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flame 02-15-2003 10:00 PM

Username Font Colour
This addon was requested Here

Basically wot this addon does is allow the user to buy a different font colour for his their Username.

It can also be mixed with the current "glow" and "italic" features that Lesane has already added to the store.

upload storeupdate.php to you admin dir and run via browser this will make the necessary database changes.
ive included a updated store.php with all the file changes involved ready to go. Remember and add the templates (preferably with Firefly's TBS)

Also Read the instructions.txt file as it has a file edit to be done before this addon will work.

Hope you enjoy


Savant 02-16-2003 07:07 AM

well it.. doesn't crash, but so far the only color that shows up is my default forum text color (a light blue) even if i put in #ffffff or #000000

and the hex color chooser dilly doesn't work... it pops up but clicking on the colors doesnt do much. Actually does nuthin heh. Not that it matters since the only available color at this point is my text color, but another lil bug :)

Anyhow, nothing terrible happens, but its not workin fer me yet :P :bunny:

flame 02-16-2003 03:42 PM

Did you run the file edit in the instructions.txt?

This is the only problem i can figure out it can be


LightBringer 02-16-2003 05:11 PM

I'm getting a database error when trying to run the script, is there any way you can give me the sql query so I can make the changes by hand? Thanks :)

mx3 02-16-2003 07:01 PM

could you like include in the instructions what to do to store.php? i already have changed it for other addons and i don't want to lose those...

Savant 02-16-2003 07:48 PM

yup, i did all the instructions... went back over em, everything looks in order.. but still no colors :( if anyone gets this workin, lemme know and il try over again :laugh:

JHSoundZ 02-18-2003 02:01 PM

cool for making this hack for us....
but doesnt seem to be working for ppl :(

also as mx3 sed if yaz fix it or whatever cud you please include insturctions on changes to store.php ... cause mine has quite a few of addons.

Dean C 02-18-2003 02:07 PM

How come i never saw these hacks two days ago?

THis is odd. Nice hack nevertheless buddy :)


- miSt

flame 02-18-2003 09:49 PM

k here are all the file changes needed.

in store.php find
PHP Code:


And replace with
PHP Code:


PHP Code:

global $points$usertitle$username$userid$storename$pointname$glow$italic

And replace with
PHP Code:

global $points$usertitle$username$userid$storename$pointname$glow$italic$fcolour

PHP Code:


And Below it Add
PHP Code:


PHP Code:

if ($glow!="" AND $italic=="1") {
$username="<font style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\"><i>$username</i></font>";
       } elseif (
$glow!="") {
$username="<font style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\">$username</font>";
       } elseif (
$italic=="1") {
       } else {

And replace with:
PHP Code:

if ($glow!="" AND $italic=="1" AND $fcolour!="") {
$username="<font color=\"$fcolour\" style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\"><i>$username</i></font>";
       } elseif (
$glow!="" AND $fcolour!="") {
$username="<font color=\"$fcolour\" style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\">$username</font>";
       } elseif (
$italic=="1" AND $fcolour!="") {
$username="<font color=\"$fcolour\"<i>$username</i></font>";
        } elseif (
$glow!="" AND $italic=="1") {
$username="<font style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\"><i>$username</i></font>";
          } elseif (
$glow!="") {
$username="<font style=\"filter:glow(color=$glow, strength=3);height=1px\">$username</font>";
} elseif (
$fcolour!="") {
$username="<font color=\"$fcolour\">$username</font>";
} elseif (
$italic=="1") {
} else {

PHP Code:

// oweee, 1252 Lines Of Code And It keeps Growing...... 

