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Martin64 02-09-2003 10:00 PM

vBFAQbot 1.0
vBFAQbot 1.0
(by Martin64, martin64@vbhackers.com)


vBFAQbot is a hack that adds a bot to your forum that answers people's frequently asked questions, or you can set it up to reply to specific triggers (they don't have to be FAQ questions). For example, you could let the bot give a list of rules when someone types !rules.
The bot is an AI bot (alicebot) but has no AIML pre-written and is therefore not AI. :)
vBTeachbot (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=48291) is integrated with vBFAQbot, but it can also be used as a seperate hack with Tombot (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=48053). vBFAQbot is based on C.Birch's Tombot so big thanks to him. :) vBTeachbot lets you write custom aiml to use with your AI bot.


I wrote some real great instructions earlier, but overwrote the file, so if you think these instructions are crappy you know why. It annoys me, but I like to keep a happy face. :D


C.Birch, for his Tombot (AI bot) hack. :p


Check the following 4 posts. ;)

Martin64 02-10-2003 12:08 AM

Postbit view

Martin64 02-10-2003 12:09 AM

Adding FAQ #1

Martin64 02-10-2003 12:09 AM

Adding FAQ #2

Martin64 02-10-2003 12:10 AM

Adding FAQ #3

Erwin 02-10-2003 12:14 AM

Ooh... looks good... :) My fear is that my members will try to chat with this bot like they do the other one. ;)

Martin64 02-10-2003 12:20 AM

Hehe, thanks. :)

That reminds me, if you're using both an AI bot and a FAQ bot, make sure to set them up on seperate databases or it won't work. :)

blackice912 02-10-2003 12:21 AM

I like :) Erwin does bring up a good point though.

Link14716 02-10-2003 12:38 AM

Wow... too bad it is still the alicebot which requires PHP 4.04 or higher... damn 4.03...

Sebastian 02-10-2003 07:29 AM


Originally posted by Link14716
Wow... too bad it is still the alicebot which requires PHP 4.04 or higher... damn 4.03...

Geeze, your host is still in the stone-age.. tell them to get with times! :)

if they say no, then find a host that keeps their servers up to date, imo.

Automated 02-10-2003 08:44 AM

Nice Hack! I was thinking about something like this a while ago.

/me will install when he gets home!

Link14716 02-10-2003 10:27 AM


Originally posted by Sebastian

Geeze, your host is still in the stone-age.. tell them to get with times! :)

if they say no, then find a host that keeps their servers up to date, imo.

My server is supposed to get a big upgrade soon. :)

PSI|Dr-X 02-10-2003 02:06 PM

I like it very much will install

* Clicks Install

ULTIMATESSJ 02-10-2003 02:27 PM

small question, if i use this on my forums, will it kill off my server, i only have 15GB bandwidth and around 8 active members around the clock

Martin64 02-10-2003 02:41 PM


Originally posted by ULTIMATESSJ
small question, if i use this on my forums, will it kill off my server, i only have 15GB bandwidth and around 8 active members around the clock
I wouldn't call it resource hogging at all, and you will not see an increase in bandwidth usage.

Logik 02-10-2003 10:34 PM

This is a nice little bot. But yes, i would be afraid my members would try and chat with it. ;)

apokphp 02-11-2003 04:15 AM

About the questions, in order for the bot to respond, do the questions have to be verbatim?

ie...If I input into the system the question: "What are forum points?"....but the poster asks: "wtf are forum points?", or "what is a forum point?"....will the bot respond, or ignore because it is not verbatim to the inputted question.

If it's verbatim, then I can't see much purpose for this as one would have to input all possible combinations of a question for a valid response.

djr 02-11-2003 05:48 AM

You can use:
* forum points

and the bot will respond to both:
'wtf are forum points' and 'what are forum points'

The * (or _ ) will serve as a wildcard.

See: http://www.alicebot.org/documentation/aiml-primer.html and http://www.alicebot.org/documentatio...reference.html

- djr

Martin64 02-11-2003 02:20 PM

Yes, djr is correct. Using * is quite effective, I've started writing my FAQ aiml now. :)

Mickie D 02-12-2003 09:32 AM

martin64 you are a top man i am so glad that you like this hack as much as me :) (and have the abillity to do work on this)

fantastic clicked installed !!!!

will this faqbot be able to work a few forums ???

so that say he has quite a big faq.aiml .... and he would only answer if he knows the answer :) so i am thinking you could add him to a few forums ????

Martin64 02-12-2003 12:33 PM

It replies to all forums already. :)

Sweet Evil 02-15-2003 08:57 PM

Sorry put I am lost here a little. Can I install just this hack (Bot) or do I need to install something else as well?


* vBTeachbot (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=48291) is integrated with vBFAQbot, but it can also be used as a seperate hack with Tombot (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...threadid=48053). vBFAQbot is based on C.Birch's Tombot so big thanks to him. :) vBTeachbot lets you write custom aiml to use with your AI bot.
Do I need to install one of those as well for this FAQ bot to work?


TheComputerGuy 02-16-2003 02:46 PM

I followed your instructions...but it has responded yet. I have filled the FAQ up a few times...

like Why did the dinosaurs die...nothing...yet.

Martin64 02-17-2003 10:23 AM

Make sure you've read the instructions very carefully. Does the botloader.php run without problems? Does it say "Insert X categories to database"? Let us know more and we might be able to help you.

