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shovel 03-17-2003 05:03 PM

[vB] - French Edition
Hello vB.org Members! :)

My name is, ofcourse, Anthony White. I've played the role of a web developer for almost [thinks] six years now. I was wanting to know what you guys/gals thought about a French version of a vBulletin site. It would be [http://www.vbulletin.fr]. Please vote! I'm planning on submitting this idea to John in a few days and I need to know what the actual vBulletin community thinks. Thank you. Regards,

- Anthony

N9ne 03-17-2003 05:05 PM

If there's enough people demanding a french version of vB, I can't see why not...vB has been released in German recently :)

shovel 03-17-2003 05:06 PM

Yes, it is my point of motivation. That and my fluency in French. ;)

Xenon 03-17-2003 05:07 PM

AFAIK John has declined a french or any other official foreign vb for now.
vb germany is a test case, and if everything works as they want, there can come up more.

So i don't think you'd have success (in the nearer time), but in my eyes, yes, there should be an official vbfrance :)

shovel 03-17-2003 05:09 PM

Thank you for your support Stefan. Let's hope that vBGermany succeeds. :)

Chris M 03-17-2003 05:15 PM

I personally think that there should not only be vBGerman, but vBFrench, vBSpanish and vBArabic...

I am all in favour of foreign language forums (as I love to speak and learn new languages), and I vote yes:)


shovel 03-17-2003 05:17 PM

Go hellsatan! :) You've always been a good guy to post with. ;)

sabret00the 03-17-2003 05:19 PM

see the only thing with that, if the french aint ignorant like the brits and yanks and thus tend to learn learn englishso if their really any need, not to mention that a good translater site will do it all for ya

shovel 03-17-2003 05:21 PM

^^ Considered. Thank you for your opinion and vote sabret00the. :)

amykhar 03-17-2003 05:28 PM

I am just curious why the French have to have Jelsoft's permission to open a hacking board about Vbulletin? If they open a board discussing hacking and they don't try to plagiarize our work, what is the problem?

In addition, Jelsoft's blessing for a French forum or a German forum or whatever language forum still doesn't give the owners of those forums the right to take our coding work and translate it.


Chris M 03-17-2003 05:30 PM


@sabretooth - I can see your point...However...It is unfair to call all brits and yanks ignorant - I myself am learning two foreign languages for A Level, and am considering learning Spanish after I go to university, where I plan to study German to Degree level...

Secondly...I am sure that if you spoke Spanish as a first language, that you would want a spanish vBulletin site as opposed to an English vBulletin site, as you would an English site as a fluent English over a Spanish one...

@amy - That is true - I am sure though, that if someone asked you if they could translate your hack into their own native language, for use on an Official vBulletin foreign site, that you would agree? I guess if they are really an official vBulletin site, they would remove the hack if it is your wish;)

@Anthony - Cheers;) I am all for Globalisation and Languages:)


sabret00the 03-17-2003 05:35 PM

hellsatan, i'm english myself, i was just going with the majority really (generalising)

Dean C 03-17-2003 05:45 PM

I don't think there should be any with the language capabilities of vb3... Long as there are a team of translators i believe there is no need for a foreign support site.

- miSt

Dan 03-17-2003 06:02 PM

I think there should be translations of the software. Even know I personaly am good in several languages(which include french, spanish and a bit of german[I'm not that great in any of them though]) I would love to see a site like this come into exsistence.


amykhar 03-17-2003 06:15 PM

The problem with creating an "official" French site is that if the admins and mods do not conduct themselves properly or if the hacks and support suck then Jelsoft gets a bad reputation. The existing French board got off on the wrong foot by taking copyrighted material and posting it on their site. Therefore, I can fully understand Jelsoft's hesitation to make them official. However, I am still unclear as to why the French cannot open their forums in an unofficial capacity and just not post our work without our permission?