And Above it add:
PHP Code:

// ###################### Start font colour ###########
if ($action=="fcolour") {

$contest $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store WHERE action='fcolour'");

if (
$cost>$points) {

if (
$glow!="") {
       } else {

// ###################### Start font colour Verify #######################
if ($action=="fcolourverify") {

$contest $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store WHERE action='fcolour'");
$need=$points $cost;
if (
$cost>$points) {


// ###################### Start font colour Change #######################
if ($action=="fcolourchanged") {

if (
$fcolour!="") {
$changeusernow $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep-$cost, fcolour='$nfcolour' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$changestorenow $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET sold=sold+1 WHERE id='$storeid'");
$storequant $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store");
if (
$storequant[quantity]=='0') {
} elseif (
$storequant[quantity]=='1') {
$closequan $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET quantity='0', ok='N' WHERE id='$storeid'");
} else {
$updatequan $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET quantity=quantity-1 WHERE id='$storeid'");
$moneycheck $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$money $moneycheck[storep];
} else {
$changeusernow $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep-$cost, fcolour='$nfcolour' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$changestorenow $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET sold=sold+1 WHERE id='$storeid'");
$storequant $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store");
if (
$storequant[quantity]=='0') {
} elseif (
$storequant[quantity]=='1') {
$closequan $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET quantity='0', ok='N' WHERE id='$storeid'");
} else {
$updatequan $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET quantity=quantity-1 WHERE id='$storeid'");
$moneycheck $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$money $moneycheck[storep];

// ###################### Start font colour Delete Verify #######################
if ($action=="fcolourdelete") {

$contest $DB_site->query_first("SELECT id,costs FROM store WHERE action='fcolour'");
$need=$points $cost;

if (
$cost>$points) {


// ###################### Start Delete font colour #######################
if ($action=="deletefcolour") {

$changeusernow $DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep-$cost, fcolour='' WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$moneycheck $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$money $moneycheck[storep];

Thats All for Store.php

In admin/functions.php
PHP Code:

if ($post[glow]!="" AND $post[italic]=="1") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow_italic')."\";");  
       } elseif (
$post[glow]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow')."\";");
       } elseif (
$post[italic]=="1") {
       } else {

And Replace with:
PHP Code:

if ($post[glow]!="" AND $post[italic]=="1" AND $post[fcolour]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow_italic_fcolour')."\";");
          } elseif (
$post[glow]!="" AND $post[fcolour]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow_fcolour')."\";");
          } elseif (
$post[italic]=="1" AND $post[fcolour]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_italic_fcolour')."\";");
          } elseif (
$post[glow]!="" AND $post[italic]=="1") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow_italic')."\";");  
          } elseif (
$post[glow]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_glow')."\";");
      } elseif (
$post[fcolour]!="") {
"\$storeextraglow = \"".gettemplate('store_extra_fcolour')."\";");
      } elseif (
$post[italic]=="1") {
       } else {

Save and upload Both Files.

The database queries as requested are:
PHP Code:

ALTER TABLE user ADD fcolour varchar(255NOT NULL DEFAULT '' 

PHP Code:

INSERT INTO store VALUES (20'fcolour''Add A Font Colour To Username''200''0''colour.gif''With this action you can add an attractive Font color to your username wich you can define yourself. If you have already a Font Colour then you can change it here aswell.''Y','0' 

And obviously upload the templates from post #1 of this thread

Hope this helps thoses ppl that couldnt get the install file to work


Limitter 02-19-2003 01:19 PM

Must edit the "Picker.html" ???

I could not select, i had the file with the Varuiable

PHP Code:

function passColor(color) {
window.opener.document.name.elements.nfcolour.value color

again provides

Greetz and thx for this nice addon


flame 02-19-2003 01:52 PM

Thx Limitter, i fogot to add that part :)

Glad you like it

my members are trying to save their points for all the features lol (doesnt help that they have to use their points to post new threads in certain forums :)


sabret00the 02-27-2003 11:45 AM

does this work now?

dnd 03-02-2003 11:19 PM


Originally posted by sabret00the
does this work now?

dnd 03-07-2003 01:51 AM

coudn't run the second database queiry

PHP Code:


-query :  

INSERT INTO store VALUES (20'fcolour''Add A Font Colour To Username''200''0''colour.gif''With this action you can add an attractive Font color to your username wich you can define yourself. If you have already a Font Colour then you can change it here aswell.''Y','0'