TheComputerGuy 02-17-2003 01:53 PM

the bootloader runs fine...I renamed the directory from alice to chris and changed the url where the talk.php is located at.

Martin64 02-21-2003 07:38 PM

Sorry about the late reply.

Do you have TomBot installed as well? This hack works exactly the same so if that's working this should, too.

TheComputerGuy 02-21-2003 08:40 PM

Yep I have this installed to a different Database instead of the one that is on the forums

Martin64 02-21-2003 11:13 PM

Ask the bot this question and see if it replies...

What does faq mean?

TheComputerGuy 02-22-2003 06:19 PM

Didnt work...

Martin64 02-22-2003 06:39 PM

Hmm...okay. Are you sure you have the database info correct and the right path to talk.php?

Silenced Soul 02-27-2003 01:11 AM

great hack, I'll install tomorrow, got tons of work to do with another hack for the time being.

SgtSling 03-09-2003 11:06 PM

ok this is great.. but how do i restrict him to only 1 forum?

Liz 06-23-2003 06:12 PM

There is probably a really easy soultion to this, but I sure can't figure it out.

I'm having a problem, whenever I post a question to test it and see if the bot responds...it does, but the answer doesn't show. Only what the bot quoted from me.

Any ideas?

I copied what the botloader.php said - if it's needed? Help! Help!

Loading startup.xml
Loading data aiml file: faq.aiml
Inserted 0 categories into database

WARNING! You should password protect the admin directory or remove the botloader.php script or people may be able to abuse your server.
Click here to talk to the bot

execution time: 0.482001
Templates per second=0
Templates per minute=0

Gutspiller 07-18-2003 02:13 PM

If I already have Tombot installed, can I install VBFAQbot too without any problems of the two conflicting? I haven't installed the TeachBot hack for my Tombot yet, but I was planning on it.

These 3 hacks won't conflict will they? Is there anything specific I should know before I begin hacking that FAQbot requires?

Prankster 11-04-2003 06:05 AM

very very nice.

good work

/me installs

stamos2003 11-11-2003 07:49 PM

i tried to install it but having some problems....

if I am redy modifieng everything and starting botloader.php then following comes up:

Loading startup.xml

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: xml_parser_create() in /home/www/web1/html/forum/alice/src/admin/botloaderfuncs.php on line 504

meanwhile in the forum every post is answered by the bot with following content:

Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /home/www/web1/html/forum/alice/src/util.php on line 35

Warning: Failed opening 'admin/subs.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/www/web1/html/forum/alice/src/util.php on line 35

Warning: Empty regular expression in /home/www/web1/html/forum/alice/src/util.php on line 365

Warning: Empty regular expression in /home/www/web1/html/forum/alice/src/util.php on line 365

what did i wrong ?!

by the way: i dont have safemode running onmy php...

fly 11-12-2003 02:32 PM

I'm getting the following error, apparnently because a file named subs.inc is missing.


br />
<b>Warning</b>: main(admin/subs.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/prozac/public_html/nocturnal/forums/alice/src/util.php</b> on line <b>35</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: main(): Failed opening 'admin/subs.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in <b>/home/prozac/public_html/nocturnal/forums/alice/src/util.php</b> on line <b>35</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Empty regular expression in <b>/home/prozac/public_html/nocturnal/forums/alice/src/util.php</b> on line <b>365</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Empty regular expression in <b>/home/prozac/public_html/nocturnal/forums/alice/src/util.php</b> on line <b>365</b><br />
DOH! I'm an idiot. The guy right above me already posted this info.

Prankster 11-12-2003 09:56 PM

I have a problem, when i write a New Thread with 20000 characters.


Warning: fopen(http://www.tier-portal.info/Portal/a...Ausbildung%3C% in /home/vhosts/5000118682/tier-portal.info/htdocs/Portal/faqbot.php on line 25

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/vhosts/5000118682/tier-portal.info/htdocs/Portal/faqbot.php on line 28

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/vhosts/5000118682/tier-portal.info/htdocs/Portal/faqbot.php on line 29
The code are seems so:

( Code begin Line 25 )
PHP Code:

if ($faqbothc != $faqbot_message) {return true;};
if (
$faqbotc != $faqbot_message
$faqbot_message2 preg_replace("#(\[quote\].*\[/quote\])#ies","",$faqbot_message);
$faqbot_message2 preg_replace("#(\[quote.*\].*\[/quote\])#ies","",$faqbot_message2);
$faqbot_message2 preg_replace("#(\[.+\])#ies","",$faqbot_message2); }
$rss preg_replace("#^(.*)\[/quote\]#ies","",$message);
$ff fopen($alicelocation "?input=" urlencode($rss),"r");

// ###################### Start output #######################
$response fread($ff,40000);
$faqbot_time time() + rand(1,5);    
$faqbot_message "[QUOTE] " $rss " [/QUOTE]\r\n\r\n" $response

any idea ?

greets Prankster

fly 11-15-2003 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper
I'm getting the following error, apparnently because a file named subs.inc is missing.


I tried using the subs.inc from the TomTalkerBot, but it really didn't seem to like that file either. Guess I won't install this. :(

Prankster 11-17-2003 12:20 PM

so i have found the problem but i dosent have a solution.

In my forum i post new threads with 50 000 characters.

The botit does not work, because it too many characters.

i will use the bot with key words.

!Which are Faq

it is to look in the text for the search words and react only if the search word is present

do you have a solution for this problem ?

i don`t wont delte the hack , because he is very fine ;)

greets Prankster

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