount[1]+")", 1);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(2, "Europe ("+worldcount[2]+")", 2);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(3, "UK ("+worldcount[3]+")", 3);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(4, "Canada ("+worldcount[4]+")", 4);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(5, "Australia ("+worldcount[5]+")", 5);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(6, "Japan ("+worldcount[6]+")", 6);
    _root.worldlist.replaceItemAt(7, "Netherlands ("+worldcount[7]+")", 7);

thats it, it should work - if you edit your maps, the coorseponding data on the server side will be wrong for that map.
I would suggest to re-number the entries in step 6 and 8, for example, if you removed the US states maps, the numbers would be like in the exampled.

the attachment is the flash file that have only world map.
Thanks traekwon for releasing this hack, hope you dont mind if we change the codes (as you release the code, and show us how to change it)

mtha 04-21-2003 05:57 AM

anyone wanna do a contry-to-country map?

here's a good source:

however, if all maps included to the flash, the files gonna be huge?

traekwon, you can use it for your "maps loaded from files" version, if you dont have them ready.

pgowder 04-21-2003 05:57 PM

Ok, I'm asking because the instructions don't seem to work for me. I open the file in Flash and click on ctl-l. That brings up a Output window that is not editable.

I'm trying to edit the swf file. Is there a fla file??

eggz 04-21-2003 07:17 PM

Yes - check install.txt in your ZIP for instructions on how to get it, or see the last(ish) post on the last page for a zip.

Cheers traekwon btw, this hack rules!


pgowder 04-22-2003 02:40 AM

Ok, where do I find the:

to add a new map:


4. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right


mtha 04-22-2003 03:16 AM


Yesterday at 06:57 PM pgowder said this in Post #32
I'm trying to edit the swf file. Is there a fla file??

There's a .FLA file. read the readme.txt for the link.


3. put the playhead in frame 2
4. click to select the 'worldmap' list box component on the upper right
when you select frame 2, you'll see the worldmap list box.

traekwon forgot to mention it in the add map guide, but he did, on the one above that.

Okiewan 04-22-2003 12:58 PM

First, thanks for the hack! It's GREAT!

I hope this isn't a dumb question... please forgive!
I need to make the pin graphic much smaller, with only 50 or so of my members (25,000 all together) a lot of the pins overlap. I'm thinking a SMALL dot would work. I do have Flash MX, but have never used it :) ... can I get a hand with this?

Dean C 04-22-2003 06:31 PM

Has anyone got an example of this up and running yet *rolls eyes* :)?

- miSt

pgowder 04-22-2003 06:50 PM

Is there a way to add state maps and have the totals for a state roll up to the US Map?

And is there a way to link zooming from US to a new state map?


Okiewan 04-22-2003 07:00 PM


Today at 01:31 PM Mist said this in Post #37
Has anyone got an example of this up and running yet *rolls eyes* :)?

- miSt

http://dirtrider.net/forums3/usermap.html ;)

As you can see, with just over 90 members on (just put this up), some areas are already too crowded. Would be cool to NOT show the user name until a mouse over. I've already reduced the size of the pin.

Dean C 04-22-2003 07:54 PM

Hmmm yes i think it would be best with say a pin marking the place on the map then u hover ure mouse over it and it says the members :)

It takes ages for me to load on 56k too :( but it looks cool ;)

- miSt

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