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-   -   Profile Tagboard (a tagboard in every user's profiles) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=51705)

The_Wanderer 04-15-2003 10:00 PM

Profile Tagboard (a tagboard in every user's profiles)
hmm.. I dont think this has been released before.. or at least i couldn't find it.

so, here we go :)

sql queries to run: 1
file edits: 1
template edits: 1 and 3 new templates

the hack adds a tagboard to every user's profile. There's not much more to tell about it, really. It's made so only members of your forum can post in the tagboard, of course :)
uhm.. the standard version of the tagboard only shows the 10 newest messages, but you can easily change it.
just find:


("SELECT * FROM profiletagboard WHERE touserid='$userinfo[userid]' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10")
and change the LIMIT to whatever you want.. (i might add a "show all messages" in the next version)

I might add more stuff in future versions. Like edit buttons, delete buttons and whatever I can come up with..any suggestions are welcome :)

v1.1 Upgrade:
HTML has been disabled
You can now edit/delete messages
The tagboard owner can now delete messages in his/her board
You can now show all your messages

Total Files to edit: 1
Total Templates to edit: 1 and 9 new templates
Total sql queries to run: 1

v1.2 Upgrade:
Smilies in messages have been enabled
bbcode has been enabled
fewer queries

Total Files to edit: 1
Total Templates to edit: 1 and 9 new templates
Total sql queries to run: 1

5 (before v1.2)
6 (after v1.2)

Live Demo:
Not available

oh.. and remember to click Install, if you install

The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 09:42 PM


The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 09:42 PM


The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 09:42 PM


joeboo 04-16-2003 10:00 PM

hey cool, kinda like the user comments hack but it doesnt have the comments in another page. Thanks for sharing :)

Dan 04-16-2003 10:02 PM

How many messages does it hold in the profile? Or is it all of them?

The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 10:05 PM


Today at 11:02 PM Oricon said this in Post #6
How many messages does it hold in the profile? Or is it all of them?
uhm, i'm not sure i understand the question :ermm:

but uhm. there's a tagboard for every user. but it only shows the 10 newest messages in the user's tagboard, you can change that though (read my first post)
imagine if a used har 100 messages in his/her tagboard.. would be quite a mess if you'd have to wait for all that to load everytime you entered their profile :)

colicab-d 04-16-2003 10:06 PM

oricon it shows 10 /\/\/\ .. hmm i would use this if it werent for the fact im using filburts one :D

Dan 04-16-2003 10:09 PM

Hmm..... this is more like what I need.... But I don't want to go through the bother of uninstalling filburts...

/me clicks install incase he changes his mind.

Good work anyways!

The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 10:09 PM

arh damn.. i didn't think anyone had released this kind of hack yet...

i'll use it myself then :)


Today at 11:09 PM Oricon said this in Post #9
Hmm..... this is more like what I need.... But I don't want to go through the bother of uninstalling filburts...

* Oricon clicks install incase he changes his mind.

Good work anyways!

thanks :)

bharvey42 04-16-2003 11:17 PM

I thought a tag board was for users to post there own polls or surveys

I would like to request that hack :)

The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 11:23 PM

i could probably make such hack... :)

could you be a bit more specefic though?

uhm.. also i've updated the hack.. :\

in member.php find:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO profiletagboard (msg, touserid, fromuserid) VALUES ('$text','$userinfo[userid]','$bbuserinfo[userid]')") or die (mysql_error());};
and replace with


$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO profiletagboard (msg, touserid, fromuserid) VALUES ('$text','$userinfo[userid]','$bbuserinfo[userid]')") or die (mysql_error());
header("location: member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=$action&userid=$userinfo[userid]");
I don't think i have to explain what this does?

Link14716 04-16-2003 11:52 PM

Why are you using mysql_query? Why not use $DB_site->query? ;)

Looks pretty good. I might install this one :)

The_Wanderer 04-16-2003 11:54 PM


Today at 12:52 AM Link14716 said this in Post #13
Why are you using mysql_query? Why not use $DB_site->query ;)

Looks pretty good. I might install this one :)

lol.. oops.. i dont use mysql_query everywhere though ;)
uhm i have a question though... $DB_site->fetch_object generates errors.. would you happen to know why?

Link14716 04-17-2003 12:05 AM

What does mysql_fetch_object do? It looks like the long way around using query_first... ;)

The_Wanderer 04-17-2003 12:11 AM

haha.. well......shut up :rolleyes: *cough*

it works though :cheeky:

Link14716 04-17-2003 12:16 AM

Y-y-y-y-you are telling m-m-m-m-me to shut up? HOW DARE YOU!

[high]* Link14716 grabs the Master Sword, looks at it for a moment, and mutters something, switching it to light saber mode. :D

Come on, tell me to shut up again! ;) :p

The_Wanderer 04-17-2003 12:20 AM

hahaha... maybe i will ;)

PiotrasG 04-17-2003 02:34 AM

nice, i've installed this one! :)

i have a question:

is it possible to receive email message or private message on forum when someone leaves a comment on this user profile?

SpeedStreet 04-17-2003 02:39 AM

Not only that, but another nice feature would be to give the user the ability to delete messages in their own profile...

Just a thought....call me stupid.

Red Blaze 04-17-2003 04:02 AM

Something like this was already done, but this one shows the avatars, right? I don't think the other one does. Once the amount of comments have been maxed out, what happens to the old comments?

kaotic 04-17-2003 04:16 AM

I would actually prefer this hack if the old user comments went to another page rather than disappearing...