Chris M 03-17-2003 06:28 PM

Because they could be interpreted as an official vBulletin site, and like you say, if their support sucks, Jelsoft get a bad reputation;)


amykhar 03-17-2003 06:33 PM

So, you or I could not start a forum discussing vbulletin hacking because it might be seen as an "official" site?


Breaker 03-17-2003 06:48 PM

well most sites nowadays that discuss vb and only vb related stuff seem to be thought of as official for some reason. Unless it is shown that the site is unofficial people may take it as official, and u probably get my point

Xenon 03-17-2003 07:10 PM

the official german site is much more than a place where you talk german.
the wholy license things has to be portet over, you can buy vb there with other payment methods than on vb.com.

also the full support is in german, which can help a lot of people which don't speak english very well.

but that's also the point why it's hard to become an official site. the difference in laws and so on.

Erwin 03-17-2003 08:21 PM

Maybe I should start an "official" Aussie vB site. ;)

The issue of the copying of hacks is a real one though. However, the French vB admins are doing the right thing by asking for permission from the hackers here before copying the hacks.

shovel 03-17-2003 08:34 PM

^^ Mighty good point. I just want to be able to support French speaking people in a more composed and oriented atmosphere. :)

shovel 03-17-2003 08:45 PM


Erwin, filbert, or Xenon; would you please sticky this because I believe it is really important. That would be mighty great. Thank you. Regards,

- Anthony

Erwin 03-17-2003 09:02 PM

Let me get this straight -

www.vbulletin.fr is different to www.vbulletin-fr.com

is that right? What are the differences?

shovel 03-17-2003 09:05 PM

No, I wanted to create an official site that could be put up now, quite similar to vBulletin-Germany.com. I wanted to get this through the people and start the real site, not sit on it. I know that they tried before but I also know that the French are a bit tired of waiting. I just want to make their wait worth while. :)

Velocd 03-18-2003 02:50 AM

Anthony, you obviously seem very charismatic and generous to this matter, so don't misinterpret me for asking the following for it is just out of curiosity, but why are you involving yourself in a France vBulletin hack-resource site, should this not be done by an official or representative from the vBulletin/Jelsoft staff? Maybe instead you could advocate your concerns to them and pressure for a change? Or is this something that Jelsoft cannot attend to and must subject their clients into fending for themselves?

shovel 03-18-2003 10:19 AM

Thank you Velocd. You are right in that I do lack the power of being on the Jelsoft staff. I would pressure them though I believe that currently they are already hammered with too many other problems then to worry themselves about starting another foreign language site. All I wanted to do was to ease this stress and help in the best way possible, which in my eyes is to take it upon myself to get this site going. I would only like to push the issue as long as the vBulletin population sees fit, which is why I created this thread. Excellent questions, I must say.

Nzo 04-05-2003 09:26 AM

@Crater Seraph :
Our objective (vbulletin-fr.com) , i think is the same of your: become the official vbulletin support in france.

We just want :


- To give a hight quality support for vbulletin product in french.
- Translate, create and share Hacks/Mod only with french vbulletin custumers.(not unlicenced)
- To show how vbulletin sofware is wonderfull and that jeloft is aware of french community.

For the moment you should admit that on this three points there is nothing official. ( I hope not for a long !! )

As you know John doesn?t want to start a french support community right now.

But we still thinking that it?s important for us to continue our work because french people really need support as much as other vbulletin customers.
We work in the respect of the law, as well has the regard of jelsoft as hackers of vb.org or vbt.com

Hacker now are easly understanding situation, that we are not hack stealers and we are very respectful of copyright etc etc ...
So Now we always take prior agrement before translate hacks .
And I would like to thank all hackers for their agrement because a very large majoritie is ok ... :)

We really work hard to be official for a long and if you want also to start another french support i should tell you that the way to official will be long ...

French vbulletin community for the moment is divided and create a new one is not (in my mind) a good way to get one day an official site ... maybe a joint work would be, I think, a better solution

Corbu 04-06-2003 10:03 AM

There is allready 2 french community at the moment.

I'm the owner of one witch can be found here : http://www.vbulletin-fr.com/forum/
This forum have 1500 members.