MySQL said

You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1 

Ice Effect69 04-01-2003 09:48 PM

I cant get the colors to show up in the posts, i got the ticker to work though.. Would it be because I use a style?

sabret00the 04-02-2003 09:08 AM

the query you need is on the recode of this hack i done you can find it in help me finish, just do a search for my posts and you'll find it

sabret00the 04-02-2003 09:14 AM


Yesterday at 11:48 PM Ice Effect69 said this in Post #15
I cant get the colors to show up in the posts, i got the ticker to work though.. Would it be because I use a style?
did you make the specified changes to the post bit?

Weasel 04-11-2003 02:56 PM

What are all the references to vag-inas for in store.php?

This code breaks because this forum replaces it with plus signs???

Weasel 04-11-2003 03:09 PM

The person who wrote this should be ashamed, it doesn't even work out of the box. I had to go and change this:


to this:

<font color="blahblah">

everywhere :(

Zelda-King 04-22-2003 03:44 PM

I'd like this hack once it's released with a fully functional 'HTML colour' box and the above error is remedied. At the moment I click on it and nothing happens.

pie 06-08-2003 03:48 PM

this is a HORRIBLY coded hack, anyone who hasn't installed it, dont!!!!

Its not worth the trouble.

Opie 08-06-2003 05:39 AM

why is it still here then? Someone needs to move this to beta or something..

sabret00the 08-06-2003 05:07 PM

i agree, i've waited for it to be fixed for ages, and it still don't work -_-"

MaDCaT75 08-06-2003 10:51 PM

Still waiting......

MaDCaT75 08-12-2003 02:55 AM

and still waiting.....

MaDCaT75 08-15-2003 04:07 AM

where is Flame!?!?

MaDCaT75 08-16-2003 08:48 AM

i give up

Floris 08-16-2003 08:50 AM

madcat, no need to uselessly bump the thread.

MaDCaT75 08-16-2003 06:27 PM

but I bumped it when it fell off page 1!!

jayneblaze 08-21-2003 03:48 PM

so no luck with this one?

MaDCaT75 08-22-2003 04:14 AM


Yesterday at 05:48 PM jayneblaze said this in Post #30
so no luck with this one?

Nope looks like the author abandoned us for good.

MaDCaT75 09-22-2003 08:22 AM

I'm still waiting for a new release......

MaDCaT75 09-23-2003 05:16 AM

and still waiting.....

mfacer 11-04-2003 08:23 AM

booger... just installed this and read all the threads complaining AFTERWARDS!!

gonna have to undo everything now


dstruct2k 11-18-2003 06:36 PM

Hey it works fine... Just replace all the "++++++" in the php with "v.a.g.i.n.a" (no periods) and add a ) to the end of that broken query... I think I might fix the bugs and repack this hack in a new zip with WORKING instructions.

MaDCaT75 11-19-2003 03:11 AM

Meh.... I paid $10 to have someone professionally make me one.

dave777 12-02-2003 02:09 AM

Can someone please write a 100% working version of this hack?

MaDCaT75 12-02-2003 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by dave777
Can someone please write a 100% working version of this hack?

I got one working but I paid $10 to get mine done :p

MaDCaT75 12-21-2003 05:24 PM

Will this be updated for the store 3.0? Please I need it!

dstruct2k 03-17-2004 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Limitter
Must edit the "Picker.html" ???

I could not select, i had the file with the Varuiable

PHP Code:

function passColor(color) {
window.opener.document.name.elements.nfcolour.value color

again provides

Greetz and thx for this nice addon


Now you won't have a picker for nameglow.



function passColor(color) {
        window.opener.document.name.elements.nglow.value = color;


function passColor(color) {
        window.opener.document.name.elements.nglow.value = color;
        window.opener.document.name.elements.nfcolour.value = color;

You might get Java errors, but it'll work for both Nameglow and Namecolor! :)

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