The_Wanderer 04-17-2003 10:07 AM

those are all good ideas.. remember this is version 1.
I was thinking about adding more pages for the rest of the messages, so don't worry :)


Today at 03:34 AM PiotrasG said this in Post #19
nice, i've installed this one! :)

i have a question:

is it possible to receive email message or private message on forum when someone leaves a comment on this user profile?

a very good idea.. i'll try to fix that...


Today at 03:39 AM SpeedStreet said this in Post #20
Not only that, but another nice feature would be to give the user the ability to delete messages in their own profile...

Just a thought....call me stupid.

I mentioned in my first post that the next version would include delete and edit buttons ;)

Red Blaze 04-17-2003 01:20 PM

This is real cool, I'll install when the features I want are included. ^_^

/me clicks install.

Xyphen 04-17-2003 07:33 PM

Damn, i was about to release my version and now there are like 3 ppl who already released it, nice work btw.

kaotic 04-17-2003 09:57 PM

I'll go ahead and install this now, but hope that it is updated with a new feature or two soon. :) Thanks for the hack.

The_Wanderer 04-17-2003 11:06 PM


Yesterday at 10:57 PM kaotic said this in Post #26
I'll go ahead and install this now, but hope that it is updated with a new feature or two soon. :) Thanks for the hack.
don't worry... there definetly will be more features ;)
i'll start working on the next version this sunday. I don't have time to work on it before then, sadly..

kaotic 04-19-2003 07:05 PM

Is it possible to show the latest comments on the bottom rather than at the top?

The_Wanderer 04-19-2003 09:18 PM


Today at 08:05 PM kaotic said this in Post #28
Is it possible to show the latest comments on the bottom rather than at the top?
piece of cake...


("SELECT * FROM profiletagboard WHERE touserid='$userinfo[userid]' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10")


("SELECT * FROM profiletagboard WHERE touserid='$userinfo[userid]' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10")

TheComputerGuy 04-19-2003 10:17 PM

fixed it

Chris M 04-19-2003 11:35 PM

Looks good:)


kaotic 04-19-2003 11:40 PM

I knew it'd be simple. :p Thanks.

The_Wanderer 04-19-2003 11:58 PM


I finished v1.1 :)

I'll briefly describe what you can do in v1.1
In 1.1 you can edit/delete messages in the board. The owner can delete any message posted in his/her board.
HTML has been disabled in messages.
You can now show all messages.

the upgrades are in the zip file in my first post..
oh, and here's a screenshot :)

EDIT: this isn't the final version btw.. i'll try to work on some of the stuff you guys requested...

kaotic 04-20-2003 01:28 AM

Great! I just installed it using the upgrade instructions. Everything is running fine so far. :) Gj & Ty.

Red Blaze 04-20-2003 02:18 AM

I ran into a problem... not a major one, but well... I can't submit anything. I can't seem to find the submit/edit buttons anywhere. Well, I just added $.profiletagboardsubmit and it appeard, but no action took place. Like the comment didn't get recoreded. Heck the page didn't even reload. Do you need more info from my mystery? ^^;

The_Wanderer 04-20-2003 11:00 AM

did you create all the required templates?

uhm.. chances are that you did something wrong when you installed it.. maybe you should try to re-install?

sounds weird though..

Tenpit 04-20-2003 11:34 AM


Today at 03:18 AM Sonikku said this in Post #35
I ran into a problem... not a major one, but well... I can't submit anything. I can't seem to find the submit/edit buttons anywhere. Well, I just added $.profiletagboardsubmit and it appeard, but no action took place. Like the comment didn't get recoreded. Heck the page didn't even reload. Do you need more info from my mystery? ^^;
I installed v1.1 for the first time, in the instructions, it says the getinfo template edit is
PHP Code:

<a href="member2.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=addlist&userlist=ignore&userid=$userinfo[userid]"><font color="#EEEEFF">Add $userinfo[usernameto Your Ignore List</font></a>

add the bellowafter it:

table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#0A293E" 

width="95%" align="center"><tr><td>
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0"  width="100%">
td bgcolor="#1D6AA0" colspan="2"
table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
tr id="cat"
td align="left" widht="50%"><normalfont color="#EEEEFF"><b>Profile 
For $userinfo[username] </b></normalfont></td>
td align="right" width="50%"><a href=?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=tball&userid=$userinfo[userid]><smallfont 

="#EEEEFF" class="thtcolor">Show all messages</smallfont></a></td>

this doesn't give the submission box, looking in the v1.0 instructions it seems

PHP Code:

form method=post action=>

is missing off the end. So just that part in and it will work.


The_Wanderer 04-20-2003 12:03 PM

he's right... sorry about that.. how emberrasing.. :(

i'll update the install file...

The_Wanderer 04-20-2003 12:36 PM

hmm.. i found a small 'bug'

it's higly recommended you replace the getinfo_profiletagboardmsgs template with the bellow..

PHP Code:

td bgcolor="$backcolorwidth="160" valign="top" nowrap><normalfont><b>$tbuser</b></normalfont><br>
img src="$tbavatar"></td>
td bgcolor="$backcolorvalign="top" width="100%"><normalfont><b>$msg</b></normalfont></td>
td bgcolor="$backcolorwidth="160" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
td bgcolor="$backcolorwidth="100%"><div align=right><smallfont><a href=?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=tbdel&tbid=$result[id]&userid=$userinfo[userid]>Delete</a> | <a href=?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=tbedit&tbid=$result[id]&userid=$userinfo[userid]>Edit</a></smallfont></div></td>

You don't have to do it.. but if you don't, a user's tagboard might end up looking like the picture submitted..
i'll update the install file (again ;) )

Tenpit 04-20-2003 01:41 PM

How can it be changed so that Admins can 'Edit' or 'Delete' any message?



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