Of course I'm disagree to do see a lot of french forums... It would be great to discuss about that in this french forum or by pm to produce better quality of work because creating a new community is harder for you.

So, do what do you want but I vote "disagree".

grog6 08-12-2003 10:17 AM

............ who are you exactly shovel ?

As Corbu said, there is already two major forums devoted to vbulletin


We've already asked Jelsoft to become official but without success, and I don't think you know enough about the french community with all its problem ...... :disappointed:

Moreover there will be soon an other french forum which will be open, I thought 2 forums were already too much, now with 3 I'm not sure it will be a good thing ... :rolleyes:

Dean C 08-12-2003 10:51 AM

Yes there is vbulletin-france already and vbulletinfrance i think :)

filburt1 08-12-2003 01:16 PM

Which is the one that pirated my hacks?

Corbu 08-12-2003 02:01 PM

This is very difficult to became an official website because whe can't use the system to verify if members are licenced as Jelsoft said.
So we try to do the best. We ask every hackers for permission to translate in french. This is to respect as much is possible copyrights.
You can see the list here :

Sometimes there is problems (also a lot in the starting of this system) but now it work. It is the only possibility we have at the moment.
If there any problems of copyrights, please ask me and I will delete translated hacks.

Another thing :
Complete French language version of vb3 is now finished. Style + Language. (We just have to traduce the last one : "Control Panel Help") . I want to give congratulations to my staff because they work fine.

Thanks for understanding.

sabret00the 08-12-2003 03:28 PM

i'd see more point in vb-japan or china as that's a whole other language where as most french ppl speak one of either german or english fluently.

as for the database thing, i don't see why that couldn't work, i mean vbt is on another host to vb.com and that's done, not even to mention that vbT isn't even linked from vb.com or .org for what reason i don't know, it's never made sense to me but meh.

noppid 08-12-2003 04:02 PM

I get tired of hearing this crap about people using "our hacks."
They were released and should be free for any one to use with a licensed VB. What language it's presented is shouldn't matter. Where it's presented shouldn't matter. It was released. 99.9% of the code in most hacks are just variations of VB code. Where do people get off with this original code that is copywrited idea?

If it's private code, don't post it anywhere.

filburt1 08-12-2003 05:46 PM


Today at 01:02 PM noppid said this in Post #34
99.9% of the code in most hacks are just variations of VB code.
*chokes on the air* What!? The majority of the code is original. It would be illegal to distribute if it was just slight variations of vB code.

Code can be free but restricted quite legally. Look at the GNU public license, for one. You can easily state that your code is free but only certain people may use it; specifically, only licensed members of this community.

SmEdD 08-12-2003 06:02 PM

Why can't there just be one language in the world?

It would make the world so much better and peaceful!

Corbu 08-12-2003 08:23 PM

of course yes !
Only one language in the world would be better... But whitch one ? .. lol

Lumina 08-12-2003 09:42 PM


Yesterday at 09:02 PM SmEdD said this in Post #36
Why can't there just be one language in the world?

It would make the world so much better and peaceful!

I do not agree.
One language and things get much better ?
Then what about one hair color, one eye color only ?
Or one underwear color only ?
Or one operating system only ?
Or one car brand only ?
Or one post-card, one stamp only ?
Or one religion, one country, one president only ?

See, multiple cultures is very important.

About the French translation of vB3, it's almost finished just as Nzo and Corbu said. It will be freely available here :

About an official site, I am favourable if it allows to create an official French installation pack.

filburt1 08-12-2003 09:54 PM

Eye, hair, and skin colors are not necessary to be the same for modern-day communication. Needing to be able to say "Help" without remembering "help" or "ayuda" is necessary.

SmEdD 08-12-2003 10:02 PM

I'm not saying for us to be the same by all having the same language. Just saying it would make life a whole lot better. Same physical bodys and cultures would make it alot worse because it would be so boaring.

And Religion would stop alot of wars.

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